Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 883 Take advantage of this opportunity to achieve at least two goals

Then I got to know other information about Huanyu Group. The aviation manufacturing and shipbuilding businesses are developing well. If the maglev transportation business is still delayed, these two businesses will be overtaken by them.

Regardless of the need for a large number of tests on the aircraft, in fact, as long as all the test items are tested and there are no problems, the airworthiness certificate can be obtained.

The technology and design are all given by him, and he is still very confident in the performance of these aircraft. He only needs to complete all the test items step by step, and the process will take about a year.

That is to say, by the middle of next year, the airworthiness certificates of the first three types of aircraft will be obtained, and the domestic civil aviation passenger aircraft market will be dominated by them.

There is no shortage of orders for the civil shipbuilding business. As long as their production capacity increases, it will take a long time for Wancheng Jiye's ocean transportation business alone.

In addition, the technology is very advanced and the cost control is not bad. It is not too difficult to get international orders. It is expected that the shipbuilding capacity will expand to 20 million tons next year.

Although due to the global economic downturn, the volume of international trade will decrease, but the global economy is unique, especially in the continuous expansion of my country's domestic demand market, which will continue to increase its contribution to the world economy.

In this context, my country's import and export trade may not necessarily increase a lot, but its global market share will definitely increase further, which is very beneficial to the development of my country's ocean shipping business.

The more it is in a crisis period, as long as the strength allows, the better the expansion, Wancheng Foundation will not reduce its order volume, but will continue to increase it.

Even if you operate at a temporary loss, as long as you grab the market share of other ocean shipping companies, there will be plenty of opportunities to make money in the future, and it is also of strategic significance to master the global ocean shipping business.

Ye Zishu believes that Huanyu Group can allocate personnel according to 20 million tons, but the hardware investment capacity such as docks should be expanded to 40 million tons in case of emergency.

In any case, after the global crisis is over, the world will definitely be able to absorb their 40 million tons of shipbuilding capacity, and there is no need to worry about being idle for a long time.

Moreover, even if their supporting facilities are not used to manufacture civilian ships, they can also be used to manufacture military ships. If the country really decides to make dumplings, it will not let the production capacity be idle.

This year's naval equipment manufacturing is only in the water testing stage, and has not yet been mass-produced. When various types of ships are determined to have excellent performance, they may be built in large quantities later.

Although Huanyu Group's shipbuilding business is mainly civilian shipbuilding, it is also possible to manufacture military ships, and there are no major technical obstacles in the process.

Even a considerable part of the parts and materials in military ships is produced by Huanyu Group, Baihu Technology is responsible for key cutting-edge equipment, and other shipyards are responsible for hull building and integration.

As for the number of workers, there is no need to worry. On the one hand, they can train themselves slowly, and on the other hand, they can hire general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group as temporary employees.

This year, Kirin Industrial Group's general-purpose robots are basically in their own right, and next year's production capacity can definitely meet the needs of Huanyu Group, so there is nothing wrong with expanding investment in production capacity.

The research and development of the two ultra-large airliners he provided is also progressing very quickly. The basic research work has been completed and the production line is ready to enter the construction stage. Work.

The reason why it is so fast is that the aircraft manufacturing group employs a large number of general-purpose robots, and the research and development progress is much more efficient than that of ordinary scientific researchers, and the efficiency of cooperation with each other is also much higher than that of ordinary employees.

In addition, quite a few parts and materials in the original industrial chain have achieved common use, so it is not surprising that there is such a fast progress, but it is more expensive to hire these general-purpose robots.

After the development of these aircraft is completed and production capacity is formed, the number of general-purpose robots employed will be reduced, and it will be more cost-effective to train their own aircraft research and development personnel in the long run.

Moreover, according to the requirements of Ye Zishu, they should not rely too much on general-purpose robots, and must cultivate their own talent team. This is not only about economic benefits, but also related to the inheritance of industrial civilization.

The development of industrialization is not easy, but the degradation is actually very simple. As long as there is a gap in talent, the level will drop several levels immediately. As long as there is a problem with the two-generation inheritance, basically the degradation will be very thorough.

At that time, even if a large number of drawings are kept, it is still unknown whether they can be manufactured according to the drawings, let alone innovative research and development. This is also what he is worried about, emphasizing that one of the root causes of not relying too much on general-purpose robots.

After understanding some of the situation here, Ye Zishu, accompanied by Wang Chuanfu, deliberately took the super maglev train from Wuxi to Hefei.

The distance between the two places is about 150 kilometers, and the whole journey is direct. With the super maglev speed, even if the acceleration and deceleration process takes only 20 minutes, it is no different from taking a bus in the urban area.

The completion of this super maglev route will completely connect Hefei and Wuhu to form an economic circle, and the effect of economic coordinated development will be better.

As the president of Huanyu Group, Wang Chuanfu saw the birth of the super magnetic levitation rail transit technology under his nose, and he also took this line, and he still feels emotional when he rides it again.

Ye Zishu looked at the fast-moving scenery outside, even after conducting experiments in the virtual laboratory and experiencing this super speed, he still felt very novel.

The entire train is very stable, even more stable than the high-speed train he made in his previous life. In this regard, he has put a lot of energy into ensuring comfort and stability, and improving the riding experience.

After the group arrived in Hefei, they immediately bought a return ticket and sat back to Wuhu. Ye Zishu's purpose of coming here was also achieved, and there was no need to stay any longer.

Had lunch here at noon, and headed to Shanghai with security personnel in the afternoon. The headquarters of Tidal Investment Company has moved to Lujiazui in Shanghai.

Wancheng Foundation has been developing Lujiazui for several years. With a large amount of capital investment and no technical obstacles, it finally completed the construction of the entire area this year.

Tidal Investment Company has a lot of money, and originally planned to buy a building directly, but Wancheng Jiye didn't want to buy it. Such a high-quality location, as long as it is well managed, it will be a huge source of money.

Tidal Investment Company settled for the next best thing, and bought a building with a height of about 200 meters, and placed it in front of a group of buildings with a height of more than 600 meters, like a small dot.

In terms of demand, it is actually enough for Tidal Investment Company to purchase a 200-meter-high building, and its businesses are actually not many, mainly in investment, banking and insurance businesses.

The headquarters of the three major business sectors have all moved into this newly purchased building. Although there are still some vacant floors, they have not been rented out, and they are all kept for their own use.

When Ye Zishu came to the headquarters of Tidal Investment Company, looking at the building in front of him and the skyscrapers not far away, he couldn't feel that this was the headquarters of the world's top investment company.

Fortunately, the surrounding area is relatively open, and the sight is not blocked by these tall people, and it is also located by the Huangpu River, so the view is very good, which should be regarded as the only advantage.

Under the support of Ye Zihua, Ye Zishu came to his office. Ye Zishu felt that it was extravagant. In fact, the entire floor was occupied by Ye Zihua.

In addition to his office and the secretariat office, there are all kinds of entertainment and leisure facilities here, as well as physical exercise facilities. It's not like coming to work, it's like a vacation.

There are even cafes, bars, and bowling alleys, and the swimming pool is probably the only thing missing. If Tidal Investment Company's business conditions are not very good, these decorations will not cost money, and they will probably yell at the prodigal.

"You really know how to enjoy it!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although he said it with a smile, he still wanted to touch Ye Zihua. He was not afraid of spending money, but he was afraid of indulging in enjoyment. As the saying goes, "It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal."

Tidal Investment Company is very prosperous now, so the future is not certain. I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand the blow at that time, and he is also afraid that he will indulge in sex and waste himself.

"I spent my own money to decorate these, and they just took up the company's space. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to do this, and what would the company's employees think of me.

The reason why there are so many things is mainly because I don’t dare to go to other entertainment places casually. You told me to pay attention to safety. If there is any entertainment, I can just go here. "

Speaking of this, Ye Zihua walked to the window on one side, pointed to a building by the Huangpu River, and said, "The house I bought is in that building, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk from here to there. Very convenient."

Ye Zishu already knew about his buying a house here, and not only bought it himself, but also bought a set for Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin, but he didn't only care about enjoying himself.

As for why he didn't buy it for his big brother, he wasn't that cheeky yet. Although he didn't have much funds in his own personal account, no one could stop him from using the money in the entire Tidal Investment Company.

His parents didn't need to buy a house here either. According to his elders' thinking, it was unlikely that they would settle in such a big city, and the familiar small county was more suitable for them.

"Go and have a look later!" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what elder brother said, Ye Zihua asked, "Why don't elder brother also buy a suite there?"

Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm unlikely to live here for a long time. It's a waste to buy a house, and I have to pay a large amount of property taxes in the future. It's completely unnecessary."

With the money to buy a house here, even if he lives in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel every day, he can live for a long time, not to mention that all his companies can arrange accommodation for him, so there is no need to buy so many houses.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu did not persuade him. He had figured out Ye Zishu's temperament. Although he was so rich, in fact, there were not many properties that belonged to him. Only the property on the private laboratory under construction belonged to him. he.

The other properties were either given to Pei Qing or hung under his parents' names, which shows that he is not keen on buying a house, nor does he feel that he has to build a luxurious palace to show his status.

At his level, he no longer needs to rely on external objects to show his strength to the outside world. His name is synonymous with strength, and it is difficult for people to ignore him wherever he goes.

However, he gives people the impression that he is a bit of a nerd, and it is very difficult to meet him. So far, no matter in the business or political circles, there are only a handful of people who have the opportunity to meet him.

After the visit, the two came to the office, closed the door, and began to discuss matters regarding this economic crisis, which was a huge opportunity for Tidal Investment Company.

It doesn't mean how much money it makes. In fact, Tidal Investment Company has never been short of money, but short of investment opportunities. All high-quality assets in the world are owned, and people don't want to sell them. No matter how rich they are, it doesn't help.

Only when this kind of global economic storm comes, will Tidal Investment Company have enough investment opportunities. At this time, it is not capital looking for assets, but assets looking for capital.

The real intention of controlling global high-quality assets is not all to make money, but to effectively expand its influence and transform Tidal Investment from a domestic financial company to a global financial company.

After this global economic crisis, Tidal Investment Company is expected to become the global financial tsar, the only financial giant in the world, and completely separate itself from other so-called financial giants.

Ye Zihua talked about the current global financial situation. At present, international hot money is still madly attacking Southeast Asia, and Tidal Investment Company has also made a lot of money.

However, their main task is to withdraw funds from the global financial market. Due to the huge amount of funds, it is difficult to withdraw quickly and it takes a lot of time.

In response to this problem, Ye Zishu gave his plan, and his plan is as mentioned above, to lure international hot money into these financial markets and let them act as takers.

Ye Zishu explained his plan again, which made Ye Zihua's eyes shine. The main purpose this time is not only to make money, but also to make the world's financial capital have a hard time.

As long as this goal is achieved, it doesn't matter if they earn less money, at least they will get a lot of money, even if they get nothing later, they will still make a lot of money.

Leaf Book asked Tidal Investment Company to make a list of high-quality assets next, and when the opportunity comes, it must give priority to obtaining these assets.

After obtaining these high-quality assets, if you still have the energy to buy other assets whose value is seriously undervalued, you may not necessarily hold these assets for a long time. When the asset price rebounds, you can sell it to make a fortune.

Moreover, under the economic crisis, the more high-quality assets, the smaller the decline in value. Therefore, if you buy low-quality assets, as long as you survive the crisis, the stock price will still rise, and you will actually earn more money than the best assets.

In fact, Ye Zihua has already prepared for this request. They have a large number of employees around the world, adding up to about 15,000 people, but they are scattered in various small companies that are not well-known.

The purpose of doing this is to prevent Tidal Investment Company from being too eye-catching. This decentralized business model is the key to the success of Tidal Investment Company in recent years.

Although these people are talents in the financial field, they will not participate in financial investment. Instead, they will collect various information and engage in economic analysis. The smart tidal investment system is responsible for the investment.

These employees all over the world are very familiar with the high-quality assets in their own country. It is not difficult to make such a list. If you can't even do this kind of work well, let alone analyze the economic situation.

After saying this, Ye Zishu asked Tidal Investment Company to formulate a capital assistance plan. This has two main purposes. The first is to speed up the recovery from the global economic crisis.

This economic crisis has made Tidal Investment Company a lot of money, but it still has a great impact on the development of its entire industry. They are not dedicated to sabotage. The continued prosperity of the global economy is beneficial to everyone.

The second is to obtain access to major global financial markets. Since Tidal Investment Corporation is willing to provide financial support to these countries, it is impossible to have no benefits.

We must take advantage of this opportunity to allow Tidal Investment Company to successfully acquire some banks, insurance and other financial institutions in these countries. If we miss this opportunity, we don’t know when it will be available next time.

When Tidal Investment Corporation has its own banks in various countries around the world, it will be much easier for Danque Financial Services Corporation to build a global payment system, instead of relying entirely on the cooperation of other banks as it is now.

Moreover, financial institutions all over the world are also beneficial to Tidal Investment Company's global financial operations. At the same time, financial institutions also control a large number of physical assets, which is also very beneficial for him to acquire high-quality assets.

In short, taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we must maximize our interests. As long as these goals are completed, it means that their global financial system is officially established.

As for whether it can be run well, he is not worried. With the help of artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots, it is not difficult to run these financial companies and real companies, and absolute control can be guaranteed.

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