Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 884: Well-developed Industry Development Alliance


Ye Zishu then asked about their banking business. Currently, the banking business is still in the preparation stage. Apart from providing internal financial services, it does not provide external services.

According to Ye Zihua's plan, although personal deposits cannot be absorbed, there must be a network layout. The goal of the first phase is to establish branches in various prefecture-level cities and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

In this way, their business scope can cover the whole country, and through the branches of prefecture-level cities, they can cover all counties and districts under the jurisdiction of prefecture-level cities, and provide financial services for these local enterprises.

The goal of the second phase is to establish lower-level outlets in all counties and districts. The main purpose is to provide services more conveniently, but this goal is not in a hurry.

The reason is simple. At present, the domestic county economy is not very developed, and there are not so many enterprises that need it to provide financial services. It will not be too late to do so after Ye Zishu's county economic development plan has achieved certain results.

In the past, it might be difficult to lay out outlets. You need to find a suitable place to build an office space yourself. Now it is much easier. You can just find Wancheng Jiye for lease.

Therefore, the layout of the outlets was relatively fast. After the approval in April, a suitable property was immediately selected from the properties of Wancheng Jiye as the office space, and then it was decorated.

At present, these branches have all started to operate, and 5,000 general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group Corporation have been hired to temporarily operate the business.

Without the support of these general-purpose robots, as a novice in the banking industry, it would be difficult to find suitable people for a while. General-purpose robots can not only help with business, but also help ordinary employees.

They are not ordinary commercial banks and do not conduct retail deposit business, so they do not need a large number of ordinary bank staff, but only elite talents.

A comprehensive grasp of financial knowledge is an essential skill, and it is also necessary to master basic knowledge of enterprise management, asset evaluation, economic development analysis, intelligence collection, etc., not to mention that everyone is specialized.

Although they are not ordinary commercial banks, they also want to become a top-level existence. To achieve this, they must train every employee as an elite, not a simple labor force.

Therefore, Universal Robots shoulders the responsibility of cultivating these talents, and is responsible for formulating a career development plan for each employee, so that they have clearer goals.

People must have goals, otherwise they will easily fall into the situation of dawdling. If you want to make employees better, you must not only promise benefits, but also let them know the direction of their efforts.

The most important thing is that the talents cultivated by oneself will be more loyal to the company. In addition, the general robot's precepts and deeds, the effect is definitely much stronger than that of casually recruited personnel from outside.

"Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Program,

You should be more familiar with it. This is a plan executed by general-purpose robots and artificial intelligence. It is all your own project, and you don’t have to worry about tricks in it.

If they have financing needs, you can be more relaxed. Although the previous investment of 4 trillion yuan is relatively large, it is still slightly insufficient compared with the number of projects and the rapid development. "Leaf Book said.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can give money if you want it. The banking system here still needs to review the qualifications of companies applying for loans, including operating conditions, market prospects, asset scale, debt status, and so on.

You can't just borrow money blindly just because it's an industry owned by him, or you'll get into chaos. Every enterprise wants to have as much capital as possible. Since you're running a bank, you have to follow the rules, otherwise it's easy to mess up.

Seeing Ye Zihua's response, Ye Zishu asked about the insurance business again. To his surprise, they launched a national insurance publicity campaign, intending to popularize insurance knowledge to ordinary people across the country.

There are two main reasons. The first is that ordinary people in China lack basic knowledge of insurance, and they are easily deceived if they are fooled by others.

This is very detrimental to the insurance business of Tidal Investment Company, because other insurance companies use the method of insurance agents to do insurance, forming a phenomenon where bad money drives out good money.

It is impossible for them to do the same as other insurance companies. If they really do this, it is estimated that Ye Zishu will not be able to pass the test, and in the long run, doing so will not do any good and will ruin the market.

Their solution is to popularize the basic knowledge of insurance to ordinary people, as well as some common tactics used in insurance sales, which can effectively resolve the offensive of some insurance companies.

The second is to gain popularity for your own insurance business. No matter whether others buy their insurance services or not, as long as you know that there is such an insurance company, it is enough.

As long as they need insurance services, they can think of themselves. If they agree with their insurance business philosophy, they may become loyal users of their insurance business.

Ye Zishu agrees with their arrangement. Although it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources, if the publicity effect is good, it will be considered an advertising fee. It is not an unbearable burden for Tidal Insurance.

The most important thing is that its insurance brokers can also get extra income through such promotional activities, especially in the case of insufficient insurance brokerage commissions, which is particularly important.

The best-performing insurance brokers are now engaged in auto insurance, while those engaged in other insurance businesses, such as home insurance, life insurance, and accident insurance, are not doing so well.

Use the free time of these employees to promote insurance knowledge, so that they have an additional source of income, and if someone buys insurance services in the middle, they can also get a commission by the way.

After talking about work matters, Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua went to his house to have a look. The large flat of over a thousand square meters has a very large space, and it is a bit empty to live alone.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of things inside. The most important thing is that he used half of the area as a study room. There are many bookshelves inside, some of which are empty, and some of which have already filled a lot of books.

"Have you read all these books?" Ye Zishu picked up one and flipped through it. There were annotations in it, so he asked.

"I can't read so many books at once. There are tens of thousands of books here. Some of them have already been read, and some of them have been bought and put away until I have time!" Ye Zihua said with a smile.

Ye Zishu took a quick look at it and found that he has covered a wide range of books, not to mention books on finance and economics, including business management, agricultural management, social science, mathematics, philosophy, etc.

According to Ye Zihua, there is nothing to do when I go home, I just like to sit here and read a book, usually I can finish a book in a day or two, unless I encounter a particularly obscure book, it may take a long time to read. read it.

As for the books that are not related to his major, he believes that they are very helpful to improve his understanding of society. As Ye Zishu said, cognitive ability determines the ability to make money.

Especially for those who invest like them, they can’t just listen to the financing companies fooling around without knowing everything. They must have a certain understanding of each industry, which is why he has dabbled in such a wide range.

He appreciates Ye Zihua's approach very much. He was afraid that Ye Zihua would fall in love with sensuality because he suddenly became rich. He never thought that he would not forget to enrich himself while enjoying life.

As the actual person in charge of Tidal Investment Company, there are not many things that require him to be specifically responsible, but every major decision must be made by him.

Although making a decision is not tiring, it is the most difficult job. A good decision can often bring huge benefits. A wrong decision may put the company in danger. If you want to make the right decision, you must improve your own cognitive level.

It may be influenced by him. After Ye Zihua became rich, he was not interested in antique calligraphy and paintings. Apart from some industrial artworks hanging in the house, there was no celebrity calligraphy and painting.

In his study, however, he found inscriptions on inscriptions. Ye Zihua himself said that they were not used to practice calligraphy, but mainly used to read the contents inside.

Although Ye Zihua's handwriting is not bad, it can't be compared with professionals. In his opinion, it's fine if the handwriting is not too bad, and you don't need the original to read the book, as long as the content is consistent with the original.

He is not a collector. The purpose of looking at these things is to improve his knowledge and increase his knowledge reserve. This idea coincides with Ye Zishu.

Stayed here for one night at Ye Zihua, and the next day Ye Zishu went to Wancheng Jiye's headquarters here, planning to have a chat with Guo Dongmei.

The real headquarters of Wancheng Foundation is in the capital. The headquarters here is actually a regional headquarters. It was only because Guo Dongsheng worked here for a long time that he turned it into a de facto headquarters.

In fact, it is the same wherever the headquarters is. The headquarters does not bring much tax to the local area. It is the subsidiaries below that really make money, and their subsidiaries are spread all over the country according to the consistent principles of Ye Zishu.

The purpose is to avoid excessive concentration of taxation. It doesn’t matter if it is a small business. If a large-scale business like theirs is all concentrated together, this place will be softened just by collecting taxes.

If one city is fed enough, other cities will starve to death, and this will not be conducive to the development of their business to the whole country. We must try our best to let every place share the tangible benefits.

It is precisely because of this approach that Wancheng Jiye's business development across the country is very smooth, because he will try his best to share benefits with the local area in order to achieve the goal of harmonious development.

He had already greeted Guo Dongmei before coming here, so when he came, Guo Dongmei was already waiting for him at the door. Looking at the slightly thin Guo Dongmei, he felt that he didn't care enough about Wancheng Jiye.

Although Wancheng Foundation's revenue is not too high, its asset scale is the largest. It is not an easy task to manage such a huge asset, and it continues to expand every moment.

After more than a year of training, Guo Dongmei was able to sustain it, which shows that she already has sufficient management skills, and it should be easier for her to manage other companies.

Following Guo Dongmei to the office, both of them drank tea and chatted about some household matters, such as her mother's physical condition and Guo Dongsheng's marital problems.

He transferred Guo Dongsheng to Shengshi Record Company so that he could find a wife, but he has not heard of any results until now, and Guo Dongmei has not received any news. It seems that there is no play.

After chatting about the family, Guo Dongmei began to report to him on the operation of Wancheng Foundation. This year's main tasks are divided into three categories. The first category is to continue to develop the real estate business, which is their ostensible main business.

The second category is to expand the operating business other than the main business, so as to ensure the stability of the entire group's operation when the real estate business goes downhill in the future.

The third category is to continue to increase infrastructure construction, mainly the construction of expressways. Although it is not very profitable from a profit point of view, it can arrange a large number of people to be employed.

Although the checkpoints are identified by the artificial intelligence system and no toll collectors are required, a large number of additional services can be provided around the high-speed service area.

In addition, there are also a large number of gas station businesses. Although Kirin Energy Industrial Group cannot participate in the energy retail business, it does not prevent other companies under him from engaging in energy retail business.

Regardless of the number of gas stations or the breadth of coverage, Wancheng Jiye ranks first in the energy retail sector nationwide, accounting for 80% of the market share in the energy retail sector.

Not only is there a lot of business, but it is also very complicated, because the main task of each business is to manage people, which is different from many of his companies and requires higher management capabilities.

Guo Dongsheng also realized that his management ability was seriously insufficient. After being transferred to Shengshi Records, he has been learning management knowledge, and even spent money to become an auditor at Tsinghua University.

Among the many CEOs, Guo Dongmei may not necessarily have the best strategic vision, but in terms of the ability to manage the company, he thinks it should be the strongest, otherwise it will be difficult to sustain it.

Then Ye Zishu asked about the Industry Development Alliance, which he attached great importance to, because it was the basis for the prosperity of urban communities, and it was also a good place to arrange employment. At the same time, it could absorb a large number of commercial properties of Wancheng Foundation.

"Currently, the number of people in cooperation with the Industrial Development Alliance has exceeded 10 million. We provide them with properties and supporting services, and they are responsible for specific operations, which has achieved good results.

According to our statistics, the per capita annual income of the Industry Development Alliance has reached 150,000, and the number of employed people involved has reached more than 30 million, which has initially achieved good results.

Our next work is to further analyze the market demand, increase the business development of the industry development alliance, and accommodate more partners and employees. " Guo Dongmei said.

The partners of the Industrial Development Alliance are basically individuals, and they have a cooperative relationship with Wancheng Jiye, providing them with the venue for opening a store, services and related training, and at the same time conducting business analysis and guidance.

The only way for Wancheng Foundation to make a profit is to share the profits of its partners. If it wants to earn more, it must help the partners in the industry alliance to develop better.

Partners who join the industry alliance can also gain many benefits. First of all, the cost of starting a business is low. They only need to pay the basic property rental fee, and the rest will be paid in proportion to their income.

This is a risk-sharing model. If the economy develops well and their income is high, Wancheng Foundation can also obtain more commercial property rental income. If the economic development is not so good and the income drops sharply, the partners can also reduce their pressure.

Moreover, it is easy to enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree. Many problems encountered in the development can also be solved by asking Wancheng Foundation for help, especially for novices. There are people behind them to guide, and the development will be smoother.

Moreover, many similar business partners share a brand, which is conducive to enhancing brand awareness and gaining more survival opportunities in the fierce market competition.

For example, it is difficult for an independent barber shop to charge a high price, but for a chain brand store, the asking price may be higher, which is the benefit of sharing the brand.

Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement. If the partner is not willing to share the brand, it is also possible, and they can operate according to their own business ideas.

If you choose to share the brand, it means that you must plan consistent services, have strong binding force on partners, and pay a franchise fee, which will be returned in a certain proportion according to performance at the end of the year.

The purpose is to make the binding force stronger. Otherwise, for the same brand, every store will do its own thing, and it will easily create a bad impression on consumers. This is absolutely not allowed in brand development.

Moreover, one of the great benefits of the industry development alliance is to avoid too fierce market competition, causing each other to lower prices, and in the end, no one can make much money.

Wancheng Foundation will establish an industrial development model based on data analysis and market demand in various places, and moderately arrange the development of various industries to maintain a certain degree of competitiveness while avoiding excessive competition, so that everyone can live more comfortably.

I heard that the per capita annual income in the industry alliance has reached 150,000 yuan. Ye Zishu thinks it is relatively successful, basically the same as the average annual income of his employees.

Of course, opening a store is much more tiring than working for him. The working hours are very long, and there are no holidays. The only advantage is that if you do it well, you will earn more.

And his employees not only only need to work eight hours a day, but also have weekends and holidays, and they can also rest on holidays, and there are various benefits on important festivals.

There are many models of industrial development alliances. As mentioned earlier, individual freelance partners, brand franchise partners, and Wancheng Jiye’s own direct sales model have their own advantages.

Ye Zishu fully affirmed that such good results could be achieved in just one or two years, but there is still a lot of room for development. I hope they will continue to work hard.

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