Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 888 Desert Gobi Land Contracting and Transformation Plan


He thought that this method should be difficult to implement, and it would take a long time to finalize it. As a result, it took only half a month to achieve success.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that it is reasonable. Compared with the Northwest region, where the environment is getting worse and worse, as long as the problem can be solved, nothing else matters.

What's more, water is only a basic condition. If you want to turn these desertified land into fertile land, you have to spend a lot of money to treat it, which is much higher than the high-conditioning water.

If it is only spent on water diversion funds, the government can still accept it gritted its teeth. The post-treatment is the most energy-intensive and money-intensive thing, and it is not yet known how much it will invest.

Even if the land is well managed and turned into fertile land, how to develop and utilize it will be a big problem. In the past, it was possible to grow food on a large scale, but now it is not needed.

You don't even need to raise livestock, you can only grow cash crops, channel construction, market research, development of new varieties, etc. are not easy tasks.

Therefore, renting out these lands is the best choice. Even if it is rented out for free, it can improve the environment of these areas for free and provide more economic value.

The most important thing is that the desertified land only occupies a part of the northwest region, and there are still many lands that are not desertified, which will also benefit from it. This kind of ecological improvement expansion effect is also what the government wants to see.

It's just that their appetite is much bigger than he imagined, and they not only want to contract four or five deserts, Gobi and sandy land close to the inland to Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

If you want to contract out the four deserts and Gobi in the west, it is tantamount to contracting all the desertified land in the country to Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

The area is really too large, adding up to more than one million square kilometers, of which desert land accounts for about 700,000 square kilometers, and Gobi land accounts for about 500,000 square kilometers.

Moreover, the four deserts and the Gobi in the west are more difficult and costly to transform, and they are farther from the inland areas. Even if crops can be grown in the future, the transportation cost alone will not be competitive in the market.

Unless the crops planted are not found in the mainland, then they will have a higher market value. However, with such a large area, even if there are unique agricultural products, they cannot be sold at a high price because the planting area is too large.

Kylin Agricultural Development Group and Kylin Environmental Industry Group dare not make decisions about this, because they have no confidence in being able to transform these deserts, because the amount of evaporation is too large.

Even if there is enough rainwater to fall, it will be completely consumed by evaporation alone. The deserts and Gobi in the east are basically formed after the day after tomorrow. As long as there is enough rainwater to supplement the ecology, it will still be able to return to lush water and grass after a few years. scene.

Even if the deserts and Gobi in the west are well managed,

Due to the fragility of the natural ecology and the impact of the climate itself, it is impossible to carry out strong development, and the value will still be greatly reduced.

In addition, in order to manage these lands, more rainfall equipment needs to be arranged, and the cost will be further pushed up. Qilin Agricultural Development Group itself is in a state of loss, and it is really unwilling to be overly indebted.

However, the conditions given by the government are very generous. Not only is the initial lease period greatly extended to 90 years, but the lease renewal is free unless there is a special reason.

This means that as long as most of the land is renovated, the lease can be renewed indefinitely. Even if the government wants to expropriate, some compensation will be given, which is very attractive.

Although the series of carbon industrial layouts of Ye Zishu have made my country's agriculture very low on land, but no one dislikes the abundance of land, and land is always a scarce resource.

The earth is so big, but the population continues to increase. Unless human beings carry out interstellar immigration at will, land will always be a scarce resource, and it will become more and more scarce.

Of course, the few deserts and Gobi in the west are not useless. When we want to establish the Central Asian economic circle, there is still great potential here, and the radiation ability to Central Asia is very strong.

The final decision was left to Ye Zishu. After thinking about it, he felt that it wasn't that he couldn't do it, but that it would cost a lot of money. From a businessman's point of view, it wasn't worth it.

However, from the perspective of national economic development, improving the living conditions of the people in the west, and striving for more living space, it still has great value and is worth a try.

But he doesn't want to show off, especially in the Taklamakan Desert. He doesn't have much confidence in turning it into fertile land, so he can only say try.

So it was decided to partially agree, that is, if the transformation can be successful, the lease period will be calculated from the initial results of the transformation. If the transformation is not successful, it means giving up the contracting rights.

The time limit is 10 years. In his opinion, if no initial results have been achieved in 10 years, there is no point in working hard, and he should just give up.

At the same time, this is also beneficial to the government. If the Kylin Environmental Industry Group fails to renovate successfully, the land will not need to be contracted out, and will be left to more capable people and teams to do it, instead of occupying the latrine.

However, Ye Zishu believes that if even he has nothing to do, others will not even think about it, but this kind of contract that both parties are bound by, makes both parties more satisfied when signed.

With the consent of Ye Zishu, the two parties signed a contract. After careful calculation, the total area was as high as 1.5 million square kilometers. The reason was that even the residents of these places had to be taken care of by the Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

Let these residents become employees of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, and they will get more benefits. They can get a lot of income without so much hard work, and their income is relatively stable.

If it is placed in other companies, it may face the danger of dismissal, but according to the size and technical strength of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, as long as it is not stupid, the scale will only grow bigger and bigger, and it will definitely not face the risk of layoffs.

This request has to be agreed, because many residents live in the Gobi environment and their survival is very difficult. Anyway, they also need employees, so it is no problem to let these residents become employees.

For such a big event, the signing of the contract by the two parties should have made it known to the world, but unfortunately they didn't mean it. They just signed the contract in a low-key manner and did not release any information to the outside world.

There are two reasons. The first point is that both parties do not have enough confidence in such a large-scale environmental transformation. If the transformation results are not satisfactory, it will be a joke.

The second point is that water vapor regulation equipment and technology are still relatively sensitive. Since it can be used to regulate rainfall, it can also be used to create natural disasters. Although I never thought about keeping it completely secret, it is always right to keep a low profile.

However, this major event caused a sensation in the domestic ecological field. Everyone did not understand why such a shocking contract was signed with Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

It is really puzzling what kind of technology Kirin Industrial Group has mastered, so confident that it can transform such a harsh desert area into fertile land.

But no one thinks that Qilin Agricultural Development Group has taken advantage of it, because it is estimated that even the cost will be difficult to recover due to the amount of funds invested.

To renovate such a huge land area, even with more advanced technology, the scale of investment is still in units of 10 trillion. It is not easy to make money back just by planting agriculture.

In addition, these areas are sparsely populated in the northwest, far away from the domestic economic center, the value of the land itself is relatively low, and it is difficult to use it for urban construction and other purposes.

If the land is not fertile enough, it can't even be used for farming, it can only be used for animal husbandry, but Qilin Agricultural Development Group can do it without using these lands at all.

The contract has been signed, but the Kylin Agricultural Development Group and the Kylin Environmental Industry Group, the two groups themselves don't know what to do next.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu did not ignore it completely. After the contract was signed, Ye Zishu held an online meeting with the heads of the two groups to discuss the overall transformation plan.

The plan is divided into three parts. The first part is how to build an aerial water delivery corridor. The northwest region is so big that it is difficult to meet the demand just by transferring water during the rainy season in the south.

It is impossible to transfer all the water in the southern rainy season to the northwest. Even if it can be done, it cannot be done. The southern rainy season is a very important season for replenishing water. Only when the water is replenished during the rainy season can we survive the scorching summer.

Therefore, this method of water transfer can only be used as a supplementary method, not a sustainable method, and the water transfer during this time period alone is not enough to maintain the continuous demand of the Northwest region.

Therefore, more water delivery corridors need to be established. According to the analysis of meteorological data, four water delivery corridors have been discussed. The first one is water transfer during the rainy season in the south, so there is no need to talk about it here.

The second is coastal water diversion, which mainly uses the abundant rainwater brought by typhoons and the high-altitude water vapor formed in normal times, and mainly focuses on water diversion operations in summer.

This difficulty is higher than that of water adjustment during the rainy season in the south. How to prevent the large amount of water vapor carried by the typhoon from landing, or partially land, and the remaining water vapor will form high-altitude cumulus clouds, and then use the high-air flow to spread fragrance in the northwest region.

To achieve such a water transfer, we can only rely on the super climate analysis ability to have a very precise control of the direction of each high-altitude air flow, so as to promote the high-altitude water vapor to move along the target route and destination.

The third is to divert water from the west line. Every year, a large amount of water vapor forms clouds, crossing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Kunlun Mountains, the Altai Mountains, and the Tianshan Mountains into the Northwest China.

It's just that in the past, the water vapor here was at a very high altitude, and the ground temperature was very high, forming a wind effect, which made it difficult for these high-altitude water vapor to form rain.

Moreover, most of this rainwater will float across the continent and enter the Pacific Ocean. If the water vapor can be retained, the resulting rainfall will be more substantial than diverting water from the east and south.

The most important thing is that if these water vapors really form large-scale raindrops, then evaporate to form a large amount of low-altitude water vapor, and form a convergence effect with high-altitude water vapor.

At that time, even if no rainfall measures are used, considerable natural rainfall will be formed, which can greatly save costs, and the clouds formed by low-altitude water vapor will be relatively low.

When flowing along the Hexi Corridor, it will increase the natural rainfall along the way, so that it is easy to form a natural rainfall belt from west to east, which can save a lot of time.

The fourth is the cold current from Siberia and the Arctic Ocean going south, carrying a large amount of water vapor. A considerable part of this water vapor will fall in the form of rain and snow, but most of it will float to the ocean.

If this part of the water vapor can be retained, a large amount of snowfall will be formed in the desert and Gobi areas, and when it melts in the next spring, it will nourish the earth and form a well-developed spring water system.

The only thing to pay attention to is that it is necessary to avoid the occurrence of floods caused by the short-term melting of snow in spring, so it is also necessary to build a set of reasonable river systems so that the melting of snow will not turn into a disaster.

He believes that low-lying places can be turned into large lakes, and snowmelt water can flow back here in spring, and if there is a short-term heavy rainfall in other seasons, it can also serve as a rainwater confluence.

The second part is to transform the surface water system. If there is no perfect and reasonable water system, a large amount of rainfall will only cause flooding in the northwest region, and it will be difficult to store the precipitation.

So he asked Kirin Environmental Industry Group to form a team to go to the northwest to map the topography and landscape and water system, measure the height of the terrain, and then use computer technology to simulate the water system.

Prioritize the use of natural water systems, dredge and expand the natural water systems, so that the cost will be slightly reduced, and then according to actual needs, build artificial water systems to achieve the purpose of agricultural irrigation.

At the same time, it is also to avoid the formation of an endless loop of the water system. If a water system can only enter and exit, it is easy to form a saltwater lake, which is not very beneficial to the ecology.

Unless there is really no way, such as the Lop Nur area, the terrain is very suitable for water storage, but the terrain in the east is too high, and it is difficult for the collected water to flow out. It can only rely on evaporation, and saltwater lakes will inevitably be formed in the future.

Of course, there is also a way to avoid this, that is to plant a large number of special aquatic plants in the lake, which can absorb the minerals in the water, and then salvage them for treatment.

If done well, these aquatic plants can also form a high economic value. They can be eaten or used as industrial raw materials, which are good choices.

The third part is the transformation of the soil structure. Even if the desert land receives rainfall all the year round, it will take thousands of years to transform loose gravel into soil with adhesive properties.

Not to mention the cost of funds, it will definitely not wait for such a long time, which is why the two groups do not have much confidence. If it is just a simple precipitation, it will be easier to say.

In order to turn these areas into natural fertile land without the risk of degradation, soil must be formed so that it has a stronger water storage capacity and will not evaporate completely when the weather is hot.

In response to this, Leaf Book intends to adopt biological methods to deal with it. One is to develop drought-tolerant plants to avoid sand dune flow, and the other is to develop fattening plants with high-efficiency carbon and nitrogen fixation, which can increase soil fertility.

The third is to develop special soil fungi, which can carry out deeper transformation of the soil, but this step can wait, and only the first two steps are needed in the early stage.

With such a huge area, it is certainly not possible to rely solely on manpower to plant trees one by one to fix the sand. The cost is unbearable, and the efficiency is low. I don’t know how many years it will take to complete.

Only by using biological methods, not only is the efficiency high, but the cost is much lower, and the time to complete the transformation will be greatly shortened. It is the best choice for dealing with this situation.

After the plan was agreed upon, Ye Zishu asked Qilin Environmental Industry Group to build the water delivery corridor first, and he asked Baihu Technology Company to build a global weather satellite system to provide support for this plan.

Kylin Agricultural Development Group needs to clarify the topography and water system conditions in Northwest China first, and then use computers to simulate to form a more reasonable and relatively low-cost water system network.

As for himself, he is responsible for the research and development of soil biological transformation, providing them with high-safety and high-efficiency related plant and microbial support.

Due to the large increase in rainwater in the northwest region, the water volume of the Yellow River will inevitably increase. Whether the current Yellow River can bear a greater flow needs to be calculated.

The two groups need to work with the national water conservancy department to evaluate the water carrying capacity of the Yellow River. If it cannot be done, whether it is necessary to carry out Yellow River treatment.

If the Yellow River floods, the impact will also be very bad, the affected area will be very large, and the number of affected people will be very large. This is something that has to be considered.

Moreover, if the Yellow River can really be tidied up, it may be able to form a water transport channel from the northwest to the east coast, which will greatly reduce the cost of goods going to sea in the northwest region, and the economic benefits will be very large.

At present, the Yellow River cannot be navigable throughout the entire basin. It is indeed a pity that such a large river cannot be used. It would be best if it can be managed well and the entire area can be navigated.

At the same time, inform Wancheng Foundation to develop construction machinery and equipment for large-scale earthworks. This is a big business and should not be missed.

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