Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 889 Refusal to accept the award and 3 decisions


On October 5th, Leaf Book was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Biology or Medicine. This incident caused a huge sensation, and even the busy Leaf Book had to pay attention.

To be honest, he seldom writes papers. The only time he writes papers on a large scale is when he helps Tianwen Medical College compile biology and medical textbooks.

Because some things are not convincing at all based on his few words, and he must write a paper to support his point of view, otherwise he will be annoyed by the voice of doubt.

It's just that his thesis was written in Chinese, and it was not submitted to the so-called authoritative foreign journals, but was directly placed on the electronic journal platform established by Phoenix Technology.

This platform had just been established at that time, and its popularity in China was not high. If their paper database was not quite complete, it was an important search tool for many scholars and students, and no one would have noticed it.

It wasn't until Yeshushu published its biological and medical papers on this academic journal platform on a large scale that it slowly gained popularity.

At that time, it only attracted domestic scholars and students who studied medicine. Later, his scientific researchers also published research papers on this platform one after another, and scholars in other fields began to pay attention to this platform.

There is no way, a large number of papers under his banner are only published on this platform, which also includes a lot of papers compiled by him, and his name is on it. No researcher dares to take credit for this.

It's not that he wants to do this, but some research has reached a certain stage, and there is no need to keep some research results secret, and the research papers of these researchers are mostly follow-up research based on the technical information he provided.

Therefore, if many researchers want to publish a paper, they must first organize their research materials into a paper for publication, and then they publish their own extended research papers on the basis of these papers.

He may not care about honor and academic status, but these researchers do. They cannot hinder others' pursuit just because of his preferences.

Therefore, as long as it does not affect the interests of the enterprise and the overall interests of the country, these researchers can still compile and publish slightly outdated technical materials into papers, but this process needs to be reviewed.

Although the technology and research results displayed in these research papers are considered backward in his industry, they are at the forefront of the outside world.

No matter how the outside academic community thinks about Phoenix Technology's electronic academic journal platform, if they want to know the latest and most cutting-edge research results, they have to pay attention to this electronic journal platform.

Of course, there are also paper versions. The paper version is operated by the scientific journal business department of Shengshi Media Group, but it costs a lot of money, while the electronic journal platform only needs to pay a membership fee.

Moreover, the membership fee is not monopolized by Phoenix Technology. Except for platform maintenance costs, the rest will be sent to the author of the paper in the form of manuscript fees.

This is different from the practice of traditional scientific journals. In the traditional method, authors not only cannot get money, but also have to pay a sum of money, and the amount of money is quite a lot. For some scholars, they have to borrow money to publish their papers.

As for the reviewers, it is mainly divided into three parts. The first one is to invite top scholars to review the manuscript, mainly starting from the theoretical part and pointing out the problems in the paper.

The second part is the huge scientific research team under Ye Zishu, which will carry out the verification of the experimental part, which does not take much time for them, and is also the accumulation of experience for the scientific research team.

The third part is the artificial intelligence simulation experiment. The first two can only explain part of the facts, but the simulation experiment conducted by artificial intelligence combined with supercomputing can provide more possibilities from other aspects.

Especially after the advent of super quantum computers, there is really no experiment that cannot be simulated. The simulation here is only for experiments, and the existence of theories that cannot be verified by experiments is not ruled out.

Because many modern scientific theories are based on pure mathematics, mathematics is not science, but logic. As long as the logic is self-consistent and no faults can be found, it can be said to be valid.

Such research has produced many great scientific discoveries, but it does not mean that all self-consistent theories of mathematical logic can correspond to the science of the real world.

Of course, due to the need to build a virtual world, Ye Zishu provided a large number of theories, so many and so difficult that even Ye Zishu himself was very excited when he thought about it, and he vaguely remembered how he studied hard at the beginning.

The role of these theoretical knowledge brought to artificial intelligence is that the cognition of science and the ability of mathematical calculation are far beyond the current era, and they are still constantly performing calculations and self-evolution.

This process of self-learning, deduction, and hypothesis verification has also caused the reality of the virtual world to gradually increase from the previous 50%, and it is estimated that it will reach 80% in a short time.

He thought that the so-called international science awards should have nothing to do with him. If awards were really given to him, they would probably only be awards in biology and medicine.

The result of this award is the result of blood research. To be honest, this result is not particularly outstanding among his many biological and medical papers.

It’s just that the influence is very large. After several years of marketization, the global blood supply is currently provided by Tai Chi Group, and many countries have canceled the relevant regulations on blood donation.

It is cheap and easy to use, and there is unlimited supply, and there is no need to worry about the risk of spreading various diseases. There is no reason why everyone should not use Tai Chi Group's artificial blood.

After so many years of practice, it has been proved that Taiji Group's artificial blood has no medical problems at all, and its clinical performance is very good, so it is a trustworthy product.

No matter how the Nobel Prize is organized or who recommended him, but under the current situation, he dare not go abroad casually, for fear that if he goes out, he will not be able to come back.

Because he is not only a pure theoretical scholar, but also a scientist who has proved to be very talented in the field of applied technology, and the interests involved are very huge.

Moreover, the industries under him are also very large, and the technology is also very advanced. Some of them have even severely squeezed the living space of the original vested interests. The entanglement is too deep.

He will never overestimate the conscience of the capitalists, and he will never underestimate their shamelessness. It is basically impossible to put yourself in danger for an award that is of no use to him.

For others, this award is a supreme honor, and they can pretend to be b everywhere, but in his opinion, whether it is awarded or not does not affect his research, and he does not need to prove whether he is capable or not.

He can afford the funds he needs, and he doesn't need too many titles to wear on his head. He can even refuse official domestic academic honors, let alone foreign awards.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, he received a recommendation. At that time, he made outstanding contributions in the field of software and chips, and the Academy of Sciences wanted to give him the title of academician of the Department of Mathematics.

He didn't accept it, he liked freedom, even if there was a little restraint, he felt uncomfortable, which made some people quite embarrassed at the time.

After the Academy of Engineering was established, no one has recommended him until now, and he is also happy and quiet. So far, he has no honor in the domestic academic field, nor has he held any official position.

But it does not hinder his status in domestic academic circles. Not many people dare to confront him in the academic field. This is also because of the many biological and medical papers he has published, so few people dare to say that there is something wrong.

If you don’t understand it, just read it yourself. The possibility of problems is your own. If you still don’t understand it, let’s discuss it together. In fact, this idea is correct.

Any academic paper he publishes, no matter how unimaginable, turns out to be correct in the end. Of course, he doesn't care whether others agree with his academic papers or not.

Therefore, after the announcement of the Nobel Prize list, the news that he won the award was regarded as an explosion in the country. Many people felt honored. Everyone felt that this was a sign of a phased victory in my country's scientific development.

Obviously, Ye Shu disagreed with this point of view. The development of science in our country does not need awards to prove it, let alone other people's awards. Wouldn't science develop without awards?

When the country was full of ecstasy, Ye Zishu posted a message on his social account, dismissing the award, saying that he would not accept the award, and he would not need to give him any awards in the future.

The message he sent was also very interesting, saying: "I don't really care what kind of recognition I can get in the academic world, but I still want to express my gratitude to the scholars who recommended me and the organizing committee for wanting to award me the award." !

But to me, no matter what kind of honor it is, it doesn’t mean anything. Take biology or medicine as an example, if I can even get artificial blood, then I can get it every year from then on.

If you sit in rows and share results regardless of the research contribution, then you will lose the attitude and value that the award should have, and it will become a consideration of the balance between qualifications and interests.

Of course, we have seen the contributions of other scholars. In order to give other scholars more opportunities to win awards, I don’t need to accept this award, and I don’t need to nominate me in the future! "

This message was a response to the Nobel Prize, and then he released another message targeting the domestic atmosphere, saying: "The people in China are ecstatic that I won the Nobel Prize, and I express my gratitude.

But I don’t think it’s necessary to act like this. Scientific research is not for awards, and whether it is available or not will not affect the development of science, nor will it affect our progress on the road of science.

Any scientific research aimed at a certain indicator will be reduced to a field of interest. Only by loving science from the heart and having a strong curiosity can we go further on the road of science.

A scholar with a strong desire for fame and fortune means the end of his academic career, and it will be difficult to achieve much in the future. I hope you will think carefully about why you want to engage in academic research in the first place.

The domestic people are ecstatic. I am both happy and sad. The reason for my happiness is that everyone still has pursuits and wants to move closer to the world's top fields. I hope this country will get better and better.

The sad thing is that our achievements still need to be recognized by others, rather than self-improvement from the heart, which makes my hard work over the years feel like hard work in vain.

At first, I thought that a strong economy would inevitably enhance national self-confidence, so I tried my best to develop the economy, but I didn't see any obvious improvement. It would be a lie to say that I was not sad.

Therefore, I think it is necessary to do three things: The first thing is to continue to strengthen investment in education and upgrade the vocational schools under New Oriental Education Group.

No longer just training engineers, but try to move closer to the direction of training top talents, so that every student has the possibility to become a top talent.

At the same time, IQ medicine is also planned to be provided free of charge to all children, no matter whether they are members of Tai Chi Medical Group or not, as long as they are of Chinese nationality, they can get it for free without charging any fees.

The second thing is to plan to allocate 1 billion yuan every year to reward those who have made significant contributions in the fields of natural science, social science and philosophy.

The third thing is to strengthen the construction and investment of the laboratory. Initially, this work will be done in the vocational schools under the New Oriental Education Group. "

In the past, IQ medicine was originally intended to be provided only to those who had Qiangua members of the Taiji Group, including their children, but now he has decided to change his mind.

All teenagers under the age of 18 can get it for free. He wants to improve the intelligence level of domestic teenagers as a whole. Only in this way can a large number of high IQ talents be created.

Coupled with a better education system, it is possible for these people to become talents. Although not everyone is engaged in scientific research, education and IQ are equally indispensable for other jobs.

Of course, free is only for teenagers. If you are an adult, you still need to be a member of Tai Chi Medical Group to get it for free. If not, you need to pay a fee, and you must be a Chinese citizen.

The price at their own expense is relatively expensive. One person needs 4 injections, and the price of each injection is at least tens of thousands of yuan in China. According to the principle of marketization, this effect and this price are absolutely worth the money.

As for taking out 1 billion yuan as a science award every year, it is actually not that high, and there is no pressure on him. The award will be hung under the banner of the Leaf Book Foundation as an independent operating organization.

As for how it will work, he has not yet figured it out, but it is definitely not a recommendation system, but an invitation system, to increase fairness as much as possible and avoid the possibility of black box operations.

He didn't even intend to invite scholars to participate, but planned to let artificial intelligence do the selection. There are two reasons: the first reason is that it is absolutely objective and fair, and there will be no interest relationship.

In such a humanistic society, if people are involved, it is very easy to form an industrial chain of interests over time. He really has no confidence in human nature.

The second reason is that artificial intelligence is capable enough to take on such responsibilities. Today's artificial intelligence 3.0 is different from the past. It has sufficient IQ and knowledge reserves, a huge verification system, and powerful data collection capabilities.

The most typical is that many domestic thesis authors do not actually do the research themselves, just because he is the author's mentor or leader.

If only papers are selected, it cannot be used as an absolute basis. More data must be analyzed to determine who the real author of the paper is, and a series of evidence chains must be formed to prove this.

If there is suspicion, but there is no complete evidence to prove it, just discard it directly, because the impact of this kind of behavior is really too bad, as long as there is a problem, it will definitely not be used.

He hoped that people with academic dishonesty would come to argue and present a series of evidence to ruin their reputations. If there is one less person who is not worthy of virtue, he will be quieter.

The vocational schools of New Oriental Education Group actually have laboratories, but they are all primary laboratories, which are only used for simple teaching work and do not engage in higher research work.

This time he intends to strengthen and comprehensively improve the laboratory level of various vocational schools. Even if he did this before, there were not enough capable people to lead these laboratories.

Now with artificial intelligence 3.0 and universal robots, the situation has changed fundamentally, and there is no problem in making universal robots the heads of these laboratories, or even the research mentors of the laboratories.

Although the talents cultivated in this way are not necessarily top scientists, they are definitely much better than ordinary engineers, and it is enough to achieve this effect.

He doesn't dislike too many scientific research talents. Even if there are too many people in the future and cannot be included in the laboratory, a virtual laboratory can be established in the virtual world.

Compared with real-world laboratories, which require high operating costs, virtual laboratories have much lower operating costs and are fully capable of accommodating all scientific researchers.

At that time, the initial experiment will be completed in the virtual laboratory. After the virtual laboratory is completed, it will be verified in the real-world laboratory. This will greatly save costs and not affect the innovation ability. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

He hopes that in the future, everyone will become high-end talents, and all manual labor and service jobs will be replaced by general-purpose robots. This is also a consideration for the future.

Compared with the complex problems faced by human beings, with the current number of human beings, even if everyone is a scientist, they may not be able to solve all of them.

And science can't just stay in the hands of a few people, that doesn't make much sense. What he wants to do is that everyone can easily understand most of the scientific research results.

Only when science is popularized in everyone can science be integrated into civilization, even if there are major changes, it will not be interrupted directly. This is also a way to protect the achievements of civilization.

This is also the best way to protect the achievements of civilization in his opinion. Unless everyone is dead, as long as a part survives, most of the achievements of civilization can be preserved.

As long as it takes a little time, it will be able to recover slowly, so that a small group of scientists will not be wiped out, and the scientific process of mankind will return to the "Stone Age" all at once.

The most important thing is that this is the best way to eliminate elitism, and it is also the most positive way. Let everyone become an elite, and there will be no soil for "elites" to survive, and civilization can move to a higher height.

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