Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 890 Global Hot Discussions and Organizing the Compilation of Textbooks


To be honest, when these two messages were sent out, many people were astonished. To many people, this was a supreme honor, something worth showing off for a lifetime, so they just gave up?

If you can win this award, it will show that you have established a firm foothold in the international academic field, and you will have a posture of Taishan Beidou wherever you go, and it will be much more convenient to do things.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that these are meaningless to Ye Zishu. Although he has published quite a few papers, and they are all heavyweight papers, he has nothing to do with the entire academic world.

Although he claims that he likes people to think of him as a scientist, he doesn't seem like a person in the academic circle, and his wealth is amazing, so he doesn't need others to fund his research.

On the contrary, he still spends a huge amount of money every year to support major universities in the country to conduct basic research. To him, all these advantages in the eyes of others are all insignificant.

But between the lines, everyone can fully feel his arrogance. If it weren't for those who know him well, they might still feel his conceit, which makes some people uncomfortable.

No matter if someone understands it, if someone feels uncomfortable, or even if someone is jealous, it will not affect him anyway. He is a master who wants talent, talent, money and people, and he is really not easy to mess with.

As for his three decisions, some people have seen many ways. First of all, the competition among domestic colleges and universities will intensify, and the colleges and universities that were ranked lower in the past will face enormous pressure.

You must know that the number of vocational schools under the New Oriental Education Group is as high as 3,000, which is more than the number of domestic colleges and universities. Although there will be some influence in the past, but the positioning is different, and you can live in peace.

It is different now. He intends to upgrade these vocational schools in an all-round way, no longer just as a place for vocational training, but as a real institution of higher learning to cultivate talents.

The name may still be a vocational school, but the talents it cultivates must be upgraded, and engineers are trained in the way of training high-end talents, rather than in the way of training ordinary engineers.

Such a change means that in the future, a considerable number of talented and hard-working students will gain a firm foothold in the high-end scientific research field and create their own academic field.

The initial impact may not be great, but if the time scale is placed in decades or even hundreds of years, the impact will be far-reaching, and a large number of academic circles with New Oriental Education Group as the core will be formed.

Although he is very opposed to academic grouping, which is easy to form a circle of inherent interests and is not conducive to the development of the entire academic field, but as long as it is a human being, it is difficult to completely eliminate it.

It can only be said that it can be weakened through some methods, forming a beneficial but not unbreakable interest relationship, and a certain standard through education. This is a more realistic state.


The most important thing is to cultivate a large number of high-quality talents. Even if these people do not engage in scientific research in the future, they can still understand obscure and difficult academic articles, so that they will not be what others say.

What I am most afraid of is that what others say is what they say, and everyone can only listen to it. It is difficult to debate the problems that exist in it. This is the problem.

Of course, this decision is not good or bad for the majority of students. If the admissions standard is raised because of the upgrade, many people may not even be able to study in a better vocational school.

If the standards are not raised, then how can we ensure that the students we cultivate will become talents? Does New Oriental Education Group have the power to turn decay into magic?

In fact, this problem is easy to solve. Vocational schools will issue different levels of graduation certificates according to the performance of each student when they graduate, so as to distinguish the performance of each student in the school.

The measure of wide entry and strict exit is adopted. If it were changed to the previous one, such a wide entry without screening would certainly not be able to recruit very good students, but IQ medicine solved this problem.

As long as IQ drugs are used, the intelligence level of students will not be very low, and generally can reach above 140. With such an IQ level, the pressure of learning will not be so great.

The reason for taking 4 injections is because the improvement is too large. If you inject it at one time, the risk will be higher. It needs to be divided into 4 injections. Each injection can increase the intelligence to different degrees.

As long as this kind of drug is used on a large scale in China, there will be no absolute genius, and the intelligence is basically at the same level. Unless the talent is excellent, the IQ can reach a higher level without using drugs.

Such a genius does not need to use this drug at all, because it has no effect, and of course there are no side effects.

The second decision did not have much repercussions. For others, 1 billion yuan is not a small number, and they have to spend so much money every year, no matter how rich they are, they cannot afford it.

But for him, the scale of the fund is not very large, at least compared to his wealth, no one thinks he can't do it, so the response will be flat.

However, for people in the academic world, this is not only a matter of money, but also a matter of academic status. He cannot judge others by himself, and many people still care about these things.

And it is different from the Nobel Prize that must be rewarded to the living, and there are only a few people who win the prize every year. When there are too many monks and too few food, some people will be buried until it is their turn.

The method he is going to adopt is simple and rude, that is, as long as he is recognized, he may be awarded that year, and the maximum number of each award can reach 10.

Of course, more does not mean that there is no quality. If there are no achievements in the year, or the achievements are not recognized, there may be a bye instead of having to be awarded.

Therefore, from this award, we can more clearly see the level of domestic academic circles over the years. If the achievements explode, there must be many awardees in that year. If there is no one, it means that the academic achievements this year are relatively poor.

Of course, it does not rule out that no one has won a certain award for many years, which can only mean that there are really no achievements worthy of attention in these years, and the academic community should reflect on whether something went wrong.

The third decision is compatible with the first decision. Since we want to improve the level of education, we must first improve the level of scientific research. In addition to the teaching staff, it is the investment in the laboratory.

Without laboratory investment, it is definitely difficult to produce results, and without scientific research projects, it is also difficult to cultivate outstanding talents. This is a chain of links.

It's just that everyone doesn't know how much New Oriental Education Group intends to invest. It is impossible for all of its 3,000 vocational schools to invest heavily, because it would cost too much.

According to the annual funding of 2 billion yuan for each school, 6 trillion yuan is needed, and New Oriental Education Group is simply unable to support it.

Even if these are private schools that can charge high tuition fees, the domestic economic situation must also be taken into consideration, as the tuition fees are actually not much.

The second is to cooperate with enterprises in scientific research. Part of the investment will be borne by enterprises, but it cannot achieve complete self-sufficiency, and a considerable part of it will be borne by schools.

As for the country, it will definitely not pay for it. There are so many public colleges and universities in the country, the funds are not too much, and the financial support belongs to too much, so it is impossible to give to private schools.

This matter has to be discussed with New Oriental Education Group. The most likely way to do it is to conduct pilot projects in some schools in the early stage to explore a sustainable development path.

These two news were released on Chinese social platforms, and were immediately reported by overseas media. The main reason is that the news of the rejection of the Nobel Prize was very explosive.

Except for special periods, no scientist would refuse the Nobel Prize due to political reasons. The leaf book should be the first one. This kind of news is the media's favorite.

There is no sensitive information, and it is very explosive, so in just one day, it was known all over the world, and many people who only knew that he was a super rich man learned about his other identity, that is, a scientist.

This refusal also allowed the media to popularize his scientific research achievements to ordinary people. In the past, everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

His research results cover a wide range, covering almost all fields, and the papers he produced are very weighty and cannot be ignored.

It’s just that among the many achievements, biological and medical achievements are particularly eye-catching. It turns out that the drugs that can easily treat cancer come from him, and there are many other drugs that are inseparable from him.

From this point of view, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the slightly arrogant words he posted on social platforms. It can even be said that they are unrivaled in the fields of biology and medicine.

These are nothing, but what makes people speechless is that it is well known that he does not like **, and his contacts with the academic world are extremely expensive, and it can even be said that there is almost no such thing.

Domestic academic circles know his temperament, and after several unsuccessful invitations, they are very interested. However, foreign countries have always wanted to invite him to do academic visits, but unfortunately, there has been no response.

Just such an amazingly "lazy" person, casually revealing a few scales and half claws, has such achievements, and there are many achievements that are not convenient to publish papers, which makes many people engaged in scientific research headache.

For many medical achievements, there are no papers at all. For example, in the treatment of limb regeneration, the Taiji Group only tells the outside world that this medicine can achieve the effect. As for why it can achieve the effect, it is beyond the scope of explanation.

This has led to people in related fields knowing that this can work, but they don't know why this works and others don't. They don't even know how this substance is produced.

If you want to conduct a verification test, Taiji Group is not stingy, you can give some raw materials for these researchers to conduct research, but apart from verification, there are not many other results.

Since the award only rewards domestic scientific research workers, it did not cause much sensation internationally. However, some people complained that his actions were petty.

What really attracted attention was the IQ drug. He mentioned it during the live broadcast before, but everyone thought it was a bit exaggerated and didn't pay much attention to it.

Because it has not been figured out yet what determines the difference in human IQ, many of them are only judged from the size of the brain, but this is not accurate.

Top scientists have high IQs, but their brains are not large. Even the legendary Einstein's brain looks no different from ordinary people on the surface.

In the field of brain research, IQ research has always been a hot topic, but Naihe didn't have any great results, and everyone didn't think he could make a difference.

It's just that the mention of IQ medicine this time made many people have to pay attention to this information. It seems that he is not joking, but really has this kind of medicine, and it seems that the effect is not bad.

In fact, as long as the IQ gap is within the range of 10 points, there is no obvious performance gap. Only when it reaches 20 points, will there be outstanding performance, which shows how effective the IQ medicine he said is.

The discussion on this aspect should be the most intense. The reason is very simple. Whether this strategic drug is exported is the most concerned. At least some answers can be obtained by measuring people by yourself.

Under the increasingly fierce competition among countries, they don't quite believe that Ye Zishu has the spirit of internationalism, and even the awards he set up are limited to domestic countries, which shows how his character is.

Therefore, what the outside world reveals is concern that once this drug is fully used in our country, it is likely to cause a huge intellectual gap, and the competition will completely lose balance.

But they don't have a good solution. If it was the past, they could still coerce and lure them. Unfortunately, they can't give them anything if they want benefits, and they are not afraid of threats now.

Moreover, such strategic resources cannot be played by ordinary money. As Ye Zishu said, 99% of things can be sold with money, but the more precious things are, the less money can buy them.

Of course, there are also some people who stand up and think that such medicines should be the public property of mankind and should be shared globally instead of being cherished.

He had expected this a long time ago. No one would be indifferent to such benefits. He would definitely want to do everything possible to obtain them. If force and economic means are not enough, he would naturally think of moral kidnapping.

Obviously, this trick has no effect on him. He doesn't even care about the so-called Nobel Prize. Simple moral kidnapping can't shake his decision, so he should die as soon as possible.

In order to prevent this drug from leaking out, the whole process will be supervised by a general-purpose robot, and no one will be faked, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

This is just a means of prevention. If they really get some products, it will not have much effect. It is very difficult to copy. If they are used directly, the IQ improvement of one or two people will not solve the fundamental problem.

Of course, some people advocate commercial solutions. The meaning is obvious. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, as long as you are willing to sell it. It's all worth it.

This will ensure that all family members have high IQs, and then rule a group of ordinary people with low IQs, and it will be able to consolidate their dominance. Maybe this is what they want to see the most.

Faced with the uproar outside, Ye Zishu fortunately ignored it. It was really a group of demons dancing wildly, and all kinds of people appeared on the stage. I don't know if there are instructions behind them, but I still want to show it.

Ye Zishu has been very busy during this time, not only paying attention to the acquisition of enterprises, but also paying attention to the high-altitude water vapor transportation experiment of Qilin Environmental Industry Group and the contracting of desert and desertified land.

It is also necessary to organize the New Oriental Education Group and the publishing house under the Kirin Media Group to compile new teaching materials. This is an important measure he decided to improve the level of domestic education.

Previous textbooks emphasized students' memory and skill training, but did not pay attention to students' innovation and diversity development. He believes that it is necessary to start with textbooks and carry out reforms.

Of course, it is still necessary to follow the regulations of the education department in general, but the additional content can be used freely, which is also the significance of his organization of textbook compilation.

He hopes to compile all basic education textbooks within this year, and then submit them to the education department for review. In the second half of next year, he hopes to be the first to use them in basic education schools under New Oriental Education Group.

His behavior has also been recognized by the relevant departments. After the last meeting, a consensus has basically been reached on education reform, but there is no specific plan for how to change it, especially the teaching content.

This time, he was in the lead. Together with the publishing unit of Shengshi Media Group and New Oriental Education Group, which has been engaged in education for many years, 20,000 senior practitioners were organized to complete this task together.

Different from the previous emphasis on consistent education, the compilation of textbooks led by him this time emphasizes individualized development, innovative ability, and broad thinking, which were lacking in the past.

The change brought about is that the basic content of the textbook is actually very simple, and with reasonable guidance, students can learn it by themselves. The difficult part is the introductory content, which requires careful consideration.

And this time, it is not only cultural basic courses, but also art, music, dance, martial arts routines and other courses, which will also be included in the basic education content of New Oriental Education Group.

At the same time, starting from elementary school, there will be special science courses to guide children to be good at observation and thinking from an early age. Although the content is simple, the things involved are not simple.

The last is the adjustment of cultural courses, increasing the proportion of reading classics and reducing the proportion of modern literature. In his opinion, it is basically not difficult to learn ancient Chinese and modern articles.

There are also adjustments to the foreign language curriculum. Simple English will be taught at the elementary school level. At the middle school level, students can freely choose any foreign language they want to learn. If there are not enough teachers, they can hire general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group.

After several months of trial operation, according to the analysis of New Oriental Education Group, the general robot teachers they hired have very good teaching quality, and the overall performance is much higher than other schools.

Compared with ordinary teachers, these robot teachers are not only patient, but also knowledgeable, and proficient in psychology, they are good at teaching children.

It's just that the introduction of these robot teachers in large numbers has put a lot of psychological pressure on the ordinary teachers under the original banner. In order to improve the level of these teachers, a special refresher course has been set up internally.

Compared with these things, it is naturally difficult for outside public opinion to attract his attention, and he is free to comment on it.

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