Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 891 Triploid and 3-chain gene technology


When it comes to compiling textbooks, he just puts forward the idea of ​​compiling and checks the content to see if there are any unreasonable things in it, or there are problems with the connection of the content.

The difficulty of the text is not high. What is rare is how to guide students to think about problems. He participated in a lot of these tasks, and even wrote supporting exercises and cases himself.

Compared with the previous teaching content, the newly edited content is richer, and the depth is also higher than before. The reason is that everyone has a high IQ, and the content naturally needs to match it.

If students often study content that is not in-depth, it will be difficult to think deeply, and they will not be able to exercise their abilities. All scholars who compile textbooks agree on this point.

Although the difficulty has increased and the content has increased, compared with the new abilities, the overall level is still declining. After simulating children with an IQ above 140, it does not take too much time to learn these.

Therefore, in addition to the teaching content, with the help of artificial intelligence, the textbook group has formulated a large number of extended compulsory reading lists for the teaching content, which will help broaden children's horizons.

The reason is that the content of the teaching materials is actually fragmented. If no extended reading is carried out, the acquired knowledge will also be fragmented, which is not conducive to students' systematic thinking.

This practice is not only reflected in natural science subjects and mathematics subjects, but also in Chinese, recommending a large number of books and works that have been proven to be extremely valuable by history.

However, according to the requirements of Ye Zishu, in the cultural courses, whether it is the content of textbooks or the recommended extended reading list, try to avoid living authors, but try to use the works of deceased authors.

The purpose of doing this is, on the one hand, these works have passed the test of time and have higher value, on the other hand, it is to avoid interest involvement and affect the original intention of education.

This decision aroused opposition from many people at the time, because many people in the textbook content compilation team also had a large number of works, and naturally hoped that their works would have the possibility of becoming famous.

Regarding this point, Ye Zishu is very insistent, unless their works reach the point of "unprecedented", then they are eligible to be selected, but it is a pity that there are very few such achievements in modern literature.

In his opinion, cultural courses are different from natural science and mathematics. Natural science and mathematics naturally pursue cutting-edge research, because right is right and wrong is wrong. At least for a certain period of time, it is absolutely correct.

But cultural courses are different. The opinions and ideas expressed in them need to be precipitated by history. Only after experiencing the test of history and still enduring for a long time, is it a classic among classics.

Even the popular literary works now may be forgotten in a corner after a few years. For example, the popular scar literature in the past ten years basically disappeared later, and there are no classics left.

He believes that the content of cultural courses,

It must not only have a high level of literature, but also have a high level of thought, and even have a great influence for a period of time. These are the cultural essence in the long river of history.

Although there were complaints about his arbitrariness, he still followed his request. The reason is very simple, that is, these textbooks are used by the basic education schools under the New Oriental Education Group.

Whether they like it or not, they have to follow the employer's requirements. As long as there is nothing wrong with the content, he has absolute decision-making power on the way of writing textbooks.

Fortunately, he does not need to be responsible for most of the work. He only needs to read through all the content carefully, and if he finds any problems, he can point out and modify them. There is still plenty of time.

So during this period of time, another of his tasks is to think about the environmental transformation of the Northwest. Some land in the Northwest is a naturally formed desert, and some land is over-developed and leads to desertification.

Once desertification is formed, it will take a huge cost to reverse it. If only increasing rainfall, not only will the goal not be achieved in a short period of time, but it may cause sediment to clog the water system.

Therefore, rainfall and land improvement must be carried out at the same time, and the amount of increased rainfall depends on the carrying capacity of the land, not to say that the more the better.

If this is really done, it is estimated that the Yellow River will really be rolling yellow sand into the sea. In a few years, the Yellow River will be blocked by yellow sand, causing floods.

Ordinary plants certainly cannot undertake such a mission. At least he consulted the plant database of the Qilin Agricultural Development Group, but did not find any suitable plants ready-made.

Because the plants he wants must meet at least the following three requirements: The first requirement is strong vitality and a wide range of temperature differences, especially in the Taklamakan Desert, where the surface temperature is very high during the day and very low at night.

It can be said that the large temperature difference between day and night is a common feature of all desert environments, so this requirement is necessary, otherwise it will be difficult to survive.

The second requirement is that the sand-fixing ability is particularly strong, that is to say, the root system must be developed, and at the same time, it must have a super water-fixing ability to reduce the evaporation of water vapor, so that the land can store more water.

The deserts in the east are better. The annual evaporation is actually not large. The main reason is that the annual rainfall is low, and the requirements for the water storage capacity of plants are not large.

The deserts in the west have less rainfall, but more importantly, the annual evaporation is too large. For example, the annual evaporation in the Taklamakan Desert is as high as 3000 mm.

If there are no super water-fixing plants, the annual rainfall is difficult to meet the annual evaporation, then the so-called rainfall may be in vain, and it is difficult to cause much change to the entire ecosystem.

The third requirement is to have ultra-high carbon and nitrogen fixation capabilities. This requirement is mainly to increase the fertility of the soil as soon as possible and change the desert land from gravel to sticky soil.

Only by turning the gravel into fertile soil can the soil itself have a strong ability to lock water, the evaporation of water vapor will be greatly reduced, the climate environment will also change accordingly, and the temperature difference between day and night will not be too large.

According to these requirements, Ye Zishu first went to the virtual library to find some materials, and then improved it according to the actual situation. This is the most labor-saving method.

Of course, this work can also be handed over to Qilin Agricultural Development Group to be responsible for research and development, but with their research and development capabilities, it may take a long time to produce new varieties that meet the requirements.

Since the signing of the contract, Kylin Environmental Industry Group has started to expand the production capacity of rainfall equipment, and the buyer is naturally Kylin Agricultural Development Group.

So during this time, the Agricultural Development Group is also studying climate and water vapor transportation issues, trying to achieve the greatest effect with less equipment.

According to their calculations, to achieve the goal, the amount of equipment used will be as high as 150,000, mainly because a large number of equipment needs to be deployed around the Tarim Basin and the southern foot of the Altai Mountains.

In this way, the water vapor from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Altai Mountains can be kept in the Tarim Basin and the Beijiang Basin. This was an unplanned layout before.

Fortunately, the agricultural development group is not entirely responsible for the layout of the rainfall equipment in other places. Based on the principle that whoever benefits pays, it is obvious that they benefit the least.

Although the excess rainfall is very important to the agricultural development group, it is more important to the climate regulation of these places, so their investment ratio is not very high, the ratio is 30%.

Therefore, the Agricultural Development Group only needs to purchase 80,000 sets of equipment. Calculated at 10 million yuan each, the total cost is 800 billion yuan, which is still acceptable.

As for the part of the state-funded construction, I heard that it is still under discussion. The main reason is to spend so much money at once and need to prepare a budget, which is more troublesome.

Ye Zishu thought of the great flood in 1998 in his previous life, so he naturally hoped to complete the layout as soon as possible, although there was a huge gap between the total investment and the economic loss suffered by the flood.

But some things cannot be considered purely from an economic point of view, and this is not a one-time investment. After the investment, it can be used for many years, and it is worth it on average.

It's just that there is no basis for this kind of thing. Unless there is evidence, it is obviously difficult for him to produce convincing evidence. It's just that he asked Baihu Technology Company to speed up the launch of the weather satellite system.

Because they are busy with the research and development and construction of the space station, they have a lot of energy, and the speed of research and development and construction of the less important meteorological satellite system is a bit slow.

According to his request, the launch must be completed before the end of the year, even if part of the launch mission of the space station is delayed, because the weather satellite system now has an unprecedented role.

As long as this system is completed, it can still provide some basis. Although these basis are not enough to fully explain the problem, they can be used as one of the basis for prediction, which is not unfounded.

In addition, Ye Zishu asked Qilin Agricultural Development Group to speed up the construction of the water vapor regulation system. Since it can't control others, it can still play a role by starting from itself.

According to his request, the water vapor regulation system is prioritized in the provinces along the Yangtze River Basin. In the previous life, the disaster here was also the worst. With the limited number of equipment, it is most beneficial to do so.

Anyway, everyone has their own affairs, as long as he just talks about it, so the research and development work related to soil modification falls on his shoulders, and he is also the most suitable candidate.

It is not difficult for him to modify genes, or even create genes. The difficulty is how to prevent the plants from invading the natural world.

This is also the reason why he is very cautious about creating genes. If he can use the genes of nature to achieve his goal, he should use the genes of nature as much as possible, unless it is absolutely necessary.

In the past, because it was not so harsh, it was all about using natural genes, and proper recombination was enough. Even gene recombination was not used, and the goal could be achieved only by rationally adjusting gene expression.

The plants required this time are too demanding. Even if he tries to use the genes that already exist in nature, it is still difficult to achieve his goal. He must create some gene fragments that meet the requirements and put them in the gene chain.

In order to avoid the problem of genetic pollution, he came up with two methods. The first method is to use triploids, so that no natural seeds will be produced. For example, bananas are very famous triploid plants, which make bananas without seeds.

The second method is to change the gene from a double-strand pattern to a triple-strand pattern, which directly and fundamentally solves the problem of genetic pollution, because it is not a genetic inheritance system with the existing nature.

It's just that the result of this is that these plants only have the first generation, and after the death of the first generation, they must be sown manually, and the cost is much higher.

If he didn't have the seed industry production technology, he really wouldn't dare to do this. The cultivation process alone would be very troublesome, and the cost of mass production would be unbearable.

It would save effort to follow nature, and what he did was against the laws of nature, and he wouldn't have done it if he wasn't worried about mutation or genetic pollution.

The biggest advantage of the three-chain gene is that the gene is stable and not easy to mutate. It is very suitable for some artificially synthesized organisms because they have a corrected gene chain.

As long as there is a mutation in one place, the correction gene chain will play a role, turning the mutated part into a normal part. If the mutation range is too large, it will directly decompose and die.

Following this line of thought, he has developed a total of 10 kinds of herbal plants with different growth years, aiming at soil modification in different climates.

For example, in the desert areas in the east, 5-year-old herbaceous plants are used, because according to his calculations, 5 years is enough to complete the transformation of the soil and fundamentally change the climate.

At this time, these herbaceous plants have completed their mission, and can be turned into soil fertilizer after natural death, completely disappearing in nature without leaving any traces.

And like the Taklimakan Desert, it is difficult to fundamentally change the climate in the short term, so the herbs used need a longer life cycle, and the life cycle generally reaches more than 10 years.

There are also deserts like the Qaidam Basin, where the climate is in a low temperature state all year round. The environment is completely different from that of the Taklamakan Desert, which requires low temperature and drought resistance.

If you want to transform the soil, it is not enough just to have herbaceous plants, but also to involve fungi to convert the fixed carbon and nitrogen into organic matter, and the combination of the two can get twice the result with half the effort.

For soil modification bacteria, he is more cautious. He can only modify them from soil modification bacteria in nature, and the modification cannot be too large.

In order to be able to control the life cycle of these bacteria, not only triploid and triple-stranded gene technology is used, but also the symbiotic characteristics of herbs are added.

Once these modified bacteria die after the symbiotic herb dies, they will also die, so as to avoid the long-term existence of these bacteria in nature and reduce the risk of problems.

The above are all the preventive measures he took. In addition, these new species of creatures have been simulated in the simulation system for a long time to further confirm that they are safe.

Give these completed technical materials to Qilin Agricultural Development Company, let it carry out the production of plant seeds and the cultivation of soil modification bacteria, and stock up a part in advance.

Then it started to let Qinglong Technology Company and Huanyu Group work together to develop large-scale agricultural drones. Without these equipment, it is not easy to complete the work.

As for agricultural machinery, it is jointly developed by Kirin Basic Industry Group and Wancheng Foundation, and the production work is handed over to Wancheng Foundation. This aspect is not difficult.

These companies themselves have some agricultural machinery business, but they don't take it as their main business. This time, they are developing as a key industry.

After arranging these things, Ye Zishu began to think about what to do with the land if the land was transformed. It would not squeeze the existing agriculture and bring greater benefits.

At the same time, ecological maintenance must also be taken into account, so as not to cause too much damage during the development process, otherwise it may still go down the old road, and the previous efforts will fall short.

Moreover, it is difficult to produce it by industrialized methods, or the production cost is relatively high. If the cost of industrialized production is low, there is no need to use these lands, and it is completely unnecessary.

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