Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 892 Infrastructure is a good medicine to solve the economic crisis


How can the use of these lands not only maintain the ecology permanently, even make the ecology better and better, but also generate a certain economic value, at least it is also an important industrial raw material.

Ye Zishu thought for a long time and found that it would be most suitable to use these lands to grow grass, but it is not ordinary grass, but can provide Qilin Industrial Group with a steady stream of raw materials such as carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

At present, Kirin Industrial Group mainly relies on three ways to obtain these raw materials. The first is to build carbon and nitrogen adsorption devices, which mainly obtain raw materials from the air.

Although the cost of this process is not high, the whole process is relatively slow and inefficient. In order to meet the needs of industrialization, the number of constructions is very large, and the overall cost is actually not low.

The second is to extract from urban waste or pollution. With the improvement of urban environmental protection work, more and more raw materials are supplied by this way, and the proportion is also increasing.

The third is the carbon-fixed particles obtained after the treatment of automobile exhaust and industrial waste gas. As more and more cars with clean exhaust devices and enterprises with industrial waste gas treatment devices are installed, the supply of this part of raw materials is also increasing.

It stands to reason that there is no need to spend so much time and effort, and the raw materials can still meet the needs of the carbon industry in general, but as the carbon industry grows in the future, whether it can continue to meet will be a very important issue.

These are nothing, what really made him want to use the method of planting grass to obtain these raw materials is mainly because plants extract these raw materials, which can save a lot of energy consumption.

The raw materials extracted from plants are not inorganic substances, but organic substances that already have some energy, omitting some energy-consuming links in the industrialization process.

It’s just that the value of these raw materials is not too high. The value of 1 ton is estimated to not exceed 500 yuan, which is lower than that of grain. If the price is too high, it is not cost-effective to build an adsorption device or obtain raw materials from other sources.

The reason for doing this is that the soil was relatively poor at the beginning, and the soil fertility was not enough to plant other precious crops, and it required refined planting, which consumed too much energy.

The initial economic value is not important, and the main task is to transform the soil. Even if these plants are not purchased and rotted in the land, the thickness of the humus layer of the soil can be increased.

As for the follow-up operation, depending on the situation, the land with a better location will be used to grow cash crops, the land with a less-than-good location will be used for ecological protection, and the remaining leftovers can be used to continue planting high-efficiency carbon sequestration plants.

With a large amount of land in hand, when planting crops, you can take fallow measures. Every year, you will change to a different place for cultivation, so that the land has time to recuperate.

During the fallow period, it is completely possible to plant plants that can improve the land, so that without fertilization,

It can maintain soil fertility for a long time and keep the soil structure stable.

Although this kind of plant has similar functions to the previous ones, its vitality is obviously not as strong as the previous ones, and it is planted when the soil and climate environment are relatively suitable.

Therefore, there is no need to take too many restrictive measures, and no new genes will be created. Instead, it can be improved or genetically recombined from other plants, so there is no need to worry about genetic pollution.

In September, the global financial market, except for the very bad financial market in East Asia, the financial market in other places is thriving.

A large amount of hot money is rushing to these financial markets from all over the world. Many people think that this is an inevitable manifestation of the success of the harvest, and the financial stock market has risen due to the return of funds.

In addition, Tidal Investment Company has sucked more blood from these financial markets in the past two years, resulting in a long-term stable downward state of the financial market, and there is no sign of a collapse.

Now that there has been a sharp rise with great difficulty, many people have the illusion that the global financial market has begun to bottom out and a new round of rising cycles has emerged.

At that time, the country was also very optimistic about this. Although Ye Zishu’s warning words were still in their ears, many people still believed in their own eyes and believed that this was a new wave of market prices.

In addition, due to the large amount of foreign exchange reserves in China, foreign exchange management is not as strict as before, which has led to a part of domestic capital also following the trend and going to these financial markets.

In particular, some companies suffered heavy losses during the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, hoping to make up for losses by making profits in these financial markets.

The proportion of domestic companies participating in global financial market operations is still relatively low. After all, everyone is relatively unfamiliar with this and lacks confidence in making this money. Many people would rather be conservative than make mistakes.

The bulk of the capital outflow is still the foreign capital that entered the country before, caught up with the rapid development of the domestic economy, and made a lot of money, but capital is greedy, and no one dislikes making a lot of money.

Seeing that the financial market is so good, various operations have appeared, such as repurchasing stocks, increasing the market value of stocks for many years, or directly engaging in financial operations to follow suit and make money.

It is also partly due to some losses in the Southeast Asian business, which need to be covered by funds here. In short, there has been a wave of foreign capital outflows.

The government is aware of these situations. Although it feels a little uneasy, it is still September and the situation is not so clear yet, so it is not in a hurry to introduce countermeasures.

But in October, something went wrong. Although the stock market was still rising, it was not as vigorous as before, and repeated seesaws began to appear.

At this time, it was the time for Tidal Investment Company to sell on a large scale. Fortunately, International Capital had just won a big victory and was very confident. In addition, these securities were not too inflated and had a certain investment value.

As a result, international capital has increased their stakes one after another. The purpose is to maintain the stability of the financial market and to maintain the previous earnings. At the same time, it is also part of a stable investment and intends to hold it for a long time.

These ideas have given Tidal Investment Corporation the opportunity to withdraw from the financial market, turning a large amount of financial assets into cash, and international capital has acquired a large number of stock securities.

When Tidal Investment Company feels that the withdrawal is almost done, there is no need to be as cautious as before with the remaining financial securities assets.

In addition, during this period of time, they began to short the global financial market on a large scale, and there was no need to maintain the stability of the financial market, so they began to smash the market.

For this action, Tidal Investment Company prepared for a long time, and many parties resisted for a while at first. Unfortunately, the funds in the entire financial market have been sucked up long ago, and there is not much vitality left.

After a while of resistance, there was no big counterattack, so there were differences among these capitals, and some people began to secretly sell their financial securities assets.

It's a pity that at this time, there is basically a price but no market, and the listed stocks do not have much funds to take orders. When it is realized that the market is unable to do anything, it is already powerless.

It was already November at this time, and stocks that were not considered inflated at first, in the absence of sufficient funds to back them up, no matter how reasonable the valuation was, they were also inflated.

As more and more offers come in, while volumes are lackluster, the net result is lower and lower listing prices and a growing army of sellers.

Of course, during this process, some governments tried to rescue the market and planned to buy some stocks. Unfortunately, such news or actions can only play a temporary role and cannot change the general trend.

On the contrary, it didn’t help Tidal Investment Company a lot. Originally, the mood was relatively pessimistic, but it was more difficult to sell short. As a result, the information that boosted the financial market came out, which made many people see hope.

As a result, Tidal Investment Company was able to borrow more stocks instead, and the success rate of matching index futures contracts increased a lot, and they were betting on the future with each other.

In fact, the government's rescue of the market has no effect. The investment of tens of billions of dollars is nothing compared to the thirst for funds in the entire financial market.

Even if it costs hundreds of billions of dollars, or even trillions of dollars, it will not be able to make up for the shortfall in the financial market. This is no longer a matter of confidence, but that everyone feels that they have lost money.

Most of this money has entered the pockets of Tidal Investment Corporation, and this money has been withdrawn from the financial market, and the financial market has no basis for maintenance.

The news only caused the stock market to fluctuate repeatedly for 5 days. Financial capital did not see the desired result, knowing that there was no way to recover, and no longer had any hope.

The situation after that can also be expected. The global stock market began to plummet, and the global financial crisis was formed. It is no longer a situation that can be recovered by manpower.

In fact, the country saw that something was wrong in October, and a large amount of funds flowed out. As a result, the domestic economic development was greatly affected.

This is also the direct reason why the government decided to deal with domestic zombie companies. In order to stabilize the overall situation, Ye Zishu can only stand up in this process and take over these companies.

In addition to receiving some preferential policies, taking over these enterprises not only did not make profits, but also suffered losses. However, in the chaotic situation abroad, it is necessary to ensure domestic stability.

As long as the domestic economy is stable, people will not panic and continue to consume. Otherwise, everyone will become conservative, and the market will deteriorate further, and his industries will be even more affected.

Of course, he dared to do this because he was confident that he could do a good job. Otherwise, the salary of newly increased employees would cost nearly 10 trillion yuan a year. Even if it was tax-free, the loss would be very heavy.

By December, with the cooperation of general robots and artificial intelligence, these acquired companies have basically stabilized their positions, and the transformation work is progressing steadily.

In this process, all parties are actually not easy. The government seems to have thrown off the burden, but in fact, it is also worried that these zombie companies cannot be revived, and will eventually drag down the development of its industries.

As a major contributor to the domestic economy, if his industries are seriously affected, it will also be detrimental to the domestic economy. The reason why he is entrusted to him is because he has confidence in his ability.

Seeing that these companies that have been thrown out gradually entered a stable state and began to replace equipment, the R\u0026D department is also stepping up the research and development of new products, and business adjustments are also actively being carried out. I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as these companies can revitalize and achieve self-reliance, even if they cannot grow into giants, at least the economy as a whole will not have a serious impact.

The stabilization of these enterprises alone does not guarantee the overall stability of the domestic economy. The development of enterprises has a certain lag and the income will be delayed.

If you want to make the economy stable and sustainable, the most immediate way is infrastructure, but everyone's attention is not on the real estate field, but on the transportation construction field.

The development of real estate has been fast enough in recent years. Wancheng Foundation has invested a large amount of capital every year. If it continues to accelerate, it will only cause greater overcapacity in the future.

Transportation construction is nothing more than several aspects, such as road construction, airport construction, waterway dredging, and railway construction, among which road construction and airport construction have been finalized.

Wancheng Foundation has built 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers of expressways every year, and it has made rapid progress. There is no need to continue to speed up. The airport construction contract has basically been signed, and none of the domestic prefecture-level cities has been left behind.

The channel dredging project requires detailed planning in the early stage. The work done before is not solid. It is estimated that it will take one or two years after the planning and survey are completed, and it will not achieve immediate results.

The rest is the railway construction. The route has been explored before, and the domestic railway network planning has been carried out for a long time, but the choice of technical route is still hesitant.

After nearly half a year of operation, the ultra-high-speed maglev train of Huanyu Group has fully proved its technological advancement and stability, and has the foundation for large-scale construction.

It’s just that everyone is still entangled in the construction cost issue. If the construction is carried out with bank loans, there is no possibility of profit at all. If small-scale losses are repaid, they are afraid of large-scale losses.

Coupled with the fact that it had to deal with so many zombie companies just now, the government feels more about companies that have been operating at a loss for a long time, and does not want this kind of thing to happen again.

Of course, in such a monopoly industry, it’s okay to really make money, but as a basic item of people’s livelihood, if the price is too high, the whole society will have opinions.

Just when everyone was struggling, Huanyu Group also provided ordinary high-speed rail technology, and the maximum speed can reach 500 kilometers per hour, which is not particularly bad.

It's just that the construction cost is not much lower than that of the super magnetic levitation rail transit, but the operating cost is much higher. When calculated comprehensively, it does not occupy an absolute advantage.

And after experiencing the super maglev, everyone also looks down on the ordinary high-speed rail technology, which has a lot of disadvantages such as slow speed, loud noise, high operating cost, high maintenance cost, and low operating efficiency.

So entangled and entangled, everyone still chose super maglev as the first choice for domestic rail transit. Apart from the high construction cost, there are almost no shortcomings.

Reaching such a consensus is not easy. For this reason, Huanyu Group also promised to acquire the original domestic railway transportation production enterprises, so that these enterprises will not go bankrupt due to lack of business.

For these acquired companies, Huanyu Group handed over the ordinary high-speed rail business to them. Although there are no opportunities in China, there are still many opportunities abroad.

The operating cost of 500 kilometers per hour is very high, and the requirements can be lowered. The 350 kilometers or 250 kilometers in the previous life are still very advanced in many countries.

And for small countries, this speed is enough. Our country is mainly a means of transportation with a vast territory and a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, which is still a bit slow.

This consensus is of great significance to Huanyu Group, which means that the domestic super maglev transportation technology has been monopolized by one of their companies, and no one will come in to snatch it.

As for who pays for the construction of the super maglev transportation network, it is not something they worry about. No matter who invests, they will earn a penny.

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