Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 894 Follow-up arrangements for the financial crisis


As our country successively announces measures to stabilize the economy, the countries at the center of the financial crisis can't sit still. They also want to start a wave of infrastructure construction to stabilize the economy.

But their plans are difficult to implement. First, their infrastructure itself is good. Most industrial countries have completed infrastructure construction, and the return on continued investment is much lower.

The second is high labor costs and land privatization, making it difficult to implement large-scale infrastructure construction, and the results of high costs may not be ideal.

The financial crisis can usually be overcome in two or three years, and the land problem in the early stage of investment in infrastructure can consume seven or eight years. By then, the day lily will be cold, and there will be no enforceability at all.

Especially when everyone has suffered heavy losses, this kind of opportunity to rip off is rare, which will lead to a more serious lag in infrastructure construction for stabilizing the economy.

So the way they can think of is to save the market with money, that is, to print money to stabilize the capital market, especially for countries with globalized currencies, which seems to be a logical thing to do.

To be honest, such a move is very unfavorable to Tidal Investment Company. They are also planning to buy the bottom of the stock market, and to acquire or invest in some financial institutions and key entities.

If these financial institutions and entity enterprises have received financial support from the state, it will be difficult for Tidal Investment Corporation to succeed in its acquisition or shareholding plan, which is what Tidal Investment Corporation does not want to see.

After countries expressed this idea one after another, Ye Zihua also called and asked Ye Zishu what to do next. Although the policy has no details yet, it must be prepared for a rainy day.

For this problem, Ye Zishu has no good solution. As a global financial player, it is not to fight, but to follow the trend.

The current global financial crisis seems to be provoked by Tidal Investment Corporation, but it is not. The real problem is that the economic development of other countries has encountered bottlenecks in recent years.

It can even be said that the main growth engine of the global economic development in recent years is our country. In just a few years, it has gone through the road of dozens or hundreds of years.

The most important thing is that in the competition of all emerging industries, our country is in an absolute leading position. It is not even an exaggeration to say that our country is in an absolute monopoly position in these emerging industries.

Although they have also benefited a lot from the development of emerging industries, the Internet industry represented by optical fiber networks and mobile communications has benefited more or less around the world.

But in the final analysis, they only drank some soup. The real big head is still in the hands of our country, and it can even be said that it is in the hands of his industries, and they have eaten the fattest cake.

In the final analysis, these former industrial powers are basically gnawing at their old capital, and even their old capital is gradually losing,

Things will get worse and worse in the future.

In this context, the originally high financial market is already in danger. When the society cannot create enough value, the foundation of finance will definitely be shaken.

Even if it's not this year, it will be next year or the year after. Maybe the financial crisis in Southeast Asia and even East Asia can provide some nutrition for some countries, but it can't solve the fundamental problem. It's just a few more years of life.

In addition, Tidal Investment Company has sucked blood from the global financial market for a year or two. Although most of the funds are still in the financial market, as long as it is withdrawn, it is difficult to think about it.

It's just that Tidal Investment Company took advantage of the financial crisis in Southeast Asia to do something, which is to follow the trend. Otherwise, just relying on a financial company can cause such a big storm?

Therefore, printing and issuing currency to rescue the market this time does not actually play a fundamental role, because productivity and newly created value simply cannot carry excess currency capacity.

In the short term, it may have a certain stimulating effect. In the long run, it will further accelerate the pace of financialization, and the real industry will further wither, with great side effects.

The financial industry can play with money, but the real industry is not enough to have money. Money is only one aspect of the real industry, and the real competitiveness of the real industry is what really supports the real industry.

However, these are long-term expectations. In the short term, they will have a great impact on Tidal Investment Co., disrupting their investment plans and acquiring some insignificant financial institutions, which has little effect.

No matter how powerful Ye Shu is, he has no ability to directly influence these financial policies, especially in such a severe situation, it has almost become a consensus to do so.

Therefore, Ye Zihua asked him for his opinion, not to ask him to make a decision, but to tell him that the current plan has changed, and the expected result may not be achieved.

Since it can't be stopped, then follow the trend, so he asked Tidal Investment Company to continue to make money from the financial market, and continue to suck money from the financial market to them.

He wants to see how much money these countries can put into the financial market. If they continue to issue a large amount of currency without any scruples, it will be in his arms.

As long as they dare to issue a large amount of money, Tidal Investment Company has the ability to directly abolish their global currency status and let its most important pillar fall, and then it will really be beyond redemption.

Although doing so would be a huge loss for Tidal Investment Corporation, which owns a large amount of international currency, he thinks it is worthwhile to kill a country's financial hegemony.

Although money is important, it is not the most important thing. The main reason why he wants to make money is the effect of money. If there are higher value goals waiting for him, it doesn't matter if he loses some money.

Next, Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua discussed how to do it in detail. The countries that can issue a large amount of money this time are only countries whose currency has international influence. Countries that do not have this ability are undoubtedly courting death.

On the one hand, the value of assets will shrink sharply, and on the other hand, inflation will rise rapidly. This kind of situation of ice and fire is even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Leaf Book asked Tidal Investment Company to keep its acquisition plan for other countries unchanged, and it is not completely impossible for countries with rescue plans.

Crisis is easy, but it is even more difficult to press down. In addition, internal distribution also has interests involved, and it is certain that not all of them will be taken care of. There will always be companies that are abandoned.

As for financial market operations, he asked Tidal Investment Company to pretend that it had some effect, but it couldn't see immediate results, so he had to show a feeling of difficulty.

He wants to use fishing methods to let these countries continue to issue large amounts of currency. If there is no hope at all, they may give up completely. If they see immediate results, they may not continue to issue additional currencies.

Only by hanging the appetite in this way, let it be "tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard", coupled with the involvement of internal interests, have to continue to increase the money supply and continue to boost the financial market.

As long as Tidal Investment Company operates properly, a considerable part of the funds will still be in the pockets of Tidal Investment Company. As long as they withdraw, the financial market will continue to go down, and there will be another wave of short selling.

Of course, it is also possible to break the pot and directly modify the financial rules. He hopes to see it, and the more drastic the better, because such rules are not easy to establish, and destruction is only a matter of time.

He is worried that the old global order cannot be broken, at least in the short term. If it can be broken, with our country's economic strength, technological strength and gradually rising military strength, there is a chance to take over the rule-making stick.

Now everyone is still playing within the same rules. Even if our country’s economic size is already the largest in the world, even if our technical strength cannot be ignored, we cannot break the previous rules in an instant.

And there is no such idea. The reason is that our country is also a beneficiary of this set of rules. As long as it can still benefit, no one will think about breaking the rules and then rebuilding the rules.

Because no one wants to see their wealth shrink, nor do they want to see the international rules that benefit them destroyed. In order to continue to maintain the original interests, they can only desperately maintain the existing rules.

It stands to reason that he is also the victim after the rules are broken, and he is also the biggest victim, but he doesn't care. For him, what he lost will always be regained, and he is also capable of continuing to grow and develop under the new rules, and even better. good.

Only those companies with limited capabilities, who only rely on temporary luck to gain wealth and get a share of the industrial chain, will be trembling, for fear that they will have nothing when the environment changes.

Even if he has nothing, he can rebuild an economic system from scratch. It is precisely because of this confidence that he is not afraid of changes in the environment, but most of the time, he feels that there is no need to do so.

Knowing her brother's thoughts, Ye Zihua also took a deep breath. Only countries have ever wanted to change the global rules. No company has had this idea yet, so they can only choose to obey.

Of course, Ye Zishu also felt that he was a bit exaggerated by doing so, but he just told Ye Zihua the general goal, so that he could know his final thoughts so that he could make reasonable arrangements.

The specific implementation still depends on the changes in the current situation. If you can’t do anything, give up. In general, you must follow the trend and not operate against the trend. This will not only easily expose yourself, but also easily be counter-killed.

He has enough patience to play slowly, and he doesn't want to complete all his achievements in one battle. Knowing his idea, Ye Zihua is relieved, even if his elder brother is eager for success, it will be dangerous.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu inquired about Tidal Investment Company, and learned that most of the previously shorted contracts had been fulfilled, and they were settled.

A small number of short contracts, especially off-exchange contracts, have some problems, and the opponent players are unable to perform the contracts, and they are dealing with these problems.

Generally, when encountering such an expected failure to perform the contract, the other party will deal with it in advance and complete the off-market transaction at a lower price. Although the loss is huge, it will not go bankrupt.

But because the financial crisis happened too fast, everyone was still very optimistic in September, but it took a sharp turn for the worse in October, which made many opponents unresponsive.

When they reacted, they were already powerless, and now there were only two paths left for them. The first path was to execute according to the contract, and the result was that the company went bankrupt, and even if it didn't, the loss would be heavy.

The second way depends on whether there is value in the acquisition. If there is value in the acquisition, you can directly sell the company and get some income. At least it is much better than having nothing.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu knew that Tidal Investment Company had retreated completely, and the next step was the harvesting stage. After the harvesting stage, Tidal Investment Company would become a giant.

In the end, Ye Zishu emphasized the issue of safety, telling Tidal Investment Company not to take it lightly because of this victory. Once exposed, it would be very dangerous.

Leaving aside other things, just being blocked by many countries makes it difficult for many of their businesses to develop, and in the long run they suffer huge losses.

What's more, there may be life-threatening risks. For this, Ye Zishu emphasized that no matter what the outside world is like, Ye Zihua is required not to go abroad. If there is any problem, the general robot or other people can do it.

Speaking of Universal Robots, Ye Zihua mentioned the issue of corporate management. These acquired companies need to continue to operate. If they cannot continue to operate, they will be of no value.

If we continue to operate with the original management, after all, they are familiar with it, but the harm is also great. It may make the tide investment company's control power weak, which is not a good way.

Therefore, it is necessary to replace a considerable part of the management, or even the entire top management, no matter how strong the ability is. At this time, ability is second, and complete control is the most important.

If people are sent here, it will be easy to expose that Tidal Investment Company is the big banker behind the scenes. The relationship between people is much simpler than the relationship between economies, and it is easy to find out.

Therefore, they can only recruit from the talent market, but because of the long-arm jurisdiction, how to ensure that these newly recruited managers can lead the development of the company is a huge problem.

Before, I never thought of using Universal Robots to manage these acquired companies, because Ye Zishu previously prohibited Universal Robots from going abroad to avoid the problem of technology leakage.

Ye ZiHua heard that it was possible to send a general-purpose robot to do some things abroad instead, and thought that Ye ZiShu was a little loose about this, so he came up with this proposal.

Needless to say, the benefits of general robots managing these acquired companies are that they can guarantee absolute loyalty, which is impossible for any ordinary person.

The second is that the ability is not bad. There are super quantum computers and super artificial intelligence blessings behind it. Whether it is IQ or EQ, they are far superior to ordinary humans. This is already a modest statement.

Then the control is very strong. The general-purpose robot uses quantum communication technology to communicate with this side, which can realize point-to-point information exchange without going through the middle layer.

Communication security can be absolutely guaranteed. At present, there is no technology that can decipher quantum communication. In this way, these companies seem to have nothing to do with Tidal Investment Company, but they can receive commands in real time.

The last thing is safety. When using a universal robot, you don’t have to worry about being betrayed, and you don’t have to worry about being found out and being implicated with Tidal Investment Company, let alone your personal safety.

The only disadvantage is how to arrange the status. If they are sent out through normal channels, many of the above advantages will not work, and it will only be counterproductive.

The best way is to assign the identity of a local to the universal robot, and it is the safest way to be able to show people the appearance of a local.

Ye Shu thinks this is a good idea, but general-purpose robots are not suitable for this task. Although they appear to be no different from humans on the surface, in fact, it is easy to feel the difference if you really want to check carefully.

The reason why it was done at the beginning was to be different from human beings, so that everyone can rest assured. If it is exactly the same, everyone will only be alert. Although it is not the most advanced technology, it is definitely the most suitable at present.

This time the mission is different, and it is necessary to ensure that there is no abnormality detected 100%, so that these robots can take root in the local area for generations.

This reminded Ye Zishu of the bio-robots he had seen before, and only bio-robots could be no different from humans, but they were real robots.

"The acquired company temporarily retains the original management. If the original management is very uncooperative, it can recruit management personnel from the local area to support the stall first. Universal robots are not suitable for these things."

Although Ye Zihua still wanted to insist, but hearing that he was determined, he could only do as he wanted.

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