Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 895 Natural Disaster Early Warning System


The Tai Chi Group's new product launch conference, which was originally held in December, was not held as scheduled as in previous years because there were no heavyweight products to show off this year.

In addition, the global economic environment is not good, and everyone does not pay much attention to it. They are all thinking about money bags, and they may not pay enough attention to the event.

The most important thing is that Taiji Group has already involved most of the medicines, and Ye Zishu doesn't need to do the rest, such as urinary system medicines, anti-rheumatic medicines, etc.

Although these medicines are also very important, they are not fatal enough, and it is not too late for other researchers to study them slowly. With the support of the advanced medical research and development system he provided, the difficulty is not high.

It's just that Pei Qing, the president of Taiji Group, is not particularly happy. It's not because she blames Ye Zishu for not helping, but because she is a little anxious about Taiji Group's own research and development capabilities.

For this reason, Ye Zishu also comforted her, if their scientific researchers really reached his level, then Taiji Group should worry about whether there will be a strong competitor.

It is precisely because of the great god like him that the scientific researchers under the Taiji Group dare not change jobs casually, because they know that even if they change jobs, they will not be able to gain a competitive advantage.

On January 1, Baihu Technology Company finally completed the research and development and production of meteorological satellites. It plans to spend two days on the 5th and 6th to send six meteorological satellites into the predetermined orbit to form a global meteorological satellite system.

Hearing this news, Ye Zishu was very happy. A lot of work in the future is closely related to meteorology, especially for the rainfall warning and high air-conditioning water in the south this year. The data provided by these weather satellites are very important.

Moreover, meteorological satellites and earthquake prediction systems are used together to form natural disaster early warning, which is very important to solve the losses caused by global natural disasters, and the application prospects are also very broad.

The earthquake prediction system developed by artificial intelligence has already started to go on the market, but people don't trust their products at present, and feel that the hype is relatively large.

Fortunately, there is a lot of trust in this in China, and the reason is still because of him. If it weren't for his industry's claim that it can predict earthquakes, no one would believe it.

Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict. Being able to predict them a few seconds in advance is considered a huge improvement. It seems that just a few seconds can't do much. Anyway, going downstairs is definitely not enough.

If the earthquake prediction can be advanced by at least 10 minutes, property losses may be unavoidable, but casualties can definitely be greatly reduced, enough to move residents in the affected areas to safety.

It’s just that the price of a set of devices is not cheap. The domestic price is 50 million yuan. If you want to build a nationwide earthquake prediction system, you need to buy about 1,200 units, with a total value of 60 billion yuan.

However, compared with the safety of personnel,

This little investment is nothing, and the relevant state departments allocated special funds to establish a nationwide earthquake monitoring network.

If it were someone else, it would be very stressful to see this situation. Of course, if the prediction is correct, everything will be fine. If it does not work, the consequences can be imagined.

Because this is not an ordinary business, people will not care about making some money by tricks. This is directly related to the safety of the people. If you lie, you don't need to say how serious the consequences are.

Fortunately, Ye Zi also read the book of this system, and the technical principle is completely fine. He also made improvements and simulated it at the same time, and the effect fully met expectations.

It can even be said that the effect is much better than what they said, but the words cannot be full, and there is a lot of room for the effect announced to the public. In fact, the earthquake prediction can be made 30 minutes in advance.

Of course, if you just sell hardware, you can’t make much money. Based on the 30-year service life of such a system, you can only earn 2 billion yuan a year in China.

Therefore, in addition to hardware income, software service fees are also charged every year. Although this system hardware is also very powerful, it is also a real high-tech product.

But what is really powerful is the algorithm inside, which can accurately predict the detected data. If there is no software, no matter how powerful the hardware is, it will not help.

How to find data related to earthquakes among the complicated electromagnetic wave signals, how to find data related to earthquakes from ground vibrations, and analyze them in advance, this is the real core.

The service fee is calculated according to the population. For example, in China, each person is charged 10 yuan per year, and the annual service fee is about 12 billion yuan. No service fee is charged in the first natural year.

Of course, the service fee charged by a single person in China is very cheap, but the population is large and the total amount is relatively large, while the service fee charged abroad is calculated according to economic strength.

The per capita service fee charged to wealthy countries is much higher, generally more than five times, while the service fee charged to third world countries is lower, but not lower than the per capita level of our country.

In addition to the relatively high service fee, the price of exported seismographs is also more expensive than domestic ones, which is basically maintained at the level of 100 million yuan per set, and there is no difference between countries. In this regard, they are treated equally.

In order to increase their global popularity, they also held an online product launch event, which was broadcast live to the world through the live broadcast platform of Phoenix Technology Company. It is said that hundreds of millions of viewers watched the live broadcast at that time.

The reason is very simple. The main reason is that the ability to predict earthquakes is a gimmick. Everyone wants to see what technology is used to achieve it, out of curiosity.

For the hardware technology, there is no strict secrecy, because secrecy is meaningless. It is not difficult for people to take it back and crack it, but it is hard to say whether it can be manufactured.

The principle is not complicated, it is to detect through the earth's magnetic field and underground vibration, and then collect the data for analysis. It is easy to hear, but it is extremely difficult to do it.

Although the live broadcast effect is good, everyone does not give enough trust. They all want to wait for others to use it. After all, the price is not cheap, and if it doesn’t work, they will be taken advantage of.

Therefore, China is the first to try crabs, and it is not a try, but a complete set, ready to be completed within one year, and the support is very strong.

Of course, if it is just earthquake prediction, it will not cost so much money. Instead, it integrates meteorological data, remote sensing data, and earth's interior activity data to form a natural disaster early warning system.

The value of such a system is much higher than that of a single earthquake prediction. If the prediction is successful, a large amount of economic loss and loss of life can be recovered.

It can also reduce the damage to the natural environment, such as early warning of wildfires. If early warnings are given in the early stages of wildfires to prevent the large-scale spread of fires, it is equivalent to reducing the damage to the natural environment.

Now the whole world is waiting to see whether the earthquake prediction system established by our country can play a role. If it can work, it is estimated that there will be no shortage of customers, and they will even come to ask for cooperation.

Making money is second. Although this technology makes a lot of money, it is not particularly outstanding. He is happy that human beings' ability to deal with natural disasters has been improved.

In addition to being smarter, human beings are struggling in nature just like other creatures, but any small disaster will cause mass casualties.

The goal of human evolution is to be able to control one's own destiny, and to control one's own destiny, one must first start by increasing one's ability to survive in nature.

This natural disaster early warning system has an unprecedented effect on natural disaster early warning. If the data on the internal structure of the earth is clarified, the accuracy rate can increase from the original 90% to more than 99%.

The ability to predict the future weather will also expand from less than half a month now to a whole year, or even years, which will be a qualitative breakthrough in the prevention of meteorological disasters.

This is equivalent to allowing humans to master a part of the "prophet" ability, which is a major breakthrough for humans to deal with the impermanence of nature, making human survival easier.

On January 5th, the same day that the weather satellite of Baihu Technology Company was launched, the IQ drug developed and produced by Taiji Group finally passed all clinical trials and obtained the sales qualification.

Also approved are physical health medicines, but compared with IQ medicines, physical health medicines are not so eye-catching, and the attention is very low.

Physical health medicine is actually a medicine with strong body metabolism and detoxification ability. If it is used once a year, it can greatly improve the health of the body and reduce the probability of illness.

Apart from this, there are no other special abilities, neither can make people stronger, nor can they make people younger, nor can they have special functions, and it is normal to not pay attention.

The Tai Chi Group is also aware of this, so they did not promote the drug too much, and even their social platforms only promoted the IQ drug alone.

However, the price of health medicine is not cheap at all. If this medicine is used, it can reduce the expenditure in the medical field, and other related effects are not bad, so it cannot be too cheap.

According to the pricing of Taiji Group, the domestic price of this drug is 10,000 yuan per bottle, and the export price is even more expensive at 50,000 yuan per bottle. If you want to maintain the effect for a long time, you need to use it once a year.

Pei Qing was very hesitant about whether this medicine should be included in the list of benefits for members of Tai Chi Medical Group, because this medicine is a supplementary medicine and does not belong to the category of member benefits.

However, if this drug is used by the whole people, it will indeed help reduce the overall medical cost, and it will be very beneficial to Tai Chi Medical Group, at least it can save the overall cost.

In response to this problem, Ye Zishu thinks that it is still sold separately. The reason is still people's hearts. When everyone feels that they can't spend much on medical care, but have to pay monthly, they will definitely have ideas.

In addition, the current medical membership has enough functions. Compared with the functions carried, the membership fee is very low. This is not a normal phenomenon.

He feels that it is better for members of Taiji Medical Group to carry the treatment of fatal diseases and reduce the number of welfare payments, unless it is a very necessary product, and IQ medicine falls into this category.

Now that the IQ drug has been approved, how to promote it has become a problem. As an enterprise, Taiji Group cannot provide it to everyone for free, which is unreasonable.

At present, the method is easier to operate, which is to count it in the member benefits of Tai Chi Medical Group. As for people other than members, it is difficult to take care of them.

The price of this kind of heaven-defying drug must not be set too low. Even in China, the market price is 10,000 yuan, and 40,000 yuan is needed for four injections.

Don't think it's expensive, if this medicine can be exported, even if it sells for millions of yuan, it is estimated that there will be a considerable market. This kind of medicine that can improve the level of life cannot be too expensive.

In fact, 40,000 yuan is not expensive for many families nowadays. According to the standard calculation of a family of three, the total cost is only 120,000 yuan. Now the salary has increased a lot, and there are not many people who can afford it.

It’s just that in the vast rural areas, or in remote and poor areas, the burden may be heavier. In addition, they have more children, two is less, three is normal, and the total cost is higher.

In response to this problem, Ye Zishu was also scratching his head. After thinking for a long time, he felt that fairness and the market should be taken into account. He couldn't do everything by himself.

To do good deeds, you must pay attention to methods and methods. You can’t just do it blindly. This will only be thankless. The country can’t afford such strategically valuable medicines. As an enterprise, why should they be so big? .

Some people are not afraid that a businessman like him is greedy for money, but afraid of not loving money. The more impartial he is, the greater the resistance he may encounter in the future.

Thinking of this, he said to Pei Qing: "It is necessary for us to change the original plan. For domestic teenagers under the age of 18, as long as their immediate family members are our members, they can use this medicine for free.

As for other people, we can't control so much, we can only let them pay by themselves, according to the domestic market price, 10,000 yuan per dose. "

Pei Qing was surprised when she saw him say this. Although it was not completely opposite to his previous thoughts, it was quite different, so she asked, "You made a public promise in front of the public that you will use it for free for all!"

Of course he didn't forget about it, he said it during the last live broadcast, but he was also very helpless, some things can't be too out of line, even if he broke his promise, he can't help it.

Moreover, the cost of this drug is not low. Even if the scientific research investment is deducted, the production cost alone is not cheap. If it is really free for all, Tai Chi Group will suffer a lot of losses.

"If the government is willing to spend money to support this cause, I will not be stingy, and I will directly give you a half discount. Calculated at 5,000 yuan per bottle, this is not too much.

It’s just that it’s very difficult to achieve. If we really want to do this, we need to spend about 20 trillion yuan. Even if the tax revenue has increased rapidly in these years, it can’t be done.

You have also worked as the president of Taiji Group for many years, so you should understand that you should do whatever you are, and it is not a good practice to overstep your authority.

Moreover, there is a cost for your production. If it is really free to use, the total cost will be quite a lot, which is too heavy a burden for the enterprise.

At present, this method is already the limit of what we can do. After most teenagers use it, we will see if we can support children from poor families in the name of charity. "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing was also exquisitely thoughtful. Hearing what he said was so obvious, if she didn't understand what he meant, she wouldn't be suitable to be the president. It was only in exchange for Pei Qing's sigh.

To be honest, the Taiji Group really didn't want to make this money. After so many years of Ye Zishu's influence, she knew what benefits she deserved and what benefits she couldn't get.

"I know how to do it, let me be a villain in this matter!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Hearing Pei Qing's laughter, Ye Zishu was also very helpless. He could only say that he did not completely break his promise, but he could explain it if he insisted. I hope everyone can understand.

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