Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 902: Herbal Cuisine Becomes the Second Largest Catering Enterprise in the Country


The main income of Taiji Medical Group still comes from membership fees. Last year, their number of members reached 800 million, an increase of about 300 million compared with the previous year.

The reason is longevity medicine. If you are a member of Tai Chi Medical Group, you can use it for free. If you are not, you need to bear it yourself. The cost is not low. The domestic market price is 10,000 yuan.

Longevity medicine needs to be used once a year, unless you don’t want to use this medicine, but if you use it, it is the most cost-effective to buy a member of Tai Chi Medical Group, this medicine alone is worth the membership fee.

Minors do not need to use this drug, their metabolism is healthy enough, and it is a waste to use it. It is generally recommended to use it after 20.

In fact, people are still skeptical about longevity medicine, because there is no way to prove this kind of thing, but the experimental results show that it is very helpful to increase life expectancy.

Fortunately, after using this drug, the body feels much lighter than before not using it, and the feeling of health is real. If there is no feeling at all, no one will believe it.

Last year, the membership fee was also increased from 500 yuan per month to 700 yuan per month. The income from membership fees alone was as high as 6 trillion yuan, which can basically meet the needs of the normal operation of Taiji Medical Group.

Of course, this premise is inseparable from the full support of Taiji Group. For example, the market price of longevity medicine is 10,000 yuan, but Taiji Medical Group buys it at the cost price, each priced at tens of yuan.

It can be seen how big the profit is here. As long as the effect is good and has a monopoly position, making money is even faster than printing money. This is the power of technology.

In addition to membership income, they also have other miscellaneous income. For example, services such as dentistry and micro-plastic surgery are not included in the membership benefits, and additional service income is also charged.

Tai Chi Medical Group will have a list of standard services. If the standard service requirements are exceeded, patients will need to pay additional service fees. This is actually quite understandable.

If you want to get a service that exceeds the standard of ordinary people, you need to spend more money. For those who are not short of money, this service is very user-friendly, but the price is also very expensive, and ordinary people really don't want it.

These miscellaneous items, together with the income from non-member medical consultations, are still considerable, reaching 2 trillion yuan. Last year, the total income was 8 trillion yuan, but it did not achieve large-scale profitability.

The reason is that they acquired a lot of hospitals last year. Not counting the newly built hospitals, the number of acquired hospitals alone is as high as 5,000, and the total number of hospitals under their umbrella is as high as 30,000.

The medical network covering cities and towns is basically completed. As for whether to expand to rural areas, they have not yet made up their minds, because it is difficult to do.

A relatively suitable medical system has been formed in rural areas, which can provide basic medical services for surrounding residents.

The market is basically saturated, and the entry of large institutions will only increase costs, and other effects will not be significant.

In addition, the process of urbanization is accelerating, the population in rural areas will further decrease, and the market will shrink. It is unnecessary for Tai Chi Medical Group to enter a shrinking market.

As for whether rural areas can enjoy their advanced medical services, in fact, there is no need to worry at all. When the number of cars increases and the road facilities are getting better and better, it will take less than half an hour to drive to the county town.

At present, the number of large hospitals is relatively sufficient. In the future, it only needs to continue to increase according to urban expansion. They are focusing on the construction of township medical institutions and community medical institutions.

Relying on the existing medical institutions alone, there is a lot of pressure to provide high-quality services. If it were not for the support of general-purpose robots, they would not be able to handle it at all.

Therefore, it is particularly important to establish hierarchical medical institutions. Diverting some patients to lower-level medical institutions can reduce the reception pressure of large medical institutions.

Fortunately, the construction cost of these medical institutions is much lower, and the staffing is also much less, but the number is very large, mainly based on acquisitions, supplemented by new lower-level medical institutions.

At present, the survival of these medical institutions is relatively difficult. If Taiji Medical Group is willing to acquire, it should not be difficult, and even the personnel of these institutions are very happy.

Because the treatment provided by Taiji Medical Group is very good, at least much better than their current treatment, so Taiji Medical Group is full of confidence in this plan.

Just to accomplish this goal, more than 80,000 new medical institutions must be added. Even if the average investment is 50 million yuan per institution, the total investment scale is about 4 trillion yuan.

Therefore, although Tai Chi Medical Group has already realized profits, these profits still need to be invested, and there is basically no capital reserve, and this investment cannot bring them corresponding benefits.

This is just to provide better services, share the pressure of staff reception, and provide members with more medical options, which is not considered market development.

Fortunately, Taiji Medical Group has never thought about making money. As long as it has some funds in hand, in addition to improving the treatment of personnel, it is used to improve service quality.

Taiji Pharmaceutical Group should be the most profitable subgroup of Taiji Group, and it is also their first company with an annual revenue of 10 trillion yuan.

Last year, disability treatment technologies and medicines, as well as other new products, brought them huge revenues, which almost doubled from 7.5 trillion yuan the year before to 14 trillion yuan.

There is nothing to say about this. With the advanced medical technology in their hands, it is strange that they can't make money, but he didn't expect that the new product would be so popular in the market.

This is still the case that many products have not been released for sale. The longevity medicine is currently only used in the country and has not been exported. Otherwise, this is another big income.

The IQ drug has not yet started selling, and when it goes on sale, it will bring a lot of benefits to Taiji Pharmaceutical Group. Even if it is only used in China, the revenue will still be exaggerated.

The main growth drivers this year may come from these two drugs. The former will gradually open up exports this year, and the latter will start to go on the market in China. He is not sure how much he can earn, but it is a big deal if the revenue exceeds 20 trillion yuan. probability event.

Although the global financial crisis has had some impact on their business, due to the monopoly of many of their products, they are generally able to maintain stability and have a relatively strong ability to resist risks.

In addition, their intelligent medical system has become popular all over the world, making their competitiveness in the field of medical equipment continue to strengthen, resulting in a very good development of the original business.

In addition, there is also the psychotherapy equipment they launched last year. The price is very high, but the effect is irreplaceable, so it is also sold very well, and it has become the standard equipment of psychotherapy institutions.

It's just that the price is too expensive, and ordinary psychological clinics really can't afford it. One set costs tens of millions of yuan, and they have to pay a huge service fee every year.

In addition, their personal smart wearable devices have also shown explosive growth in China. The increase in national income has also increased the purchasing power of such high-value personal items.

Under the support of various factors, the revenue of Taiji Medical Equipment Group reached 2.5 trillion yuan last year, an increase of two-thirds compared with the previous year.

The situation of Tai Chi Health is different. There are no new products on the market, but the revenue has reached 2 trillion yuan. There are two reasons.

The first is that their domestic sales prices have increased. Previously, due to the low national income, there was a very large gap between domestic and foreign sales prices. This price increase is due.

However, the increase in price is not particularly large. They adopt a gradual and slow increase strategy, and will not increase the price too high at once, so that consumers can more easily accept it.

The second is the further increase in sales. Although it is not as explosive as before, it is steadily increasing every year. More and more people are aware of the benefits of these health products.

The skin care products and cosmetics of Taiji Personal Care Group have grown very rapidly in China, and they have become their main source of revenue growth, which has also increased their revenue.

Last year's revenue reached 7 trillion yuan, which was even faster than the previous year. It can be seen that domestic people pay more and more attention to personal image, which is also the inevitable result of economic development. The revenue growth rate was 29.6%.

He was not too surprised by the operating income of the above companies. What really surprised him was Taiji Food and Beverage Company, whose revenue last year reached 1 trillion yuan.

Among them, the medicated diet business is developing very well. There are 50,000 stores across the country, and a medicated diet chain service network covering the whole country has basically been built. Of course, this refers to cities above the county level.

It took more than a year to complete such a layout, thanks to the universal robot. The production of medicinal food is very cumbersome. To do it well, every step must be accurately measured.

Moreover, catering in China also needs to meet the special needs of each user. How to make changes according to these special needs without destroying the overall nutrition of the medicinal diet is a very technical test.

They are also training medicated diet masters. Unfortunately, so far, none of them can play the role of chef, and they are basically doing chores under the hands of general-purpose robots.

These are the basic conditions. The ability to achieve such a good performance mainly depends on word of mouth and publicity. The word of mouth mainly comes from two points. The first point is that this is an industry under the Taiji Group.

The existence of the Taiji Group, whether domestic or foreign, is well understood by ordinary people. Their industries are at least not deceiving, and the quality is trustworthy.

The second point is that the product quality has been recognized by consumers, and they have done nothing wrong with this. The nutritional combination is supported by the information provided by Ye Zishu.

Taste adjustment They have obtained a large amount of data support from the head catering group since they were young, and the taste needs of users can be ever-changing, which can meet almost all consumer needs.

Because most of the medicated diets are customized and can be made according to the requirements of consumers. If it is a non-customized product, it is difficult to do this, but it can also guarantee a good taste.

In terms of symptoms, Taiji Group itself has a lot of data support, which people eat which medicinal diet is good, and which medicinal diet ingredients are not suitable, basically they can know it like the back of their hands.

In terms of publicity, Taiji Group is not short of money and publicity channels. Publicity is not their bottleneck. With the blessing of these two factors, it doesn't seem so surprising that they are developing rapidly.

Many consumers who are not feeling well or need nourishment, most of them will choose to eat this medicated diet. The medicated diet nourishes the body. In China, there is no need to promote the concept, and it has existed since ancient times.

It's just that the price of their products is not cheap. The price of each product is basically more than one hundred yuan. If the material is particularly precious, it can be tens of thousands of yuan.

In fact, for the same effect, there is a huge gap in the price of different materials. Rich people can choose precious materials, and ordinary people can choose relatively ordinary materials.

Last year, they earned 600 billion yuan in the medicated food business, with an average revenue of 12 million yuan per store, and almost all stores achieved profitability.

This is not their full potential, because many stores have only been in operation for more than half a year, and it took a lot of time to select locations, decorate, recruit people, etc. before.

In addition, the early publicity was not so in place, resulting in relatively low passenger flow, and it gradually started to make efforts in the second half of the year, which made many people know for the first time that there are restaurants specializing in medicinal food.

Among their customer groups, not all are in poor health, but there are also people who are in good health and have a good family background, and they will buy their products every now and then.

According to their estimates, the medicated diet business will most likely double this year, and the annual revenue will definitely exceed 1 trillion yuan. He is positive about this prediction.

It's just that I didn't expect that the business that I didn't expect at the beginning would develop so rapidly. In terms of their revenue, they would rank second in the domestic catering industry.

A company engaged in medicine can become a giant in the industry by casually intervening in the catering industry, which makes it completely unreasonable for other people engaged in the catering industry to deal with themselves.

More importantly, they really can't learn this business. It's not that there are no catering colleagues who want to do the medicinal food business. They also specially observed the business model of Taiji Food and Beverage Company.

After a period of investigation, I found that this matter is really difficult to do. On the one hand, the raw materials are very sophisticated. Most of these raw materials are Tai Chi Group’s own, some will be sold in the market, and some will not be sold.

The other is that there are no skilled chefs. Medicinal meals need to be changed flexibly according to different situations, unlike ordinary meals that have relatively fixed routines.

Moreover, there are many traditional Chinese medicines used in the medicated diet. If the combination is unreasonable, not only will it not achieve the effect of nourishing the body, but it may have the opposite effect.

This is the reason why they dare not follow the trend casually. If there is a human life, let alone making money, it is very likely that they will face huge compensation and imprisonment.

If you only operate conventional medicated diet, it will be difficult to expand. Conventional medicated diet is a combination of some non-painful ingredients. It is said that it has an effect, but no one knows whether it actually has an effect. Even if it has an effect, it is minimal.

No one is willing to pay a high price for this kind of medicated diet, and the operating profit may be no different from ordinary catering, or even worse than ordinary catering.

The medicated food market was originally small. The reason why it is so big is that it has done so well that people are willing to pay for it. If it is done by another company, it may not be so good.

In addition to the medicated food business, their functional beverage business is also developing well, achieving double growth, with a revenue of 400 billion yuan. It is the second largest beverage company in China besides Kirin Beverage Industry Group.

After reading the annual report of Taiji Group, Ye Zishu had to sigh that these industries are really easy to do, provided that there is technology, otherwise these industries are also the most difficult to do.

Aside from the revenue of Tai Chi Medical Group, the total revenue last year was 26.5 trillion yuan, much higher than his forecast of 24 trillion yuan, mainly because the personal care business and medicated diet business exceeded his expectations.

The net profit margin of Taiji Group has always been very high. Even if the net profit has declined due to reasons such as the popularity of longevity drugs and vaccines, the net profit margin is still 63%, and the net profit is 16.7 trillion yuan.

Then there is profit distribution. Ye Zishu intends to take 14 trillion yuan and leave 2.7 trillion yuan to Taiji Group for the further improvement of Taiji Medical Group's medical network and as reserve funds.

Again, for an enterprise that is continuously generating profits, and is still a monopoly enterprise, there is no need to hold a large amount of funds in hand.

It is a huge waste to keep such a huge amount of money in their hands, and it will be of greater benefit to the domestic economic development if it is used where it is more needed.

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