Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 903: The World’s No. 1 Catering Company


The financial crisis still had a relatively large impact on Qinglong Technology Company. Although there was no overall business regression, overseas revenue shrank a lot in the second half of the year, not as high as the first half of the year.

However, the domestic market is larger than before. The domestic incremental market made up for the shrinking overseas market, and the overall revenue still showed a growth trend.

The annual revenue is 30.5 trillion yuan, and the revenue growth rate is 18.6%. The smartphone business and smart glasses business have become their new growth points and contributed a lot this year.

Smartphones in particular sold 800 million units worldwide last year. Although low-end and mid-range phones sold the most, sales of high-end phones were also not low, with an average selling price of about 4,000 yuan.

I thought that domestic consumers were more keen on buying mobile phones below one or two thousand yuan, but I didn’t expect that the group of consumers who bought mobile phones around 3,000 yuan was even larger.

It can be seen that most of the income of the domestic people is still acceptable. He has continued to increase his salary for so many years, which has played a great role in improving the salary of the whole society. With money in his pocket, he is naturally willing to pursue a higher quality of life and enjoy better products.

The sales of smart glasses are also good. Last year, 150 million units were sold, and the price of smart glasses is more expensive. The average revenue is as high as 8,000 yuan, and the revenue in this area is 1.2 trillion yuan.

If the price of smart glasses is not too high, otherwise it may be as popular as smartphones. During the financial crisis, sales volume has not been greatly affected.

Among other businesses, the communication equipment business is a relatively stable business, which is basically the same as last year. No matter how the world changes, the communication industry always needs to develop, and their equipment is just what they need.

The smart home and robotics business, which had been greatly affected, has also been rescued by the domestic market, and basically can maintain stable revenue, which is already very good.

These two businesses are not rigid needs, and they are greatly affected during economic difficulties. If it is not supported by the domestic market, the data may be ugly.

The net profit margin is basically the same as that of the previous year. They did not cut prices on a large scale because of the bad economy. Anyway, the production capacity was absorbed by the country, and they did not particularly care about the shrinking overseas market.

The net profit margin is maintained at 28%, and the net profit is 8.54 trillion yuan. Yepshu plans to take away 6 trillion yuan and keep 2.54 trillion yuan for their own use.

Originally, there is no need to keep so much. Given that they have been affected a lot, more funds may be needed for emergencies, and more funds should be reserved for them just in case.

The situation of Xuanwu Technology Company is much better than that of Qinglong Technology Company. Except for some businesses that cooperate with Qinglong Technology Company, which are affected, most of the businesses are developing rapidly.

Especially the production equipment business,

For enterprises founded by artificial intelligence, most of the equipment is purchased from Xuanwu Technology Company, and a small part of the equipment is purchased from Kirin Basic Industries Group.

In addition, some of the companies acquired in the second half of the year have completed corporate reforms, purchased their equipment and invested in the production of new products, which also contributed part of the revenue.

Due to the impact of the economic crisis, external companies are more cautious in investing, and most of them still adopt relatively conservative investment strategies. However, the companies under the Yezishu industrial system have not been greatly affected.

In an economic crisis, companies without core technology will generally fall first. His companies have mastered a large number of technologies, have a much higher ability to resist risks, and maintain positive growth in revenue.

The business within the system alone is enough to make up for the revenue impact brought about by the conservative investment of companies outside the system, allowing Xuanwu Technology to deal with it calmly.

Coupled with the explosive growth of smartphones and smart glasses, related industries have also been greatly developed, and the parts and foundry business has not shrunk.

Last year, the revenue was 35 trillion yuan, and the revenue growth rate reached 34.6%. The net profit margin decreased, and the overall maintenance was around 28%, and the net profit was 9.8 trillion yuan.

The decrease in net profit margin is mainly due to the relatively rapid increase in labor costs. If this factor is excluded, the net profit margin is actually higher than that of the previous year.

The reason is that this year, Ye Zishu’s industries have purchased a high proportion of equipment from Xuanwu Technology Company, and the equipment purchased by these enterprises is relatively advanced equipment, and the profit margin is naturally relatively high.

In the future, Xuanwu Technology's net profit margin will continue to decline, and the natural growth of terminal equipment cannot keep up with the growth rate of labor costs, so it can only be squeezed from its own profits.

This time, more profits were left to them, allowing them to cope with more complicated situations, with 5 trillion yuan of profits handed over and 4.8 trillion yuan of self-retained profits.

Huanyu Group sold a total of 20 million vehicles last year, and most of the production capacity was absorbed by the domestic market. If it weren't for the large production capacity, the sales volume might be higher.

The huge domestic market has pushed Huanyu Group to the throne of the world's largest auto company. It has reached the number one in the world in terms of sales volume and revenue, and there is almost no debate.

The revenue of the automobile business is 8 trillion yuan, and each car contributes 400,000 yuan in revenue on average. The average unit price of automobiles has dropped a lot compared with the previous year.

The reason is that although the domestic market has exploded, it is dominated by low-end cars. Although everyone has some money, it is not too much, so they can only buy low-priced cars first.

This is due to the continuous rise in international oil prices, which has led to relatively rapid rises in fuel prices. Their sales of new energy vehicles have increased a lot, otherwise the average selling price of cars will drop a lot.

In addition, the sales of top cars are not as high as before. This financial crisis was originally a time for capital giants to harvest ordinary people, but it turned out to be a leek for Tidal Investment Corporation to harvest global capital.

As a result, a lot of capital suffered huge losses, and top-level capital was not spared. The consumption of cars worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions of yuan was naturally reduced, which became one of the factors affecting the average selling price.

Fortunately, new energy vehicles continue to be favored, and the market demand for their car batteries continues to rise. Last year, a total of 5 million sets of car battery packs were sold.

Part of it is digested by myself, and part is purchased by other car manufacturers. The price of a standard car battery pack is as high as 200,000 yuan, which is not less than selling cars.

Coupled with the continued hot sales of electronic products such as smartphones and smart glasses, the demand for consumer electronics batteries continues to increase, and the storage battery business is also developing well.

Last year, the battery business brought them a total of 2 trillion yuan in revenue. The growth rate of the battery business was as high as 66.7%, which is a very high growth rate, and there is a possibility of continued growth in the future.

Because the new car battery uses new technology, the cost is lower than before, and the net profit margin is much higher than that of the car. The net profit margin of the car business is only 35%, while the net profit margin of the battery business is as high as 60%.

The civil aviation aircraft manufacturing business had no income last year, but the shipbuilding business had some profits. Last year, it delivered 30 million tons, with a revenue of 200 billion yuan, a net profit margin of 20%, and a net profit of 40 billion yuan.

Only one line of the super maglev business has been built, and the revenue and profit are negligible in front of these big businesses, so there is no need to show it here.

Ye Zishu saw that their shipbuilding business seemed to have a net profit margin of 20%, which is not bad, but he felt that the net profit margin was still a bit low.

The shipbuilding technology he gave to Huanyu Group is much higher than the existing shipbuilding technology, and the efficiency is not low. The net profit margin seems to be high, but it has not met his psychological expectations.

There are two reasons. The first is that domestic labor costs are much higher than before, and labor costs have squeezed a lot of profit margins. This cannot be changed.

The second reason is that the tonnage of high-profit ships is relatively low. my country's demand for ordinary cargo ships, oil tankers and container ships is relatively high, and Wancheng Foundation basically purchases these ships.

No matter how large the tonnage of these ships can be built, in fact, they belong to the low-end category in the global shipbuilding field. The ships that really make money include: cryogenic ships starting with various ls, luxury cruise ships, scientific research ships, concept ships, etc.

Even the profit margins of luxury private yachts are much higher than ordinary ships. In short, ordinary ships do not have advantages in other aspects except for large volume.

However, these ordinary trading ships are the foundation of the entire shipbuilding industry and can solve a large number of employment problems. Even if he cannot give up, employment is obviously more important than making money.

In addition to continuing to cultivate ordinary trading ships, Huanyu Group also wants to make a fortune in the high-end shipbuilding field to gain more market share. They have no shortage of technology. How to develop the market is a big test.

The high-end shipbuilding business is basically in the hands of developed countries in Europe and the United States. It is not easy to grab food from them. It will be easier unless they have advantages in technology, design and price.

In any case, Huanyu Group's revenue finally broke through the 10 trillion yuan mark last year, and it has become a 10 trillion yuan club company. This is something to be happy about.

The net profit is 4.05 trillion yuan, rounded up to 4 trillion yuan, and the overall net profit margin is about 40%, which is quite good for industrial enterprises.

Ye Zishu does not intend to let them turn over their profits. This year they will start to expand the construction of aircraft production lines, shipbuilding business, and super maglev industry chain. All of these require capital investment.

Many companies in the Shengshi family have fallen into a bottleneck period. The growth of Shengshi Records Company and Shengshi Film and Television Company is relatively weak, and Shengshi Advertising Company can maintain normal growth relying on the digital advertising platform.

The fastest growing company last year was Shengshi Entertainment, whose annual revenue reached 1.4 trillion yuan, which can be regarded as providing a new growth point for Shengshi Cultural Group.

It's just that Shengshi Entertainment Company is engaged in the offline entertainment industry, and its net profit is not particularly high. In addition to the relatively large initial investment, its ability to make money is still relatively poor.

Shengshi Toy Company developed fairly well last year, with revenue reaching 100 billion yuan. It is doing well in the toy field, with a growth rate of 25%.

Shengshi Media's revenue is 50 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 11%. This growth rate is not impressive, and it can't keep up with the growth rate of GDP.

However, in front of the traditional media peers, Shengshi Media Company has done a good job. The reason is that traditional media, especially paper media, are getting more and more lonely.

The Internet has replaced traditional media and has become a new carrier of news and entertainment. In addition to its natural flaws, without its own TV platform, it is doomed to easily encounter bottlenecks.

Fortunately, with the rapid development of the domestic economy, some previously incubated projects have gradually entered the period of income, which may become a new source of development momentum.

In any case, from the perspective of revenue, the total revenue of Shengshi Culture Group reached 2.8 trillion yuan last year, and the overall revenue growth is still quite impressive, with a growth rate of 49%.

Most of the growth contribution comes from Shengshi Entertainment, and the net profit margin is not as high as before. Coupled with the continuous investment in the cultural industry, the overall net profit margin is only 15%, and the net profit is 420 billion yuan.

Since the basic education business of New Oriental Education Group has turned into a non-profit nature, the operating status is listed separately, because it has nothing to do with the head office.

Although vocational education has not been transformed into a non-profit, the income will not be particularly high, and the money earned is not returned to the head office, but is freely controlled by each school.

Only their online education platform can really bring real benefits to the head office. Last year, the total revenue reached 2.5 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 24.4%.

In the past, revenue was heavily dependent on foreign countries. Last year, domestic online vocational education revenue also saw a large increase, especially for high-end service majors, which are very suitable for online learning.

Although he made a lot of money, he spent a lot of money. He successively took over a large number of schools from Wancheng Jiye. This is a big investment. This item alone cost 1.2 trillion yuan.

In addition, the salary of general robot teachers hired is much higher than that of ordinary teachers, with an average monthly salary of up to 15,000 yuan, and the total number of employees is about 3 million. These expenses alone reach about 540 billion yuan.

If you add water and electricity, consumables and equipment maintenance costs, etc., the total cost will be even more. Currently, there are two sources of tuition fees, the first is government financial expenditure, and the other is student tuition fees.

Since it is a private school, even if it is non-profit, it is difficult to obtain full subsidies from the government. Students still need to pay a certain amount of tuition, but if the tuition is too expensive, it will seriously affect the enrollment rate.

Therefore, the tuition fees they charge are not particularly high, and the funds obtained from tuition fees and financial subsidies cannot cover the expenditure costs, and they are in a state of serious losses.

In response to Ye Zishu's call, the investment in upgrading vocational education, establishing more advanced laboratories and scientific research and teaching experimental projects is also not small.

Therefore, it seems to be making a lot of money. In fact, the net profit margin is even lower than that of the previous year, only 400 billion yuan, and the net profit margin is 16%. These profits have to be used as funds to maintain operations, and they dare not move at all.

Xiaodangjia Catering Group received an investment of 100 billion yuan last year and embarked on a road of crazy expansion. The number of restaurants in China has reached 100,000, and the number of chain brands it owns has increased.

If it is someone else, it is estimated that it is difficult to find even qualified kitchen staff. No matter how rich you are, it is useless. Talents need to be found slowly, and sometimes they need to be cultivated.

But Universal Robots solves this problem. Because the price of hiring Universal Robots is too high, each store is only willing to hire two or three people.

One is as the back kitchen manager, who is also responsible for training the back kitchen staff. If the store is large, a general-purpose robot may be added.

Front desk managers will also use general-purpose robots, who are also store managers, responsible for front desk management, personnel recruitment, and business planning. With one person in charge of the front and the other, the restaurant can be opened.

The price of robots of Kirin Basic Industry Group is relatively affordable if it is a public welfare position. Like their teachers, the average monthly salary is only 15,000 yuan, which is not particularly high.

If you are engaged in a commercial management position, the price is very high. For example, the monthly salary of the robot employed by Xiaodaojia Catering Group is as high as 30,000 yuan. This is still for the sake of the catering industry.

If you are engaged in a scientific research position, depending on the position, the salary will be higher. The low price given to Baihu Technology Company before is due to the fact that they did not make much money at that time, which is a friendly price.

The problem of personnel has been solved, and the location of the business site can be solved more easily by cooperating with Wancheng Foundation. Even if it is not the property of Wancheng Foundation, Wancheng Foundation can help them find a suitable place, and only need to pay the service fee.

The supply chain is solved by Qilin Agricultural Development Group. They have a complete food supply chain channel, and they don't need to worry about the small restaurant group.

Coupled with the support of an advanced management system, as long as you have money, plan properly in the early stage, and do not make too many mistakes in the operation process, basically you only need to develop step by step.

Of course, to open so many stores, the 100 billion yuan investment given by Ye Zishu was not enough, and some funds were borrowed from Tidal Investment Bank for expansion.

They have figured out a successful business model, and basically all the stores they opened have achieved profitability. The average annual revenue of each store has reached 15 million yuan, and the total revenue is 1.5 trillion yuan.

Last year, after deducting operating costs, investment costs and bank loans, it still achieved a good profit, with a net profit rate of 10% and a net profit of 150 billion yuan.

Ye Zishu didn't plan to turn over the money. Although there are a lot of 100,000 stores, this amount can't meet the market demand at all, and there is still a lot of room for expansion.

Excluding small shops like mom-and-pop stores, the chain stores and independent stores with corporate nature have a market capacity of at least 500,000. Even if calculated based on 500,000, Xiaodaojia Catering Group can still develop for many years.

Although the proportion in terms of the number of stores is not particularly high, in terms of revenue scale, they have done quite well. If investment and loans are excluded, the net profit margin can reach about 20%, and the revenue per store is generally higher than that of peers. .

The reason is that the management is in place, the dishes taste good, the supply chain is very complete, and the publicity and planning are reasonable. The overall level is much higher than that of the peers, and it has strong competitiveness.

They are also ambitious. They plan to open 150,000 new stores this year. Leaf Book supports their plan, but the revenue per store may continue to decline.

The revenue of a single store last year was 20 million yuan, but last year it was only 15 million yuan. This year, it can only be maintained at around 12 million yuan. The reason is that the market competition is intensifying, and customers will be diverted from each other.

At present, it is the stage of rapid urbanization development, and the related service industry has not kept up with the needs of urbanization development. There are a large number of blank catering markets waiting for small headed catering groups to occupy.

But this time cannot last for a long time, and other businesses are not fools. More and more people will enter the catering industry, competition will inevitably intensify, and operating profits and revenue may not be as high as they are now.

Ye Shu doesn't care how much money they can make, nor how big they can develop in the future, as long as they don't get into debt and don't need to take money from him.

The plate of the entire catering industry is actually not big, and the total amount is only about three to four trillion yuan. Although there is room for growth in the future, the total amount will hardly reach 10 trillion yuan, unless everyone is rich enough to eat restaurants every day.

Moreover, the service industry, especially the catering service industry, actually earns hard money. If possible, he thinks it is better to increase employee rewards as much as possible. He only needs to earn back his investment, and at the same time he can reserve some funds for emergencies .

The overseas market is basically in a state of natural expansion. The total number of stores has reached 25,000, and the operating income is also 50 million yuan. Chinese food is not cheap overseas, much more expensive than Western food. The net profit margin is 15%, and the net profit is 75 billion yuan.

The total revenue has reached 2 trillion yuan, which is a remarkable achievement for a catering group. With this achievement, it can definitely rank first in the global catering industry.

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