Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 904 Long-term investment will eventually pay off


As mentioned earlier, the revenue of Baihu Technology Co., Ltd. was estimated at that time, but due to the nature of the company, it can basically be determined, and their annual report also reflects this.

The revenue of 400 billion yuan is completely sufficient for Baihu Technology to carry out the next business, such as space city construction, Mars program, moon program and various space exploration programs, etc.

These huge space programs have funds to be implemented one after another, creating favorable conditions for my country's aerospace industry to create greater glories, and it is also an important foundation for human beings to embark on a space journey.

In the next few years, their revenue will only get higher and higher. There are too many areas that need to make up for shortcomings in the defense field, and a large number of military industry orders will be handed over to Baihu Technology Company one after another.

In the annual report, he found an interesting thing, that is, the aerospace plane that has not yet made its first flight has already negotiated the number of orders, provided that the first flight is successful.

Moreover, the unit price of the aerospace plane has also exceeded his expectations, and the unit price has reached 50 billion yuan. The premise is that it must be equipped with complete aerospace landing equipment, that is, a personal airborne suit.

Personal airborne suits are definitely high-tech. If purchased separately, the price is even more expensive than space suits, and the price of a space suit is as high as 200-300 million yuan.

Personal airborne suits can not only adapt to the space environment, but can also perform artificial landings, and can also perform related combat tasks after landing. It is no problem for such a set of equipment to sell for 1 billion yuan.

More importantly, the airborne suit uses full stealth technology in consideration of combat needs. It can not only be invisible to radar and other detection technologies, but also invisible to visible light, using intelligent mimicry technology.

Intelligent mimicry technology can make the airborne suit and the surrounding background blend into one. If you don't distinguish it carefully, it will be difficult for human eyes to detect and avoid the target from being exposed.

An aerospace plane can carry about 100 airborne personnel when it is full. If these airborne suits are purchased separately, the cost of the airborne suits alone will exceed 50 billion yuan.

From this point of view, it seems that Baihu Technology has suffered a loss. If it is purchased separately, it may be difficult to have such a large purchase volume. The price is too high and no one can afford it.

Therefore, an overall procurement model will emerge. The more the quantity purchased, the lower the unit price will naturally be. This time, 6 aircraft are pre-purchased, and the order amount is as high as 300 billion yuan, and the delivery will be completed in three years.

Whether it is an aerospace plane or an airborne suit, they are all top-notch technologies, and their manufacture is very difficult, and naturally it takes a very long time. Three-year delivery means that two aerospace planes must be produced annually.

Once our country is equipped with aerospace aircraft, it means that it can perform combat missions around the clock and have absolute control over the global airspace. Needless to say, the strategic significance is very worthwhile.

Aerospace planes are of great strategic significance,

However, to perform conventional missions, the equipment with real deterrence must be a suborbital vehicle, which is naturally favored.

Compared with aerospace aircraft, the price of suborbital vehicles is much lower, and the unit price only needs 5 billion yuan. This kind of aircraft can not only perform strategic tasks, but also perform tactical tasks.

It has very flexible air combat capabilities and supersonic cruise capabilities, and also has stealth effects. It is a very good suborbital flight platform.

However, if you want to play various roles, you also need to equip different equipment according to different purposes, and you can perform tasks such as reconnaissance, delivery, and combat. These need to be charged separately.

Even so, after installing various functional equipment, the unit price will not be too high, not more than 6 billion yuan. Compared with its performance, it is still very good and cheap.

Regarding the number of pre-purchase orders for suborbital vehicles, it has reached 20 and will be delivered in five years. The value of the total order is temporarily uncertain because of differences in prices for different purposes.

Tidal Investment Company can now be called Tidal Financial Group. Tidal Investment Company is an investment subsidiary of Tidal Financial Group. It is just a matter of habit, and the original name is still used.

Tidal Investment Company made a fortune last year, with an annual revenue of 40 trillion yuan. The previous year's income and previous investment returns have cash in hand of 47 trillion yuan, and its total assets are as high as 50 trillion yuan.

It's nothing to have such a large asset scale, but it's unprecedented to have so much cash, which means that they can do things around the world, which is impossible for fixed assets.

Such huge funds need to be invested one after another. This year will be a critical year for them. If most of the investment goals can be completed, a huge financial empire will be born.

At that time, relying on the financial network all over the world, Tidal Investment Company will be more comfortable in the global financial investment field, making money will be easier than it is now, it depends on whether they are willing or not.

The insurance business realized a revenue of 500 billion yuan last year, and the net profit margin dropped a lot from the previous year, only 20%, with a net profit of 100 billion yuan.

In fact, it doesn’t make any sense to calculate the net profit. If there is no major event in a year, the rate of return may be very high. Once a major problem occurs, it may lose everything.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty that Ye Zishu dare not touch their funds casually. Even if they make money, they can only keep it in the insurance company for emergencies.

So how much the insurance business makes basically has nothing to do with him. He hasn't had the cheek to take out the profits, and when he can't afford the compensation, he directly applies for trusteeship or restructuring.

Tidal Investment Company is not bad for the profit of the insurance business. They can earn more money from other aspects. The insurance business is mainly to improve the financial system and increase their influence in the financial field.

The banking business was just involved last year, and has not yet opened up business to the outside world. It only provides loan business to enterprises in the leaf book industry system, and its operating performance is not very good.

Most of his companies are profitable and rarely need loans, at most they need short-term turnover, and there are very few medium- and long-term loans.

What really needs loans is the Spark Asset Management Group, which is managed by intelligent robots. Ye Zishu invested 4.72 trillion yuan last year, and the investment scale is not small.

But compared to what he wants to achieve, this investment is not particularly large, and artificial intelligence has no restrictions on the fields involved in the industry, and there are many investment plans.

Not only invest in niche high-tech fields, but also in the more popular mass product fields, and even in the service industry field. The business form is very complicated, and only they can manage it.

Last year, they borrowed 6 trillion yuan from banks, and the total investment exceeded 10 trillion yuan. The specific business performance will be discussed later, so I won’t go into details here.

This loan looks huge, but in fact the interest rate difference is not high, and the annual interest is only 120 billion yuan, but compared with the deposit interest paid, it is basically not very profitable.

Fortunately, last year they basically straightened out their business and established a banking and financial network covering major cities across the country. This year, they will continue to carry out external financial services and will surely usher in greater development.

As for the bank income, he didn't plan to take it out, mainly because he didn't need it, and he didn't need much money personally. Even if the temporary expenditure was relatively large, he could still get money from the investment company.

Wancheng Foundation received an investment of 25 trillion yuan last year, and the scale of investment hit a new high. In addition, a lot of land was purchased at low prices, and it was basically the only core area or sub-core area.

As a result, their proportion in the real estate industry has further increased, reaching 99%, and other real estate companies have almost become a foil.

And this is because last year, China gradually liberalized real estate, gradually canceled the division of units, and increased the scale of bank credit, making life for real estate companies much better than before.

However, the personal housing loan business has not yet been implemented. This is the culprit for rising house prices, but I heard that the housing loan business will be fully promoted this year.

He is not surprised by this. On the bright side, housing loans help residents obtain a better living environment and buy their own houses with less money.

It's just that there are too many interests mixed in, and none of them can be competed by individuals. These interested parties have formed an interest group to jointly encircle and suppress house buyers. It's hard to be a leek.

Ye Shu was also powerless to stop it, because he had no reason to stop it. As the largest real estate developer in the country, someone would find reasons to refute whatever he said, and he might get himself deeply involved, and the gain outweighed the loss.

He just needs to let Wancheng Jiye do it quietly, and the further opening up of the real estate market will also help the real estate return to its original value, or have a measurable value to some extent.

Wancheng Jiye can indeed give a big discount, but without reference, no matter how much discount they give, they will not get a good word. Only with a reference can there be a comparison.

Therefore, in the case of real estate, it is still necessary to let the "bullets fly for a while". Wancheng Jiye is not in a hurry. Even if other real estate companies have more support, they will not be able to shake Wancheng Jiye's position.

Not to mention that Wancheng Foundation is still receiving continuous support. Even if there are no new developments now, the existing properties in hand are stable enough, so there is no need to be nervous.

Currently, Wancheng Foundation has completed 10 billion square meters of housing, 1 billion yuan of commercial buildings, and 1 billion square meters of public services.

Basically, they are prepared according to 10% of the residential area. According to this ratio, the area of ​​commercial buildings and public service facilities is very ample, enough to meet all the needs of residents.

The housing area under construction is as high as 30 billion square meters, of which 10 billion square meters of residential construction can be completed this year, and supporting commercial facilities and public service facilities will basically be completed simultaneously.

Seeing this data, Ye Zishu feels that the area of ​​completed and under-construction housing can basically meet the housing needs of residents. Based on the 1.2 billion people in China, with an average of 40 square meters per person, the total residential area only needs 48 billion square meters.

Even if a 10% vacancy rate is used as redundancy, it only needs 52.8 billion square meters. At present, Wancheng Jiye has a residential area of ​​40 billion square meters.

Although it may take until the next year to complete the construction of these houses, it is foreseeable that reducing the area of ​​new houses will become inevitable, and too many houses will only waste resources.

This point is also mentioned in the development plan of Wancheng Foundation. In the next step, their focus will be on the transformation of the old city and reduce the scale of new land development.

However, no one knows exactly how much residential area the domestic real estate market needs. Rich people like to buy more houses as part of their fixed investment.

I heard that there will be a real estate tax. As long as it does not land, there are still many people who are lucky. In addition, there are not many investment opportunities. They love to save money and are reluctant to spend it. They really don’t know what to do except buy a house.

He doesn't bother to care about how Wancheng Foundation operates. This year is the last year he will use funds to support their real estate business and complete the houses under construction. He doesn't plan to support this in the future.

At that time, relying on the huge property area on hand, the benefits obtained from rent collection alone will be enough to meet the development of real estate business, and they will also have surplus funds to develop other businesses.

However, he will continue to provide financial support for their expressway and super maglev construction businesses, which need to spend about 5 trillion yuan a year.

Wancheng Foundation will contribute part of the funds, Tidal Investment Company will contribute part of the funds, and part of the funds can also be borrowed from the bank. He doesn't bother to care about the details.

However, if we want to build these 40 billion square meters, plus 8 billion square meters of commercial facilities and public service facilities, we will spend a lot of money.

In the past, land was cheap and labor costs were also cheap, resulting in low costs in all aspects. Now the land price has risen a lot, and other costs caused by labor costs have also increased.

As well as Wancheng Foundation, each building is built according to high standards, not only using anti-seismic devices, but also other technological products, which can ensure a particularly long service life of the building.

These have also increased construction costs. Now the cost of residential construction per square meter has risen to 3,000 yuan. It is difficult to calculate the construction costs of commercial facilities and public service facilities carefully, so they are calculated according to residential costs.

To complete this plan, the total investment scale is about 12 billion yuan. The total amount of funds he gave before was only a little over 47 trillion yuan. There are also funds for highway construction and other business development.

What is really used in the real estate business is only the scale, which is only 40 trillion yuan. However, due to the complete industrial chain, the capital utilization rate is very high. Based on the 160% capital utilization rate, it is only 64 trillion yuan.

There is still a gap of about 60 trillion yuan in the middle, and the actual scale of reinvestment required is about 40 trillion yuan. The investment is mainly concentrated in this year and next year, and the year after is in the final stage.

At present, the scale of profits he can mobilize and turn over is 35 trillion yuan, of which he needs to use 10 trillion yuan to invest in the Xinghuo Asset Management Group founded by artificial intelligence.

As for the Starlight Asset Management Group formed by the acquired companies, part of the investment funds will be provided by Tidal Investment Company, and the remaining part will be provided by bank loans.

In other words, this year they can only invest 25 trillion yuan in Wancheng Foundation, which is basically the same as last year, but their own business is more than last year. He is not sure if it is enough, and he doesn't care about that much.

If they really have a funding gap, they can go to the bank for a loan. Given their asset size, it is much easier to get a loan than other companies, and any bank is very willing to give them a loan.

After talking about spending money, it is natural to talk about making money. The rent of a house is about 20 yuan per square meter per month, and the price varies according to the location.

All the rentable residences under his banner have been rented out, and there is basically nothing left. The total rent of the residences alone is about 2.4 trillion yuan, which is not expensive compared to the average wage in society.

It is commercial real estate that can really make money from rent. With a construction area of ​​1 billion square meters, the rent obtained has reached 2.9 trillion yuan, and the average rent is about 7 yuan per square meter per day.

As for public facilities, they will not be simply rented out like the buildings above. Schools and hospitals are basically handed over to brother companies, and the rest of the public facilities, such as sports venues, are operated by themselves.

These buildings cover an area of ​​about 400 million square meters, and the operating profit is relatively low. Last year, the total revenue was only 240 billion yuan, an average of about 50 yuan per square meter per month.

The above is the income directly brought by real estate, with a total of 5.54 trillion yuan. After deducting labor operating costs and taxes, the net profit margin is around 50%, and the net profit is 2.8 trillion yuan.

In addition to the real estate business, they also have other businesses, which are more complicated and cannot be listed one by one. Last year, they obtained a total of 4 trillion yuan in revenue, with an overall net profit margin of 15%, and a net profit of 600 billion yuan. Yuan.

The other item is highway tolls. The revenue in this area is about 150 billion yuan. The mileage of construction is 50,000 kilometers, the mileage of construction is 30,000 kilometers, and there are still about 80,000 kilometers waiting to start.

In fact, this business is not considered profitable. It is good to be able to charge costs and outperform bank interest rates. This is based on the use of many advanced technologies to reduce maintenance costs and operating costs.

Even so, based on the annualized investment cost, the net profit margin is only 8%, and many highways with complex terrain will be involved in the later construction. The cost per kilometer will be higher, and the net profit margin will further decline.

He hopes that the overall net profit margin can be maintained at more than 5%, and the investment can be recovered in about 20 years. Afterwards, he can continue to charge fees, but the longer the time, the higher the maintenance cost, and the net profit margin will be further reduced.

Although this business is counted in detail in their reports, it is listed separately in the total amount to avoid confusion with conventional business operations and cause the illusion of data.

Calculated in this way, Wancheng Foundation still made some money last year, and the total is 3.4 trillion yuan. The return on investment is actually not low. It only takes 22 years to recover the investment, and it can also obtain bank interest rates. income.

Of course, this situation is rather special, because Wancheng Jiye paid a relatively low price for the land, and did not use bank loans for development. The entire industrial chain is in its own hands, and the utilization rate of funds is very high.

If these factors are ignored, the income will actually be much lower. If it is really such a huge profit, it is estimated that it will grow wildly. No matter how rich Wancheng Foundation is, it is impossible to control the overall situation.

Such huge profits can only belong to Wancheng Foundation, and others can only envy, but it is difficult to achieve.

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