Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 906 The last time to participate in the annual meeting of Kirin Industry Group


After reading the annual reports of all its subsidiaries, Ye Zishu immediately held the internal annual meeting of Kirin Industry Group. This time, Guo Dongmei was also present at the meeting.

Guo Dongsheng officially resigned from the position of president of Shengshi Records on January 1, and handed over this position to a senior vice president in the company, who is also very capable.

Immediately after resigning from Shengshi Records, he served as the acting president of Wancheng Foundation, and handed over the work content of Wancheng Foundation to Guo Dongmei, and the handover has not yet been completed.

The scale and volume of Wancheng Foundation is really too large, and the handover cannot be completed in a day or two. The acting president on his head will not officially become a regular until after returning to work during the Chinese New Year.

Since Guo Dongsheng is the founder of Wancheng Jiye, this return is very smooth, and there is no need to carry out his big Buddha like last time, and everyone has expected this.

Although Guo Dongmei showed much higher abilities than Guo Dongsheng during her tenure as the president of Wancheng Foundation, but everyone did not have much resistance to Guo Dongsheng's return.

Wancheng Foundation has completed the basic layout of many businesses, especially the real estate business. It is not as wasteful as it was at the beginning. As long as it is done step by step, it can develop well.

Although many other businesses are still in the period of operation or expansion, the basic structure has been completed, and the universal robot has entered the system, which can replace the president to do many things without having to do everything by himself.

At this internal annual meeting of Kirin Industrial Group, Ye Zishu is going to make Guo Dongmei's official appearance, and participate in the annual meeting in the name of acting president of Kirin Industrial Group.

Prior to this, Ye Zishu also asked various departments of Kirin Industrial Group to disclose the news to its various groups. Although there is no explicit document, everyone knows.

I thought there would be a storm, but I didn't expect everyone to recognize Guo Dongmei very much. Although she is a woman, her ability to develop Wancheng Foundation is beyond doubt.

Regardless of whether it is in the hands of Guo Dongsheng to lay the foundation, the real development and growth is still in the hands of Guo Dongmei. Compared with Guo Dongsheng, the scale is not the same.

Moreover, the major breakthrough in the diversified development of Wancheng Foundation was also in the hands of Guo Dongmei. Guo Dongmei's management ability was rated higher than that of Taiji Group President Pei Qing in the evaluation of many CEOs.

Coupled with the special structure model of Kirin Industrial Group, although the president of the headquarters has nominal jurisdiction, due to Ye Shu's neglect of affairs these years, the power has been basically delegated.

Even if Guo Dongmei wants to show her ability after taking office, it will not be achieved overnight. She needs to slowly take over some powers, and it is only financial and personnel, and other powers are not suitable for taking back the headquarters.

And there is no need to take it back. The reason is that the monitoring team composed of general robots allows the head office to have stronger control over its various industries.

Not out of control.

At the Kirin Industry Group annual meeting, Ye Zishu first introduced Guo Dongmei, introduced Guo Dongmei's resume, and said that he recognized her ability very much.

During the period, she emphasized the outstanding work she did during her tenure as the president of Wancheng Foundation, so that the presidents of the group can have a more comprehensive understanding of her and increase everyone's confidence in her.

Then it is to arrange the work for the next year, which should be done by Guo Dongmei, but Guo Dongmei has not yet arrived, and it will take some time to straighten out the business relationship of Kirin Industrial Group.

Therefore, he can only arrange the future development plan of the group. He doesn't care about the small details. He mainly focuses on some businesses that he cares about, hoping to achieve greater breakthroughs.

The first is to let Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group increase the construction of grain production capacity. It must expand the grain production capacity to 300 million tons before May this year.

He also didn't hide it. He said that this year there may be heavy rainfall in the south, which will cause floods, and the food production in the south will decrease. Their increase in food production will help stabilize the domestic food market.

For this requirement, Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group said that there is no problem. At present, their grain production capacity has reached 200 million tons. With the capacity of the system, they can increase production capacity by 100 million tons in a short period of time. Although it is relatively hasty, it can still be completed.

As for edible oil and white sugar products, their production capacity is sufficient, and they have basically occupied an absolute domestic market share, and the rest are self-produced and used.

Regarding the food production capacity, Ye Shu's previous thinking was a bit problematic. Although the domestic food consumption in the previous life was large, a considerable part of it was used for raising livestock and industrial purposes.

The rations that the real people eat do not need 500 million tons, 300 million tons can basically be satisfied. In addition, the proportion of meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits is getting higher and higher, which further weakens the consumption of staple food.

According to the estimates of Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group, expanding their production capacity to 400 million tons can basically meet market consumption and reserve needs, and further expansion is unnecessary.

As for exporting grain to the international market, 400 million tons of production capacity is enough. There are 100 million tons of grain reserves every year, and the grain reserves are rotated and updated. The rotated grain can only be sold to the international market.

According to the agreed rules, the grain reserves are rotated every year. Since the grain storage facilities are very advanced, the taste of the replaced grain will not be greatly affected, and the international competitiveness is still very strong.

As for storing too much grain, there is no need for it. Industrial production of grain is much more stable than agricultural production. In addition, for the sake of safety, there is no centralized production, but each province has a production base.

Even if there is a force majeure in a certain place, which prevents the factory from starting production, factories in other places can still continue to produce, and there is already a surplus of production capacity to deal with emergencies.

There are also hundreds of millions of tons of grain reserves. With various measures, it is almost possible to guarantee the safety of domestic food security. The amount of reserves is too large, and the storage time is too long. On the contrary, the losses are relatively large, which is unnecessary.

As for farming, unless it is an ordinary farming method, the meat and aquatic seafood production under the Kylin Agricultural Development Group uses nutrients and energy intermediates, which have higher energy and nutrient utilization and lower costs.

The second is the issue of early allocation of relevant materials. When floods do occur, the roads may not be so smooth, and material allocation may encounter obstacles.

Store materials in various regions in advance, even if there are difficulties in transportation, it will not cause panic, ensuring a stable supply of residents' living materials will have a great effect on stabilizing people's hearts.

For this work, he hopes that Guo Dongmei will take the lead and contact the heads of other industries under him to coordinate this matter. With the "sword of Shangfang" he gave, coordination should not be a big problem.

He especially emphasized the problem of drinking water. Although flood disasters are related to water, they seriously threaten the safety of drinking water for residents. It is necessary to reserve enough clean drinking water in advance.

In this regard, Kylin Environmental Industry Group must be prepared, because it is one of their responsibilities to undertake the safety of urban water resources, and they must take preventive measures.

After taking so many measures, he still hopes that it will not happen, at least to reduce the degree of loss, but he doesn't know what will happen then, so he can only be fully prepared.

The ability to transfer water from the air will not be very high in the initial stage. The reason is that the ecology of the northwest region is relatively fragile, and flood irrigation cannot be flooded all at once, otherwise it may have disastrous consequences.

We can only gradually increase the amount of water transferred from the air to allow the ground ecology to have a process of adaptation. At the same time, other measures must be taken to ensure that secondary disasters will not occur.

Then there is the issue of climate modification in the Northwest. In the early stage, it only involves climate modification. In the later stage, it needs to develop the Northwest region, which is more difficult to do.

He hopes that Kirin Industrial Group will be mentally prepared and make arrangements in advance. The company in question is the Kirin Agricultural Development Group, and the brother companies need to cooperate.

At the same time, he believes that in the process of transformation, we need to pay attention to the soil and water conservation of the Loess Plateau, so as to avoid more serious soil erosion due to excessive rainfall, and faster sediment accumulation in the Yellow River Basin, causing more serious congestion.

If it is not done well, there may be flooding of the Yellow River, so arrangements must be made in advance, and the initial rainfall operations should be avoided as far as possible in the Loess Plateau area. He just reminded him of this.

But this task is not easy. There are hundreds of millions of people living in the Loess Plateau area. If the people in these areas still mainly rely on farming, the work of water and soil conservation will not be easy to do.

The best way is to relocate the population in these areas so that they have a better living environment and means of earning a living, and reduce the intensity of farming operations on the Loess Plateau.

But this job is not easy to do. At the same time, we need to arrange a new living environment for hundreds of millions of people and find them a good means of earning a living.

The land is actually easy to deal with. After the transformation of these desertified lands is completed, the environment in the northwest region will be fundamentally changed, and the number of people that can accommodate it will increase significantly.

The first difficulty is how to do the work of so many people, and it involves multiple provinces. Unified coordination needs to be solved at the national level, which cannot be dominated by one company.

It happened that Guo Dongmei was here, and Ye Zishu asked her to go back and talk to Guo Dongsheng, to see in advance which places in the northwest region are suitable for building new cities after renovation, and to communicate with relevant departments in advance.

The second difficulty is employment. Employment is the key to attracting and retaining the population. Which industries in Northwest China have advantages is also something that Kirin Industrial Group needs to think about.

If there is a place that needs the cooperation of other industries, you can also request cooperation without affecting the interests of other companies. It will definitely be difficult for Kirin Industrial Group alone to handle it.

Although there are many difficulties, he believes that it is imperative to do so because the ecology of the Loess Plateau is very fragile and needs to be recuperated, so it cannot accommodate too many people.

In addition, the Loess Plateau has inconvenient transportation, the land is not fertile, and the per capita land resources are not much. It is difficult to make the people in these areas rich by agriculture alone.

Instead of investing a lot of money in the construction of people's livelihood here, it is better to let the people move to a better place to live, which can also save costs, and the effect may be better.

Of course, this matter is not up to him. It needs the consent of the local people and the country to do so. If neither can be resolved, then there is no need to talk about the follow-up.

However, it is always right to make preparations. When the time comes, it is really necessary to implement, and there is no need to rush. In terms of construction, Guo Dongmei, who was the president of Wancheng Foundation, is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Of course, if these people really migrated to the land they leased, the income would be much more than simply developing agriculture. From the perspective of income, it is worthwhile to do so.

He once again talked about energy issues. In view of the increasingly high international energy prices, it is no longer cost-effective to import domestic oil, which has seriously affected the domestic industrial production costs and is also detrimental to the development of the domestic automobile industry.

The price of new energy vehicles is still too high for domestic people. Perhaps after a few years, when everyone has more money, the development of domestic new energy vehicles will usher in a peak period.

At present, fuel vehicles are still the mainstay, and the sales of fuel vehicles are affected by the cost of use. It is particularly important to increase the domestic fuel self-sufficiency rate.

With the current production capacity of Kirin Energy Industry Group, it is difficult to meet his requirements. It is necessary to expand the production capacity, even if many production capacities will be abandoned in the future, it will not hesitate.

In terms of personnel, to avoid layoffs in the future, Ye Zishu asked Kirin Energy Industry Group to hire general-purpose robots for a while, and Kirin Basic Industry Group gave certain discounts on prices.

In addition, it is financial support. The energy industry consumes a lot of money. It is simply difficult for the energy industry group to complete this work with its own financial strength.

Finally, he mentioned the matter of seabed mining. He hoped that Kylin Resources Development Group could make achievements this year and make a breakthrough in the seabed mining business.

There is no shortage of technology. How to find mineral resources on the seabed is the key. It is already very difficult to find someone in the vast sea, let alone on the seabed thousands of meters deep.

At present, two methods are used. The first is to use submarine mineral resources survey submersibles to conduct carpet surveys on the seabed, mainly to find open-pit or shallow mineral resources.

The second is to use the resource survey satellite system. Baihu Technology Company will launch a resource survey satellite in the next year, which will be of great help to Kylin Resource Development Group.

Using this method, the deep seabed mineral resources can be surveyed. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time, and it is not known whether it will be discovered this year.

Taking a two-pronged approach, he believes that the probability of discovering valuable seabed mineral resources is still quite high, unless the luck is particularly bad, then there is no way, this belongs to the category of God's management.

He hopes that Kirin Resources Development Group will make preparations, such as mining equipment production, transportation arrangements, and market operations at the port. For safety reasons, it will also cooperate with relevant departments and send military escorts.

After talking about these things, Ye Zishu ended the annual meeting. It only took half a day, and the rest of the time was handed over to Guo Dongmei. They needed to improve internal understanding and communication, so he didn't intend to be a "light bulb".

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