Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 907 Three things at the annual meeting


The next day, the group president-level annual meeting was held immediately. Guo Dongmei attended the annual meeting on behalf of Kirin Industrial Group, and Guo Dongsheng attended the annual meeting on behalf of Wancheng Foundation.

Regarding this arrangement, except for Wang Changtian of Shengshi Cultural Group, the other presidents were quite surprised, but they didn't show it on their faces, and they all congratulated Guo Dongmei.

They were surprised that Ye Zishu resigned from Kirin Industrial Group so early. As the group he led seriously, it has developed very rapidly in recent years, and its revenue has already ranked first among all its companies.

The net profit has also surpassed other group companies, even the most profitable Taiji Group has been surpassed. Most importantly, Kirin Industrial Group has involved too many strategic industries and is irreplaceable.

Whether it is the grain and oil industry or the energy industry, as long as human beings exist, this business can continue without worrying about running out of business, and with leading technology, there is no need to worry about being replaced by other companies.

These are considered conventional industries. The top technology companies represented by Kirin Basic Industry Group have the highest technology among all groups. Even Baihu Technology Company needs to use a lot of their equipment.

Such a conglomerate has just started to make a name for itself, and Ye Zishu stepped down as president. It can be seen that Ye Zishu doesn't want to worry about these specific matters, which is in line with his character.

It's just that I didn't expect that this important company would be handed over to Guo Dongmei's management. It's not that it discriminates against women, but that Guo Dongmei and Guo Dongsheng are brothers and sisters. As the president of this group, she has a bit of power.

Although Wancheng Foundation doesn't seem to make much money, these CEOs don't see it that way. The status of a company is not determined simply by the amount of money it makes, but by its importance.

The real estate business module of Wancheng Jiye is an important driving force for the development of domestic urbanization and an indispensable part of domestic modernization.

The most important thing is that they have a large number of construction assets in their hands. If they are sold at the current market price, the revenue will be so huge that it is unimaginable.

At that time, even if the funds of these group companies are returned, the remaining assets will still be very large, and the rent will still be collected on the ground, and the annual revenue will not be very low.

These are actually good. The number of employees under Wancheng Foundation is the largest among all groups. Although there are many employees and the pressure is great, their status is also very high.

If any domestic company cannot fail, Wancheng Foundation is definitely second to none, because the jobs of hundreds of millions of people are involved behind it.

Two such important companies are in the hands of the two brothers and sisters, which can only explain one problem, that is, Ye Zishu trusts them very much, and this is no longer a matter of ability.

Thousands of capable people,

There are only a handful of people who can gain the trust of Ye Zishu. They are hard-working presidents, and they may not be able to gain Ye Zishu's full trust.

The relationship between these presidents and Ye Zishu is basically a work relationship, and the personal relationship is actually very ordinary. If it were another boss, such a relationship would be very uneasy.

This involves the enterprise system under Ye Zishu. They are managed by the system, not by personal feelings and trust.

It is not a big problem for a small business to do this, and it can even bring in the seven aunts and eight aunts. As long as the relatives are not particularly jerk, it is most suitable for a family business to do this.

However, the scale of the industry under Ye Zishu is really too large. Not to mention the few people in his family, even if all the people in his village are brought in, it is just a drop in the ocean in front of the huge industrial system.

This is why once a company grows particularly large, it must abandon the family business management model and rely on systems and external talents to manage and develop the company. Otherwise, it will be difficult to continue to grow and it will be more prone to problems.

At the annual meeting, Ye Zishu still mentioned the possibility of catastrophic floods in the south this year, and asked them to actively prepare for these companies, on the one hand, not to delay their normal production work.

Especially for Kirin Industrial Group, many core industries are located in Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, and the floods here should be the heaviest. We must make complete preparations to ensure that production can continue.

On the other hand, they are required to assume social responsibilities to ensure a stable supply of materials. At the same time, they also need to actively do charity work to help the affected people quickly return to the normal track.

In addition, it is necessary to develop equipment and technologies related to flood fighting and emergency rescue. He did not agree with relying on manpower to do his best in his previous life, but there was no other way at that time, so he had to do it.

If the technology and equipment are well prepared, the officers and soldiers involved in flood fighting and rescue can also be a little easier, safety can be guaranteed, and the loss of people's property and lives will be less.

Everyone is no stranger to Ye Zishu's prediction. Although it feels unbelievable, everyone has no objection, but expresses that they will implement it seriously and will never compromise.

There are too many secrets about Ye Zishu, and outsiders may not be clear about it, but these CEOs, although they are not by his side all the time, know much more than outsiders.

If it weren't for Ye Zishu's head and two eyes, just like them, they would all have reason to believe that Ye Zishu is an alien, because it's hard for people on earth to have such a talent.

After talking about the flood disaster, Ye Zishu mentioned the air water transfer plan. There is not much news about this matter, and the presidents of the group may not all know it.

Many CEOs were surprised when they heard that there is technology to transfer water vapor from one place to other places. This kind of technology exists, which is a bit contrary to common sense of science.

But this technology came from Ye Zishu, which seems to be taken for granted. The technology he took out is just the tip of the iceberg, which has created so many powerful companies.

There seems to be nothing wrong with bringing out even more incredible technologies. As long as Ye Zishu does not retire, it is estimated that more and more black technologies will be brought out in the future, just get used to it.

What Ye Zishu focuses on is not the aerial water transfer technology, but relying on these technologies and aerial water transfer projects to realize the transformation of the climate and soil in the western region and make the western region more livable.

The western region is sparsely populated, but the land is vast. If the land and climate are successfully transformed, a large amount of usable land will be formed, and the environment will be more livable, and the population carrying capacity will be greater.

Leaving other things aside, the one-child policy can be changed, not to mention no restrictions, at least it is not a big problem for a couple to have two children.

Although the burden of population increase is greater, the benefits are also obvious. First, the scale of the domestic market will be larger, and the internal market will be able to complete the development of all industries, which is not available in other countries.

The second is that the scale of talents is larger, especially the top talents, which are determined by the size of the population and the level of education. A country is full of talents, and it is very difficult not to develop them.

Of course, this advantage is not so prominent after the IQ drug appeared, but luckily the IQ drug came from him, so there is no need to worry about being inferior to others in terms of talent, it will only be better.

In the future, industrial production capacity will no longer be a problem, and the degree of material abundance will be unimaginable. Economic development will shift from the industrial side to the consumer side, and consumer demand will instead be the direct driving force for economic development.

What he wants to talk about is the development of the west. If a region wants to develop, the first is population, and the second is industry. Both are indispensable.

Although it has not yet reached the point where companies like them need to enter the market, he hopes that everyone can make preparations in advance so that they can smoothly deploy in the western region.

Ye Zishu mentions the concept of the Central Asian Economic Center and the Eurasian Continental Bridge, which directly elevates the status of the western development work, and can even convince the outside world of their enthusiasm for western development.

If these two concepts can be realized, it means that the west will be a pole of domestic economic growth and will attract a large number of people and businesses to develop in the west.

The third thing is to deal with the financial crisis. Their development situation was very good last year, which does not mean that this year will be as optimistic as last year. The really difficult period is this year.

The financial crisis occurred in Southeast Asia only in the second half of last year. The global financial crisis occurred at the end of the year, and its impact on the whole of last year was relatively small.

And he has already said that there will be a global financial crisis, and others may not hear clearly, but the management of his companies will definitely take it seriously and are relatively well prepared.

However, the global economic situation this year is even more pessimistic. How to continue to maintain high-speed growth and reduce the drag on my country's economy from the external environment is a question that requires careful consideration.

Ye Zishu definitely can't know their specific response methods, because each company's business is different, and the operating conditions are different, so the response methods are naturally different.

He can only talk about some principled issues. The first is to continue to accelerate the expansion of the domestic market. Before, it was mainly to operate the urban market, because it is the most labor-saving to develop these markets.

Leaf Book asked them to actively develop the rural market in the future. Although urbanization is developing rapidly, the number of people living in rural areas is still large.

In addition, now every household in the countryside basically has someone who goes out to work, especially working under his banner, earning a lot of money, and the rural consumption power is much stronger than before.

If the rural market can be developed, it will play a very important role in maintaining the stability of the domestic industry, and this development direction is not a temporary expedient measure, but treated as a continuous work.

The second is to continue to develop the international market. We must pay attention to the development of the previously neglected regional and national markets. In the past, everyone focused on the economically developed regions and national markets, because it is easier to make money in these markets.

However, under the financial crisis, the least affected are some third world countries, which have fewer external financial ties and less financial shocks.

He emphasized that the industries under his control must be able to make easy money, but also have the determination to make hard money, and not have the idea of ​​picking the fat and the weak, which is not what a business should have.

The country’s economy has developed well in recent years, and our country has also increased economic aid to the third world, but these aids are basically direct aid, which has little effect on the development of the third world economy, and can only be said to solve urgent needs.

If you want to develop the economy of the third world countries, you need to provide them with infrastructure construction, energy and commercial facilities assistance, so that they have a certain ability of self-development.

However, this kind of measure is far from quenching thirst. It is a long-term plan, and it is not led by him. It needs to be led by the state. Commercial enterprises like them can be mentioned.

It costs money anyway, so it is natural to choose a more favorable way to spend money. It is impossible to do nothing internationally, unless you don't care about international relations at all.

Then he emphasized that no matter what, we cannot lay off employees on a large scale. The more difficult the economy is, the more we must ensure that everyone's income is stable, otherwise confidence will be shaken, and it will be unstoppable in the future.

Some monopoly enterprises, or enterprises with absolute technological and market advantages, do not have to worry about laying off employees. No matter how the world situation changes, they can get a good income.

But not all of his companies are like this. There are also companies that operate very ordinary products. At most, they have some patents in their hands, and usually earn higher profits than ordinary companies.

It's just that under the financial crisis, whether these enterprises can maintain their previous status is not certain. What he wants to say is that these enterprises cannot undergo large-scale layoffs.

He gave two solutions. The first one is to provide assistance funds from other well-run internal companies to help these brother companies tide over the difficulties and wait for the situation to improve.

Such enterprises usually operate well, but it is only a temporary difficulty. When the environment improves, they can survive again, and the best solution is to take the form of assistance.

The second article is aimed at enterprises that are already on the verge of being eliminated, and the aid can only solve temporary problems, and there may still be problems in the future, and they cannot continue to operate.

For such an enterprise, there are two best ways. The first is to change the business idea, change the content and ideas, and see if it can be brought back to life.

The second is to eliminate them directly, but these employees cannot be simply dismissed. For employees who usually perform well, the group can solve it within the group.

If it can't be solved, see if the brother group can help solve it, try not to push it directly to the society, he is not so absolute, because this process is also a process of personnel optimization.

If an employee whose performance is particularly bad at ordinary times, he will naturally not be recommended to other companies within the group, let alone other brother groups, and he can just resign.

The last is to emphasize the improvement of innovation capabilities. None of the above is a fundamental solution. The fundamental solution is to make the operating enterprises more dynamic and innovative.

As long as the company keeps ahead of its peers and maintains a leading edge, when the environment is not good, other peers will be the first to fall, and they can take advantage of the opportunity to expand their market share.

In this way, at least you can ensure that you can live happily in the stock market, improve your innovation ability, and create more industries and products, which is to make the pie bigger.

Although this is difficult, once it appears, it will have a far greater impact on economic development than competition for the stock market. For example, smart glasses are economic growth brought about by new products.

But he only emphasized it once, and he didn't really have much confidence in whether it could be done. If the emphasis was useful, there wouldn't be so many ups and downs in the world.

It does not mean that there is no innovation. With so many employees, there are still a lot of small innovations, but the groundbreaking innovation ability is still slightly insufficient.

There are many reasons for this, and the most important reason is the problem of thinking. In the past, our idea was to catch up with advanced countries. As for how to develop ourselves after catching up, we are relatively lacking.

This is also an important reason why he presided over the compilation of new textbooks this time, and it is also the reason why he vigorously promotes educational reform. Under the background of the new era, the requirements for education are completely different.

Now, apart from himself, he also has the helper of artificial intelligence 3.0, which temporarily makes up for the lack of innovation in the industry under his umbrella to some extent.

He is not worried about a serious recession in the domestic economy. The reason why he emphasizes countermeasures is mainly to hope that the domestic economy can continue to develop at the previous speed.

Although my country's economic aggregate is not low, but in terms of my country's per capita economic level, it is necessary to continue to maintain high-speed development.

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