Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 908: Two New Ideas and Strengthening the Development of the Service Industry

After the annual meeting, Ye Zishu was also thinking about how to increase new businesses and increase market capacity and demand. It is already very difficult for existing businesses to develop rapidly, and they can only maintain steady growth.

Only by adding new cakes can it be easy to grow bigger, and the size of the newly added economy and the number of jobs will also increase rapidly. This is the only way to develop the economy.

He thought for a long time, and he found two new businesses. The first one is life-saving medicine. In fact, most of the human deaths occur when life is in danger and cannot be treated in time.

As long as you get to the hospital, the survival rate is still very high, so how to buy time in a dangerous period is particularly important. If there is a drug that can help people get through this period, there must be a huge market.

Thinking of this, a technical route has emerged in his mind. Although he has not done an experiment, he thinks it is very feasible, at least it can help patients delay for 30 minutes, waiting for rescuers to arrive.

It’s just that there are many kinds of solutions, and it should be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some medicines are relatively mild, but if they are used in extreme environments, it is difficult to work.

For example, a ruptured throat makes it difficult for people to breathe. It is difficult for this kind of mild life-saving medicine to work. There are many dangers like this, and the mild life-saving medicine has little effect.

This requires the use of particularly strong drugs, or take a broken throat as an example. This drug can establish additional oxygen supply channels in a short time, allowing the skin to absorb oxygen in a short time.

But the cost is very high, and it will cause serious side effects, such as skin ulcers, partial cell necrosis, and the risk of tissue and organ failure. The only benefit is that it can save a life from death.

Of course, these side effects can also be treated, but the cost of treatment is too high. If you are a member of Tai Chi Group, you can get free treatment. If you need to pay for it yourself, you will spend too much money.

In any case, he thinks that this drug is still very effective. If one is prepared by each person, it can greatly increase the probability of survival.

It is even possible to innovate in the way of use, because it is difficult for people to rely on themselves to take it in time when they are really in danger. Without the help of outsiders, there is not much room for it to play a role.

Therefore, subcutaneous drug temporary storage technology can be used. Usually, this life-saving drug is stored in skin tissue.

He doesn't plan to sell it at a sky-high price, he only needs to spend 5,000 yuan to get it, and the validity period is one year. This price should not be particularly high, and a large number of people can still afford it.

Of course, it is cheaper in China, 2,000 yuan is enough. If the effect can really be achieved, this will also be a huge market. Those who can afford it should be willing to sell themselves an insurance.

The second thing he thought of was robot pets. It is still difficult for universal robots to enter thousands of households. Compared with being a servant, universal robots play a much greater role in other fields and make more money much.

However, the needs of individual users cannot be ignored, and Kirin Basic Industries Group has advanced robotics technology, but it cannot be fully utilized, which is also a huge loss.

For applications in other fields, he is also afraid that a large number of people will lose their jobs, otherwise the general-purpose robot will not be used only in his companies, because his companies are relatively self-made.

If it flows to other enterprises on a large scale, it will cause a large number of people to lose their jobs. Before there is no relevant supporting system, it will bring disastrous consequences.

But there is no problem at all in using it as a pet. The performance of the robot pet is definitely much better than that of the raised pet. It can understand human words, be cute and cute, and it does not need to spend too much energy on the user.

Even robot pets can be made into pets that do not exist in nature, and there is more room for imagination. He believes that even if the price is very expensive, there is still a big market.

In fact, new breeds of pets can also be bred, not necessarily only pet robots, but in comparison, pet robots are much easier to handle. If they are living things, they may cause a lot of abandonment.

In his previous life, he saw a lot of stray dogs and stray cats,

They make money in the community when they have nothing to do, and rarely attack humans, but other creatures such as birds will suffer.

The most important thing is that there are too many stray pets in cities, which is likely to cause public health safety. As long as they are living things, they may carry infectious viruses.

Relatively speaking, robot pets don’t have so many troubles. If you don’t like the high price, you can also rent them, which is much more affordable.

After thinking of these two ideas, Ye Zishu thought of Jurassic Park. He thought about building a park like this, which should be able to attract a large number of tourists to visit.

It is actually not difficult for him to revive the ancient overlord dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are actually not as scary as imagined. In terms of individual strength, human beings are incomparable, but human beings have never been good at physical ability.

The establishment of Jurassic Park requires a suitable place, which is far away from human settlements and convenient for tourists to visit. Large islands are very suitable.

What he was thinking about was whether to resurrect the real dinosaur, or whether it looked real, but was actually a robot, just a biological robot. As long as he couldn't tell, it would be difficult for others to judge.

Biological robots actually have genetic material and can reproduce through biological reproduction, but they have tampered with their brains. The brain is a biological computer that can run intelligent programs.

If this is done, the safety will be much higher. A biological robot is still a robot. Although it looks like a living thing, it does not have the unique desires of living things, including the desire to survive and reproduce.

However, the construction of Jurassic Park is not so easy. First of all, the procedures may be difficult. Everyone is very cautious about resurrecting employees' creatures, and it cannot be done with technology.

The second is that a large amount of land is needed. Large islands in my country have a large population, and small islands are not very useful, making it difficult to find places.

In fact, he still prefers to build a large Jurassic Park in the northwest after the renovation of the west is completed. The reason is that the cost of land is not high, the place of Uzugo is available, and it can also drive the economic development of the northwest region.

He believes that as long as Jurassic Park is established, tourists from all over the world will want to visit it, let alone ordinary people with such strong curiosity, even he can't help but want to experience it.

It is very difficult to rely on industry alone to support the employment population. my country is already a highly industrialized country. In the past few years, it has been desperately developing industry, and the employment population it solves is also increasing rapidly.

However, the size of the economy has reached the point where it is becoming more and more unsustainable, and the development of the service industry in the future has become an inevitable trend.

However, judging from last year's annual report revenue classification, the development of the domestic service industry is still relatively lagging behind, basically focusing on catering and retail, and the rest is the entertainment service industry.

The proportion of other high-end service industries is not high. Of course, the software service industry cannot be counted in it. Because of the presence of Phoenix Technology, the domestic software service industry is quite strong.

It's not that his companies don't work hard. In fact, according to the strict definition of the service industry, his companies cover almost all service industries, but there is no systematic explanation.

The service industry mainly involves 11 fields, namely business services, communication services, construction and related engineering services, sales services, education services, environmental services, financial services, health and social services, tourism-related services, entertainment and sports services, shipment service.

Almost all the service fields that can be involved in his industries have been involved, and some of them have done quite well. For example, education services, New Oriental Education Group is the best.

Tai Chi Group is also the best provider of health services. Shengshihua Group is also involved in cultural, entertainment and sports services. Transportation services have also developed well in the past two years.

However, compared with my country's industrial level, there is still a serious mismatch, at least the proportion in the gross national product is relatively low, which seriously does not meet the normal state.

There are many reasons for this. First, my country’s economy has developed rapidly in the past few years, and related supporting services have not been developed for a long time, which requires a development process.

The second is that there are fewer employees in the service industry, especially in the mid-to-high-end service industry. This is related to our country's previous education and our country's traditional concepts.

The content of education in colleges and universities is basically majors related to industry. Even if the service industry majors are established, they are mainly concentrated in professional fields such as law and software, which cannot meet the needs of the society for more subdivided talents.

In addition to the shortage of talents, the concept of domestic consumption also needs to be greatly improved. It is only natural to crack down on spending money to buy industrial products, but it always feels that it is a disadvantage to buy services.

For example, if you hire a tour guide for travel, many people feel that the money is a waste of money. Even without a tour guide, they can still play by themselves, but they don’t know that the tour guide service also includes the full itinerary arrangement, which is the result of their labor.

Like the home service business, although there is no dispatch of robots to do this work as it did at the beginning, because general-purpose robots have more important uses, and there are not many enough to be used in the field of home service.

This service industry has broad prospects, and Wancheng Jiye naturally did not let it go, and established a family service industry group to specialize in this business.

But after two years of development, the effect is actually very average. Everyone feels that there is no need to spend such a waste of money. This is in line with the frugal habits of the older generation, while the new generation has not yet had the ability to dominate the family's financial power.

Of course, it doesn't mean that ordinary people are particularly picky, but they are quite generous when it comes to spending money. For example, the advanced electronic products produced by Qinglong Technology Company are welcomed by the market.

The reason is that these things are real commodities that can be seen and touched. For invisible and intangible services, unless it is very necessary, it is difficult to earn their money.

It is difficult for people to develop a good economy without spending money. Only by allowing funds to flow continuously can the economy develop at a high speed, and the faster the flow of funds, the higher the utilization rate of funds and the better the economic development.

So the next work can only start from these two aspects. The first aspect is to do a good job in publicity. Although it may not be immediately effective, it will take a long time and the effect should not be underestimated.

Of course, he will not advocate advanced consumption like he did in his previous life. Even he cannot guarantee that there will be no economic problems in the future. Under the high interest rate, if there is a problem with advanced consumption, the personal pressure will be too great.

These are not the main ones. His control over the domestic financial sector is not strong. Once he advocates advanced consumption, all monsters and monsters will come in, and it is likely to get out of control.

The barbaric growth of his industry is based on a strong vocational education system and a powerful intelligent management system, which can ensure that there will be no chaos during the barbaric growth stage, and basically run on a normal track.

However, it is difficult for other companies to do so. The chaos caused by barbaric growth emerges endlessly, and some of them are wrong from the root. In the end, they are not standardized, but a mess.

Propaganda mainly focuses on saving rationally and balancing the relationship between consumption and savings. Excessive consumption is not advisable, but saving only is also unacceptable, which is not good for economic development.

The second aspect is to provide more talents in the service industry. Talents are not achieved overnight. What he said is the proper use of general-purpose robots in the service industry.

Moreover, if his industry wants to do a good job in the service industry, except for the capital advantage, other advantages are not particularly obvious. If a large number of general-purpose robots are introduced, it will help enhance the competitive advantage.

Like Xiaodangjia Catering Group, it is because of the introduction of general-purpose robots as store managers and kitchen managers that they have opened 90,000 catering chain stores in just one year.

Under normal circumstances, such crazy expansion will only lead to management confusion, a decline in service quality, inconsistent food quality provided by various chain stores of the same brand, and finally can only end in decline.

Last year, due to the insufficient production of general-purpose robots, only 5 million units, and the need for education, medical care, scientific research, and regulatory fields, the number of general-purpose robots applied to other fields is not large.

The result is that the price of use is very high. Unless it is necessary, many people will have to weigh it if they want to use it.

This year, the production capacity of Universal Robots will increase to 10 million units, double that of last year. The increase in the number means that the supply is sufficient and the employment price will also be reduced.

However, it will not reduce the employment cost infinitely. Compared with ordinary people, the employment cost must be higher, otherwise it will cause everyone to use robots instead of ordinary people.

At the same time, let New Oriental Education Group continue to strengthen vocational education, cultivate more professional service talents for the society, and promote the development of the domestic service industry.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu sent a message to Kirin Basic Industry Group and Guo Dongmei, asking them to properly tilt the general robot to the service industry and speed up the development of the service industry within the system.

The use of general-purpose robots can play a supporting role, and at the same time, it can also train a group of newcomers, which is very effective, even better than vocational education schools.

my country's current working-age population is about 800 million, and it is normal for service industry employees to account for at least half of them.

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