Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 909 Preparing to move and establish a charity fund


The next day Ye Zishu took Pei Qing to the newly built villa. Although he had been staying in the capital, he had never been here before and handed everything over to Guo Dongsheng.

The interior decoration and other work inside were also handed over to Pei Qing. After all, this villa was built for Pei Qing, as long as she is satisfied, Ye Zishu actually doesn't care about these.

After a year of intensive construction, using a lot of manpower and material resources, the construction is finally completed, just in time for this year, and we can move in before the new year.

It is not so much a villa as it is a garden, covering a very large area of ​​0.5 square kilometers. It is located in the triangle area on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road, not far from Suzhou Road.

The location is very good, not far from the commercial center and the college area. In the previous life, a golf course was built here, and a garden was built here.

It is very rare to have such a large private garden residence in the capital. If this land had not been bought by Wancheng Foundation before, it would not be easy to buy it.

The price of purchasing this piece of land alone is very expensive, 500,000 square meters, even if it is the internal price, it costs 2,000 yuan per square meter, and if it is the market price, at least 10,000 yuan will start.

In the original budget of 2 billion yuan, 1 billion yuan was spent on land costs alone. Because the area is too large, 1 billion yuan is far from enough to build well.

He hopes to build not only a place for personal residence, but also a historical building even if he is not the owner of the garden in the future, so it needs to be done very well.

The budget has increased from the original 2 billion yuan to 5 billion yuan, and all the top materials are used. There are hundreds of people in the design team alone, and thousands of skilled craftsmen.

If he didn't know that Guo Dongsheng was not that kind of person, he would have reason to suspect that Guo Dongsheng deliberately found such a large piece of land to raise the construction cost so that he could get more hard work.

Guo Dongsheng, who is solely in charge of the garden construction of this villa, can get 1% of the construction cost for hard work according to the original agreement, and the hard work can be as high as 50 million yuan.

This hard work is not included in the construction cost, but he gave it extra. The garden is not built according to the ancient garden style, but a garden built according to modern needs.

Although the ancient gardens are very artistic, but this is the north and lacks the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, and he doesn't particularly like the northern gardens, so Pei Qing also thinks it is not suitable.

Therefore, the design team was asked to build a new type of garden completely in accordance with the modern display method. A beautiful environment is important, but living comfort is also essential, and all living facilities must be readily available.

Ye Zishu accompanied Pei Qing to stroll around the garden, all of them were based on the design drawings,

The effect is exactly the same, and on the whole, it still combines the characteristics of southern gardens and assists the modern architectural style.

The materials used are extremely durable, which reduces maintenance costs. There is also a private academy inside, which is specially ordered by Pei Qing, and it is equipped with many learning places.

Next to the private academy, there is a huge private library with five floors above ground and five floors underground. It is the largest building in the entire garden. Other buildings are generally two floors, and there are relatively few three-story buildings.

In addition, there is a huge underground treasure room, which uses a lot of advanced technology. The antique calligraphy and paintings are placed here and can be maintained very well.

To be honest, Ye Zishu is not interested in this. He does not have the habit of hiding treasures like other wealthy people, and he is not interested in antique calligraphy and paintings, but he has not changed.

Although I don't plan to put antique calligraphy and paintings, but I can put some other things, and in the final analysis, this garden belongs to Pei Qing, as long as she has no objections, he will not make any claims.

Naturally, the wine cellar cannot be small, but it is a pity that Ye Zishu doesn't drink much, but Pei Qing occasionally drinks some fruit wine. She used to drink red wine, but now she changes to fruit wine produced by Qilin Beverage Industry Group.

Compared with ordinary red wine, these fruit wines, especially high-end fruit wines, have higher nutritional value and some other functions.

There are 68 courtyards and countless rooms, so there is no need to feel quiet, because a large number of general-purpose robots will be arranged to come in at that time to provide security and services.

There is a small square in the middle, and many public facilities are placed around the square. The reason is that the popularity cannot be over-dispersed. This is a residence, not a park, so popularity is particularly important.

Putting the public facilities together, if you are a big family in the future, you can also gather here, and the popularity will rise, such as libraries, private bars, indoor sports facilities, etc., are all here.

Due to the large green area, and the relatively low building floor, to avoid too many mosquitoes, the plants used are not ordinary plants, but garden ornamental plants developed by Ye Zishu himself.

The greening style is set according to the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. For example, in the spring garden style, the plants will remain lush and will not wither even in the severe winter in the north.

In the autumn landscape style, he specially prepared a lot of yellowing plants, so that you can see the autumn-like scenery all year round, and the gardens in other seasons have also undergone special treatment.

These plants all have the effect of repelling mosquitoes and secrete a special smell. Instead, people smell a faint fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed and refreshed. There are only benefits to the human body and no harm.

It can even be said that living in such an environment for a long time has the effect of prolonging life, but these are not liked by mosquitoes, but like poison.

It took the two of them a whole day to go through the entire house. Pei Qing was very satisfied with this, and she was satisfied with Ye Zishu, but she spent a lot of money and was a bit prodigal.

After reading it, Pei Qing wanted to move in right away, but Ye Zishu agreed after thinking about it. Anyway, he always moved in years ago, it doesn't matter whether it was sooner or later.

It's just that moving is not a simple matter. It's not that you have to move a lot of things, but you need to invite relatives and friends here, and you need to make arrangements.

For example, he wants to invite Ye Ziqi and Ye Zihua to participate, since it is not his home, so there is no need to invite his parents over, Pei Qing only plans to invite his parents and brothers over.

In order to avoid trouble in the future, Pei Qing told her parents and brother that it was Ye Zishu's house. If it was her own house, her parents and brother would probably want to move in.

For Ye Zishu, their family is still a little afraid. They didn't know their identity before, they only knew they were rich, but now they know that they are the richest man in the world, super rich, but they are not as presumptuous as before, and they are a little cautious in front of him.

In addition to relatives and friends on both sides, important people should also be invited to participate, such as the presidents of Ye Zishu's group. Although they are related to work, but it is a joy of housewarming, so inviting them over is the right thing to do.

In addition, there are some official figures who have helped him in the past. It is their business whether they come or not, but I have to express it. This is the basic etiquette of being a human being.

Also consider everyone's schedule. First, everyone called to ask if there is time, and then try to find a date when everyone has time to move.

After some preparations, Pei Qing decided to move out in five days. After the date was decided, a formal invitation letter would be issued, which was something she didn't care about before.

However, Pei Qing believes that this relocation is not only for herself, but also for Ye Zishu. With Ye Zishu's current status, she can be considered a wealthy family, and she can't spare any of the specifications she should have.

Especially for such a big day, it must be formal. If it is in normal times, there is no need to act like this, otherwise it will appear a bit hypocritical.

Since Pei Qing said so, Ye Zishu naturally did not object. Although Pei Qing's name was written in the house ownership, the public display was carried out in their common name, which admitted that the two of them were a couple in disguise.

Pei Qing was so concerned that she also wanted to make this matter a reality. Since Ye Zishu didn't plan to get married, Pei Qing couldn't resist, but she still had to fight for the title.

Fighting for fame is definitely not about clamoring everywhere, but about deepening the impression on the outside world by presiding over a series of major events in the name of the family.

It's like in ancient times, when couples get married, they don't need to obtain a certificate, as long as they hold a ceremony according to the marriage process under the witness of relatives and friends.

Ye Zishu naturally knew what Pei Qing was thinking. Since she didn't plan to get married, she naturally couldn't completely ignore Pei Qing's thoughts. That would be very selfish.

After the invitations are sent out, there are still a lot of things to be prepared here, things to be purchased for the reception, and their dresses to be customized, especially Pei Qing, who needs to dress herself up beautifully.

Ye Zihua was far away in Shanghai, but Ye Ziqi went to school in the capital. After she received the invitation, she didn't choose the day of the invitation to come to her house, and ran to Ye Zishu's home the next day.

The reason is very good, that is, to help. Anyway, it is winter vacation now, and the Ye Zishu Fund she manages does not have too many things to do, and there is plenty of time, so Pei Qing naturally readily agrees.

Ye Ziqi didn't usually visit Ye Ziqi's house, but Pei Qing took the initiative to go shopping with Ye Ziqi a few times, trying to deal with her relationship with Ye Zishu's family, so that her status could be recognized invisibly.

It's just that the effect is not very good. As long as Ye Zishu doesn't say it publicly, his family will treat it as if they don't understand that Ye Ziqi usually goes to live in Ye Zihua's villa after vacation.

Ye Zihua builds a huge villa, and usually doesn't have many opportunities to live in it. He has been working in Shanghai all the time, living in his big flat, which is cheaper for Ye Ziqi.

The reason why they were so active this time was because the housewarming invitation was sent out under the joint name of Ye Zishu and Pei Qing, which was tantamount to acknowledging Pei Qing's status in disguise.

With such a clear signal, Ye Ziqi no longer had the previous worries, and it was natural for her to come to help, and Pei Qing was naturally very happy about it.

Seeing Ye Ziqi approaching, Ye Zishu thought that she would graduate soon, and asked her if she planned to continue her studies or to work.

Ye Ziqi's plan is to go out to work, and it is not necessary to study in school. With the foundation of undergraduate study, self-study is enough, just like her second brother Ye Zihua.

Ye Zishu respected Ye Ziqi's decision, but she didn't expect that she didn't plan to manage only Ye Zishu Foundation, but planned to set up a law firm.

The reason is also very good, that is, the construction of the rule of law in China is a bit lagging behind. The purpose of her establishment of this law firm is not to make money, but to actively promote the construction of the rule of law in the country, and to promote the publicity and education of the law.

Only the law firm can actively use legal means to help the people solve practical problems, because she knows very well that to promote the rule of law, it is not to sit at home and think, but to actively go deep into the people.

Through legal proceedings one by one, we can understand the deficiencies and problems. Although the law must eliminate personal prejudice and narrowness, it cannot be divorced from the general public. Laws formulated without the basis of the masses do not have much vitality.

With such lofty ideals for Leaf Chess, he naturally supports it, but doing so may put Leaf Chess in a dangerous situation, which cannot be ignored.

Hearing his worry, Ye Ziqi didn't take it seriously, because she didn't need to be present in person to handle the case, she just needed to manage the law firm well.

Leaf Book doesn't quite agree with this. Ordinary cases are naturally fine, but some cases involve too much interest and the pressure from all sides is also great, and there will be a lot of troubles at that time.

Seeing that he was so worried, Ye Ziqi thought for a while, and thought that it is possible to hire a group of general-purpose robots to help with the work and let them handle some special cases instead of sending ordinary lawyers to handle them, and the safety can be guaranteed to a certain extent.

As for herself, if she can increase the number of security personnel and try not to go to dangerous places, the problem should not be a big deal. Ye Shu can only do this. There is no perfect solution in the world.

Ye Zishu Foundation is still managed by her. Usually, the workload of this foundation is not heavy, but Ye Zishu plans to set up a charity fund under this foundation.

He is not interested in some charitable funds in China, the operation of which is opaque, and no one knows how much material and money donated will reach the recipients.

In the past, it might have been difficult for him to set up his own charitable fund, but now with his status and the reputation of the Leaf Book Foundation in China, it is not difficult.

Since we plan to set up a charitable foundation, it is naturally not a small matter. This year, we have a very important task, which is to make charitable donations to the areas that will be affected by the disaster this year to help the poor people tide over the difficulties.

In order to reduce the involvement of charitable funds, the entire charitable fund is going to be managed by a general-purpose robot, which can not only reduce the difficulty of charitable fund management, but also ensure that charitable donations can be used for practical purposes.

Otherwise, even if the management is very strict at the top, it is very likely that it will be out of shape when it comes to the bottom. As a manager, Ye Ziqi cannot do everything by herself. After all, she has a lot of things to take care of herself.

Ye Ziqi naturally has no objection to Ye Zishu's arrangement. It seems that there are more things about the charity fund than the basic science fund, but in fact she doesn't have many things to deal with.

Most of the work is done by general purpose robots and artificial intelligence, she just needs to show up in public when necessary, more like an ambassador.

Since most of the donations come from his properties, there is no need to solicit donations like other charitable funds, and there are not many opportunities for Leaf Chess to show his face.

There is no shortage of ordinary people and entrepreneurs in China who are willing to donate. After all, the traditional culture is here, "If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world."

It’s just that there has been no positive feedback for a long time, the degree of transparency in operation is not high, and some messy things have exploded from time to time, which makes everyone lack trust in public charity funds, and the corruption problem is indeed serious.

Therefore, the charitable fund he wants to establish adopts an open and transparent operation model. The ins and outs of every money and material will be clear and can be checked at any time.

This is a comprehensive charitable fund. If the donor does not specify the direction of the use of funds, the use of funds will not have a special purpose, and the foundation will donate to the outside world according to needs.

Ye Zishu himself intends to spend 10 billion yuan as the start-up capital of this charity fund. The number of employees of Universal Robots is temporarily set at 10,000, and it will be appropriately increased in the future according to business needs.

Ye Ziqi is no stranger to Ye Zishu's generosity. She doesn't know how rich her eldest brother is, anyway, she heard from her second brother that the money is too much to spend, and it is right to donate some to give back to the society.

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