Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 910 The first flight of the aerospace plane and the thrilling airborne performance

On January 20th, Ye Zishu and Pei Qing stopped their busy lives and sat at home to watch the live broadcast of the first flight of my country's aerospace plane. Yes, it was a live broadcast.

Generally, this kind of confidential operation will not be broadcast live, let alone live broadcast, it would be quite good to have a video broadcast, how can ordinary people see the live broadcast.

The reason for this is that the current international situation is not very good. Under the global financial crisis, people in many countries are having a hard time, and there are even unstable factors in many countries.

In contrast, our country stands out from the crowd. Some countries hold the idea of ​​"I'm not going to have a good time, so don't you think about it" and frequently cause troubles, which is annoying.

We still don’t pay much attention to this. In our opinion, self-development is fundamental, and other means will be exposed one by one in the face of absolute strength, and they will not be able to reverse the effect.

Fortunately, the international media is not monolithic. Although the Internet companies under the Phoenix Technology Company will not blatantly oppose it, it is very likely that they will face difficulties in internationalization.

But it does not mean that things cannot be done. There are always people and organizations in the world who will not be confused by these seemingly absurd rumors and make many news reports and video materials with contrary views.

They only need to push the news reports and materials of these relevant views to users, so that users can see views that are completely different from other publicity, which is enough.

And doing so does not violate news laws at all, and it can even be said to be more observant of journalistic ethics. Journalists have to present more different views, which is one of the responsibilities of news platforms.

The effect of attacking and smearing internationally is not very good. If it is really that bad, it is impossible for our country's economy to become the number one in the world, and it will happen without colonization and war.

What is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true. In the news debates, many rumors have been debunked, and many deliberately biased media have been scolded to pieces.

Our country is a country with a long history and civilization. If it was so easy to be led astray, it would have disappeared in the vast river of history long ago, and it is not their turn to play such tricks.

On the one hand, the public opinion is on the one hand, and on the other hand, his industries are naturally taken care of. Instead of doing it directly, they send more commercial spies to get in and get management information and technical data.

It's just that his industry has a very strict management system in terms of technology and management, and any clues have data records, and the whole process is under the monitoring of artificial intelligence.

In addition, his industry's review of returned overseas students is much stricter than that of domestic talents, and they will not be exposed to core departments at the beginning. It will take at least 10 years to get involved in core departments.

And his industry has not developed for so many years, so even if these personnel have passed the audit, they are still working in non-core departments, and it is difficult to obtain valuable information.

What's interesting is that it may be difficult to explain to the superiors. Even if they are in non-core departments, they still want to come up with some information. Unfortunately, any operation that crosses the border can be immediately discovered by artificial intelligence.

In the past two years, there have been quite a few commercial espionage cases, more than 500 cases, some of which cannot be punished by the law and have to terminate the contract. At the same time, they are on the blacklist, and some have already gone in for free food.

In the past, although the economy gradually lagged behind that of our country, its own economy did not seem to have any major problems, but its development was slower and internal conflicts were not too great.

But the occurrence of the global financial crisis has changed everything. Everyone suddenly discovered that their economy is so fragile, and the economy based on finance can be easily destroyed by a financial crisis.

Ordinary people don't think so much, they only know that their quality of life has declined severely, their income has also been affected, and some have even lost their jobs.

In order to divert domestic conflicts and at the same time show to the outside world that it is still the center of the world, it formulated a military provocation plan and announced it to the world grandly.

under such circumstances,

How can we endure it? Isn't it a show of force? It's not that we don't have it, but we don't want to be so high-profile.

This public live broadcast of the first flight of the aerospace aircraft is a response to the outside world. With such advanced strategic weapons and equipment, it can change the views of many countries on the world pattern.

As long as most countries recognize the changes in the international situation, they don't say they want to be friendly with us, as long as they are neutral.

The existence of allies is based on interests. If there is a serious conflict of interests, sooner or later they will have to part ways. Everyone knows this.

The most important thing is that everyone's life is difficult now, and each of them is tens of thousands of kilometers apart, and they cannot touch each other. There is no need for serious geopolitical conflicts.

In addition, my country's economy is thriving, and the fastest way to get out of the haze of the financial crisis is to strengthen cooperation with us and make the stagnant economy work normally as soon as possible.

Of course, this public live broadcast of the first flight of the aerospace plane is also an expression of confidence. If there is not enough confidence, once a problem occurs, not only will it fail to show off, but it will damage the international image.

Before making this decision, there must be a lot of data support, rather than patting the head to decide, in addition to the rich ground actual test data and simulation data.

At the end of December, Baihu Science and Technology Company conducted the first flight experiment of the space shuttle, and then carried out several experiments of delivering materials to the space station, collecting a large amount of data, proving that the technology is very safe and reliable.

The technologies of aerospace and space shuttles are basically in the same line, but there is a big gap in appearance and aerodynamic layout, and it seems that there is not much connection.

The image of Baihu Science and Technology Company to the outside world is still an aerospace company, and its main business is satellite and space technology research and development. It does not involve military technology. When it was originally designed, he deliberately distinguished the two.

Since it is a public live broadcast and advocacy of force, it must be displayed in the best way. In order to fully demonstrate the power of the aerospace plane, they also took great pains.

In space, the remote sensing satellite system will be arranged to take pictures throughout the process, so that ground audiences can watch the pictures of aerospace aircraft in space at close range.

It is estimated that as soon as the space pictures come out, you can feel how advanced my country's remote sensing satellite technology is, and two advanced ground remote sensing detectors are specially arranged on the ground, which can be used from

In this way, 360-degree space images with no dead angles can be captured, so that people watching the live broadcast can feel as if they are watching by their side, and the sense of immersion is very good.

In the atmosphere, drones will be used for aerial photography at the initial stage. Because of the initial altitude, the effect of drone tracking is the best. It is said that 1,000 drones were used to stand in a good position in advance.

Watching the live broadcast with Ye Zishu and Pei Qing, and Ye Ziqi who came to help. Ye Ziqi came to help during the day and went back to rest at night. This has been the case for the past few days.

The three sat on the sofa, watching the live broadcast on TV, Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi were inexplicably nervous, and there was a little excitement in the nervousness, which Ye Shu couldn't understand.

He is still very confident in the things he designs, and the solutions he can come up with are definitely very mature, and he has no technical bottlenecks, and he can completely solve problems encountered, and there are no immature solutions.

This time it was originally planned to adopt an unmanned flight mode, but it is not easy to shoot internal images, and this time it is not simply the first flight of the aerospace plane, but also a landing drill for space troops.

If it is just the first flight of the aerospace plane, there is no sense of shock. If it is combined with the landing drill of space soldiers, the shock effect will definitely be several times higher.

The reason is very simple, because it has gone beyond people's cognition. Although aerospace planes are very advanced, some other countries also have space shuttles.

And to allow soldiers to land directly from space orbit to the ground, not only without injury, but also to perform tasks immediately, no country on earth has been able to do so.

Not to mention that it has been done, there is no similar possible technology. The difficulty is so high that it is absolutely beyond imagination. Otherwise, Baihu Technology Company would not dare to sell an airborne suit for 1 billion yuan.

Since it is a show of force, naturally it cannot be done hastily, but it must have an absolutely shocking effect, making people feel scalp numb when they think about it, and dare not act rashly.

Since it was the first flight, I didn’t dare to use real people to conduct experiments. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome. This time, the first flight and airborne missions are carried out by general-purpose robots. It is said that they have paid expensive employment fees for this.

Universal Robots has to pay for such a difficult task even if Baihu Technology is a brother company, and the cost is extremely high. I heard that each Universal Robot needs to pay 1 million yuan for this task.

In order to be able to shoot shocking airborne images, there were as many as 100 airborne personnel this time, plus the driver, which meant that hundreds of millions of yuan in employment fees had to be paid.

Baihu Technology Company did not bargain, anyway, someone will pay for it in the end, so there is no need to haggle over every detail with a brother company, and such a task can only be accomplished by a general-purpose robot.

Human beings face high-altitude landings, not to mention safety issues, it is not an easy task to overcome the fear in their hearts. If there is fear in their hearts, mistakes will inevitably occur.

Moreover, in such a short period of time, qualified airborne personnel cannot be trained, because the difficulty of training is not lower than that of training astronauts. The only low requirement should be that the learning content is relatively small.

After all, these are combat personnel, and they don't need to engage in space experiments or learn too much knowledge, but their physical fitness and training intensity are definitely higher than those of astronauts.

Fortunately, there is a virtual world now, and most of the training can be completed in the virtual world. If all training needs to be completed in the real environment, the cost of training combatants alone will be unbearable.

When the time came to 10 o'clock in the morning, the picture immediately changed from a fixed picture to a dynamic picture. The picture was taken by drone aerial photography. From above, a huge plane was quietly parked on the straight runway.

There are a lot of people standing on both sides, as well as official media personnel. Because the picture is too small, they can't see clearly, but compared with the huge aerospace plane, you can see how big the aerospace plane is.

Seeing the space shuttle for the first time, Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing couldn't help applauding, but it looks very sci-fi in appearance, much better looking than the space shuttle.

This is still the first form of the aerospace plane. In order to achieve the best results, the aerospace plane can adjust its form at different altitudes or perform tasks at different stages.

Ye Zishu looked at the picture quietly, not paying attention to the cheers of the two of them. At such an exciting moment, it is estimated that all Chinese watching will be full of excitement.

After the aerial shot was over, it immediately switched to a close-up shot. There was no personnel scene in it, but the huge fuselage of the aerospace plane, but many details were not captured, which shows that the sense of confidentiality is still quite strong.

About 5 minutes later, the originally quiet picture immediately remembered the voice of the narrator. The narrator said that it was about to take off. Half a minute later, the aerospace plane moved slowly on the runway.

Different from the space shuttle, the ground power part of the aerospace plane uses chemical fuel, which is to adapt to multiple scenarios and to achieve rapid transition operations.

During the take-off stage of an aerospace plane, it is no different from an ordinary airliner. It completes the take-off action very dexterously, but in the sky, its attitude is much larger than that of an ordinary airliner.

And it has been in a stable acceleration state, and the acceleration is not low. With the appearance of the sonic boom, the space shuttle behind is almost surrounded by dense gas, and the situation inside is not real at all.

This is a unique technology of the aerospace plane, not even on the space shuttle, and it is precisely this technology that allows the aerospace plane to use ordinary fuel to complete the round trip between heaven and earth, otherwise it would not be enough.

This is a pneumatic booster system specially designed by Ye Zishu. It not only discharges the air in front of it, but also forms an attached air layer to generate propulsion for the aerospace aircraft.

Of course, the impetus is not generated out of thin air, but by using this technology, the energy utilization rate can be further improved, directly doubling the energy utilization rate.

In addition, the fuel he specially developed is used. Although it is not as exaggerated as the power increase of explosives, the energy value is also twice as high as that of common fuels.

This means that carrying the same fuel can get four times the voyage, and with the optimization of aerodynamics, the voyage will be farther. The result of his calculation is about 6 times.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing, even Ye Zishu felt a little interesting. As the speed continued to increase, the whole body was completely surrounded by surrounding gas, and it was completely impossible to see what was going on inside.

However, it does not affect the viewing of the outside. The driver can restore the outside scene through advanced technologies such as quantum radar, and the field of vision will not be affected.

After a while, the aerospace plane entered the sub-orbit. Because it was surrounded by dense gas, the attitude adjustment inside could not be seen clearly from the outside.

But when entering the sub-orbit, the air is much thinner. Although the speed is still increasing, the fuselage of the aircraft can already be seen.

At this time, everyone found that the wings of the aircraft, which were already very large, became larger and changed from swept back to forward. The reason is that the suborbital air is thin, and air needs to continue to increase the lift. The effect of forward swept wings is better.

The picture at this time is completely taken over by the remote sensing satellite system, so that everyone can still see the flight picture of the aerospace plane in the sub-orbit.

Suborbital acceleration is faster, but there is no reference object for comparison, so you can't feel it. After suborbital acceleration, it seems that the aerospace plane has completed a breakthrough leap, and it suddenly feels slowed down.

This illusion is that the aerospace plane has entered low-Earth orbit and is completely in a state of weightlessness. At the same time, everyone has also seen that the engine of the aerospace plane has also changed to an electric propulsion mode.

Just when everyone thought that the first flight was more than half completed, and they would return after a few laps around the earth, at this time, they saw

At first I thought it was a display of weapons, but armed personnel jumped out of it one after another. The personnel went from floating state to falling state, and it only lasted 10 seconds in between.

During this time, the airborne suit is changing its own speed, leaving the current orbit, otherwise it would not be falling immediately at all, and the following scenes are very exciting.

I saw hundreds of people arranged in a geese formation, quickly descending from the low-earth orbit, and the figures could be seen clearly at the beginning. After entering the atmosphere, they were wrapped in a dense air layer like an aerospace plane.

This process is actually very fast. After the free landing stage, it is the deceleration stage. How to decelerate inside is not clear to everyone, but the slowdown can still be felt.

It wasn't until the speed dropped below the speed of sound that they revealed their true faces. At this time, the airborne suit changed, and there was a pair of huge wings, like flying elves.

The huge wings further decelerated by air resistance, and when everyone saw that the ground was approaching, the wings changed further, from landing in a straight line before to flying in a curve.

This process also didn't last long, and then everyone saw the picture, one by one space personnel, flapping the wings of the equipment, stood firmly on the ground.

The whole process was thrilling, not to mention the executive staff, everyone who watched felt their heart was about to jump out, it was so exciting.

Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing were in a state of silence throughout the process, but their actions and expressions betrayed them. They couldn't help jumping up until the airborne personnel landed safely, shouting desperately.

This kind of situation didn't just happen to them. Everyone who watched the live broadcast was shocked by this thrilling and extremely difficult space performance.

What we feel is worry and pride, while some people show terrified expressions, and only they know what they are thinking.

Afterwards, after the aerospace plane sailed around the earth for a few laps, it returned to the voyage, which was also broadcast live, but the process was not as exciting as the lift-off.

However, being able to land from space to the designated airport runway steadily, and the process is quite stable, still reflects the super high technical ability, and the whole live broadcast ends here.

The whole process was done in one go, and even Ye Zishu felt that it was impeccable. Of course, this was done in the hands of a universal robot. It is unknown whether real people can do it so smoothly.

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