Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 912 The digital currency system is about to be pushed


In the early morning of the next day, everyone got up early. After breakfast, they immediately got ready. The place to entertain guests was the banquet hall next to the central square.

Fortunately, there are enough general-purpose robots at home, not counting security robots. There are hundreds of robots in charge of daily work alone, which is really too big.

If there are not enough people to clean and maintain it, even the best houses will be abandoned in a year or two. The employment fee alone will cost more than 20 million yuan a year.

With Pei Qing's salary and bonus, it is very difficult to pay this fee. The expenses of this house are paid by Tidal Investment Company, and they go to Ye Zishu's account.

In addition, 10 million yuan will be given to daily living expenses every month. This money is given to Pei Qing. As for how to use it, he doesn't care. If it can be saved, Pei Qing can get it in her small coffers. no problem.

He was still embarrassed to give the money directly, afraid that Pei Qing would not accept it. Pei Qing was no longer the Pei Qing she was back then. After being the president of Taiji Group for so many years, she was more independent than ordinary women.

In addition, he doesn't like to use the way of offering to deal with the relationship between them. He hopes that it will be a relationship of equal personality. Therefore, when dealing with it, he must be careful and pay attention to the method.

So the mansion looks beautiful, but it actually costs a lot of money. There is still no personal property tax. If this is introduced, the property tax alone will cost a lot of money every year.

If it weren't for Tidal Investment Company to help him make money, the funds in his personal account would definitely not be able to support such consumption, and now he has very few other sources of income.

With the silence of the past few years, there is no income from the previously released records, and now there are only some books, which can still bring him income every year.

Since most of them are not ordinary books, only professionals will buy and read them, and the income from book copyrights is not particularly large, and they have been in his personal account all the time, and he doesn't bother to move them.

After making home arrangements, it was nine o'clock in the morning. Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to go to the door to wait for the guests. Although he didn't greet the guests in person, Ye Zihua's weight was enough to not make the guests feel uncomfortable.

Lei Jun was the first to come here. Now his whole family has basically moved to live in the capital. The heads of other groups are scattered all over the world. Even the headquarters of Qinglong Technology Company, which Ren Zhengfei is in charge of, is no longer in the capital.

In fact, the location of the headquarters does not matter much. The reason is that the headquarters generally only have administrative functions and do not operate specific businesses. The location of the headquarters of its subsidiaries is the key.

Subsidiaries are generally responsible for specific businesses and have independent accounting qualifications. Where the headquarters is located, it can bring a lot of tax revenue to the local area. On the contrary, the group headquarters is much weaker in this regard.


The headquarters of the group is located in a certain place, and there are still some benefits. Not to mention other benefits, when new businesses develop, they are usually incubated at the headquarters.

If there is no special consideration, there is a high probability that a local operating company will be established. The reason for the layout of Tianya Haijiao before is mainly the request of Ye Zishu, to promote the economic development of various regions and provinces, and to avoid serious economic imbalances between regions.

For example, he has relatively few industries in Chongqing, so the headquarters of Qinglong Technology Company moved to Chongqing, and the hatched robot business settled in Chongqing.

A considerable part of the new smartphone business is also produced in Chongqing, which has played a major role in Chongqing's economic development, and the local fiscal revenue has also risen sharply.

The robotics business alone has directly raised Chongqing's economy several levels, both in terms of quality and total volume, have significantly improved. This is the biggest benefit of the group's headquarters being located in the local area.

After the first guest arrives, Ye Zishu and Pei Qing don't need to stay here to greet the guests. He and Pei Qing need to entertain the guests, so the job of welcoming the guests is handed over to Ye Zihua and Ye Ziqi.

The leaders of the group who made their home in the capital followed closely behind, such as Yu Minhong from New Oriental Education Group, and Yuko Ogura from Xiaodaojia Catering Group.

The president of the group who has made his home in another place needs to come by plane on the same day. In fact, it must be slower, but it is also faster, and it will arrive right after.

This is the first time that Ye Zishu held an offline gathering. Although it was the occasion of housewarming, it was a rare opportunity. It was very difficult to meet him once, and it became more and more difficult.

Near noon, some of the official figures he invited came over one after another, and the teacher who took care of him when he was studying at the beginning, who didn't usually contact him very much, so this time he took the opportunity to contact him.

When a group of successful people get together, they don't gossip, of course. Apart from visiting this house, they just get together to talk about the economy. Although they also talk about politics, they don't go deep.

The reason is very simple, he is already so rich, and the scale of the industry is so large, if he gets involved in politics, it will make some people very disturbed, so it is best for him not to get involved and try to remain neutral.

Of course, some opinions can still be raised, only on the matter and not on the person. For example, the issue of education, let alone mentioning it, he even dared to slap the table face to face. years of compulsory education.

During the chat at this gathering, we talked about the IQ medicine produced by Taiji Group. Everyone has children or grandchildren, so they are still more concerned about this matter.

Tai Chi Group did not disclose much information to the outside world, so they naturally wanted to inquire more information. When they learned that the experimental data showed that 100% of the users had IQs above 140, there were no obvious side effects.

If you insist on saying that there are side effects, it is that the appetite will increase a lot. Since the brain has been developed, the activity level will increase a lot, and the energy consumption will naturally be higher.

These are minor problems. If we were worried about food shortages before, now that the food produced by Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group is on the market on a large scale, and meat, eggs, milk and other items can be mass-produced, there is no need to worry about food shortages at all.

After talking about this, Ye Zishu made an opinion that it would be better for the country to pay for the minors to pay this fee. The reason is very simple, the improvement of young people's IQ is of great benefit to the country as a whole.

And the cost is not particularly high. Based on the 20 million new-born population per year, it only needs 800 billion yuan per year. In fact, the new-born population is not so large, and it will gradually decrease in the future.

In fact, Ye Zishu did not say that if the country is willing to pay this fee, Taiji Group is willing to further reduce the price.

Now the domestic market price is 20,000 yuan per dose. If you are a member of Tai Chi Medical Group, you will get a 50% discount, 10,000 yuan per dose. If the country is willing to pay this fee, he is willing to further discount the price to 5,000 yuan per dose.

Of course, he was just giving advice, and he didn't insist on whether to do it or not. Anyway, such a "miracle medicine" would not worry about selling it, and it could even make Taiji Group earn more.

The reason for such a proposal is mainly to reduce the burden on residents, especially for extremely poor families, no matter how miraculous medicine is, it is a luxury, and survival is their only goal.

Of course, he will definitely not sit idly by. At that time, the charity fund under the Yezishu Foundation will help some families who really have difficulties.

It’s just that charity can only be used as a supplement, but it cannot form a long-term system. The stability is much worse. He is indeed rich now, but he can’t guarantee that he will still be rich after a few years.

It's not that he was incapable of making money, but that he might not be thinking about it at that time, and only by relying on the national system can he get more stable protection.

The official guest of his suggestion thought carefully, and it must be a good deal, but he just took out so much money at once, and it was a long-term fixed expenditure, so the possibility of passing it was relatively small.

So Ye Zishu proposed a compromise method, that is, the government should have a guarantee mechanism for children from poor families. Anyway, in this matter, fairness is particularly important.

He talked about his concerns, and everyone agreed after hearing this. This kind of medicine is destined to be a social basic product. If it cannot be popularized, there will be a risk of population differentiation, and there will be endless troubles.

But how to define which families are poor, how to formulate standards, whether the whole process is enforceable, and how to ensure that families who really need it can benefit and not be encroached upon.

After careful study of these issues, the difficulty is still very high. Aiming at this problem, Ye Zishu proposed two solutions. The first solution is to send a general-purpose robot as a research reviewer.

The second is to popularize digital currency as soon as possible. He only mentioned the concept of digital currency during the last live broadcast, and he didn’t mention it later. It seems that the domestic response is not great.

This time, the old story is brought up again. Naturally, digital currency has its advantages. The biggest advantage is that it can find out everyone's property status. There are many related effects, so I won't go into details here.

The emergence of smart phones has played a great role in the popularization of digital currency. It will take three to five years to make physical currency withdraw from the stage of history and turn to digital currency in an all-round way.

However, many people were noncommittal about his proposal and did not make a clear statement. Ye Zishu also understood the difficulty. Using robots to intervene means decentralization.

The complete replacement of cash by digital currency means that there will be no secrets about the status of private property. Don’t think that being able to exchange for physical assets can avoid supervision, because the account flow is still clear.

These all involve huge interests, and the difficulty in it can be imagined, but he still believes that this is the development trend of the times, and it is only a matter of time.

Lunch is a self-service mode, mostly seafood. After lunch, everyone gathered together for a while to drink tea, and then went back separately. Not many people have time to spend here, they are all busy people.

Ye Zihua stayed here that day, and the two brothers sat in the tea room, chatting about some of the content of the day. Although it was an informal gathering, there were actually quite a lot of things revealed.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, let’s talk about general robots handling some official duties and the issue of digital currency, which makes Yeshu very headache.

He has no good solution for the previous question, so he can only think about it for the time being, but for digital currency, he feels that it is necessary to push forward instead of simply waiting.

In fact, it is not particularly difficult to do it. Tidal Investment Company has its own bank, and it is entirely possible to build a digital currency system under its banner.

Danque Financial Services Company has been researching digital currency technology for these years, and already has a large number of talents. If he supports it again, it will be able to come up with a safe and reliable digital currency system in a short time.

Now that Tidal Investment Corporation's bank is in trial operation, and at the same time actively promoting it to other domestic banks, he thinks it is not difficult to do so.

The reason is that digital currency brings many benefits. First of all, the maintenance cost of the financial system is lower. A large amount of cash transactions requires costs. Switching to digital currency can save a lot in this regard.

The second is that it is easier to supervise the flow of funds, which is also very important for banks. After the loan is issued, if the flow of funds can be supervised, the phenomenon of fraudulent loans will be greatly reduced.

He shared his ideas with Ye Zihua, and got Ye Zihua's support. The bank under Tidal Investment Company mainly operates corporate loan business, and digital currency plays a very important role.

Although bank loans require assets as collateral, banks are not actually interested in assets. What they are really interested in is the interest that must be repaid.

The most important thing is that the assets of the loan are not necessarily effective assets. If there is a problem with these assets, it will cause more trouble and consume more energy.

The best way is to build a new type of financial network that is relatively transparent, traceable, and covers the whole country. It is not surprising that Leaf Hua supports it.

As for whether it can replace cash in an all-round way, he is not in a hurry. He has time to take his time and build such a network first. If the central bank thinks it is feasible at that time, Danque Financial Services Company can hand over this system for free.

Now that it has been affirmed by Ye Zihua, Ye Zishu will explain in detail how to build this system, which involves many details.

He didn't elaborate on the technical aspect, but he still hoped that Ye Zihua could be clear about the details of the process and safety assurance, which is more important for his next arrangements.

For payment terminals, he felt that he could not rely entirely on smart terminals such as mobile phones, and had to issue his own payment electronic money card as a supplementary means of electronic money.

He has to solve technical matters. Although it is not easy and requires the use of many new technologies, it is not a problem for him.

After chatting with Ye Zihua, Ye Zihua went back the next day, and Ye Zishu invited the person in charge of Danque Financial Services Company and Lei Jun to his home to discuss this matter.

The two of them naturally welcome it. Through this operation, Danque Financial Services Company can obtain a large amount of advanced digital currency technology, and it will also be of great benefit to expanding their domestic payment network.

Lei Jun, on the other hand, considers that in the future, digital currency will really succeed in China, and other countries may also have this demand, but they do not have the technology, so they can only purchase services from Danque Financial Services Company, which is all business.

After chatting with the two of them, Ye Zishu called Ye Ziqi over and asked him to establish a nationwide legal service system as soon as possible after graduation.

He originally didn't intend to be more involved in the law firm that Leaf Chess is about to open, but now he feels that it is necessary for Universal Robots to play a greater role in the legal field.

Only when everyone realizes that there are more possibilities for general-purpose robots, which can completely handle work other than business, and do a particularly good job, this is his purpose.

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