Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine hundred and thirteenth, the old family's per capita GDP is the first in the countr


After the house move, I was about to prepare to go home for the New Year. This year’s New Year’s Eve is relatively high. January 27 is New Year’s Eve.

When Ye Zishu and Ye Ziqi were about to go home, Pei Qing was unhappy. The originally huge house suddenly became empty, not as good as the original small nest.

Ye Zishu naturally noticed that Pei Qing was in a bad mood, and understood the reason, Ye Zishu thought about it, and asked her if she wanted to go home with him for the New Year.

The private laboratory at home has been built, and the ground buildings are ready for people to live in, but the laboratory equipment is not in place, and he needs to go back to deal with these.

Pei Qing followed him home, so she didn't have to live with his parents. He still remembered the embarrassing scene when Pei Qing went to his house last time.

He doesn't think that being filial to one's parents means that one has to live together with one's parents. In addition, parents are not very old, so living together is actually not appropriate.

When Pei Qing heard that she could go back to her hometown with him for the New Year, she was naturally very happy, and quickly agreed. As for her parents, there are two older brothers, so she doesn't have to be by her side.

He is not unfamiliar with the situation of Pei Qing's family now. Pei Qing followed her back to her hometown for the New Year. It is estimated that her parents and brothers will not be happy in time.

But he couldn't really say nothing, so the day before returning to his hometown, he accompanied Pei Qing to her parents' house and sent some New Year's gifts there.

Now her family members are a bit cautious when facing Ye Zishu, there is no way, the status and status of the two families are not at the same level, Pei Qing follows Ye Zishu, in the eyes of her parents, she is completely superior.

The more patriarchal families are, the more sensitive they are to status and status, because when they usually think about problems, they like to think in these places, and they have formed a mindset.

But he thinks this is quite good, at least they don't dare to be monsters at ordinary times. Once they annoy him, they may lose everything they have now, which has a very good deterrent effect.

So when getting along with them, Ye Zishu was not as approachable as usual, and deliberately put on airs, which made Pei Qing roll her eyes.

The need to get along with people varies from person to person. Some people feel weak and bully if you are approachable with them, but you can easily gain the respect of the other party when you are strong, and there are fewer things to do.

After dealing with the matter here, on January 24th, Ye Zishu took Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi to board the plane home. This time it was a chartered flight.

The reason is that a large number of security personnel and service personnel need to be brought there, and half of the people in the house here are taken away. Otherwise, the new house in the hometown will have to hire new staff, and the cost will be too high.

Even for a rich man like him,

Seeing that the monthly fixed personnel expenditure reaches more than 20 million yuan, it feels a bit extravagant. Improving the use efficiency of these general-purpose robots is a problem that must be considered.

The plane landed in Wuhan, and then a convoy of more than a dozen cars headed for their hometown along the newly built expressway.

When passing by downtown Xunyang, he deliberately turned a corner to see how the downtown is being built. After all, he has arranged a lot of industries here for so many years.

The population of the urban area is actually not large, because the population of the whole city is only about 4 million. In addition, many industries are distributed in the county, which can achieve local employment and does not need to go to the urban area to find a job.

Therefore, the current population of the urban area is actually not large. The registered population is estimated to be about 1 million, and the number of migrant workers is estimated to be about 2 million.

There are mainly four major industries, and he has three of them, namely textiles, medicine and medical equipment, plus non-ferrous metal smelting, forming the main economic structure.

Other economic categories include port logistics, aquaculture, tourism, shipbuilding and characteristic agriculture. After years of development, the economic aggregate has achieved very good results.

This year's data has not yet come out, but last year's per capita gdp was as high as 300,000 yuan, and the three major industries he laid out were the main drivers of economic growth.

Not counting the total economic output, the per capita gdp is definitely the highest in the country. The reason is that he takes special care of his hometown. The three main industries he has laid out are all very profitable industries.

Coupled with some other layouts of Kirin Industrial Group, it is not surprising to have such a high gdp, so although the urban population is small, the construction is still very prosperous, but the urban construction area is a bit small.

After a lap in the urban area, the convoy returned to the highway and headed directly to their hometown county. After passing through the tunnel, they entered the boundary of their county.

After getting off the expressway, the road surface is no worse than the expressway. It can be seen that there is indeed money in the county. The villages on both sides of the road no longer have the low-rise houses before, and small western-style buildings have been built one after another.

The surrounding greenery has also been specially cultivated. Instead of planting a few trees as before, special greening plants have been replaced, and the shape is much more beautiful.

The last time Pei Qing came here was when Tianwen Medical College started for the first time. At that time, the development of the county had just started, and many details were not done properly.

After more than two years of development, I couldn't see what it was like before. When I arrived at the county seat, Pei Qing couldn't help but said, "It seems that living in such a developed small county town is also a good choice!"

"I strongly promote the development of economic entities in counties for this purpose, so that everyone can achieve good employment in their hometowns, and there is no need for everyone to gather in big cities.

Other places may not have fully achieved my goal, but the entire Xunyang City has basically achieved this goal, not only achieving 100% local employment, but also attracting many people from surrounding areas to come to work. "

Seeing Ye Zishu's proud look, Pei Qing didn't refute. She also thought it was good, but the population was scattered and it wasn't particularly friendly to the development of the service industry.

But these are nothing. The development of the service industry still requires people to have money in their hands. Anyone who has money will spend money. It is human nature to enjoy money.

Because the convoy was too long, he didn't bother to go around the county, so he went straight back to his hometown along the Industrial Park Avenue. He thought he would have to walk a small path, but he didn't expect that a connecting road was built here, and the quality of the road was very high.

It was only later that I found out that this section of road was actually built with the money of his father. Although the old road leading to the county had been rebuilt, it was widened into two lanes and paved with expressway.

But the road is a bit devious, you need to pass every village along the way, and the ups and downs are large, and there are more and more cars now, it seems a bit crowded, if you just go to the county, it is more convenient to take the Industrial Park Avenue.

It may take a while to raise funds to build the building, so his father suggested that he pay for it himself, and if the donor pays, the work will be done much faster, and the total cost is 20 million yuan.

It used to take more than 6 hours to go home, but now it only takes more than four hours. Although there is a high-speed toll, it saves a lot of gas money.

There was a bit of a commotion going home this time. First, the size of the motorcade was much larger than before. At first, there was only one car for him. Later, security personnel were added, and the fleet became three or four, and now it has increased to a dozen or so.

A long convoy drove into the village, and all of them were luxury cars. It was difficult not to attract people's attention. The villagers along the way ran out to watch the excitement.

The second is that Pei Qing came here this time. Some people in the village still remember that Pei Qing came last time, but some don't know that Pei Qing came here in a hurry last time.

And this time Pei Qing followed her, which was different from her usual visits. In the eyes of the villagers, she was his girlfriend, and she might even be his daughter-in-law.

For many thoughtful people, this is a bit frustrating. Ye Zishu is definitely a super rich husband. If the daughter and granddaughter of his distant relatives and friends marry him, he will definitely enjoy endless blessings.

However, there are also some people who are self-aware, how can a person like Ye Zishu look up to ordinary people, especially when they see Pei Qing who is well-dressed, she is so glamorous that she puts out the idea.

Of course, there are girls in the village who used to get along well, but they belong to the same family and surname, and according to the rules, they are not allowed to marry, so no one has the idea of ​​marrying their daughter and granddaughter to him.

Pei Qing was also very good at coming, when she got out of the car, she saw a lot of children watching the fun behind her, she immediately came out with a lot of candies and distributed them.

Ye Zishu glanced at it. The package was red with big happy characters printed on it. Although she knew what she was thinking, she didn't say anything, and let her go.

This time, Ye Zishu is not giving cigarettes to elders and peers, but a special addiction-relief product grown by Tai Chi Group. It is advertised as an alternative to cigarettes, and it was only launched in the second half of last year.

However, the sales situation did not immediately become popular like other new products, but it is gradually occupying the original tobacco market. Anyone who has tried it thinks it is not bad.

The main reason is that this product does not have a strong smell of smoke, and it has the effect of quitting addiction. After using it, it can indeed reduce the dependence on cigarettes.

This product has the effect of relieving fatigue and boosting the spirit. If used for a long time, although it will not cause physical dependence, it will produce spiritual dependence.

The only advantage is that it is not harmful to the body. The domestic price is similar to that of mid-end cigarettes. It is not particularly expensive, but it is relatively troublesome to use.

Because this kind of product is not used for burning, no matter how harmless it is to the body, the smoke produced by burning enters the human body and is harmful to the lungs.

This product uses electronic gasification technology, and there are no combustion products. As long as the substance is harmless to the human body, it is really harmless. The reason why it is not popular is a matter of habit.

If you want to occupy the market, you can only take your time. The domestic price is relatively cheap, but the foreign price is not cheap. Of course, it is determined according to the country's economic strength, and there is no uniform price.

Just at the beginning of last year, it has brought Taiji Group hundreds of billions in revenue, and looking at the growth curve, the growth rate is quite fast, and the public is quickly accepting this product.

Everyone was a little surprised to see Ye Zishu come up with such a thing. Ye Zishu distributed a box to each person, which contained a cigarette stick and four bottles of substitute liquid.

It is very convenient to replace it directly when using it. If you usually pack a pack of cigarettes a day, such a pack can be used for about a week, and it is quite durable.

The female elders and peers in the village came over, and Ye Ziqi brought out some snacks to entertain. Anyway, there were a lot of cars coming this time, and there were a lot of things in them.

After the crowd dispersed, Ye Zishu's family calmed down. At the beginning, they were a little worried about arranging so many people, and the family definitely couldn't accommodate them.

Of course, if these general-purpose robots are regarded as machines, they don't need to be so troublesome. They can just be silent and don't need a bed to sleep.

It's just that their family didn't do this. The security robots next to his parents were all arranged for two people to share a room, just like treating family members.

The reason is that a universal robot is so similar to a real person that there is no difference at all. It is difficult to confuse it with a machine, and if it is a machine, it will be weird to get along with.

Everyone discussed it, and decided to let Ye Shu move into his own home in advance, where there is enough space for these robots.

Especially his father, seeing that he has brought his girlfriend over, even though he is not married yet, he is considered to be on his own, so there is no need to mess with them.

According to their customs, if there are multiple sons, the other older sons must establish their own households after marriage and no longer live with their parents.

In the future, the parents will basically live with the youngest son. Of course, most of the property such as houses under the parents' name will be left to the youngest son. The other sons will only be able to share some property when the family is separated.

When the family is separated, it is often the time when the differences are the greatest, and sometimes they will become enemies for life, causing disharmony between brothers. In the era of material poverty, this situation is very common.

Because family separation is particularly difficult for those who are separated, and they have to rely on themselves for everything, and their lives are the hardest, and it is often accompanied by having children at this time, making the situation even more difficult.

Therefore, it is understandable to tear up your face in order to share more family property. After all, everyone wants to make their life easier, at least for the first few years.

Afterwards, everyone's life was better, but there was no such a fierce conflict. Generally, it was a friendly negotiation, and it was rare to tear one's face.

There was nothing like this in his family. Although Ye Zishu paid for the building of this house, it was nominally for his parents, so he just gave it up.

According to the custom, the house and land will be owned by Ye Zihua in the future, and Ye Zihua has also explained the matter thoroughly, so Ye Zihua naturally has no objections.

Ye Zihua's profit commission last year alone was as high as more than 200 billion yuan. With last year's commission, he is the richest person in China besides Ye Zishu.

For Ye Zihua, the house in his hometown is the place where he comes back to live during the New Year. Maybe he will return to his hometown to provide for the elderly when he gets old. If conditions permit, returning to the roots of fallen leaves is always the spiritual belief of the Chinese nation.

Since it was so arranged, Ye Zishu took Pei Qing to the new house to take a look while it was still dark, and Ye Zihua, Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin also came to have a look.

Although the land area here is not as big as Pei Qing's house, it is not too small. The built-up area is as high as 70,000 square meters. The most important thing is that the location is very good.

Behind it is a lush forest, and in front is the endless Xingmiao Lake. In addition, the overall shape is triangular and the terrain is relatively high. It is known as the land of dragon head.

It is precisely because of the leading place that although the location is good, not many people dare to build houses here. If it cannot be suppressed, it may not bring prosperity to the family, but disasters.

Ye Zishu didn't really believe this, and with his status and status, if he couldn't suppress it, few people would be able to suppress it, so he didn't worry about the ominous signs.

He took Pei Qing to see the completeness of the facilities here, and it did meet the occupancy conditions, so he let the general-purpose robot he brought live here first, and he planned to move here after the next year, so there was no need to bother about it a year ago.

Ye Zihua stood upstairs and looked at the endless scenery outside, and asked worriedly: "Brother, are you really planning to move in?"

Ye Zishu knew what he was worried about, and said with a smile: "It's all built, so it's just abandoned for some inexplicable reason, it's too extravagant."

"I think it's better to believe something than nothing." Ye Zihua emphasized.

"Let's move in first, and if you don't think it's suitable, then make plans!" Ye Zishu didn't say "my fate is up to me", but said comfortingly.

Hearing what his elder brother said, Ye Zihua didn't continue. In fact, he also thought in his heart that if his brother couldn't suppress it, then few people would be able to suppress it.

If it can be suppressed, it means that the future development will be smoother. There are advantages and disadvantages in everything, and he is also educated, and he doesn't really believe it in his heart. It is just passed down from his ancestors, so he should respect it anyway.

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