Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 914 E-sports Internet cafes and e-sports clubs


After looking at the new house, all the facilities inside have been completed, the furniture and electrical appliances are fully equipped, and only some personal items need to be purchased by yourself, which has reached the standard of moving in with bags.

So on the same day, most of the general-purpose robots were arranged to live here, and these robots will be stationed here in the future, responsible for the security and maintenance of the new house.

According to previous years, she was not free at home and needed to be busy with her own affairs. This time Pei Qing followed her, fearing that she would be bored, so she took her around.

I didn't take a closer look at the county seat before, but this time I brought Pei Qing around almost every corner of the county seat, and Ye Ziqin recommended himself as a tour guide.

The place with the strongest facilities and commercial atmosphere is the Northwest City, where there are all brand new buildings, wide and straight roads, complete commercial facilities, and the best living conditions.

Most of the people living here are the residents of the old neighborhood. They have all withdrawn from the old neighborhood and moved to the new neighborhood. If they open a shop for business, Wancheng Foundation will give them a two-year rent discount.

The purpose is to allow the original merchants to gain a firm foothold in the new urban area, maintain the commercial stability of the entire county, and at the same time reduce the concerns of the original merchants, allowing them to do business with peace of mind.

The southwest city area is an entire industrial park. Apart from the necessary commercial facilities to meet the basic needs, there is nothing to visit. Especially during the Chinese New Year, it looks a little deserted, forming a stark contrast.

To his surprise, the Northeast City and Southeast City, which were originally planned to be developed in two phases, were developed by Wancheng Jiye at the same time. It seems that the demand in the county is relatively strong.

However, the construction progress of the Northeast City is much faster, and many of the main buildings have been completed. The tallest building where the penthouse that his father bought is actually completed the topping.

It took only a little more than a year before and after, and the construction progress was much faster than he imagined. According to this progress, in the second half of this year, the construction of the entire Northeast City will be completed and meet the operating standards.

The southeast urban area may be slower, but all construction tasks can still be completed in the middle of next year, and the four urban planning of the county will be completed by now.

At that time, the county will be able to accommodate more than 500,000 people to live and live in. If residents buy houses in the county, it will be much more convenient to go to work, instead of spending a lot of time on the road like now.

Originally, Wancheng Foundation thought that it would be possible to complete the construction plan of the entire county with a cost of 30 billion yuan, but in fact it greatly exceeded their previous budget, and the total budget reached 200 billion yuan.

The blueprints planned at the beginning have also been greatly revised, and the effect is more luxurious than before. The reason is very simple. Wancheng Jiye thinks it is profitable to do so and is willing to spend money.

If the per capita gdp of the entire Xunyang area is already the first in the country,

Then his hometown county has the highest GDP per capita among all counties in Xunyang.

The county has a total population of 600,000. It is estimated that the total GDP of last year will reach 300 billion yuan, and the Taiji Group's industries here will create as much as 80% of the GDP.

It is precisely because of the large proportion of high value-added industries that it is possible to create such a high gdp data with hundreds of thousands of people. If it is replaced by low value-added industries, at least millions of people are needed to achieve it.

With the rise of the characteristic freshwater pearl breeding industry, the county has another pillar industry. He believes that in the next few years, the total GDP of the county is expected to reach 500 billion yuan.

Such a high gdp, although it does not mean that the people here can get much higher income than outside, but it is certain that the per capita income is definitely higher than that of the domestic first-tier cities.

A high income of the people means a strong consumption ability, and a strong consumption ability means a solid foundation for business development. As a real estate and service provider, Wancheng Foundation can naturally obtain a lot of income.

It is also because the per capita income here is growing too fast, and the investment cost of Wancheng Foundation is also increasing rapidly here, because they have reached an agreement with the county government.

The agreement requires Wancheng Jiye to employ more than 80% local people. In return, the government will sell the land to Wancheng Jiye at a very low price, and the difference in compensation to landowners will be made up by the county finance.

The county government is not short of money now. How to increase the income of the local people and how to make business more prosperous is what they have to consider. Therefore, this deal is still very cost-effective.

After the urban area built by Wancheng Jiye is completed, these construction workers can be arranged to engage in commercial activities and property services on the spot, and will not lose their jobs because there is no construction work to do.

In terms of follow-up employment protection, the county government also signed a relevant agreement with Wancheng Jiye. Based on the idea of ​​solving the problem, both parties felt that they did not suffer losses, and the people could still get benefits.

However, the prosperity of the county's economy has led to a rise in real estate prices in the county. Although Wancheng Jiye has not yet sold a house, the transaction price of second-hand housing has risen to 8,000 yuan per square meter.

Some aborigines in the old neighborhood are allocated more houses, and they can’t live in them all, and the rent price is not particularly high. After all, there are not many immigrants here.

If the housing rent is too high, people might as well go back to the countryside to live directly, so if they want to dispose of the excess houses, they can only sell them, so second-hand housing transactions have arisen.

Last year, the per capita annual income here was around 150,000 yuan. From the perspective of per capita income, the price of second-hand housing is not particularly expensive, which belongs to the normal category. A person can buy a 150-square-meter house in eight years.

Seeing this data, to be honest, he can't imagine the price of the luxury house his father bought. It is estimated that the money in his father's hands will cost seven or eighty eight.

The unit price of a second-hand house in an ordinary residence like this has reached 8,000 yuan. The luxury house bought by his father started at 20,000 yuan per square meter. After all, the location, decoration and supporting facilities cost more.

Of course, when a large number of houses behind Wancheng Jiye come on the market, house prices may drop. After all, the supply has greatly increased, and houses in county towns are not as scarce as they are now.

In the end, Ye Zishu and the others were brought by Ye Ziqin to an Internet cafe. The decoration was very luxurious, and the price was naturally very expensive. The minimum fee for an hour was 10 yuan, which made Ye Ziqin feel a bit extravagant.

I thought that with such a high price, there should not be many consumers, but I didn't expect that there were quite a lot of people inside, and the luxury box used by Ye Ziqin was even more expensive, costing 100 yuan per hour.

There is a reason why you are expensive. The interior decoration is more luxurious, and you can eat all kinds of drinks and snacks for free. There is also a small bar with a dining table in the middle, and you can also eat cooked food here.

"The owner who opened this Internet cafe has a good idea, but can he get back the money by doing this?" Ye Zishu asked Ye Ziqin with a smile.

Ye Ziqin smiled embarrassedly when she heard his words, and said, "I own this Internet cafe. We call it an e-sports Internet cafe. It combines e-sports and leisure elements, and the effect is not bad."

Hearing that she opened it, Ye Ziqi asked, "Where did you get so much money?"

No wonder Ye Ziqi would ask, as the eldest daughter of her family, she couldn't open such a luxurious Internet cafe with the money in her hand. Apparently someone in the family gave Ye Ziqin money, but she didn't know.

Ye Ziqin hurriedly explained: "I founded an e-sports club, you should know, I think training also needs venues anyway, so it's better to open an e-sports internet cafe.

This can not only meet the needs of club personnel, but also be used to make money, so I borrowed 5 million yuan from my father and used all of it in this Internet cafe. "

Ye Ziqi is very clear about the establishment of the e-sports club. The father, eldest brother and second brother all gave Ye Ziqin money, which is actually not a lot, and the total is about 30 million yuan.

Anyway, she is going to open a law firm this year, and her eldest brother and second brother will also have to pay for the start-up capital, and the money may be even more than this, so the two sides are considered even.

As for the money to open the e-sports internet cafe, she said it was borrowed, so she had nothing to say, so after hearing Ye Ziqin's words, she also nodded and didn't say much.

Seeing the expressions and appearances of the two sisters, Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua glanced at each other and shook their heads silently. There was nothing they could do about it. Since they were young, they always had to fight.

Fortunately, as long as a bowl of water is level, there is no big trouble. In contrast, it seems that raising a son does not need to be so delicate. There is no such problem between the two brothers.

The whole Internet cafe is divided into three floors. The first floor is the lobby and the front desk. The consumption is relatively low and the environment is not bad. The second floor is the private rooms. The consumption level is as mentioned above, and the service is better.

The third floor is where Ye Ziqin's God of War Club is located. Since her club is here, Ye Zishu decided not to play in the box, and decided to visit her club.

So everyone came out of the box, took the elevator to the upper floor, and found that the place was empty, only various electronic equipment were scattered around, and the club members all went home for vacation.

In addition to the club's usual training areas, there are also meeting rooms and fitness areas. Sitting and playing games for a long time is actually not good for the body. Proper exercise is very necessary.

In addition to these, there are more than a dozen lounges. Usually, if you are tired from training, you can go to the lounge to rest. The configuration is very user-friendly.

Even the seats have different styles, there are ergonomically designed gaming seats, and there are also massage seats, which you can usually sit on and massage.

"Are you still playing games?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ye Ziqin shook her head and said, "I don't have so much time to train all the time, I just do a live broadcast!"

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu nodded in satisfaction. If he wants to maintain a competitive state for a long time, he needs to train non-stop.

"How does your club work?" Pei Qing asked.

"The operation of the club is actually not complicated. The expenditure mainly includes personnel salaries, training allowances and daily expenses, and the income includes game bonuses and advertising revenue.

The salary we give is the highest in the industry, 20,000 yuan per month. The training allowance is determined according to the training results and duration. It is not less than 10,000 yuan per month, and the players will be higher.

Daily expenses include equipment replacement, water and electricity, and rent, etc. These are relatively fixed expenses. We now have 50 employees and a monthly expenditure of about 1.7 million yuan.

We participated in the competition last year and achieved good results. We won a total of 5 million yuan in competition bonuses. These bonuses were basically distributed to club employees, and the club did not take a cut.

The club's income mainly comes from advertising and player endorsement income. The club and employees get 30% to 70%. The employees get 30% of the advertising endorsement income, and the club gets 70%.

Due to our rich commercial resources, good results and many fans, last year's advertising endorsement revenue reached 150 million yuan, making it the most profitable game sports club in China. "Ye Ziqin said proudly.

After listening to her words, everyone thought it was pretty good. According to her, the club could still earn 60 to 70 million yuan last year, basically earning back the previous investment.

Of course, the reason why her club can get so many commercial resources is because she is Ye Zishu's younger sister. With the huge industry under Ye Zishu, she can make a lot of money if she leaks any casually.

Anyway, its business is for advertising. In the face of the ever-expanding e-sports market, it is not uncommon to invite e-sports players to endorse advertisements. With good results, there is even more reason to cooperate.

It is precisely because they can make money that they can offer such a high salary, and the bonus is also very generous, making it easier to sign domestic top players to join.

However, the domestic e-sports industry has just developed. With the expansion of the e-sports market, there will be more e-sports practitioners in the future. The e-sports market will be a sweet pastry for capital.

Now that we have come to the e-sports club, it is naturally impossible to leave after just looking at it. There are just five of them in a group, so they decided to play a few games in the dark.

The most popular e-sports game at present is the game developed by Ye Zishu. This game is now the most popular e-sports game in the world. The number of players is as high as 300 million, and it is still increasing at a relatively fast speed.

Of course, this game is also one of the most profitable online games under Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment, which earned them more than 20 billion yuan last year.

If it weren't for the holographic game appearing in the market, this game is expected to become the most profitable online game in the world, no one, which shows how popular it is.

Only Ye Zishu, Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin have played this game, Ye Zihua and Pei Qing have never played it, they are usually so busy, how can they have time to play games, if they have time, they might as well read books and enrich themselves.

In addition, Pei Qing is a little older, and her operation is not as good as that of young people, so when five people play flexible formation, she is arranged to play support, and Ye Zishu plays ad to take care of her.

This game was developed by Ye Zishu. Although it has gone through a lot of changes after being handed over to Seagull Interactive Entertainment, the mechanism and gameplay have not changed, and there are not even many new heroes.

Although the first round ended in failure, except for Ye Ziqin, the other four were more familiar with the content of the game, and the second round lasted longer.

After the third game, under the disadvantaged situation in the early stage, relying on Ye Zishu and Ye Ziqin's coquettish operations to win two rounds of team battles, they turned defeat into victory miraculously.

After playing 5 games in a row, they won all of them, and the mvp of the 5 games in a row was won by Ye Shu, which made Ye Ziqin, who often plays games, a little discouraged.

You must know that Ye Ziqin has the most powerful female player on the whole network, and it is precisely because of this gimmick that she is very popular on the live broadcast platform, and the fact that she does not show her face adds to the sense of mystery.

On the contrary, no one questioned her acting as a proxy. People nowadays are relatively simple. It is estimated that it will not be long before some people should question her acting as a proxy, but this is a matter of the future.

Anyway, she thinks that she has a very high understanding of the game, and since she is a jungler, the mvp should be his, but she never thought that Ye Zishu would get her every time afterwards, and she still brought Pei Qing, the "oil bottle", Down.

Hearing Ye Ziqin's complaint, Ye Zishu patiently explained his operation idea, although it may not be useful, but it can also be used as a reference.

Because many of his operations required very powerful computing power, each step was carefully planned and calculated, and even the situation caused by Pei Qing's operation errors was taken into consideration.

To reach his level, dexterity is not enough. Armor, damage, blood volume, geographical environment, field conditions, etc. must be taken into consideration.

After hearing what he said, Ye Ziqin was completely convinced. It turned out that there was a gap in IQ, so it was justifiable!

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