Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 917 Establishment of an energy futures exchange settled in local currency

The list of private laboratory equipment was given to Xuanwu Technology Company a long time ago. During this period of time, the experimental equipment has been shipped over one after another, and Ye Zishu arranged for the general robot to be installed together.

There are also some experimental equipment that need to be shipped from Kirin Basic Industry Group. This type of experimental equipment is higher-end than that sold by Xuanwu Technology, and the price is naturally more expensive.

The experimental equipment in the private laboratory alone cost him 5 billion yuan, plus the experimental materials, etc., before the experiment was started, 6 billion yuan was spent.

If you start to do experiments, regardless of equipment replacement, just the consumption of laboratory materials will be a huge expense, all of which need to be funded by him.

He even considered whether to charge for the patented technology of his industries. Before, it was free for them to use. At that time, his own expenses were not big, and the problem was not big.

In order to maintain the operation of the private laboratory for a long time in the future, many technologies will still be used by his own industries, and it is reasonable to charge a certain fee.

Forget about the previous patented technology, suddenly charging patent technology fees, their costs are not easy to control, but the future patent technology fees will still be charged, at least to maintain the normal operation of private laboratories.

It took a month before and after, and Ye Zishu cooperated with the general robot to get all the things in the private laboratory done, and the experiment can be started.

Just when Ye Zishu was preparing to develop and produce more powerful IQ medicines, since the quantity was very small, it was enough to use laboratory equipment to complete the production, and there was no need for industrial production.

At this time, Ye Zihua suddenly called and told him the news that the government planned to establish an energy futures exchange in Shanghai that would be settled in Chinese currency.

This matter seems to have little to do with him, but it actually has a lot to do with it. First of all, it has a lot to do with Tidal Investment Company. After all, they are investment companies, and any financial market has something to do with them.

Secondly, it is related to Kirin Energy Industry Group. It is impossible for the country to establish an energy futures exchange for no reason. Establishing such a trading market must require strength.

Especially for energy futures denominated in local currency, if you have no strength, people will ignore you at all, it will be very embarrassing, and it will become the laughing stock of the world.

The reason why they are so confident is that on the one hand, they rely on our country's economic strength. As the largest energy market, and it is also a pure import market, many energy powers are very interested.

In addition, the technological products exported by my country are needed by many countries. If they sell energy in Chinese currency, these energy-rich countries will not lose money, and they will not worry that the currency in their hands will not be spent or that they will not be able to buy what they need.

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On the other hand, the new plan of Kirin Energy Industry Group has given the country confidence. Not only is the power of solar power increasing rapidly, but also a large number of new fossil energy conversion facilities are being built.

According to Ye Zishu's instructions, these tasks should be completed in the first half of the year. Once completed, our country will not only not need to rely heavily on foreign energy, but may even export energy fossil products.

Wealthy and huge product production capacity can influence the international energy situation to a certain extent. At this time, we don’t have to worry about others making waves when we set up an energy exchange settled in local currency.

So after the tidal investment company found out about this news, Ye Zihua immediately called Ye Zishu, wanting to hear his elder brother's opinion on this matter.

"When will the energy exchange be established?" Ye Zishu asked.

"There is no definite news yet, but we found out that it should be established in April and May." Ye Zihua said.

Since he said so, it should be exactly the same. At that time, Kirin Energy Industry Group already had a certain production capacity of fuel oil and natural gas.

It is very meaningful to choose such an opportunity to list and establish an energy exchange. I must have spotted the opportunity. If others can join in and trade their own energy products,

Naturally better.

If others don't give face, the energy products of Kirin Energy Industry Group can also be traded on the exchange. There are so many countries in the world that need energy. If it is cheap here, there is no reason for them not to come and buy it.

It is impossible to get along with anyone and money. When more funds flow here, energy prices in other energy trading markets will also be greatly affected.

No matter what, the nascent energy exchange will remain invincible, but the scale is different. These are not problems, just develop slowly.

This is a huge opportunity for Tidal Investment Company. In the past, it needed to operate in other people's energy markets and play by other people's rules.

There is no problem with these. I am afraid that when their organization suffers heavy losses, others will not play according to the original rules, and if they play rogues, they will stop working.

Don't think it's impossible. Although it's a huge loss to their reputation to be a rogue, it's nothing compared to the huge benefits that are about to be lost.

People have memory time, after a period of time, they will slowly gather popularity, those who should trade will still return to their market transactions, and the short-term turmoil will eventually pass.

But for Tidal Investment Company, it would be a permanent loss and it would take a long time to make up for it. He didn't want to see such a situation.

This is also the reason why he has been allowing Tidal Investment Company to conduct financial operations secretly. In order to prevent the target from being too large, he even opened millions of trading accounts.

If you are in your own market, you can trade openly and aboveboard, and you are not afraid of being cheated by others. Therefore, the establishment of a domestic energy futures exchange is of great significance.

Of course, the country will not consider the interests of Tidal Investment Corporation, but doing so can increase the influence of its own currency. When the economy develops to a certain level, everyone wants to spread their financial influence. This is an inevitable result.

It's just that there were many concerns about doing this before. This time, we took advantage of the opportunity that Kirin Energy Industry Group is about to start producing a large amount of fuel oil and natural gas.

"What do you think if the main battlefield of global energy futures is placed in my country?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ye Zihua was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then asked: "How can global futures players be willing to come to our market to conduct contract transactions with us.

If the volume is too small, it will not have the ability to affect the global energy market. It must have sufficient trading volume. This is the problem. "

Hearing Ye Zihua's words, Ye Zishu smiled and said: "Actually, it's not as difficult as you think. As long as it is profitable, let alone let global energy financial trading institutions come to us, even if they are sent to hell, they will not hesitate .

So we have to create a huge profit prospect, so that they can't help but want to come and bite the bait. As long as they reach a transaction contract with us in our market, the follow-up situation is up to them.

If Kirin Energy Industry Group goes all out to produce, it can increase its annual output of fuel oil to 1 billion tons, occupying more than 40% of the global oil energy market, and has sufficient global pricing power. "

Hearing what his elder brother said, Ye Zihua also felt that this was the case. As long as the capital market is profitable, there is nothing they dare not do, let alone the interests that seem to have no risk.

Our country's economic development has been recognized by the world, but our country's financial level will definitely not be taken seriously by international capital. In their view, our primary school students have not yet graduated, and they are simply incomparable with their college students.

Especially in the initial stage of the establishment of the energy futures trading market, some unimaginable actions will be mistaken for the result of financial naivety. They like such financial novices, and they are the best leeks.

In fact, the bait does not need to be very clever, just act directly, just list a low-priced short-selling contract on our energy exchange.

In the initial stage, there is no need to trade with them. It is enough to directly trade with overseas financial institutions controlled by Tidal Investment Company and form a transaction record, and the amount should not be too small.

As long as the transaction records are available, and Tidal Investment Company intends to continue to short-sell fuel oil contracts, other financial institutions will definitely enter our market quickly to do counterparty transactions like sharks smelling blood.

As long as this trend rises, if the country does not stop it, a large number of contracts will be completed in a short period of time, because in their view, this is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.

Because in the current global energy market, no country can provide such a large amount of cheap energy in a short period of time, let alone refined oil, which makes it even more difficult.

I have only heard of storing crude oil, but I have never heard of storing a large amount of refined fuel oil. Compared with crude oil, the storage conditions of refined oil are much stricter, the storage cost is high, and there is great danger.

So far, Kirin Energy Industry Group has not disclosed any information about the artificial production of fossil energy, and even the urban gas supply system they have established is the natural gas they import from overseas.

Because the domestic power supply was not sufficient before, there was no excess power to produce natural gas to supply urban gas, and it was only used to adjust the day and night power generation difference of solar power generation, which was also kept in a state of absolute secrecy.

So no one would think that we have made a breakthrough in the artificial production of fossil energy, let alone that we can build such a huge production capacity in a short period of time.

As long as the transaction contract is reached, it is tantamount to falling into the trap set up by Tidal Investment Company. No matter how hard they struggle, it will be of no avail, and they will obediently wait to be harvested.

Moreover, Tidal Investment Company not only conducts futures transactions in the domestic energy trading market, but also conducts transactions in other international energy markets.

As long as there is a low-price energy transaction here, it will definitely affect the energy prices of the world, and it will plummet in a short period of time. Even if other oil-producing countries want to reduce production to stabilize prices, it will take time to react.

If other oil-producing countries really do this, it is just right that Kirin Energy Industrial Group will occupy their market, so that they will not even think about resuming work and production in the future.

Faced with such a choice, they are unwilling to lose the global energy market even if they bear the low price of exporting oil. If a country forces them to do so, it is in his hands.

At that time, the relationship between the oil-producing countries and these countries will definitely be very tense. It is not known whether the original petrodollar can continue to be maintained. At least many countries are determined to break away from the control of the dollar.

In order to be able to prevent accidents, it is possible to purchase advanced weapons and equipment. Maybe the export of advanced foreign trade weapons of Baihu Technology Company will usher in a strong period.

Ye Zihua is a talented student majoring in finance, and also has a wealth of practical experience in finance. Ye Zishu doesn't need to say too much. Hearing the annual production capacity of finished fuel oil of Kirin Energy Industry Group, he knows how to do it.

In fact, in the global energy futures market, in terms of physical transaction volume, the capital scale is not large, only one or two trillion U.S. dollars. This was when the price of a barrel of oil was at a high level.

In fact, such transactions cannot meet the huge international capital demand, so there have been many futures transactions that are separated from energy objects, which are completely VAM transactions.

Therefore, as long as there is a counterparty, the VB transaction can be as big as it can be. Smarter funds will do portfolio investment and risk hedging.

But no matter what, as long as they fall into the trap, no matter what, they will peel off their skins if they don't die, and they don't have any complaints. The financial capital market is willing to gamble and admit defeat. It is the cruelest capital market.

To make this happen, Tidal Investment Corporation alone is not enough, and the country must also cooperate. In addition to political cooperation, it also needs the cooperation of several major domestic oil companies.

At present, only they have fuel in their hands that can be used for trading in the country. It is not a disadvantage to let them trade the refined oil in their hands at a low price.

The reason is simple. The price of energy will drop soon, and it will be a loss if you keep it in your hands. Instead, sell it in the futures market at a slightly lower price than the market, and the loss will be even smaller.

The most important thing is that as long as this energy battle wins an absolute victory, our country will truly have the ability to control the global energy structure, and the energy exchange can be considered to have a firm foothold.

Needless to say, many things will be done more smoothly. Even if my country's fuel oil is only used domestically in the future, the global energy market must also consider our opinions.

Domestic financial institutions will be able to reap a lot of benefits from the world by operating between future energy ups and downs, which is obviously of great benefit to domestic economic development.

After talking about this with Ye Zihua, Ye Zishu didn't pay attention to this matter. He believed that with Ye Zihua's ability and the strength of Tidal Investment Company, it would not be difficult to do this.

Now that the private laboratory has been built, it can't be abandoned naturally, and it is going to use the IQ-enhancing drug as a pioneering work, but he doesn't need to follow the experiment all the way.

The specific experiment can be handed over to the general robot to complete. He only needs to provide technical support in the early stage, so the time spent is mainly in the front part.

Since it is used by one's own people, it is impossible to carry out large-scale clinical trials. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, the preparatory work must be very sufficient, and there must be no sloppy.

He is going to search in the virtual library first to see if there are ready-made mature products. If there is, it will be better. If not, he can only develop it by himself, but it will take more time and energy.

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