Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 918 Try your hands with the biological machine mosquito


Ye Zishu spent three days, read thousands of technical materials, and finally found his most satisfactory drug solution for enhancing IQ. Not only the effect is very good, but also the medicine is very mild.

Other technical solutions, or the effect is not very ideal, if it is only a 10 or 20 points higher than the existing effect, it is not very meaningful.

Either the medicine is too strong, this is for my close relatives, the medicine is too strong, and the side effects are bound to be strong. Although there will be no major problems, it will take a long time to digest.

He chose this IQ-enhancing drug. One dose can increase the brain activity index to 200. He can only use one dose a year, and it takes 8 months to achieve the effect.

A person can only use up to two doses of this production-increasing IQ drug. The first dose has similar effects for everyone, but the second dose will vary from person to person, and the degree of improvement varies.

In fact, there are still improvements that are quite powerful, but the medicinal properties are much stronger than this, and if the brain activity index is too high, the energy consumption will be very large.

To a certain extent, ordinary food cannot satisfy energy consumption at all. Even if it is barely satisfied, eating most of the time does not make much sense.

Even with this drug now, he feels that it is too strong, and he has personally developed an auxiliary drug that can help reduce side effects during use.

After the plan is finalized, Universal Robots will complete the rest of the work in the laboratory. His energy is devoted to the field of robotic pets, which he has been working on for a while.

The life-saving medicine didn't take him a lot of time, and he completed the sorting out of the technical plan in just two days, and then directly gave it to the R\u0026D department of Taiji Group for follow-up work.

Regarding robot pets, biological robot pets are actually the best solution. Although the production cycle is relatively long, after all, cells need to grow and proliferate, and the growth process is not much different from normal creatures.

But the cost is very low, and the authenticity is better than that of robot pets. This kind of advanced biological technology is indeed much stronger than mechanical technology.

It's just that he has a lot of concerns about this. If you don't emphasize the specialness, it will have little effect on ordinary pets, and at most they will be smarter, but it is difficult to sell them at a high price.

If it is emphasized, it will cause an uproar, and everyone may feel insecure in the future, for fear that the surroundings will look like animals, but they will turn out to be biological robots, and the sense of security will be very low.

Therefore, bio-machine pets are destined to not be available in a short period of time, and it will take a long adaptation process. After everyone has expectations, it will go much smoother, and it is very troublesome to prevent technology from being abused.

Therefore, it is still honest, thinking from the perspective of bionics, after a long period of design and thinking,

Finally, the bionic robot pet that was taken out was estimated to cost only about 50,000 yuan, based on the standard of a normal civet cat.

The most expensive part is the bionic skin on pets, which has built-in sensors. Although it is not as dense as that of general-purpose robots, it is not too rare, otherwise it will be difficult to make appropriate responses.

The second most expensive part is the bionic eyes. In order to save costs, they did not completely follow the pet's own eye structure. If this is the case, each pet needs different bionic technology, and the cost is too high.

The bionic eye he took out looks the same as the real thing on the surface. In fact, the working principle inside is very simple, which is a light collection and imaging technology, thermal induction and infrared imaging technology.

The outside is just wrapped with a layer of bionic material, which can simulate the shape of the eyeballs of different creatures. The actual effect is not great, and the cost is not too high.

The third most expensive part is the bionic brain, which is much smaller than a general-purpose robot. It looks larger on the surface, but in fact it only functions in an area the size of an adult's thumb.

It is even possible to make the bionic brain smaller according to the size and type of organisms. For example, fish pets do not need to be so large, and do not require too much information processing and feedback.

It does not need to be equipped with precise calculation and storage modules like general-purpose robots, because it does not need too precise memory, only modular calculation and storage is enough.

It is also equipped with a quantum communication module with 8 qubits, which is sufficient for normal information communication services. This function will not be announced to the public to avoid trouble, and only artificial intelligence has communication management authority.

Moreover, the uploaded information is not stored in his company, but is going to be stored in his private laboratory, because only he knows about this function, and as long as he doesn't take the initiative to say it, no one will be able to find out.

The fourth most expensive part is the mechanical movement skeleton, which is the guarantee for the robot pet to make various exquisite movements, so this piece also cost him a lot of thought.

Fortunately, there is a wide range of materials to choose from, and it does not necessarily have to pursue authenticity. What he uses is ordinary calcium compounds, and with the exquisite joint control system, the problem can be solved.

The fifth most expensive is the energy supply system, which uses a simplified version of the general robot, and replaces many alternative materials to reduce the cost as much as possible.

The energy supply system of a general-purpose robot can be used for hundreds of years, while the robot pet does not need to be used for such a long time, it can be used for about 10 years, and it is not necessary to be too long.

The sixth most expensive thing is hair. Ordinary hair is actually very cheap. Kirin Textile Industry Group needs ready-made technology, and it also industrializes mass production. The industrial technology is very mature.

But what he needs is a material that can convert heat and light energy into electrical energy. Although it doesn't need such a high conversion efficiency, it should be no different from ordinary hair.

To be honest, although there is bionic technology, the cost is extremely high and the production is very difficult, so he gave up this route and directly used biotechnology.

The hair made of biotechnology not only has the same sense as ordinary hair, but also has the effect of energy absorption and power generation, and even has the effect of heat dissipation when necessary.

In addition, it needs to be used for a long time, because it cannot grow naturally, and it will really fall off if it falls off. Unless it is sent back to the manufacturer for repair, it will not grow back to its original shape.

There are many other small details, and all kinds of robot pets are different, so there is no need to go into details here, anyway, he is relieved after finishing these.

It feels more tiring than designing and developing a general-purpose robot. It took him two months, and the number of technological innovations designed is as high as more than 100,000.

It can be said that with these technical supports, his industrial system will become the undisputed number one in bionic technology. As for how they do it with the technology, Ye Zishu will not worry too much.

Divide technologies into grades. Some technologies can be used in products sold externally, products produced by some technologies can be sold to other companies, and some technologies can only be used internally.

However, the control system program is not open to the outside world. If you want to use it, it will be managed by artificial intelligence. If you want to use it, you need to connect to a special interface.

Because other technologies are not considered the core technology, the real core is the intelligent control program, if it is leaked, the impact will be very large.

The robot pet business is not exclusive to Kirin Basic Industries Group. Qinglong Technology Company can also produce it after obtaining the technology. As for whether they want to produce it, Ye Zishu doesn't care.

But what is certain is that with so many technologies, their robotics business will develop by leaps and bounds, and they may be able to design some highly practical robots.

It's just that the prices of these robots must be very expensive, because the leaf book stipulates in this way, the purpose is to avoid unemployment, and ordinary business owners must not be able to afford the high cost.

In the past, their robots were relatively cheap, mainly because their practicability was not particularly high. Even if these robots were used, business owners still had to recruit people, so that large-scale unemployment would not be caused.

The technology produced this time is not used for free like before, and a 0.5% technology usage fee is required to maintain the normal operation of the private laboratory.

After doing all this, he didn't stop, but devoted himself to the research of biological robots. Last time Tidal Investment Company faced the dilemma of overseas asset management, he thought of this method.

No matter how strict the arrangement is, the safety of Tidal Investment Company's overseas assets managed by others cannot be absolutely guaranteed. Only bio-robots that will not betray at all are the best choice.

He didn't take the most difficult biological humanoid technology research at the beginning, but planned to start researching from small creatures, among which mosquitoes caught his attention, and he had other ideas.

Intelligence gathering ability is his weak point. Regardless of Tidal Investment Company's global intelligence gathering network development, the effect has not reached his ideal state.

The best way is to use this kind of biological technology to spread his eyeliner all over the world. Whether to use this information is his business, but he absolutely cannot do without this ability.

In his opinion, mosquitoes are very good carriers. First, they are extremely small and difficult to find. Second, they are widely distributed, and there is almost no place without mosquitoes.

The third is that the movement is very small, and the flies seem a bit big to him, and they are a bit noisy. As long as they take precautions, they can still be prevented, and the mosquitoes are much better.

Taiji Group has various mosquito gene series data, and Ye Shu does not need to test it himself. After getting the data, he will start to conduct genetic analysis.

It only took him three days to analyze all the mosquito gene series with data, and then began to transform.

The real secret of bio-robot technology lies in the gene series. Through the modification of the gene series, the consciousness of the grown organisms can be controlled by humans, which is no different from robots.

It is precisely because the bio-robots cultivated in this way have no free soul and consciousness that they are not recognized as real life and can only be classified as robots.

Life is not a creature with a cellular structure. In his view, any creature that is controlled and has no free soul and consciousness is a robot.

Of course, creatures with simple structures also do not have free souls and consciousness, but they are not subject to absolute control, and can be barely classified as life, because they still have instincts.

Controlled creatures have actually lost their instincts, have no sense of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages of life, and even reproduction is controlled. If they can't achieve absolute control, they dare not mess with them casually.

What functions a biological robot has depends entirely on its genetic design ability. If the design ability is very strong, its function is much stronger than that of a bionic robot.

Ye Zishu spent a week in the laboratory except for eating, sleeping and accompanying Pei Qing, and finally completed the design of the genetic series of the biological machine mosquito.

Then start the breeding work, which doesn't take much time, it can be done in just two days, when you see 100 bio-machine mosquitoes appearing in front of you, let alone the satisfaction after success.

But this is not over yet. Next, we need to test various functions to confirm whether the functions meet the requirements of the original design. If not, we need to return to the genetic design link for modification.

It's just that his genetic knowledge reserve is too rich. Although it is the first time to do it, after a few days of testing, it fully meets the design requirements he set at the beginning.

This biological robot mosquito has a longer lifespan than ordinary mosquitoes, which can reach about one year. Ordinary mosquitoes only have about 30 to 100 days. The lifespan of male mosquitoes is much shorter, and the lifespan of female mosquitoes is much longer.

There is also a certain gap in the way of reproduction. Because ordinary female mosquitoes cannot produce a large amount of protein and nutrients to promote reproduction, they need to absorb the blood of living things to complete reproduction.

This is why female mosquitoes suck blood, but male mosquitoes don't need it. He made some modifications to this, and female mosquitoes no longer need to suck the blood of living things to complete their reproductive tasks.

The reason for this modification is mainly that the blood sucking is too easy to be exposed, and it is prone to breakage. In order to reduce the breakage, the reproduction method has also been modified. It is no longer internal fertilization and external development, but the whole process is completed in vivo.

The result is that the reproductive ability is greatly weakened. The reason is that the mosquitoes are too small to complete the reproductive process in the body, which is bound to be greatly restricted.

However, this problem is a big problem for mosquitoes in the natural state, but for biological machine mosquitoes, the problem is not so prominent, because the survivability has been greatly enhanced.

It just borrowed the skin of mosquitoes, but its actual ability is not comparable to that of ordinary mosquitoes. First of all, their perception ability is much stronger.

The second is that their intelligence level is much higher. This level of intelligence is not the intelligence we understand humanly, but the cognitive ability of the world and the ability to cope with various situations.

If this does not meet the standard, the background artificial intelligence will be required to control the whole process, and the environmental requirements will be much harsher. The best way is to improve the ability of individual mosquitoes.

Then there is the communication ability, in which he uses the quantum communication technology built by biotechnology, which can communicate with specific devices, and even communicate with each other.

Another important function is the ability to synthesize a variety of special toxins. Under the control of the background, a variety of natural raw materials can be collected and synthesized in mosquitoes. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the effect.

Thinking of this, he felt a bit blackened, but he knew that this kind of function is generally not used, and it is only used as a backup method.

This designed mosquito is reproductively isolated from the mosquitoes in the natural world. The reason is to avoid genetic contamination. Once it dies, it will produce special decomposing enzymes that can quickly and completely decompose to avoid accidents.

After testing all the functions and confirming that the original design requirements are met, the next step is to reproduce on a large scale, and he doesn't need to care about this work.

He plans to complete the reproduction of 1 trillion mosquitoes in the laboratory, and then put them in nature for group actions. On average, every 1,000 mosquitoes are divided into groups to complete some tasks together.

In the follow-up, they are allowed to reproduce themselves in nature, but whether to reproduce depends on the instructions of the background, so that the total amount can be controlled, and they can all be eliminated when necessary.

After the arrangement, the IQ-enhancing drug developed by the general robot using laboratory equipment has been completed, and he needs to analyze and test the finished product to make sure there is no problem.

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