Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 919 Completion of IQ-enhancing drugs and medical insurance reform


After the test of the IQ-enhancing drug was completed, Ye Zishu asked Ye Ziqin to go home when she had time, and didn't say anything, because it was not easy to talk about it on the phone.

Ye Ziqin is not stupid. Although she didn't call the roll, she knew what was going on right away. She returned home that day and went directly to Ye Zishu's residence.

"This is the IQ-enhancing drug you want. The first dose can increase the brain activity index to 200 within a year. As for the effect of the second dose, it varies from person to person."

Ye Zishu put the IQ-enhancing medicine on the table for Ye Ziqin and Pei Qing to see. It looked very attractive from the outside. The color was mysterious sapphire blue with purple streamer mixed inside.

In fact, the cost is not high, only about 20,000 yuan per piece, but the production process is very cumbersome, and many special techniques are used. The ingredients are compound, and he didn't mean to say the specific ingredients.

Pei Qing and Ye Ziqin were shocked by the effect of this potion. It can directly double the brain activity index. If the second dose is effective, it can increase by up to 50%, which is really scary.

Although the brain activity index is linear in data, it changes exponentially in effect. If they use it, the effect can be imagined.

It's a pity that neither of them intends to be a scientist. Otherwise, with such a strong IQ, they will definitely become top scientists and leave their names in history.

However, he will not regret it. High IQ brings many benefits. At least it is much easier for them to study and work, which is enough.

"Then do you want to call Second Brother and Eldest Sister home?" Ye Ziqin asked.

"Don't worry, just wait until they come back when they are free, there is not much difference between sooner and later!" Ye Shu said.

He made a total of 20 of this potion, 10 of which were used by his family and Pei Qing, and the remaining 10 were temporarily stored without a clear purpose, mainly because the cost was not high, so he made more.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu helped Pei Qing and Ye Ziqin inject this potion. The two of them really trusted him. If it were someone else, they might have to think about it, would there be any problem with this thing?

After using the potion, the two didn't feel much at the time. An hour later, they felt very hungry, their brains were groggy, and they wanted to sleep.

Ye Zishu had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and hurriedly asked someone to serve "beef porridge", an easy-to-digest high-nutrition, high-energy food, for the two of them to eat quickly.

This is the result of high energy consumption, and if they don't eat, it may cause physical damage, so no matter how much they want to sleep, they have to eat these things.

Of course, it can also be solved by injecting glucose and nutrient solution,

They have no physical problems, and it is enough to eat continuously, but they eat a lot more in the first three days, and they need to eat every four hours.

After Ye Ziqin drank the beef porridge, she simply took three days off from school. The conditions at school were definitely not as good as those at home. After the first three days, she became a little normal, but she still needed to eat every 6 hours.

Of course, it can be longer, but you have to eat once every 8 hours at most, otherwise your body will be overwhelmed, you will feel severe hunger, and your brain will gradually become dizzy.

Ye Zishu asked the two of them to bring more candies with them. If they feel hungry, they can eat one or two candies to relieve them, especially when they go out to work. This measure is very necessary.

This situation will last for about half a year, and the situation will be much better after half a year. Although the appetite is much larger than before, the eating pattern can return to normal.

Since the improvement of the brain activity index is a slow process, they didn't have any obvious feelings at the beginning. If they didn't trust Ye Zishu, they probably thought they were using counterfeit medicine.

Three days later, Ye Ziqin returned to school, and Pei Qing had no plans to return to the capital, and continued to stay by his side. When he was working, Pei Qing handled the company's affairs remotely.

He has no plans to give it to his parents for the time being, mainly because his parents are older, and the burden of using this drug is heavier, and he needs to recuperate his body first.

So he has more work to do in the future. The first task is to develop a body-enhancing medicine, which is better than the current Tai Chi Group, and can make people's body look younger.

The body medicine currently used by Tai Chi Group cannot make people younger, but it has a good maintenance effect on the body, and the body will be in better condition.

This drug is currently free for members to use. The purpose is to reduce other medical expenses. After all, when the body is healthy, there will be fewer minor problems, and the overall medical expenses will be reduced.

In fact, he has long wanted to get this drug, but he was not in a hurry before, and because he didn't have his own private laboratory, it was inconvenient to do it, so he has been procrastinating until now.

The second job is to carry out research and development of more biological machines. The previous biological machine mosquito was just a small test, and he is also very interested in the development of other biological machines.

Through the study of biological machines, he had a deeper understanding of living things. If he hadn't had strong willpower, he might have lost himself in the joy of the Creator, forgetting that he was just one of the mortal beings.

It takes too long for human beings to evolve naturally. In the past, there was no technology and this was the only way to go. Now that human beings have mastered technology, they cannot rely solely on natural evolution as before.

But evolution is a more cautious matter. If the technology is not up to standard or the thinking and social forms cannot keep up, it will also lead to unpredictable consequences.

He does not plan to get too involved in other aspects, nor does he have so much energy, but for technical issues, he can indeed give full play to his own advantages and make relevant preparations in advance.

In fact, IQ medicine is an attempt, but it has not been tried at the genetic level. He believes that the technical problem is not serious, but the main problem is that the concept cannot keep up. If it is changed at the genetic level, the resistance will inevitably be great.

Now this method is very good, after only a few generations of use, the IQ can still be improved a lot, but it will take a long time, he can wait.

During this period of time, Pei Qing seemed to be very leisurely, but she was actually very busy. During this period of time, Taiji Medical Group was under a lot of pressure. If there were some problems that they could not solve internally, Pei Qing needed to coordinate.

IQ medicine has become the hottest word during this period, overshadowing almost all the hot news, even the space station that Baihu Technology Company is about to complete, and the news of the energy futures exchange settled in local currency have to take a backseat.

There are not many restrictions on the use of IQ drugs. It can be used after the age of three. In fact, it can be used earlier, but at that time the baby is more fragile, just in case, it is better to be cautious.

Everyone has not seen the effect before, so it is relatively calm. It has been two months now, and the effect has already come out for those who used it early.

For children, after using IQ drugs, the whole person will appear more mature, and they will not look at problems as naively as before, which is what the old people say is more sensible.

Children in school, after using it, find that the knowledge that was difficult to understand before can be understood thoroughly by the teacher after a little explanation, and the text that was difficult to recite before can be memorized after reading it once or twice.

The current teaching content can no longer catch up with the abilities of the students. For the teachers, there is both pain and happiness. The pain is that the students ask more and more tricky questions, and they may not be able to answer them.

Happiness is that there are much fewer things to worry about than before. The naughty students who used to be mischievous can now calm down and read the book. Although they are still more naughty, they are not as recalcitrant as before.

Although these effects are very happy for ordinary primary and middle school students, they are not particularly urgent, but high school students, especially those who are about to take the college entrance examination, seem very anxious.

If it can be used earlier, maybe the college entrance examination score will be much better. At such a moment of fierce competition, even one more point will make a big difference.

It's a pity that Tai Chi Medical Group didn't follow their requirements, and even in order to ensure the fairness of the college entrance examination, it deliberately started using it from a young age, avoiding the high school stage, and planned to use it intensively during the summer vacation.

This is still the first dose. If the fourth dose is used, the effect will be even better, but it will take two years to finish the fourth dose.

The effect is so obvious that people flock to it. During this period of time, the number of members of Tai Chi Medical Group has increased by about 100 million, reaching a total of 800 million, and the coverage rate of the target group of members has reached nearly 80%.

The national subsidy plan has also been fully implemented. Even the minors who have used it before are still in the subsidy plan, basically according to his requirements.

For those born between 1980 and 1995, the subsidy is 1,000 yuan per dose. Tai Chi Group is required to obtain the right to use it for free without distinguishing between members. Minors born in other years are subsidized at 5,000 yuan per dose, and members cannot be distinguished.

Taiji Medical Group also cooperated very much, hanging banners outside their medical institutions, indicating that the state promoted this plan, which greatly enhanced the government's reputation.

In addition, during this period of time, medical reform is also being discussed. The reason is very simple. The membership of Taiji Medical Group is close to 80%, and it already has a dominant position.

The original medical insurance system seems a bit outdated, but Tai Chi Medical Group cannot be forced not to do so. The reason is also very simple. Tai Chi Medical Group members are very cost-effective.

If it is banned by administrative order, there will be no alternative system to guarantee everyone's interests, and the people will definitely not agree, so it can only be further improved from the current basis.

After intense discussions, even Pei Qing asked her stand-in to attend several meetings, and finally determined the direction of medical insurance reform, that is, to include people who have not participated in any insurance.

People who are not covered by medical insurance and have not purchased membership of Tai Chi Medical Group are basically people living in poverty, and the state has decided to subsidize this group of people.

Of course, it is definitely not that easy to do, and a stricter fund and property supervision system is needed. This work has been entrusted to Baihe Software Company for development.

If there is no regulatory system, then there will definitely be many capable people who are unwilling to pay for their own medical insurance and want to take advantage of the state's subsidies. Then the problem will be big, and the state's financial burden will be too heavy.

Another direction of discussion is to merge medical insurance and members of Taiji Group, mainly to merge medical insurance into members of Taiji Group. In comparison, their members are more valuable and more popular.

If you do this, it will be very clear what it means. It is tantamount to entrusting the whole country's medical insurance service business to Taiji Medical Group.

There are a lot of details that need to be discussed here. It does not mean that Tai Chi Medical Group will ignore it. There are many regulatory issues and compensation issues involved.

The compensation is mainly for financial medical insurance compensation. The two parties need to agree on a range. If it exceeds the range, it must be borne by Tai Chi Medical Group.

If it is not stipulated in this way, no one can guarantee the extent to which medical insurance costs will expand in the future. They do this in order to save medical insurance costs. If they are not restrained, it will be counterproductive.

Moreover, the subsidy is also divided into different levels. If it is a subsidy for Qian Gua members, then the money spent will be much more, at least double the money.

Kun Gua members provide free treatment for major diseases, and relatively speaking, the cost is much lower. For this part of the subsidy, the money spent is much less.

During the discussion, the government still prefers to subsidize Kun Gua members. The reason is to highlight fairness. Self-spending and government subsidies must be distinguished, otherwise those who spend money will feel it is unfair.

Of course, if people who receive government medical insurance subsidies are willing to spend their own money to make up the difference, they can also upgrade to Qiangua membership. There is no disagreement between the two sides in this regard.

Supervision is mainly to supervise the quality of service, otherwise, in order to save costs, Tai Chi Medical Group is likely to lower the quality of service and reduce facilities and personnel expenses.

At that time, it is very likely that in European and American countries, free is free, but a long queue is required. This kind of service quality is definitely not up to standard.

In addition, it is the integration of medical institutions. In the past, public medical institutions were mainly used in China, but now Taiji Medical Group has a high proportion of medical institutions.

After the merger, there is no need to separate public and private schools, and one set of signs can be hung, but there are still many details that need to be discussed.

For example, whether it needs to be purchased by Taiji Medical Group, if it is not an acquisition but a merger, Taiji Medical Group will naturally not be willing.

The merger means that there are many more shareholders, and they are still government shareholders, which will have a major impact on the business of Taiji Medical Group, which does not conform to the business principles of Ye Zishu.

If you can't buy them and want to group them together, you can lease these medical facilities to Taiji Medical Group in the name of lease, and the personnel inside can be assigned to Taiji Medical Group and become your own employees.

However, there may be many follow-up problems in doing so. Taiji Medical Group, or Taiji Group is more willing to adopt the acquisition model. Although it costs more, there are many fewer follow-up problems.

Since medical insurance involves the interests of almost everyone, the discussion is not conducted in secret, but in an open and fair manner, and various plans are publicized.

Everyone can put forward their own suggestions for several schemes, but it is not known whether they will be adopted or not, because the difficulty of implementation and financial affordability must also be considered.

Finally, and the most important part, is the method of payment. At present, Taiji Medical Group adopts a fixed payment amount for the convenience of management.

This method is not friendly to low-income groups, but it is too tolerant to high-income groups. The government is more inclined to pay in proportion to personal income.

In this way, the rich will pay more and the poor will pay less, but whether it can be collected is a test of the execution of the collection. If the implementation is not in place, it will damage the interests of Taiji Medical Group.

They have no objection to this plan, but there is a restrictive clause. If the total membership fee obtained by Tai Chi Medical Group is less than 8% of GDP, the government finance needs to make up the difference.

Conversely, if the cost of Tai Chi Medical Group is higher than 8% of GDP, the loss will be borne by Tai Chi Medical Group. From this point of view, it is a relatively fair solution.

Anyway, it's quite complicated, and it's not something that can be completed in a short time. According to Pei Qing's prediction, it would be good if it can be completed this year, but I don't know how long other medical institutions can last.

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