Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 921: Driving Clouds and Adjusting Rain


Ye Zishu didn't pay too much attention to the treacherous situation in the energy futures market. He was completely at ease in entrusting this matter to Ye Zihua.

His main energy is still on the matter of rainfall in the south. When the time entered June, he obviously felt the increase in rainfall, and it was mainly light rain at first.

But in mid-June, the rainfall began to increase, and there was torrential rain every day, as if a hole had been punched in the sky, and the Tianhe River poured down to the ground.

In addition, the meteorological data released by Kylin Environmental Industry Group shows that if no arrangements are made, the rainfall this year will exceed imagination, and flood disasters will be inevitable.

The torrential rain fell for three consecutive days, and the ponds in the village where Ye Zishu was located were completely filled. The water in the ponds overflowed a lot, and there were scenes of water venting everywhere.

Ye Zishu knew that he couldn't wait any longer. If the rainfall continued for more than ten days, there would be large-scale floods, so he directly contacted Qilin Environmental Industry Group.

Ask him to contact the flood control department immediately, hold a joint meeting, and take action as soon as possible. At the same time, he also asked about the construction of their high-altitude water vapor regulation system, and whether they can undertake the important task of water vapor regulation this time.

Facing Ye Zishu's inquiry, Kylin Environmental Industry Group gave an affirmative answer, saying that according to the current rainfall and cloud water content, as long as the cost is willing to be willing, there is enough space to accommodate the water vapor.

The question is, which places can accommodate such a huge amount of rainwater, this time it is a huge amount of rainfall throughout the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and there will be frequent large-scale rainfall in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

According to the prediction of Kirin Environmental Industry Group, if these clouds are broken up, a new high-air flow will be formed, which will move from south to north along the high-air flow.

However, the moving speed is relatively slow. The reason is that the airflow from north to south is not weak, so there is no strong airflow from south to north. Therefore, the dispersed water vapor clouds may stay in the sky over these areas for a long time.

Of course, if the follow-up water vapor continues to come in, there will be two situations. The first is the cloud driving cloud phenomenon, which accelerates the movement of cloud water vapor from south to north.

The second situation is the formation of larger cumulonimbus clouds. If the control is not good, more powerful rainfall will be produced in a short period of time, resulting in more disasters.

After Ye Zishu heard about it, he didn't have a good solution. Let Qilin Environmental Industry Group conduct an experiment first to see the data before making follow-up decisions.

After hanging up the communication video, Ye Zishu was still worried. Even if the scattered clouds moved from south to north in the predetermined direction, whether the surrounding area could accommodate such a huge amount of rainfall would be a problem.

To avoid floods,

The rainfall regulation of the entire Yangtze River Basin must reach more than 30% of the total, which is obviously difficult to achieve, and the water conservancy infrastructure and geographical terrain in other regions cannot afford it.

It has been raining continuously these days, and Pei Qing has finally seen the horror of the rainy season in the south. It can rain for so many days in a row, and there is no intention of stopping at all.

The humid air makes the whole person feel soaked in water, and the laundry cannot be dried for a week. Fortunately, there is a dryer at home, which solves this problem.

In the past few days, Ye Zishu has not been in the mood to continue doing research. If he has nothing to do, he likes to sit with Pei Qing on the viewing platform at home, watching the heavy rain outside and the vast Poyang Lake.

If you don't worry about floods, such a scene is still very spectacular, especially for Pei Qing, who was born in the capital, there is something special in front of her eyes.

It's just that what Ye Zishu sees is not the scenery, but full of worries, but he can't do anything. In the face of the power of nature, the individual seems a little small.

During this period of time, Pei Qing not only needs to arrange the Taiji Group's affairs well, but Xunyang is their important production base of medicine and medical equipment, and it is necessary to ensure that the supply can be guaranteed even if there is a flood.

Also act as Ye Zishu's secretary to help coordinate the production and coordination of materials of various group companies. Now a large amount of materials have been distributed to the front line for free.

The one most affected this time is the Kirin Industrial Group. Many of its main industries are located in Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, and they are mostly located along the Yangtze River. Even if it is not the Yangtze River, it is still in a place with a well-developed water system.

For small-scale material transfers, it’s okay, and it’s even possible to use air transportation under special circumstances. For example, some pharmaceutical products of Taiji Group are completed by air transportation.

However, many products of Kirin Industry Group are bulk commodities and need to be transported by water, land or rail. Air transport is almost impossible and the cost is too high.

Before the rainy season, Ye Zishu asked them to transport most of the inventory to various cities and counties in advance, and put them in the storage base of the e-commerce company.

In this way, even if the follow-up roads are blocked, the supply of basic materials in various counties and cities can be temporarily guaranteed, especially products such as grain and oil, which is particularly important for stabilizing the overall situation.

"You don't have to worry too much, our material preparations are very sufficient, and even if there is a flood disaster, we can ensure the stability of people's livelihood.

Moreover, warnings have been issued long ago, and many water conservancy facilities have been maintained in advance, so the situation you think should not occur. Seeing Ye Zishu's worried look, Pei Qing couldn't help comforting her.

Hearing her comforting words, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "Even if large-scale aerial water vapor mobilization is carried out, there will still be certain flood disasters, but the severity is different.

The fundamental reason is that the damage to the environment was more serious in the past. The destruction of forest vegetation and reclamation of lakes have had a great impact. After all, it was not easy to feed so many people before! "

In the great flood in his previous life, his village was flooded. Fortunately, the terrain was not bad, but some low-lying places were flooded, and the roads connecting to the outside were also flooded.

It was normal at first, and the lake was not yet full. Now it has just rained for three or four days, and the lake level is already level with the lake shore. If it continues to rain, it will overflow, and the farmland on the lakeside will to be flooded.

The terrain of the neighboring village is very low. If the water level continues to rise, the entire village there will be submerged, and there will be no place to retreat. It will be a big problem to resettle people.

At present, the county has begun to distribute flood control materials such as tents to the low-lying villages. If the home is flooded, they can only live in tents temporarily.

In the long run, we can only go to various relatives' homes for resettlement, and the cost of letting them stay in a hotel is too high, and it will take a long time to subside after the flood. In the previous life, it gradually began to subside in September.

While Ye Zishu and Pei Qing were chatting, they suddenly heard an unusual sound from the high-altitude clouds. Although it was subtle, they still heard it.

At first, it was just an imperceptible rubbing sound, and then there was a lot of thunder, and lightning appeared on a large scale, like hell, even Ye Zishu sitting in the viewing pavilion felt seriously insecure.

This is the operation of Kylin Environmental Industry Group, using sound wave vibration to disperse equipment to disperse the clouds, and the sound can be heard at the beginning, but the sound wave frequency band is still in the range that humans can hear.

After that, it completely entered the high-frequency vibration working mode, and it was difficult for people to hear it. The frequency of the sound wave also deliberately avoided the range that animals could perceive. Otherwise, many animals might be killed by the shock.

The lightning and thunder lasted for a full hour. As the clouds became thinner and thinner, a glimmer of sunlight appeared in the originally gloomy sky, and the scene of lightning and thunder gradually disappeared.

However, the operation is still in progress, and it must continue to work in the direction of the water vapor flow, and will not stop until a satisfactory level is generally achieved.

Another hour or so passed, and the sky, which originally had only a sliver of sunlight, gradually began to shine brightly, forming a stark contrast with the scene of water flowing across the ground.

"This is the cloud-dispelling technology of Kylin Environmental Industry Group?" Pei Qing couldn't help but exclaim after watching the whole process.

It's no wonder she was so surprised. You must know that the scene of dark clouds pressing down on the city just now has turned into sunshine in just two hours. This kind of technique is simply unimaginable.

Ye Zishu nodded, and then said: "It took them two hours to disperse, mainly because the clouds were too thick and contained too much water vapor.

Under normal circumstances, it only takes a few minutes to disperse the clouds, but it doesn't work just for this one place. You can see that the clouds in the distance begin to fill in the gaps here.

According to their plan, 50,000 pieces of equipment will be used to drive the cloud this time around the entire middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, so that the rain in these areas will stop for two days and the ground water system will be relieved. "

In fact, the operation planning is much more complicated than what he said. In order to ensure that the dispelled clouds will not cause disasters to other places, it is necessary to track and control the whole process, which is a very delicate operation process.

"It's not bad to stop for two days. After so many consecutive days of cloudy and rainy weather, the whole body feels moldy, and it can also give everyone a breather." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Waiting outside the house for a long time, but it will give people a moldy feeling. In fact, special equipment is installed inside the house, which can effectively reduce the indoor air humidity and make the living environment more comfortable.

This set of advanced living environment control equipment is very suitable for home use. It can be used for dehumidification and temperature regulation in the south, and humidification and temperature regulation in the north. The only disadvantage is that the price is relatively high and the cost of use is relatively high.

"I hope some water can be drained out in two days. There are still many days of heavy rain waiting." Ye Zishu sighed and said.

Perhaps because of the rare sunny weather, the village suddenly became lively. Even Ye Zishu's mother came to his house to chat with Pei Qing and care about their daily life.

There is no publicity about the cloud-dispelling and water-diverting technology of Qilin Environmental Industry Group. Ordinary people don't even know that it uses technology to disperse the clouds.

But there were a lot of discussions about this weird incident. His mother mentioned it. At that time, she also heard some things. Although the voice was not loud, it was very intensive.

It's just that it's raining outside, and if you want to run outside, you have to get soaked. Fortunately, this situation only lasted for less than half a minute, and it was gone later, so she felt relieved.

This is also the first large-scale cloud removal of Kylin Environmental Industry Group. Compared with the previous small-scale experiments, this operation tests the reliability of the overall technology, and the results are very satisfactory.

In the evening, Ye Zishu checked the relevant data, and the dispelled clouds were slowly drifting northward with the high air flow, and rain began to fall along the way, but the scale was not very large.

This was deliberately done by Kylin Environmental Industry Group. Since the amount of driving clouds and regulating rain this time is very large, if all of them land in the north, it is very likely to cause disasters.

Therefore, some rainfall operations were carried out along the way to precisely control the rainfall, which can reduce the amount of cloud water without causing major natural disasters.

On the second day after he drove the clouds here, the sky changed from yesterday's clear sky and began to be covered by clouds, but the clouds were still relatively thin, but there was no rain.

It started to rain lightly on the third day, but fortunately it wasn't too heavy, and it was incomparable to the torrential rain before, but he knew that tonight or tomorrow, the torrential rain would start again.

Sure enough, when Ye Zishu was working in the study at night, he suddenly heard a thunderstorm outside the window. Ye Zishu stood up, opened the window, and the rain outside suddenly became much heavier.

Pei Qing was probably awakened by the thunder. She walked into the study in her pajamas and saw Ye Zishu standing by the window, so she said, "Go to rest early, it will probably rain for a few more days!"

"Hmm!" Ye Zishu responded.

The clouds dispelled in front have not been digested along the way, and it is impossible to continue to drive the clouds in a short time. We can only let these bombs land here first, otherwise the northern region will not be able to stand it.

Compared with the waterways in the south, the geographical environment in the north is even less able to withstand large-scale rainfall. If there is a disaster, it is better to let one place be affected than to be affected everywhere.

Ye Zishu was not in the mood to continue working, so he walked out of the study with his arms around Pei Qing's waist, planning to rest early today, otherwise he would not be able to continue working while listening to the pouring rain outside.

It was another five days of heavy rain, and the water level of the lake in front of his house soared a lot, and it had overflowed the dam and flooded the surrounding farmland.

Some farmers were not reconciled to the flooding of the rice that was about to be harvested in more than a month, and braved the heavy rain in advance to cut the rice. Although it could not be made into rice, it could be harvested into chaff.

To be honest, given the county's economic level, the benefits of rescue are not great. The reason for this is due to the perennial habit, and there is no waste or loss.

Ye Zishu's family also has a field by the lake, but it was contracted to others to grow it before, and now it is also submerged, and the water has covered half of the rice.

The previous work of driving clouds and regulating rain was finally completed after ** days. After the rainfall along the way, it finally landed in Shanxi, nmg and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

Ningxia and Gansu in the northwestern region also received some rainfall, which brought a lot of natural water resources to the local area, but the amount was not particularly large after being consumed along the way.

After six consecutive days of rain here, the work of driving clouds and regulating rain began again. Compared with the sound that could be heard before, this time it is estimated that it has been optimized, and there is no feeling at all.

Still the same as last time, in just one or two hours, the originally gloomy sky gradually cleared up, and the sun began to shine on the earth again, but the discussion among the people became more and more, which is really a bit weird.

The first batch of rainwater was from June 12 to 27. Within half a month, Kirin Environmental Industry Group carried out three operations in total, and the total amount of rainwater transferred to the north reached 30 billion cubic meters.

The rainwater transferred to the northern region not only did not cause natural disasters, but also replenished the northern groundwater on a large scale, and the effect was very good.

However, this is just the end of the story, and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River will soon begin to see large-scale rainfall. If there is no intervention, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will also face enormous pressure on flood control.

The large-scale rainfall in the south will continue until the end of August. Kylin Environmental Industry Group has not yet reached the time to relax. It needs to continue to closely monitor the situation and intervene in due course.

In addition to large-scale rainfall in the south, large-scale rainfall has also occurred in the upper reaches of the Nen River and Songhua River in the Northeast, and there is a possibility of major floods.

It’s just that there was no equipment installed in these areas before. In addition to transferring the equipment in stock, Kylin Environmental Industry Group also transferred some of the installed equipment.

The homework over there is not so troublesome, just disperse it directly. As for where the clouds drift, it is not something they should care about, as long as they are not in their own country.

Of course, it is not completely irresponsible. When dispersing, try to increase the energy supply and drive the clouds as far as possible, so that it is easier to drift to the Arctic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean to the east with the high air flow.

Although the disaster here was not small, fortunately there were no casualties. This is a blessing in misfortune, and his aid plans are also being launched one after another.

For example, Kylin Grain and Oil Industry Group provided a large amount of grain and oil aid to the affected people, and Kylin Food Industry Group also provided a considerable amount of food supplies to aid the victims.

The other groups are all contributing money and efforts. In the face of catastrophe, they must unite as one, so that even if they face natural disasters, they will not be affected too much.

Taiji Group exempted the disaster victims from membership fees for two months, Phoenix Technology provided 3 billion yuan in financial donations, and Qinglong Technology provided 2 billion yuan in financial assistance.

In contrast, most of the aid from Kirin Industrial Group is living materials, and the donated materials are more important than funds.

Tidal Investment Company did not forget to make a donation even when it was in a tense battle with international capital. They had a lot of money and directly donated 50 billion yuan.

These donated funds and materials are all operated through the charitable fund of the Leaf Book Foundation, and the charitable foundation arranges the distribution of materials and the use of funds.

Of course, it was not only his industries that made donations during this period. The people of the whole country were united as one, and the powerful contribution, and the rich contributed money, reflecting the strong cohesion of our country in the face of disasters.

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