Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 922 Going to the Northwest for Climate and Environmental Improvement Inspection


In July, Ye Zishu was at home to conduct a final review of the basic education textbooks compiled by New Oriental Education Group, so during this time, his job is to read books.

Reviewing textbooks is not an easy task. You need to carefully consider the details in it, and if you find any places that need to be revised, you need to record them and put forward revision suggestions.

The teaching materials compiled by New Oriental Education Group this time not only include classroom teaching content, but also include a large number of extracurricular reading materials, which are extremely large.

Although these readings were written by other authors, the content inside needs to be re-examined, and some inappropriate parts need to be dealt with, which is a test of the editor's skill.

For extracurricular readings on history and culture, he does not need to compile them himself, he only needs to be responsible for the review, and of course he is not the only one to review them.

But for science extracurricular readings, he needs to write them himself. This work has been going on when the textbooks are being written. Science readings cooperate with the course content, which is an expansion of the course content.

Although this is only a reading material for the basic education stage, the level of knowledge is not very high. In fact, it is extremely difficult to compile. It should not only be easy to understand, but also guide students' interest in scientific knowledge and cultivate students' spirit of exploration.

Therefore, after he finishes writing, he always asks Pei Qing to check it out. If Pei Qing thinks there is nothing wrong with it, he sends it to New Oriental Education Group for review by experts and scholars there.

From September last year to July this year, it lasted nearly 11 months. He has compiled tens of thousands of science extracurricular reading materials, with a word count of up to 2 billion.

To be able to complete such a huge amount of content writing in such a short period of time, he still needs to do other research work in the middle, and the high efficiency and safety depend on the credit of the holographic helmet.

In addition, artificial intelligence also played an important role in it. At least typos and article structure problems, he didn't need to worry about it, and artificial intelligence could handle it properly.

If it was in the past, it would be difficult for students to finish reading such a huge scientific book. Now everyone has used IQ drugs, and their intelligence level has been greatly improved.

Regardless of whether it is thinking activity or memory ability, as long as students are not lazy, there is no problem at all after reading these science books during the entire compulsory education period.

In order to verify the feasibility of his idea, he also did an experiment with Ye Ziqin, of course, before Ye Ziqin used the IQ-enhancing drug.

Ye Ziqin only spent 4 hours reading a 200,000-word high school science book. The content in it can be dictated 60%, and the key knowledge points can basically be memorized.

The reason why I used Ye Ziqin as an experiment,

Mainly because he felt that Ye Ziqin's brain activity index was basically at the same level as other students after promotion.

Although Ye Ziqin is a college student, the difficulty of high school science books is actually not low, and Ye Ziqin has never studied many places.

It can be read in 4 hours. First, the level of intelligence is not low, and it has basically reached the point of photographic memory. Second, when he wrote it, he chose words and sentences very carefully, so that everyone can understand the meaning behind it just by reading the words.

Science is different from literature. It should be as simple and easy to understand as possible, and try not to literaryize scientific vocabulary. In previous lives, many scientific vocabulary has been processed to make it easier to read, but the meaning is also hidden. This is what he doesn't like.

Therefore, a large number of words in the science books he compiled are rewritings of existing scientific words, and the same is true for the content of science in the classroom, which did not fully abide by the previous conventions.

The biggest feature of these scientific books is that they are systematic. If some students read all these scientific books, they can experience the entire history of human scientific development from ancient times to the present.

Moreover, he has a relatively deep understanding of the existing scientific knowledge system, and the level of knowledge is no worse than the current master's degree. The only thing that is relatively lacking should be inventive creativity.

Because inventiveness is not something that can be learned after a lot of learning, it requires specialized training and practice, and gradually masters how to discover, think about, and solve problems.

In fact, it is not only scientific readings that pay attention to systematization, but also other extracurricular readings. The knowledge fragmentation in the compulsory education stage cannot be like before, which is not conducive to students' systematic thinking.

It was unrealistic to do this before. After all, time and energy are limited, and students simply cannot cope with it. But after the brain activity index has increased, he thinks it is not difficult to do this.

Of course, these are just his wishes. In fact, it is unknown how many people can meet his requirements. The level of intelligence is only one aspect of learning, and there are many factors that affect it. There are always factors beyond his control. .

In mid-July, he read all the content, including classroom textbooks and all extracurricular readings, and recorded his opinions separately.

Then send it to New Oriental Education Group, and let them organize experts and scholars to look at it based on these opinions. It is now mid-July, and the final version must be produced before August.

Because it will be used in schools under the New Oriental Education Group in September, and it will be approved by the Ministry of Education in the middle. If it is delayed, it will not be enough time.

After staying at home for more than half a year, Ye Zishu suddenly wanted to go out for a walk. It had been raining here a while ago, which made him feel a little bored. He wanted a change of environment, just to relax.

He wanted to visit the Taklimakan Desert this time. This large-scale artificial cloud removal and rainfall operation did not benefit there, because the dispersed cloud water vapor could not reach there at all.

To make the Taklamakan Desert area rain, the only way to do rainfall is to use the water vapor from the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, and to use the snow from the Arctic Ocean in winter.

When Pei Qing heard that he wanted to go out for a walk, she also wanted to follow him. She also felt weak after staying at home during this time, but Ye Zishu didn't move, so she could only stay here.

Naturally, there is no problem with bringing Pei Qing, but he suddenly realized that it is not convenient to go out from his hometown every time, and he needs to travel a lot of distance to take the plane.

So I thought about whether I can choose a place in the county to build a private airport. Money is not a problem. It depends on whether the county can pass the plan, which requires the approval of the superior.

If it cannot be built into a private airport, it can also be built into a public airport, so that the county will have its own airport, and residents will have another way to travel.

To be honest, building a private airport is indeed a bit wasteful. He usually does not move around frequently. If he only uses it for himself, it seems a bit extravagant.

Thinking of this, he acted immediately. He drove to the county, found the leaders of the county, and shared his thoughts. Naturally, he got strong support from the county.

For the county, if there is an airport, it will be much more convenient to develop business and tourism, and said that the county can fully pay for the construction, and they can still afford the construction cost of a c-level airport.

However, Ye Zishu felt that the C-class runway might not be enough, and it would be better if it was built as an E-class runway, and he was willing to donate part of the funds.

The terminal building does not need to be so large. After all, this is only a small county. No matter how prosperous the economy is, the number of people coming and going cannot be compared with that of a big city. The scale of 5 million passengers per year is enough.

Hearing that he was willing to donate part of the funds, the county leaders naturally became more confident, expressed their willingness to try, and immediately prepared relevant documents later. As for when they will be approved, it is unknown.

In this regard, he thinks that the problem is not big, as long as the higher-level government does not need to provide funds, things will be much easier to handle, especially with the rapid development of the pearl industry in the county, more and more merchants come and go, considering the actual situation, they can also get support.

It ended like this, but Ye Zishu thought about it, and felt that it might be inappropriate for the government to fund it. The county is currently suffering from floods, and the government is spending so much money to build the airport at this time, which may have bad public opinion.

The superior may also consider this aspect, so he suggested that the Wancheng Foundation should build the airport, so that the government does not need to invest, and all aspects can be accounted for.

After talking about these things, Ye Zishu and the county leaders discussed the development of the pearl farming industry and subsequent processing industry in the county.

In the final analysis, the pearl industry in the county is inseparable from his family, and his family is also very much a factor in whether it can develop well in the future, so there are many topics to talk about.

The whole morning was spent here, and he was invited to have lunch at the county government at noon, but Ye Zishu politely declined, since it was not far to go home, there was no need to eat here.

After returning home, Ye Zishu told his parents about his going out. Ye Ziqin, who was on summer vacation, also wanted to go for a walk, but was ruthlessly rejected by Ye Zishu.

If he was the only one going out, it wouldn't be a big problem to take Ye Ziqin with him. If Pei Qing was by his side, it would not be a problem to take her with him. No one likes multiple light bulbs around him.

Just the day before Ye Zishu and Pei Qing planned to leave, Ye Ziqi came home suddenly. She had finished her school career and had been busy with her graduation thesis and law firm.

This time when I went home, I just happened to pass by. The charity fund in her possession happened to have a batch of charitable supplies sent here, so she followed and came home to have a look.

That being the case, Ye Zishu could only temporarily postpone the time to go out, and gave Ye Ziqi an IQ-enhancing drug. Ye Ziqi stayed at home for three days, and only went out again after there was no problem.

Ye Zishu and Pei Qing then also went out and drove to Changbei Airport in Nc City. In the previous life, the airport would be completed next year. Now that the economic conditions are better, the construction progress has naturally accelerated.

It was officially put into operation at the beginning of this year. It is a pity that the cross-lake bridge from the county to Nanchang is still under construction. Otherwise, it would only take more than 1 hour to go to Nanchang, but now it takes 4 hours.

In the past, it was more convenient to go out alone, but now I have to bring a lot of people with me every time I go out, which is more troublesome. It is also more troublesome to book a charter flight, which needs to be far in advance.

This time I took a public flight, and I brought 10 security personnel with me to cover almost all the first-class seats on the plane. It would be much better if I had my own private jet.

The plane flew directly to Xi'an, but did not stop here, and directly transferred to Yulin, where Kylin Environmental Industry Group has set up an environmental transformation base, which is mainly responsible for the transformation of the southern part of the Mu Us Sandy Land.

There are quite a few transformation bases like this, and such strongholds will be built in desert population towns that need to be transformed, because deserts or sandy land are relatively large, and setting up many strongholds is conducive to carrying out transformation work.

For example, for the reconstruction of the Mu Us Sandy Land, a total of nearly 10 reconstruction bases have been built. However, Yulin is a relatively large city and has become the headquarters of the Mu Us Sandy Land Reconstruction Project.

After the plane landed, the person in charge of the project team here personally came to pick it up, and everyone came to the base. The base covers a large area, but the number of personnel is not large, which seems a bit deserted.

After asking the reason, it turns out that it is still in the preparatory stage and does not yet have the conditions for large-scale operations, and there is no large-scale recruitment of personnel for the time being.

First of all, the rainfall did not meet the standard. Although a lot of rainwater was transferred from the south during this period, the rainwater that fell here was not much, and the mode of flood irrigation could not be adopted.

The ecosystem needs to adapt gradually, otherwise it will easily cause an ecological disaster. According to their estimates, no large-scale operations will be carried out this year, and they will have to wait until next spring.

The second is that the equipment is not yet in place. Such a large-scale transformation requires a lot of equipment. The number of agricultural drones alone is extremely large, and there are also a lot of other equipment, which takes time to prepare.

Then the production quantity of plant seeds needs to be accumulated. On the one hand, it takes time to increase the production capacity of seeds. On the other hand, the production capacity cannot be increased indefinitely. The ratio of input and output needs to be considered.

Anyway, there is plenty of time, and the transformation of these desert lands is not a matter of one or two years, it needs to last for more than 10 years, and they need to deal with many things according to the most economical plan.

Finally, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance, mainly to dredge the water system, so as to avoid large-scale rainfall that will cause rain to wreak havoc and cause secondary disasters.

At the same time, we try our best to keep as much rainwater as possible in the local area. If the rainfall that is finally obtained is lost after landing, it is a pity and a waste.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to dredge the water system, but also to build a lot of water ponds, so that a considerable part of the water resources can be kept in the local area, and the local ecological pressure can be relieved during the period when the rain is relatively scarce.

What they are currently doing is this work. There are 50,000 large-scale equipment in operation here in Mu Us, and countless small and medium-sized equipment. It must be effective in the early spring of next year.

There was nothing to see at the base, so Ye Zishu and his team drove to the nearby work place to have a look. The places where they built water resource storage facilities were usually in places where there were a lot of people.

Of course, there are also many people who do not live in them, because there are not many water resources in normal times, and the reason why they are chosen as places for water storage is that the terrain is relatively low-lying.

According to the person in charge of the project, within the entire Mu Us Sandy Land, there will be more than 100,000 water moors with a certain water storage capacity using natural formation and artificial excavation.

Digging artificial water pools is not very difficult. If you want to connect these water pools, the amount of work will be the largest. However, it is not too urgent now, and it can be done slowly in the future.

Ye Zishu and his team came to see the site. There were only 2 large-scale excavation equipment and 10 sand and soil transport vehicles. It is said that earthworks have been carried out since the beginning of the year, and it has been about 6 months now.

The water pool in front of me is really not too small, it should be able to store 10 million cubic meters of water resources. When I originally chose it, it was a low-lying land, but the surrounding area needs to be reinforced, and the bottom needs to be deepened and widened.

This water park is relatively large. Some water parks only have one excavation equipment to operate, equipped with two earthwork transport vehicles, and the water storage capacity is only 10,000 to 20,000 cubic meters.

After staying in Yulin for one day, the group drove to Wuhai, which is the headquarters of the project to control the Ulanbu and desert. The climate and environment are much worse than the Mu Us sandy land.

Then he visited the Kubuqi Desert, Tengger Desert, and Badain Jaran Desert successively, and fully felt the harshness of the living environment in these desert areas.

Even so, there are still a large number of people living here, playing games with nature, using traditional sand control methods to prevent the desert from further eroding their homes.

To be honest, Ye Shu, who is rarely moved, can't help being moved when he sees the spirit of these people taking root here and fighting against nature.

They can move out of here and go to other places to survive, but it is difficult to move their homeland, and they don't want to see their hometown really submerged by the desert, so they resolutely fight.

The climate in these three desert areas is relatively good. When he arrived in the Kumtag Desert, he felt that the harshness of the climate had reached a new height.

To the west is Lop Nur, and to the west of Lop Nur is the famous Taklamakan Desert. Standing here, people can obviously feel their skin burning like being in a stove.

The first few desert areas can also achieve the purpose of improving ecology through rainfall. In these deserts with harsher environments, rainfall alone will not help at all.

Because the rainfall cannot keep up with the evaporation, even if some vegetation on the ground reduces soil water evaporation in the future, it may not be able to achieve the goal.

Kylin Environmental Industry Group did not organize a large-scale team to carry out operations in these places, but only arranged some rainfall facilities to carry out artificial rainfall operations.

The reason is very simple. First, they don't have enough manpower, so they can't spread too much at once, so they can only do it step by step. Second, they think that the effect will not be very good, so they can only temporarily run aground.

Climate affects each other. If the transformation of the first four desert areas is completed, a virtuous cycle will be further created in the western region, and the natural rainfall may increase by then.

Moreover, in the four deserts in the west, it is difficult for water vapor to reach here in the south and east. Rainfall can only rely on water vapor from the west and north, and some water vapor from the Indian Ocean.

At present, Kylin Environmental Industry Group is conducting monitoring work in these desert areas to provide more data support for subsequent transformation.

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