Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 925: An Unprecedented Super Aircraft Carrier Formation


Although the first flight performance of the aerospace aircraft at the beginning of the year was very exciting and deterred some countries with malicious intentions, the weakness of my country's maritime defense forces is still very worrying.

Although some advanced naval ships have been launched into the water for sea trials, the number is not very large. In addition, the relevant data has not been released to the public, and there is no way to know the degree of advancement.

The reason why the detailed parameters were not announced is that the main reason is that they are still too advanced, not to mention that the radar, missiles, avionics, and intelligence of these warships are far beyond the same level.

The power system inside alone is enough to kill these similar equipment in seconds, because the power system used by these conventional ships is also a nuclear power system.

How could the technology developed by Ye Zishu follow others? You must know that building a navy costs a lot of money and takes a very long time. If there is no advanced design ability, the waste will be very serious.

In terms of power selection, he did not consider the steam turbine power system, but chose the all-electric propulsion system, and he also has the basis for this.

Kirin Electric Industry Group possesses room temperature superconducting technology, and advanced DC power supply system and technology, and has already met the conditions for building an all-electric propulsion system.

Now that he chose the all-electric propulsion system, he chose to go a step further and use advanced small-scale nuclear power technology to provide a continuous power supply for the all-electric propulsion system.

Also has rich technology and experience in small-scale nuclear power. Kirin Energy Industrial Group has a thermoelectric conversion device that can directly convert heat energy into direct current without setting up a "boiling water" link in the middle.

The new technology he needs to come up with is how to ensure the safety of the nuclear power part, miniaturization and precise control of nuclear reactions. As long as this shortcoming is made up, a compact and powerful nuclear power all-electric propulsion system will be born .

When designing a nuclear reactor, he did not follow the existing design ideas of nuclear reactors, because the miniaturization of existing nuclear reactor designs is too difficult.

If it is used on an aircraft carrier, it is not bad. After all, the space of the aircraft carrier is very large, but it is difficult to use it on relatively small warships such as destroyers and frigates.

Therefore, he adopted an innovative porous sponge nuclear reaction control system, placed the nuclear reaction materials in these pores, and controlled the closing degree of these pores through an external current to achieve the contact area between the nuclear reaction materials.

The most technically difficult material is the porous sponge material, which requires high temperature resistance, neutron impact resistance, and precise control.

High temperature resistance is easy to understand, because once a nuclear reaction occurs, the porous sponge is in the middle of the nuclear reaction, and it is normal for the temperature there to be as high as several thousand degrees.

But light resistance to high temperature is not enough,

It is also necessary to maintain stable properties in high temperature environments. Many materials have very different properties at different temperatures. If the properties change with temperature, it is not suitable as a porous sponge material.

The neutron impact is also well understood. A large number of neutrons are produced during the nuclear reaction process. The neutron impact on the material can easily cause problems in the internal structure of the material, and it will be scrapped after a long time.

Moreover, neutrons are still uncharged particles, which cannot be artificially controlled by magnetic fields, etc., and can only be allowed to hit these materials with neutrons. If the materials are not resistant to neutron impacts, it is estimated that they will have to be replaced in a few days.

Because the thickness of the space between the pores of the porous sponge is very thin, conventional materials cannot withstand long-term impact at all. No matter what material is used for the outer wall of our common nuclear reactor, the thickness is very thick.

Although the porous sponge material he took out cannot be used to scrap the nuclear reactor, the replacement cycle has reached about 10 years, and the replacement is not troublesome, because the entire nuclear reactor is a modular design.

In addition, the whole is very small, and the deck of the warship does not need to be disassembled when replacing it. It can be transported up and down by ordinary elevators, and the replacement time is also very short. It only takes 2 days to complete the entire replacement work.

The nuclear reaction device used by the 10,000-ton destroyer is only more than 30 cubic meters in size. This includes the thermoelectric conversion device. The nuclear reactor core is smaller, with a volume of less than 20 cubic meters.

Even including various electrical equipment, the space occupied by the nuclear-powered all-electric propulsion system is less than 20% of the space occupied by the steam turbine.

This will not only allow warships to have more usable combat space, but also achieve theoretically unlimited battery life, eliminating the need to frequently dock to replenish fuel.

Such a nuclear-powered surface ship combined with an aircraft carrier fleet composed of nuclear-powered submarines and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers will definitely have a higher combat effectiveness, and it will also raise the technical threshold of the aircraft carrier fleet.

In the past, everyone wondered why these warships were not equipped with chimneys. Although some people speculated that nuclear power was used, everyone thought it was unlikely.

Because the tonnage of these warships is not very large, if nuclear power is used, the part that can be used for combat will be compressed, and the overall combat capability is not strong.

In addition, my country has vigorously developed solar power generation technology during this period of time, and its performance in nuclear power technology development is not satisfactory. The international community does not think that my country's nuclear power technology is so advanced.

At present, the research and development units of nuclear power are all state departments. Although Ye Zishu has technology, he lacks interest. The main reason is that the cost of nuclear power is not low. Compared with solar power, it is more cost-effective.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is very difficult for Kirin Energy Industry Group to obtain the qualification for nuclear power construction. This time, Baihu Technology Company is leading the research and development of nuclear power, so the restrictions are not so strong.

At the end of August this year, the two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers built by my country with a full-load displacement of up to 120,000 tons were finally launched for sea trials, and the relevant departments announced some parameters that can be made public.

Only then did everyone know that the entire aircraft carrier formation used nuclear power. Judging from the published parameters, the combat effectiveness of such an aircraft carrier formation is at least equal to that of the old m's four aircraft carrier formations.

Let’s talk about the aircraft carrier first. Nuclear power only determines the endurance. The battle depends on the configuration of the above fighters. A 120,000-ton aircraft carrier can carry 100 fighters. It uses advanced DC ejection technology, which can achieve rapid launch combat missions.

Due to the use of a full set of advanced all-electric propulsion system, the speed has also broken through the traditional aircraft carrier speed, the highest can reach 60 knots, and the conventional cruising speed has reached 45 knots.

The cruising speed of other supporting warships is also not low, generally higher than the cruising speed of the aircraft carrier, which is conducive to rapid mobile response on the battlefield, and at the same time can be put into combat in a specific area at the fastest speed.

Of course, to be able to have such a high speed, not only the power system is advanced, but also the entire hull material and structure must also be advanced. Otherwise, the stress on the hull is too fast, which is prone to fatigue and shortens the service life.

The configuration of the carrier-based aircraft is even more luxurious. It is equipped with the fourth-generation carrier-based aircraft developed by Baihu Technology Company. Due to the use of electromagnetic ejection, and the speed of the aircraft carrier is very high.

The take-off weight of the carrier-based aircraft has been greatly increased, and it can be equipped with all types of land-based fighter jets. Needless to say, other carrier-based aircraft such as early warning, anti-submarine, electronic countermeasures, and transportation.

In the field of fighter jets, Baihu Technology is number two, and no one dares to say it is number one. Even the F22, which just flew for the first time last year, is far inferior to the same model of Baihu Technology in terms of overall performance.

It is even slightly lower than the overall performance of the foreign trade products just launched, and the result is that Baihu Technology's orders for foreign trade fighters have shown explosive growth.

As of September, the global order volume has reached 300 fighter jets of various types, with an order value of more than 400 billion yuan. Among them, the major rich countries in the Middle East have become the main buyers.

If it weren't for the fact that there are many countries that cannot export, Baihu Technology will have received more orders, but they are still quite satisfied with being able to earn so much.

As long as it is a friendly country of our country, it can buy these military products from our country. We are open to do business, so how can there be any reason to refuse?

With the delivery of some orders this year, the Middle East, which was originally like a gunpowder keg, has suddenly become much quieter. Being able to form such a situation is also considered a merit.

Not to mention the warships themselves, the functional equipment carried by these warships alone is known to be advanced, such as super laser pulse weapons, high-energy particle pulse weapons, and electromagnetic ejection-assisted missile launch systems.

The missile is equipped with Baihu Technology's advanced explosives and propellants, while also adding smart trajectory adjustment technology and smart detonation technology, plus an advanced propulsion system.

Making conventional missiles have a longer attack distance, higher cruise speed, and unparalleled accuracy is like having eyes. As long as the target is locked, it is almost difficult to escape the fate of being attacked.

Because the missile warhead and propulsion system are very advanced, resulting in the same power, the missile volume is much smaller, and the same displacement tonnage can carry five or six times more missiles.

In order to allow so many missiles to be put into battle immediately during the battle, it is also equipped with a fully automatic missile loading system, so that no matter how many missiles can be launched seamlessly, the combat effectiveness is naturally needless to say.

In addition to carrying conventional sea-based missiles, it also carries hypersonic strategic missiles with a speed of Mach 20, which is invincible in this era.

In terms of radar system, in addition to being equipped with conventional active phased array radar and passive phased array radar, there is also advanced quantum radar, which has miraculous effects on anti-stealth fighters, and completely loses the stealth advantage in front of quantum radar.

For the detection below the water surface, it is equipped with a highly sensitive and intelligent sonar system, and it is also equipped with a quantum sonar system. Theoretically, there is no detection depth limit, so that underwater enemy submarines have nowhere to hide.

The submarine also uses a nuclear-powered all-electric propulsion system, which not only has a longer submerged time, but also has very low noise, even lower than the background decibel level of the ocean. The propeller has undergone a special noise reduction and rail elimination design.

The maximum submerged depth is as high as 5,000 meters, and the existing sonar systems of other countries cannot detect it at all. If this design were not earlier, submarines with a maximum submerged depth of tens of thousands of meters could also be built.

Because the seabed mining technology in the hands of Kirin Resources Development Group can carry out mineral mining operations in the deep sea below tens of thousands of meters, and many of these technologies can be used on submarines.

However, the diving depth of the current submarine is sufficient. Unless it is a special seabed topography, the general seabed depth is only about 5000 meters, and it is not very meaningful if it is too deep.

The weapons and equipment carried include submarine-launched conventional missiles, submarine-launched supersonic strategic missiles, and ultra-high-speed torpedoes. Their torpedo weapons should be mentioned here.

People who are familiar with weapons and equipment should have heard of the Blizzard torpedo, which has a speed of up to 100 meters per second and uses the principle of cavitation, while the torpedo produced by Baihu Technology Company has a speed of up to 400 meters per second.

The principle of cavitation is also used, but because the technology in all aspects is higher than that of the other party, the performance and speed are far ahead, and it has become the fastest torpedo in the world.

And these weapons are equipped with intelligent combat modules, which can perform more complex camouflage and attack operations, and the success rate of attacking the target is very high.

The entire aircraft carrier formation adopts a quantum communication combat system, which not only has more reliable communication, but also has the strongest anti-jamming capability, which is very important for electronic countermeasure operations.

In addition, all warships, including aircraft carriers, have adopted an intelligent combat system, established a joint intelligent combat platform, and added advanced auxiliary reconnaissance equipment.

Not only can the battlefield situation awareness be greatly improved, but it can also achieve rapid data analysis and combat plan formulation capabilities, because the intelligent system will present the best combat plan in an extremely short time.

Equipped with an advanced communication system, even a submarine thousands of meters deep can receive the command of the intelligent command system in real time, without any blind spots or dead ends.

Under special circumstances, the intelligent command system can also temporarily take over the command authority, so that the entire formation will not be completely paralyzed even under extreme circumstances, and the continuous combat capability will be greatly enhanced.

Of course, such an advanced system also makes the staffing of the entire aircraft carrier formation much less, because a large number of positions are replaced by advanced technology, which reduces the operating cost of the aircraft carrier formation.

Leaf Book also knows that over-automation will be unstable under extreme conditions, and many special treatments have been carried out during the design to ensure the safety and reliability of the entire system, otherwise it can only be operated by traditional manual machinery.

After such an aircraft carrier formation appeared, it immediately made the aircraft carrier formation of the old M, who was originally the number one in the world, fall behind by more than 50 years, and it was not at the same level of strength at all.

Of course, the cost of an aircraft carrier formation accumulated with so many advanced and mature technologies is naturally quite high. The total cost of a fully equipped aircraft carrier formation is as high as 450 billion yuan.

The country built two aircraft carrier formations at once, which can be said to have cost a lot of money. The main reason is that the situation is urgent, and there must be a strong enough naval force to protect our country's maritime rights and interests from infringement.

With these two super aircraft carrier formations, my country's strategic space will be greatly increased, the so-called first island chain built will completely lose its role, and the role of the second island chain will also be greatly weakened.

In terms of strategic value, it is very worthwhile to spend this money. In terms of technical value, Baihu Technology's quotation is completely worthy of this price.

One aircraft carrier formation is worth four others, but the price is only a little higher, and in terms of cost performance, it is much higher.

According to this configuration, our country only needs four aircraft carrier formations to guarantee our country's global interests, and no more is necessary. It is better to use the funds to increase the number of other ships.

It will take some time for the country to digest and absorb the construction of these two aircraft carriers. One is that the funds are used too much. If it is a one-ship construction, the pressure may not be great. This is the construction of two ships in a row, and they are built in full formation. The pressure is too great. It takes time to slow down.

The second is that it takes a period of time for the aircraft carrier formation to form combat effectiveness. Although these officers and soldiers have conducted simulation training in the virtual space, their actual combat capabilities are not low.

But the virtual world is not the real world after all, at least in the virtual world, it is easier to overcome inner fears and obstacles, and the real world is much worse.

It is expected that a good combat capability can be formed within half a year, and the full combat capability of the aircraft carrier formation can be exerted within one year, and the training cost will be much lower. The role played by the virtual world cannot be ignored.

The advanced army equipment of Baihu Technology Company will also complete the research and development and production tasks around the end of the year. By then, the armed forces of the sea, land and air will completely get rid of the previous appearance of backward technology.

In the future, it only needs to increase the number of advanced equipment step by step, and it will be able to secure its position as the number one military power in the world. It will play a huge role in ensuring the achievements of my country's economic construction, stabilizing the international situation, and striving for more initiative.

And behind all this, Baihu Technology Company is the absolute core, but not many people know the role that Baihu Technology Company plays in it.

The image it presents to the outside world is still an advanced space technology company, and even if it is said, no one believes that a private company can be the world's top in so many fields.

The gap between space technology, military technology and civilian technology is very large, especially the gap between advanced space technology and military technology is even greater.

For a company to carry out so many projects at the same time, and almost start from scratch, the scale of research and development funds required is unbearable, at least beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In fact, the cost of developing these technologies is very low, because most of the technologies are supported by Yeshu, and the scientific research process is just a process-based verification process.

Needless to say, the influence of my country's two consecutive aircraft carriers launching into the water for sea trials can be seen from the amount of information related to domestic and foreign media and the Internet during this period.

Even Ye Zishu, who was busy, had to pay attention, because Pei Qing was so happy about the news that she whispered it in his ear several times, and it was hard not to pay attention.

In fact, for him, this is already a thing of the past, and it is better to spend more energy on future scientific research projects, but he can understand Pei Qing's reaction.

Taiji Group is a company with a very high degree of internationalization, and a large part of its revenue comes from the international market. The strengthening of our country's strength is very important to ensure their global interests.

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