Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 926 Bio-robot arrangement and medical aesthetics technology


When the time came to September, the international crude oil price dropped to US$40 per barrel, which was already lower than the cost of finished fuel oil announced by Kirin Energy Industry Group.

Of course, at such a price, the finished fuel oil of Kirin Energy Industry Group is still competitive, the reason is that crude oil is not refined oil, and it needs to be refined in the middle, which also requires costs.

The most important thing is that there is a big difference in quality between the refined fuel oil and the refined oil directly produced by Kirin Energy Industrial Group, and their products can be almost free of impurities.

For example, our common gasoline labels are 93#, 98#, etc. This number represents the octane number of gasoline, and the higher the number, the stronger the anti-knock combustion ability.

The gasoline produced by Kirin Energy Industry Group can reach 100#, and the quality is the best. If you want to use crude oil to refine this grade of gasoline, the cost will be very high, and the price is naturally not low.

Therefore, the crude oil price of 40 US dollars per barrel does not make the products of Kirin Energy Industrial Group less competitive, but it is basically close to the competitive line.

Of course, if it is lower, Kirin Energy Industrial Group will not suffer a loss, because their cost line is only displayed to the outside world, and the cost is actually lower.

Even at a price of US$20 per barrel, Kirin Energy Industry Group is still making money. It is just a matter of earning more and earning less. In addition, the domestic energy market is not completely market-oriented, and their operations will not be hit in the short term.

However, they are also aware of the problems here. If international crude oil continues to appear at lower prices, it will inevitably prevent the export of Kirin Energy Industry Group's products.

Although they do not plan to export energy products on a large scale in the short term, even though their production capacity has reached 1 billion tons of refined oil, it seems that the domestic market cannot digest them.

In fact, they can change the type of production and replace part of the oil production capacity with natural gas production capacity. Urban heating has gradually begun to shift to natural gas, and other heating methods have begun to be banned in many cities.

Moreover, all the buildings under Wancheng Foundation are equipped with heating facilities regardless of the north and south, and natural gas can also be used for heating in winter in the south.

my country's natural gas consumption is also increasing year by year. Last year, the national natural gas consumption was 100 billion cubic meters, mainly for kitchen consumption.

Collective heating has been partially canceled in the northern region this year. Old buildings still need collective heating due to outdated facilities. New buildings no longer have collective heating facilities due to the adoption of more advanced heating solutions.

Every household can turn on the heating according to their own needs. The price of natural gas may have been more expensive in the past, but it is still relatively cheap now.

The price of natural gas for urban residents is basically maintained at the level of 2 yuan per cubic meter.

As electricity production gets bigger and bigger, gas prices are less likely to rise.

But even so, there is still a considerable part of the production capacity that cannot be absorbed by the country. The reason is that the number of cars in the country is still relatively low, and the total consumption is about 500 million tons.

This means that nearly half of the production capacity cannot be digested domestically and needs to be sold in the international market. The current low crude oil price is not good news for Kirin Energy Industry Group.

He does not believe that there is no idea of ​​oil-producing countries, because Kirin Energy Industry Group has disclosed its own cost price, and they can easily calculate the approximate price equivalent to crude oil.

The purpose of lowering the price below the cost line of the energy industry group is actually very simple, which is to prevent the products of Kirin energy industry group from competing for the international market.

Anyway, for many oil-producing countries, their crude oil production cost is very low, even if they sell it for 20 US dollars, they can still make money, although the profit will be much less.

But in contrast, solving the serious problem of Kirin Energy Industry Group is their top priority. This low-price competition method is very effective in the process of international market competition.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that international crude oil prices are expected to continue to weaken. International capital that had suffered heavy losses has begun to short international crude oil prices, hoping to recover some losses.

Kirin Energy Industrial Group can't stop production casually. First of all, if the electricity generated by solar energy is not used to produce finished fuel oil, it will be wasted.

The second is to maintain the trading volume of my country's energy futures exchange. If there are fewer products, the trading volume of the futures exchange will be low, and the influence in the international energy market will naturally be weak.

Although the energy futures exchange has experienced an unprecedented futures battle, the energy futures exchange has become famous in one fell swoop and has a certain influence in the international energy market.

But after all, it is a new energy futures exchange. If it cannot continue to maintain its influence, it is very likely that it will gradually become lonely in the future. This is what the country does not want to see.

Therefore, no matter what, Kirin Energy Industry Group needs to provide enough energy products that can be traded. In the eyes of outsiders, they are now riding a tiger.

Continue to produce a large amount of energy. At the current price, it means that the more you sell, the more you lose money. If you don't produce it, the initial investment is so large, and the needs of the new energy futures exchange are also not the best choice.

The international crude oil futures price in October is temporarily at US$35 per barrel, the international crude oil futures price in November has dropped to US$30 per barrel, and the futures price in December has dropped below US$30 to US$28 per barrel.

Faced with such an aggressive situation, Kirin Energy Industry Group's only choice is to fight to the end. As long as the price is above 10 US dollars per barrel, they will only bear a nominal loss.

In fact, how much can still be earned, but how many countries have crude oil costs below 10 US dollars per barrel? Crude oil production costs in most oil-exporting countries exceed $20 per barrel.

In the long run, Kirin Energy Industrial Group is not worried at all, unless these oil exporting countries do not want to make money, but only want to contribute to the development of the global economy.

Obviously, this is impossible. The main source of income for many oil-exporting countries is petroleum energy products. If they continue to make no money, their countries' economies will have problems.

And our country itself is an energy importing country. Now that energy can be produced domestically, the national energy fundamentals are stable. As for the fuel oil export trade, it is just a matter of earning more and earning less.

Therefore, Kirin Energy Industry Group did not make any response at all, and the prices of refined oil futures provided were all in line with the market. Isn't it just a price cut? They are not afraid at all.

Of course, there are other ways to raise the price of international crude oil, which is not purely commercial, but uses other relationships, even political ones.

As mentioned earlier, the sales of Baihu Technology's foreign trade fighters are very good, and the countries in the Middle East are the main buyers, and they are also major oil producing countries in the world, so they can still get involved and exchange interests.

It's just that they don't think it's necessary, and there is a price to use any relationship, not to mention that they haven't reached the actual loss line, and they have the ability to spend it together.

What's more, Kirin Energy Industrial Group is behind Kirin Industrial Group. Even if they are losing money all the year round, they will not go bankrupt because of this. It can even be said that when other countries go bankrupt, Kirin Industrial Group can still be alive and kicking.

As the winner of the last futures war, Tidal Investment Company is basically liquidated and no longer conducts energy futures operations.

The previous operation was a deliberate set-up to win easily. If you continue to entangle, it is very likely that you will not be able to please. The best choice is to withdraw decisively.

What's more, there are global assets waiting for them to buy bottoms, and it is simply not worthwhile to invest their energy in the energy market, so they are very quiet.

However, after the energy futures war, the global economy has become even more depressed, and the originally small amount of capital has been consumed again.

It has even caused a lot of capital to go bankrupt and liquidated, and a large number of assets in the world have been sold at a low price.

As of September, Tidal Investment Corporation has acquired more than a thousand banking institutions around the world, and obtained admission tickets to the financial markets of most countries.

In addition, a large number of insurance institutions have been acquired, and the acquisition of these financial institutions did not cost much, because many of them are insolvent, or close to the verge of insolvency.

In many acquisitions, the purchase price of US$1 was given symbolically, but the debt must be borne by the acquirer, otherwise they would rather go bankrupt.

In addition to financial institutions, they have also acquired countless physical assets and companies. The number of companies alone is as high as tens of thousands. These companies are not small in scale, and they are not interested in companies that are too small.

Under the circumstances of the bad international economic situation, it is not difficult for Tidal Investment Company with a large amount of capital to acquire these assets, so it is not very ecstatic about the results of these acquisitions.

Because how to revitalize these assets in the future is the time to test them. It will definitely need to go through a series of asset restructuring, optimize the management structure, sort out the business, and so on.

These tasks are the place to test whether an investment company is really capable. Only by turning junk assets into high-quality assets will the benefits be greater.

With so much work to do, all the staff of Tidal Investment Company tensed up. In the past, Ye Zihua would go back to his hometown two or three times a year. Since he left at the beginning of the year, he hadn't been back once. He was too busy.

Of course, although Ye Zishu has not been out for a long time and has been staying in his hometown, he has not been idle. The bio-machine mosquitoes he developed before have reached trillions after more than half a year of breeding.

After he returned home at the end of August, he released these mosquitoes back to nature in batches, and then they will spread all over the world according to the instructions, becoming one of his powerful weapons.

The thermal radiation absorption field has met the requirements of his design through laboratory experiments. As long as there is no problem after the actual scene experiment, the climate transformation work in the Northwest will become easier.

There are two main tasks in his hands now. The first task is to develop biological robots. If such a huge overseas asset of Tidal Investment Company is managed by others, there will be huge hidden dangers.

However, the research and development of biological robots is a very sensitive technology, which is no different from human cloning in the eyes of outsiders, and involves moral and ethical issues.

So he didn't plan to operate in his own laboratory. If he wanted to be unknown, he had to do nothing. Although he was the only one in the private laboratory, he was still very cautious.

The method he adopts is very special. First, he will carry out the genetic design in the virtual laboratory, and then check the effect of the genetic design, after confirming that there are no problems with the design.

The genetic reproduction design will be carried out in the actual laboratory. These are just data, and the next step is the key point, which is how to turn these genetic data into real biological robots.

He intends to carry out all this process abroad. For this reason, he has also specially developed related equipment, which can turn embryonic stem cells into embryonic stem cells based on genetic data.

Then, through the in vitro breeding equipment, the embryonic stem cells are cultivated into biological robots. If the routine operation is followed, even the biological robots born will take more than ten years to grow into adults.

If you have to wait that long, the day lily is probably cold, so there is also a set of auxiliary growth equipment that can speed up the growth of the biological robot baby.

Originally, it took more than ten years to grow, but with this set of equipment, it can grow into an adult in just one year, and the health level is no different from normal growth.

Even because of the proper optimization of the genes, no matter the physical strength, reaction, strength and other indicators are much higher than humans, and the level of intelligence that comes with it is not inferior to normal adults.

Even because the brain is a biological computer, it can learn a lot of knowledge naturally, and its IQ performance is better than that of ordinary humans. With the support of the super quantum computer in the background, there is no need to worry about mental retardation.

He plans to send some general-purpose robots to carry out this task abroad, and the name is easy to find, just go abroad in the name of employees of his company.

The equipment is in the form of parts and can be mixed with many export goods. When designing, he deliberately took care of the convenience of assembly, and the difficulty of assembly is not high.

As long as tens of thousands of biological robots are produced outside, these devices will be destroyed, and then these robots will be allowed to reproduce themselves, and finally a population with a sufficient number of people will be formed.

These bio-robots can pair and reproduce with each other, but they cannot reproduce with humans, because they look the same as humans, and are actually not a race, with natural genetic isolation.

This was deliberately done by Ye Zishu, because he was worried about genetic pollution, and it was also possible for biological robots to be born with intelligence, which would be troublesome, and he didn't know whether the consequences would be good or bad.

Therefore, genetically, he has imposed very strict restrictions. He just wants to do something, and he definitely doesn't want to destroy human beings, so he can't be too cautious.

By October, the work was basically complete, and the selected executive general-purpose robots were all "employees" of Tidal Investment Corporation.

In addition, they have traveled around the world during this period of time, and their overseas activities are very frequent, and they will benefit the most later, so it is only natural to use their employees to perform tasks.

However, only he knew about the missions of these universal robots, and he didn't tell anyone, not even the closest people. The best way to keep a secret was not to pass it on to anyone else.

There are quite a lot of bio-robot races he designed. He has designed almost all the major human races on the earth, and there are quite a few of them.

According to his estimation, the number of biological robots in each group should be kept at about 100,000. Such a number can not only meet his needs, but also ensure that the group can survive more easily.

It is easier to assign identities to these biological robots, not to mention that it can be done through special channels. With his technical strength, the global household registration data can be modified at will, provided that it needs to be digitized.

The second thing is to develop medical beauty technology. Pei Qing also had this idea before. After all, "everyone has a love for beauty", no matter what his thoughts are, things will always develop in an inevitable direction.

There are still other private hospitals in China, and they are basically engaged in the medical beauty business. Because of other businesses, Tai Chi Medical Group is strong enough, and they can't compete at all.

However, with the current level of medical aesthetic technology, there are still many regrettable things. It doesn't matter if you become ugly, or you will be disabled or lose your life.

Rich people who want medical beauty go abroad, and the wasted money is spent abroad, which is also a huge loss for Tai Chi Medical Group.

In addition, the reform of medical insurance has basically been finalized. If Taiji Medical Group wants to continue to increase revenue, it must develop new non-disease business, and it is a profitable business.

Therefore, medical beauty is the next important business of Taiji Medical Group no matter from which point of view. It's just that Ye Zishu didn't let them do it before, and they have no choice, but continuing to suppress it is not a solution.

In addition, Taiji Group's performance in the pharmaceutical field this year is mediocre. If it does not continue to produce high-value products, subsequent revenue will fall into a growth dilemma.

In fact, medical aesthetics is not complicated, it is nothing more than a few methods, either padding things, or cutting off some things, plus plasticity, basically there is nothing else.

For him, padding is the simplest thing. It is nothing more than wanting to increase muscle or fat tissue in a certain place. For this reason, he has developed a special drug that can achieve local muscle or fat gain.

The opposite is fat loss. In fact, Tai Chi Group itself has very effective weight loss drugs, but weight loss drugs only reduce overall weight loss and cannot perform local weight loss, so special fat loss drugs have a place to play.

In addition, he has also developed special drugs to promote local tissue regeneration. The typical application scenario is a high nose bridge. The current technology can only cushion things.

The use of local tissue regeneration drugs can precisely control the growth size, shape, etc. The effect produced by this method is much better than that of pads, and it will not look so fake, which is no different from natural growth.

The rare thing is the bone cutting operation. To be honest, he admires someone so fearless and fearless in pursuit of beauty. It takes a lot of determination, and if it fails, the consequences will be very serious.

He will definitely not use such high-risk technical means, but use the nano-razor robot, which can complete the bone cutting operation in a painless state, and with special auxiliary drugs, it will not cause any damage to body tissues.

In addition to technical research and development, he has also developed an intelligent medical beauty effect system, which can automatically generate some post-medical beauty effects according to the customer's appearance before the medical beauty treatment. These effects are carried out under safe and controllable conditions of.

Of course, customers can also put forward their own requirements to generate the medical aesthetic effect they want. If the proposed effect is extremely dangerous, Tai Chi Medical Group must reject it, and it cannot do things that are too insane.

In fact, he can also be genetically modified, but this method is not effective for adults, because it has already been finalized, and the best scene should be during the pregnancy period.

However, he is very cautious about genetic modification. Artificially changing genes may face unpredictable risks. He is not afraid of technological risks, but legal risks and social risks.

The set of medical aesthetics technology he presented is much stronger than the existing medical aesthetics technology in every aspect. It is painless, safe, and has outstanding effects. It will definitely be able to quickly eliminate the existing medical aesthetics technology.

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