Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 927 Launching the East-to-West Water Transmission Project


In mid-November, Leaf Book held a joint meeting with Kylin Energy Industry Group, Kylin Agricultural Development Group and Kylin Environmental Industry Group, mainly to discuss the issue of climate change in Northwest China.

According to the data model test, if the thermal radiation energy absorption field in the Tarim Basin is well established, the electricity generated every day will reach trillions of degrees, which is extremely amazing.

The most important thing is that the cost of these electricity is extremely low. It can even be said that this electricity is just a by-product of the thermal radiation energy-absorbing field, which can not be included in the cost at all.

Such a huge amount of electricity cannot be used up in daily life and industry, but it cannot be wasted in vain. We can only find projects with particularly large energy requirements to consume.

Before Ye Zishu planned to use this electricity to synthesize precious metal elements, he definitely had no shortage of technology, but such a huge amount of electricity would be difficult to consume with only precious metal synthesis engineering.

And the reason why precious metals are precious metals is because they are rare, if there are too many, they are worthless, and if there are too many, they will not be used up, so they can only be used as the last choice.

Since the power is so abundant and the cost is so low, it is possible to divert Bohai sea water into the northwest region, especially in the Tarim Basin, where high-altitude rainfall operations are difficult and uncertain.

According to calculations, from the Bohai Sea to the northwest Lop Nur, the highest altitude in the middle does not exceed 2000 meters. Based on the calculation of 2000 meters, one ton of water transported to the northwest region only needs to consume about 10 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

Then, the electricity produced by the thermal radiation energy-absorbing field in one day can transport 100 billion tons of water from the Bohai Sea to Lop Nur. In fact, the amount of water transported is more than 30% higher than this.

More than 36.5 trillion tons of water can be transported a year. Of course, this is only an ideal state. It is not an easy task to build a pipeline with such a transport capacity.

Moreover, the Tarim Basin does not have high temperature weather all year round, and the actual annual power generation is definitely not so high, but his idea is indeed possible.

Not to mention that the annual water transfer volume is as high as more than 30 trillion tons, and 1 trillion tons of water can be transported from the Bohai Sea to the Northwest and Lop Nur every year, which can completely change the climate of the entire Northwest.

It is even possible to turn Lop Nur into the largest inland lake. After the northwest climate is generally humid, it will be difficult to reduce the rainfall.

If the amount of water is transported throughout the year, it is only necessary to build a pipeline with an inner wall radius of 100 meters. The annual water transport capacity is as high as 1 trillion tons, which is enough to meet the water transport requirements of the west.

Not only can it meet the water delivery requirements of the Tarim Basin, but it can also meet the needs of residents along the way and ecological water replenishment along the way. New population agglomeration areas can be formed along this pipeline.

And the real expensive part of this project is the construction of this water pipeline,

Using iron pipes is the easiest and most trouble-free place, but the cost is very high, and the total price is high if the amount is too large.

Therefore, he intends to come up with a polymer material that meets the requirements to replace iron pipes, so that the cost of pipelines per kilometer can be controlled at about 50 million yuan.

Based on the total length of 2,500 kilometers, the total cost of the pipeline is 125 billion yuan, plus the large-scale pumping equipment that needs to be used in the middle, the cost is about 100 billion yuan, and the total cost of the transportation pipeline project is about 225 billion yuan.

Then there is the construction cost of the seawater desalination plant, which is about 25 billion yuan. The two costs add up to about 250 billion yuan, which is completely affordable.

Once this project is completed, it can be used for at least a hundred years. After apportionment, the annual cost is only 2.5 billion yuan, and the value created is much higher than this figure.

The heads of the three companies were all shocked by his unconstrained ideas, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. As long as the energy is sufficient and the cost of desalinating seawater is low enough, it is not difficult to do this.

The seawater desalination technology he provided to Kirin Environmental Industry Group is extremely cheap. In the past, the cost of seawater desalination per ton was only 0.1 yuan. Now the energy price is lower, and the cost can be reduced by 10 times, only 0.01 yuan.

Based on the annual desalination of 2 trillion tons of seawater, the operating cost of the seawater desalination plant is only 20 billion yuan, which can be recovered from the water supply of cities along the way.

In fact, they can get a lot of profit by selling the minerals extracted from the desalinated seawater, which even covers the cost of desalination. This is the power brought by technology.

Since the three companies are all subsidiaries of Kirin Industry Group, there are relatively few interests involved in this project, but in order to prevent future disputes, reasonable planning is still required.

After negotiation, Kylin Energy Industry Group is responsible for energy supply, Kylin Environmental Industry Group is responsible for seawater desalination, and Kylin Agricultural Development Group is responsible for pipeline construction.

Kylin Agricultural Development Group is in charge of the whole project. Kylin Energy Industry Group supplies electricity at a price of 0.02 yuan per kWh, and Kylin Environmental Industry Group supplies desalinated seawater at a price of 0.02 yuan per ton.

In fact, Qilin Agricultural Development Group only needs to pay for energy costs, because Qilin Environmental Industry Group needs to use their pipelines for water supply along the way, and pipeline fees also cost money.

The calculation here is more complicated, so Leaf Book simply let them offset each other, the Agricultural Development Group does not need to pay water fees, and the Environmental Industry Group does not need to pay plumbing fees.

After discussing this matter, Guo Dongmei, who attended the meeting together, was also a little bit tongue-tied when she saw Ye Zishu's approach. This is really daring to think and do it, but after thinking about it, I feel that this is the best solution under the current conditions.

Although the initial construction cost was as high as 250 billion yuan, the cost of installing a large amount of rainfall equipment in the northwest is basically the same, and the normal operation also requires money, and the effect may not be so good.

Of course, it does not mean that the previous cloud-dispelling and rain-regulating technology will be eliminated. It can still play an active role in regulating rainfall from north to south, and plays an important role in coping with extreme climates.

Regardless of whether it is the impact of human activities or the earth's climate has entered a special cycle, in any case, extreme weather will appear more and more frequently in the future, and the places where these technologies can play a role are getting bigger and bigger.

Guo Dongmei has been the president of Kirin Industrial Group for nearly a year, and she should have a clearer understanding of the industry status of Kirin Industrial Group.

In addition, this project requires a general manager, and the other three companies are not suitable, because the positions are the same, and if there is a disagreement, no one will accept the other.

Therefore, he asked Guo Dongmei to be the general manager of this project to coordinate the work of the three group companies. At the same time, he could ask other group companies to cooperate to complete this great project.

Of course, for such an important project, it is impossible for them to finish their internal discussions. It also needs to be approved by the relevant state departments, and it can only be implemented after the approval is passed.

But he thinks that the probability of not passing is very small, because all the problems of the project have been solved, there is no technical bottleneck, but the effect is very large, there is no reason not to pass.

Not to mention other things, the cities along the route will receive a large amount of water supply, and the quality of life will rise to a higher level, which will play a huge role in improving people's livelihood in Northwest China, and even help develop the industries of cities along the route.

The most important thing is that the government does not need to pay for this huge project. The only thing the government needs to do is to coordinate the land resources along the way when building the pipeline.

At the end of the meeting, Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongmei to be responsible for submitting the project to the relevant departments for approval, and the three group companies made preliminary preparations to lay a solid foundation for the implementation as soon as possible.

In terms of route survey, he asked him to take care of the cities along the way as much as possible. Don't just choose the place with the shortest route. Of course, you can also use branch pipelines to deliver water to surrounding cities.

This east-to-west water pipeline runs from Tianjin in the east to Lop Nur in the west. The total project budget is 300 billion yuan. Even if it exceeds expectations, the funds are enough.

After arranging the tasks, Ye Zishu will sort out the technologies in it, including piping materials and production technologies, large-scale water pump technologies, and technologies required for related supporting facilities.

None of these were difficult for him. It took less than 3 days to sort out the technical information and verify the technology, and then sent the relevant information to the various companies under his umbrella.

For example, the large-scale water pump was handed over to Xuanwu Technology Company. They themselves have relatively strong capabilities in this area, and they can be considered easy to do.

The production of polymer pipe materials and finished pipe products was handed over to Kirin Basic Industry Group. They themselves have outstanding capabilities in polymer materials and are relatively easy to do.

The previous seawater desalination technology was sufficient, but he did not need to provide additional technical support. This work could be done by Kirin Environmental Industry Group itself.

After finishing these things, Ye Zishu began to think about how to consume the excess electricity, saying that it was used to produce precious metals. In fact, he did not give any of his companies the technology in this regard.

The element conversion technology itself is very advanced. You must know that nuclear fusion is a kind of element conversion technology, and the controllable nuclear fusion has not been done for so many years, which shows how difficult the technology is.

And he needs to synthesize iron into other higher-quality elements, which is even more difficult, and it needs to be synthesized at a relatively low cost, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Regardless of the method used, turning iron into higher-quality elements is an energy-absorbing process, which is also the basis for him to use electricity to turn iron into other higher elements.

But according to the existing technology, not to mention that there is no way to complete the element transformation, the cost is too high, it is not cost-effective at all, and the traditional technical method will not work at all.

In the past, he paid special attention to this technology. The more convenient way is to use the microscopic particle transfer machine to realize the change of the internal structure of the atom.

However, the manufacture of this kind of machine is extremely difficult and requires a series of technologies to support it. After the construction of this system, the cost is incalculable. The only advantage is that it consumes less energy.

It’s just that this method consumes less energy, but the output is also very small. After all, it needs to operate on atomic nuclei, and the number of atomic nuclei in 1 gram of matter is countless.

No matter how fast the machine is, the annual output is very limited. Because of this, he feels that this road is not very feasible unless it is absolutely necessary.

The reason why he got his attention is mainly because this is already the most feasible plan among many plans, and other plans are more difficult.

Some time ago, in order to find the thermal radiation absorption field, he read a lot of technologies and theories related to the field, which completely refreshed his idea of ​​the technological route.

For many technical problems considered extremely difficult by modern technology, it is much more convenient to use special fields, and there are many incredible effects. It turns out that technology does not have only one route, but we just follow the current technological route.

Among them, he saw a special kind of touchstone field, which not only does not consume too much energy, but also can be mass-produced, which is the most suitable solution at present.

He carried out the iron-to-gold experiment in the virtual laboratory, and the energy consumed to generate 1g of gold only needs 1000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is far less than the value given by the mass-energy equation.

The reason is very simple, that is, using the field to synthesize new elements can automatically absorb dark energy to supplement energy consumption. This 1000 kWh electricity is just an introduction.

Just like a thermal radiation energy-absorbing field, a large amount of electrical energy needs to be input into it before it can absorb thermal radiation to form electrical energy output and generate more electrical energy.

To be honest, according to the current electricity cost, it is actually not cost-effective to do so, and it is only valuable after the thermal radiation energy absorption field is established, and the electricity is inexhaustible and extremely cheap.

He is not sure how much power will be left over by then, but the relevant reserves can be made first. If there is too much power left, this technology can be used.

So in the laboratory, let the general robot use laboratory equipment to synthesize field bases according to his technical route. These field bases are the key to forming the field.

The field bases used by different fields are also very different, and it can even be said to be irrelevant, whether it is materials or internal structures, there is no relationship at all.

This is also the reason why Field is difficult to learn. Even if you understand Field itself, how to realize it is extremely difficult. Even Ye Zishu has read so many theories about Field, and asking him to figure it out by himself will still stump him.

If he were not an atheist, he would wonder if this is a field that only God can easily master, and it is also the technical field that he feels is the most difficult so far.

He is just drawing from a gourd now. As for when he will be able to master the field proficiently, it is unknown, but if there is no special event in the future, he plans to increase his research on the field.

Maybe when he can master the field proficiently, maybe the level will change fundamentally, and the understanding of the universe will enter a new level.

While Ye Zishu was busy, at the end of November, Taiji Group held this year's product launch conference. Although Pei Qing did not attend the event in person, she participated in the whole process at home.

At this product launch event, Ye Zishu didn't bring out many things, but the researchers of Taiji Group were not completely vegetarian, and they still came up with good medicines.

Among them, the two most important ones need to be specifically mentioned. The first one is a drug for the treatment of barreniasis, which is a genetic disease commonly known as "vampire disease".

The second drug is for Haley's disease, also a genetic disorder that manifests itself in blisters and erosions in the armpits, neck, skin folds and genitals.

The Tai Chi Group has produced two drugs for the treatment of genetic diseases in a row, which shows that their research on genes has reached a certain level, otherwise it would be impossible to develop this drug.

Although the incidence of these two diseases is very low, it is of little significance from the perspective of making money, but it is of great significance from the perspective of medical development.

Although Ye Zishu himself is more cautious about the research and development of genetic medicines, he does not prevent the scientific research team under the Taiji Group from conducting research.

The reason is that in order to produce better effects, he tends to modify the genes more often, so many incomprehensible genetic technologies will be produced.

Although the Taiji Group's researchers are also developing genetic medicines, their level is basically within the understandable range, in line with the current level of technological cognition, and is almost in sync with the development of civilization, and there will be no disconnection.

In addition to these two more meaningful drugs, there are many other innovations in medical technology, but none of them are particularly important, and it is difficult to attract Ye Shu's attention.

At this new product launch conference, the life-saving medicine provided by Ye Zishu was impressively listed. It has completed clinical trials in China and reached the standard for marketing.

There are two types of life-saving medicines. One is used in the form of pills, and the price is relatively cheap. Each pill only costs 10,000 yuan. The shelf life is 5 years, and the effect is very good.

The only flaw is that when life is in danger, it needs help from outsiders. Of course, there are special circumstances, such as a large amount of blood loss, and it can be used by itself at the initial stage, and the effect is very good.

The other is the temporary storage method of subcutaneous tissue injection, which is twice as expensive. Domestically, it is planned to charge 20,000 yuan. The shelf life is also 5 years, and there is no harm after 5 years. It will become part of the body fluid and be absorbed by the body.

Life-saving drugs are not included in the medical insurance catalogue. Although the price is not low, in fact, it only costs 2,000 to 4,000 yuan per year.

And in most cases, it is not necessary for everyone to prepare one, but only for each family, because the probability of accidental life-threatening is still relatively low.

As for how big the market is, he doesn't know. Anyway, the price is not particularly expensive if it is expensive, and it is not cheap if you say it is cheap. .

In addition to the life-saving medicine, at this new product launch conference, Taiji Group announced that it will export longevity medicine, the price of which will naturally be much more expensive, as high as 50,000 yuan per dose for the time being, and one dose is needed every year.

The reason why it is so expensive to sell outside is that the use of longevity medicine is very beneficial to the body and will reduce the expenditure on other medical expenses, which is a bit unfavorable for Tai Chi Group.

Domestically, they can rely on medical insurance to support them, so as not to overly damage the interests of Taiji Group, but this condition is not available abroad. If the longevity medicine is sold very cheaply, their other income will be greatly reduced.

The account here, as long as it is an individual, can be understood. Although Taiji Group wants to benefit mankind, it will not harm its own interests. From this perspective, setting this price is quite reasonable.

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