Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 930 Tidal Investment Company: Another Year of Making Money


The previous thinking about deploying biological robots overseas needs to be changed. The original method is not well protected, and a set of more feasible measures is needed.

In order to be able to cooperate with the deployment of biological robots overseas, he plans to let Taiji Group come up with in vitro life breeding technology to treat infertility symptoms that cannot be treated by drugs.

In vitro breeding technology is also a technology that needs to be kept secret, including the equipment used. If such a business is carried out, the equipment must be kept under their noses.

With such a high requirement for confidentiality, the main reason is to prevent this technology from being abused. He always handles things with the worst expectation, instead of thinking that everyone is a moral gentleman. If he really thinks this way, he would be naive.

In addition, some time ago, he produced a series of equipment, technology and medical products for medical aesthetics, some of which have extremely high technical content and require high confidentiality.

For example, nano-robots will not be sold externally, but nano-robots can not only play an important role in the field of disease treatment, but also play an important role in the field of medical beauty, especially the medical beauty methods he brought out.

Unless the medical beauty business of Taiji Medical Group is only operated in China, consumers who want to do medical beauty business all over the world come to China to receive medical beauty services.

If the technology is good, there will indeed be a considerable number of people who will come to China to receive medical and aesthetic services, but most of them will definitely not. No matter what era they are in, going abroad is a troublesome and expensive thing.

So he asked Taiji Medical Group to open some medical institutions in every country in the world. The main business includes medical beauty and gynecology, and other businesses are not within their business scope.

The main purpose of not operating other businesses is to reduce the resistance of overseas operations, and for Taiji Group, there is no need to compete with other international medical institutions for business. They have made a lot of money from medicine and equipment.

The in vitro life breeding equipment and biological robot production equipment are similar to some extent. Technically, the biological robot production equipment has higher technical content and is more complicated.

If the overseas medical institutions are launched, the bio-robot production equipment can be transported very smoothly to all parts of the world. In addition, the management and attending doctors dispatched in the past are general-purpose robots, so it will be more convenient to implement the original plan.

In addition, Taiji Group controls the supply of many key medicines and equipment in various countries around the world, so it is naturally in a strong position, and its actions will be smoother.

In the first one or two years, general-purpose robots will be sent overseas to perform tasks. After the biological robots are produced, biological robots will gradually be allowed to control these medical institutions.

Then the general robot was withdrawn from overseas countries because it was afraid that the general robot had been implemented overseas for a long time and was found and detained by the local government.

Then the loss outweighs the gain.

Although the manufacturing of universal robots is very difficult, long-term research will still yield results, and many technologies in universal robots have not applied for patents.

It is easy to change the plan, but it is much more complicated to do it. It is the end of the year, and Tai Chi Medical Group still needs to carry out the tasks of the headquarters and send a large number of personnel to work overseas.

If it weren't for the current unshakable status of the Taiji Group in the medical field, if it wanted to develop medical services overseas, it would have to go through approval, which would be more complicated.

Regarding the techniques of using special fields to transform various elements, seven or eight have already been sorted out. These techniques are all copied from the virtual library. Ye Zishu thinks that he has not mastered it yet, and it is still difficult for him to do it independently.

As for what element to convert into, it is actually very simple. Just follow the periodic table of elements. The rarer the element, the greater the conversion value.

Basically, they can be converted from iron to target elements. As for the elements in front of iron, most of them are conventional elements, and the content on the earth is very high.

To be honest, he is actually not satisfied with using these electricity to convert elements, no matter how precious the elements are, once they are produced in large quantities, they are actually not very valuable.

Of course, if scarce elements can be continuously produced, it will be beneficial to the development of his industrial industry, because many rare elements are in the hands of others.

It doesn't matter if you need to spend a lot of money to buy it every year. I'm afraid that it will be manipulated by others, so that his industries can't buy it or reduce the supply of rare elements, which may have some impact.

Especially in the aerospace industry, a large number of rare metals and non-metallic materials with very special characteristics are used. Of course, many rare elements are replaced by other materials.

What he wants most is to store such a huge amount of energy. If there is a technology to store a huge amount of energy, it will be very important for future space development.

Perhaps this technology for storing huge amounts of energy is more important than controllable nuclear fusion. He still doesn't have much confidence in storing such a huge amount of energy with ordinary matter.

Existing physical technology and chemical technology are difficult to achieve the ideal energy storage goal, so he has set his sights on the field of magical field technology.

I hope to find a field technology that can achieve high-density energy storage, perhaps hundreds of trillions of kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, and only need a fingernail or a smaller storage volume to meet it.

In any case, the element conversion field technology he provided is still very important to solve the problem of huge energy consumption, and it can also increase the stock of rare metals on the earth, which is also of positive significance to the development of science and technology.

Of course, Leaf Book is also studying elements that do not exist on the periodic table. Perhaps these elements that do not appear have more special characteristics and will be more useful.

In addition to technical matters, during this period of time, he also spent energy on the annual reports of his industries to understand the development of his industries in the past year.

Especially in the special year of the past, the deepening of the global financial crisis and the occurrence of extreme weather in China have all had a certain degree of impact on economic development.

Tidal Investment Company gained the most last year. The money earned from the oil futures market alone was a huge income. Adding other income, the total income last year was as high as 25 trillion yuan.

The largest income comes from the oil futures market. They cooperated with Kirin Energy Industry Group and prepared for more than half a year, and finally achieved fruitful results.

The second is the money earned in the global securities and financial market. Originally, after the financial crisis, the global securities market was dead silent, and Tidal Investment Company did not intend to make waves in the securities and financial market.

They even plan to spend a considerable amount of funds on bottom-hunting, so that on the one hand, they can obtain good returns in the future, and on the other hand, they can slightly stabilize the global financial market, allowing the market to take a breather.

It’s just that some countries, relying on their right to print money, have begun to flood the financial market on a large scale in order to save the market. This practice is actually endangering the interests of Tidal Investment Corporation.

They are still waiting for this rare opportunity to complete some layouts. If the water is too large, the global thirst for funds will not be as strong as it is now, and they can still harvest leeks from all over the world.

The current situation can be regarded as the result of Tidal Investment Company's painstaking efforts. How could it be willing to see others picking peaches and mess up its own plan.

So they temporarily changed their original strategy, and started to let the smart tidal investment system operate in their financial market, continuing to harvest from the securities market.

The result is that no matter how much water they put in, it seems that the hole in the middle cannot be filled, and the stock market is still half dead, and even continues to fall.

It turns out that some people really don’t have any confidence in the market. Taking advantage of the slight rise in the market, they start selling off their securities assets. At least they can get money. explain.

Although the securities market is much more active than before, it generally shows a slow downward trend. In addition, the energy futures market in the second half of the year caused heavy losses of many capitals.

And their own lack of global competitiveness, including technology, economy and military, is in a state of rapid decline. Many measures used to be very effective, but now they are not enough.

Since the large amount of financial capital was cut off by Tidal Investment Corporation, the result was that other countries did not receive the financial rescue they expected.

As a result, the economic crisis in these countries continued to deepen, resulting in a large number of companies that could have been rescued, but ended up on the verge of bankruptcy, or even reached the point of bankruptcy.

Seeing that the effect of releasing the water was not ideal, they backed down directly. The reason was that they were afraid that continuing to release the water would cause unpredictable consequences, and they also wanted to find out the reason behind it.

It's just that Tidal Investment's investment behavior is disguised in millions of trading accounts, each of which is a formal trading account, and there is no problem with the procedures.

At best, they can see which accounts have made money, but these profitable accounts are not willing to continue investing after making money, but continue to hold these funds.

Moreover, there is still a large amount of funds flowing into overseas bank accounts. The reflected result is that market expectations are not strong, investment confidence is not sufficient, and no amount of money can boost confidence in the short term.

In addition, these countries have not been sufficiently innovative in recent years, and their own economic strength and technological level have gradually found it difficult to support a huge financial system.

The emergence of the financial crisis is not entirely due to Tidal Investment Company, at most they just acted as an introduction, exposing its potential problems.

From the perspective of global macroeconomic phenomena, there is a shortage of funds all over the world, and countries experiencing financial crises urgently need a large amount of capital to tide over the difficulties.

Therefore, since Tidal Investment Company won a big victory in the energy futures market in September, it began to focus on solving the global financial crisis.

To be honest, the global financial crisis has dealt a heavy blow to the development of the global economy. If it lasts for too long, it will also cause certain harm to my country's economic development.

As long as Tidal Investment Corporation's strategic goals can be achieved, they are actually willing to end the global financial crisis as soon as possible and bring the global economic order back on track.

It is precisely because the global economy is extremely hungry for funds that the result is that the plan of Tidal Investment Company is going very smoothly. In just over three months, a large number of financial institutions and enterprises have completed the acquisition and investment of shares.

As of the last day of December, Tidal Investment Corporation has acquired more than 8,000 banking institutions, more than 3,000 insurance institutions, and more than 100,000 physical enterprises around the world.

Among them, the acquisition costs of financial institutions and insurance institutions are almost negligible. Unless such a sensitive industry is really unable to survive and is on the verge of bankruptcy, it is generally difficult to be acquired.

Therefore, the acquisition of these financial institutions basically does not cost much money, but dealing with the debts of these financial institutions may consume a lot of funds.

As for how much money will be spent, it depends on the follow-up operation of Tidal Investment Company. Such a large number of financial institutions must be integrated to form several large-scale financial institutions.

Regardless of whether it is considered from a management perspective, from the perspective of anti-risk, or from the perspective of debt restructuring, such an operation is very necessary.

The ones that really spend more money are the acquisitions of real companies, and Tidal Investment Company is not willing to buy companies that are about to go bankrupt, unless it is a special case and has a certain acquisition value.

Most of the real enterprises that can not go bankrupt under the financial crisis usually operate very well. The acquisition of such enterprises will generate higher value after the financial crisis.

Moreover, enterprises that can still have certain operating capabilities under the financial crisis are generally not small in size, and small enterprises have weaker ability to resist risks in the face of such a crisis.

Therefore, they spent as much as 30 trillion yuan on the acquisition and shareholding of real enterprises, with an average of about 300 million yuan spent by each real company.

From the perspective of the average cost of funds, the reason is that the global asset prices have shrunk sharply. The price of these real assets has shrunk by 50%, which is low, and some have even shrunk by more than 80%.

In addition, some physical enterprises do not need to be wholly-owned, and most enterprises only need to reach the control line. If they are really wholly-owned, they will be fools.

The problem of wholly-owned domestic holdings is not too big. After all, it is in my own country. As long as I operate honestly and with my own particularity, I will not be troubled by others.

If they still want to eat alone in a foreign country, they may compromise under the crisis. Once the crisis is over, there may be smoke everywhere, making troubles openly and secretly, and wearing small shoes.

Therefore, it must be based on the principle that everyone can enjoy the benefits, as long as they have a certain degree of control over the shares, even if they want to achieve absolute control, they cannot let a company do it.

Instead, they hold shares together through a number of irrelevant companies, and these companies cannot come from one country, and must be dispersed. If there is trouble in the future, there will be more national power that can be used.

Generally, companies with 20% of the shares already have control rights, because the shares of these companies are very scattered. Unless it is a very important company, the overall shareholding ratio will reach more than 51%. In fact, there are very few such companies.

In terms of acquisitions by financial institutions, their requirement is to have an absolute controlling stake, but they can use multiple companies to spread their holdings to avoid being too conspicuous.

The reason is that Tidal Investment Corporation needs to build its own global financial network. If it does not have absolute influence over these financial institutions, it is easy to lose control and cause certain damage to the financial network it has built.

In addition to these, their other goal is to obtain financial licenses from various countries around the world. This is done in the name of a bank under Tidal Investment Corporation, and it is also a privately owned bank.

This is also part of their construction of a global financial network. As a sole proprietorship bank, they do not require the right to accept public deposits, but they also have other business rights that ordinary banks should have.

Because in the vision of Tidal Investment Corporation, their private bank will be built as a global bank, although private banks do not directly absorb public deposits.

But they can achieve their goals by influencing ordinary commercial banks. As for how much money they make, Tidal Investment Company actually doesn't care, as they already have enough assets in their hands.

In the future, they will continue to make money from the global financial market. Making money is not as attractive to them as before. Controlling the global economic order is their pursuit.

However, they still have a long way to go if they want to truly become a global commercial bank, but the foundation is already in place, and they need to operate slowly and have suitable opportunities in the future.

What is certain is that through this opportunity, the control of some banking institutions in various countries has been realized, which plays an important role in the global payment platform of Danque Financial Services Company, making their foundation more solid.

In fact, they have already been able to build their own independent global payment system without resorting to the payment network of any third-party organization, but they have not taken any action for the time being.

The reason is that this is a bit of a surprise. Before you are sure, this matter should not be rushed. If you want to shake the global financial order, it is a bit whimsical.

Any building does not collapse suddenly, but after years of erosion, the foundation is slowly eroded until the last straw appears and the building is crushed.

They only need to make preparations in the early stage and lay a solid foundation, so that when they have the opportunity, they will not miss the opportunity in vain.

They did not get the rest of the funds domestically, but invested in the global financial market to buy bottoms. The scale of the funds used was as high as 20 trillion yuan, so that the global financial market began to stabilize.

The remaining 15 trillion yuan of funds, of which 10 trillion yuan is returned to the country and deposited in its banks as the ballast of bank assets. After all, they are private companies and cannot engage in public deposit business, so they need to have enough own assets.

The remaining 5 trillion yuan is intended to be used by the branches of its banks in various countries. Also due to the lack of public deposit business, the start-up funds need to be paid by themselves.

The insurance business did well last year, with annual revenue reaching 1 trillion yuan. The growth mainly came from auto insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, agricultural insurance, and property insurance, and other businesses were negligible.

At present, among the insurance business of Tidal Investment Company, auto insurance is the absolute leader in this category of insurance business. The inherent advantages are too obvious, and other insurance companies simply cannot compete.

In order to develop the life insurance business, they hired a large number of general-purpose robots as front-line salesmen, and went deep into the grassroots to adopt the method of carpet sales, which achieved remarkable results.

Originally, this kind of insurance business was done by many established and strong insurance companies. As a new insurance company, it is difficult to break through, so they can only adopt this special method.

The advantages of using a general-purpose robot as a front-line salesman are obvious. First, they have very strong communication skills. They can learn a lot of things just by chatting with customers, because they are familiar with psychology and at the same time can see the subtleties.

The second is that they are very clear about the details of the insurance business, which can ensure that they will not fool customers and fully protect customers' right to know.

The third is to be proficient in traditional Chinese medicine. Whether a customer has a disease can be clearly seen by simply looking, smelling and asking. Although it does not meet the standard of high-precision equipment in hospitals, the accuracy rate is much higher than that of Taiji Group's personal diagnostic equipment.

In addition, the industries under Ye Zishu have handed over their life accident insurance business to Tidal Investment Company. This business alone can make it the largest life insurance company in the country.

The main source of medical insurance income is Taiji Medical Group's member fund management, and they can get 20% of the management fee from the operating income of the insurance fund.

Later, after the medical insurance reform, Taiji Medical Group almost monopolized the national medical industry, and the annual medical insurance funds will be larger, and most of these medical insurance funds can be decided by themselves.

The government does not interfere with the operation of this fund, but only has the right to supervise the medical insurance fund, and can check the use and operation of the medical insurance fund at any time to avoid being hollowed out.

In fact, the government is not particularly concerned about whether or not it will be hollowed out. The reason is that if the medical insurance funds are insufficient, Taiji Medical Group needs to make up for it, and Taiji Group provides a guarantee.

With the size of the Taiji Group, the annual operating profit is higher than the national medical insurance funds, and with so many industries under Ye Zishu, there is no need to worry that it will not be able to operate in the future.

When Tidal Investment Company operates medical insurance funds, it still adopts a stable portfolio investment method. Even so, the operating profit is still greater than the previous investment income of medical insurance funds, almost twice their income.

Therefore, the medical insurance business is also a strong insurance business of Tidal Investment Corporation. Other insurance companies have almost lost this insurance market, and the commercial medical insurance they provide is hardly attractive.

Agricultural insurance is relatively backward in my country, and it was only after Qilin Agricultural Development Group invested in agriculture that a relatively organized agricultural cooperation model was formed.

The original agricultural development model based on family units has gradually changed to the direction of agricultural development enterprises, forming a one-stop agricultural management model, which has achieved good results.

Among them, agricultural insurance is also an important part of ensuring farmers' income. For example, in the floods last year, many farmers received a large amount of compensation, which guaranteed their basic interests from natural disasters and heavy losses.

Of course, the agricultural insurance business did not bring them much profit. There are two main reasons. The first point is that the profit of agriculture itself is low, resulting in lower insurance costs.

The second point is that local natural disasters occur in agriculture every year, either floods or droughts, and a lot of money is paid every year. In addition, the amount of insurance is not particularly large, so the income is not high.

The property insurance business is a new business developed last year, mainly because a large number of properties of Wancheng Foundation have been completed and put into operation, and these are real assets.

If you encounter problems such as fire, there may be huge losses. As a commercial enterprise, in addition to caring about profits, you must also care about the stability of the operation, and stabilize the capital first.

Therefore, Wancheng Jiye has become the largest customer of their property insurance business, and Wancheng Jiye also actively recommends property insurance business to their owners, so that many people have a clearer understanding of this.

In the field of property insurance business, Tidal Investment Company's property insurance business is still the first in the country, and other insurance companies will not win if they want to compete, because their innate conditions are much worse.

The net profit margin has increased year-on-year, mainly because the life insurance profit margin is very high, and the property insurance business is not bad. These two items have increased the overall profit margin from 20% to 25%.

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