Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 931 Rapidly Developing Banking Business and Two Great Events in the New Year

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for the private bank under Tidal Investment Company to develop and grow, because the inability to absorb public deposits means that there is no continuous inflow of funds.

If the money is loaned out, it will flow to individuals in the whole society, and it will be difficult for this part of the funds to flow into the banking system, which will make the bank funds more and more stretched and difficult to maintain.

In other words, due to the lack of the most important personal deposit business, there is a gap in the financial closed loop, making it difficult to maintain the stability of the entire financial system.

However, their private bank has achieved things that are difficult for others. The reason is very simple, that is, the industrial system under Ye Zishu is too large, and it is self-contained and very independent.

This bank lends funds to enterprises, and the enterprises get the funds for production or salary payment. If they are used to expand production, most of them still need to purchase machinery, equipment and raw materials for their industries.

If it is used to pay salaries, a considerable part of the funds is still used to purchase consumer products in his industry, and finally the funds flow into his industry system and become part of this private bank.

Even if consumer loans are provided to individuals, the funds for personal consumption will still enter the enterprise, and most of the funds entering the enterprise will enter this private bank in the form of enterprise deposits.

Not to mention housing loans, Wancheng Jiye is a giant in this field. Home buyers get loans from their bank and continue to deposit in this bank with Wancheng Jiye's deposits before they have seen the money.

To complete such a perfect closed loop, there must be a lot of industry support. If there are only banks without related industries, it will be impossible to do it.

And his industrial system is so huge that almost all economic activities in the country are more or less related to them, which can rely on the huge industry to attract other companies to deposit funds in this private bank.

Because the transfer of funds within the bank does not require payment of handling fees, if the transfer of funds between banks requires additional procedures, it will virtually increase transaction costs.

In addition, their private banks have lower interest rates on loans to enterprises than other commercial banks, which saves a lot of borrowing costs for enterprises and is of great benefit to business operations.

In addition, the loan procedures are clearer than other commercial banks, and the efficiency is much higher. The only thing that makes the company feel bad is that the investigation is very strict and it is difficult to manipulate.

According to their bank's regulations, any loan requires background checks and mortgage asset checks, and among the investigators, there must be general-purpose robots to ensure that each investigation is authentic and reliable.

As a result, although their corporate loan interest rate is lower than that of ordinary commercial banks, their bad debt rate is much lower, and the overall rate of return is much higher than that of ordinary commercial banks.

Moreover, it has established good cooperative relations with many well-run enterprises, and the loan capital turnover rate is higher than that of ordinary commercial banks, which also increases the return on capital.

Of course, a considerable part of the loan funds have been given to his industries, such as the enterprises under Starlight Asset Management, whose total loan amount last year was as high as 10 trillion yuan. ....The companies under the Spark Asset Management Company may as well make more concessions. The total loan amount has reached 15 trillion yuan, and the loan amount of the two companies alone is as high as 25 trillion yuan.

These two companies don't get much financial support from Ye Zi Shu. In addition, they have just been established and the industry is still expanding rapidly, so the demand for capital is very high.

Like other mature companies under his umbrella, they rarely need bank loans, and even if they do, they are only short-term loans for short-term capital turnover.

In fact, these profitable companies store their money in this bank, and then use this bank to lend to other companies under them that need funds.

It turned out that the profit was handed over to him, and then he distributed it. Most of it was distributed to Wancheng Foundation, and there was no interest, which was a bit inconsistent with the laws of market economy.

Compared with the previous fund allocation method, the current distribution method is more in line with the market operation mode, and at the same time it is more flexible, reducing the energy spent by Ye Zishu.

In addition to the corporate loan business, they have also begun to try to provide housing loans to outsiders, but the current scale is not large, because Wancheng Foundation has not yet released commercial housing to the market on a large scale.

Even if there are residents who have been demolished, they still receive housing compensation directly, and rarely have capital transactions, so their housing loan business is not particularly large at present.

On the other hand, the auto loan business has developed relatively rapidly. Due to the very large increase in per capita salary in recent years, many people's income is actually not low.

However, due to the fact that the economy has not developed rapidly for a few years, the scale of funds accumulated by residents is not very large. When the future is generally optimistic and there is no money in hand, it is a good choice to use loans to buy large items. .

Under the premise that there is not a large supply of commercial housing, many people choose to buy cars, and the car industry of Huanyu Group is the domestic hegemony, and it is also absolutely competitive in the world.

In addition, part of Huanyu Group's car sales is self-operated, and the other part is also operated by enterprises under Wancheng Jiye. There are few other operating agencies. The reason is that there are many uncontrollable factors and service quality is difficult to control.

Therefore, it is logical to develop auto loan business. At present, their auto loan business is also the largest in China, and other banks account for less than 2%.

Since they are private banks, they cannot open bank accounts for ordinary residents, so they cannot directly issue bank savings cards to ordinary residents.

However, it is possible to carry out lending business to ordinary residents, that is to say, credit cards can be issued to ordinary residents, and they naturally did not give up this business.

In terms of operating this business, they are developing in two directions. The first is to issue credit cards to the outside world. There is no need to say more about the specific operation method, as everyone knows it.

The second is to cooperate with Danque Financial Services Company. Danque Financial Services Company provides personal loan services on their online payment platform, and banks under Tidal Investment Corporation provide back-end financial support.

Danque Financial Services Company has been in business for so many years and has a large amount of financial transaction data. It actually knows the financial situation of each customer very well, and its big data analysis ability is also very powerful. ….It is the best choice to hand over this business to Danque Financial Services Company. First, the platform is large enough to target a huge customer base, so there is no need to worry about insufficient customers.

Second, with sound information support, funds can be loaned to individuals with a low default rate, which not only reduces financial risks, but also provides lower loan interest rates.

What they provide for personal loans is not a compound interest model, and the interest rate is only one percentage point higher than the bank's ordinary personal loan interest rate. The extra 1% interest rate is the service fee of the platform.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for individuals to borrow money from banks. Even if they borrow money, they must provide mortgage assets, and the mortgage is not based on the actual asset price, and the procedures are also very troublesome.

In fact, individuals seldom have large-amount loan needs, unless they are used for investment. Most of the time, they are small-amount loans, which are used to solve temporary problems in consumption and life and realize capital turnover.

I thought that there would be a lot of defaults on personal loans without collateral at first, but it turns out that the situation is very good. The default rate is only about 1%, and most borrowers repay their loans on schedule.

There are two reasons why it is so good. The first reason is that the data analysis is very accurate, and the selected customers have the ability to repay the loan, and the credit index is very high.

The second reason is that the interest rate of the loan is not particularly high, and there will be no interest rate. Most people are unwilling to default unless they are forced to.

Like the usury-style small loans in the previous life, people could still repay them at first, but they couldn't repay them at all due to the high interest rate, and then dishonest people simply defaulted. Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, but honest people are forced He committed suicide by jumping off a building, and his family was destroyed.

Their small loan interest rate is calculated based on the annualized rate of the bank market, and the interest rate has not been deliberately raised. As for the extra 1% interest rate, it is charged by the service platform and has little to do with the bank.

Even if the contract is breached, the customer can also apply for an extension. As long as the extension does not exceed double the previous repayment period, there will be no penalty interest rate, and the interest rate within the extension period will be calculated according to the new market interest rate.

If the application extension exceeds the previous double repayment period, the interest rate will be raised by about 1% according to the market profit rate. If the credit is not very good before, the raised interest rate will be higher. If the credit is good, the raised interest rate will be less.

If you don’t apply for an extension, but just ignore it, then the punitive interest rate will be relatively high, generally 2% higher than the new market interest rate, and the longer the time, the higher the punitive interest rate.

In their view, it is not a big problem for customers to suddenly encounter difficulties and temporarily fail to standardize loans as scheduled, but if they choose to avoid the problem or even plan to repay it, it is a big problem.

Reaching a certain level will trigger credit punishment measures, not just the interest rate, but will be restricted in all aspects, which is really unbearable for ordinary people, but it is actually unnecessary to keep calling and harassing like in the previous life.

When defaulters are restricted everywhere in their daily life, work and consumption, they will naturally choose to repay, unless they are really poor and can only choose to lie flat.

However, under the big data analysis of Danque Financial Services Company, people who do not have the ability to repay at all cannot apply for personal loans. If they can't even do this, Danque Financial Services Company has been doing it for nothing these years. ….In addition, the overnight lending business they provide to other commercial banks is also developing well, and it is the largest among all banks. The reason is that they have too much money at their disposal, resulting in relatively low overnight lending rates.

Last year, they provided a total of 40 trillion yuan in external loans, most of which were short- and medium-term loans, of which there were fewer short-term loans and even fewer long-term loans.

So the total amount of loans is quite a lot, but the actual income is not as high as that of long-term loans. The total yield is only 4%, and the total income is 1.6 trillion yuan.

Regardless of the total amount of loans or the total amount of loan income, the banks under Tidal Investment Company are the largest banking institutions in China.

It's just that the loan yield is much lower than other banks, and other banks can generally maintain it above 5%, because their loan interest rates are high, and there are many invisible loan costs.

It is precisely because of this that a large number of companies have reached financial cooperation with banks under Tidal Investment Company, allowing them to complete such a large scale of capital loans.

Although the rate of return is relatively low, the total income is huge. The combined income of all domestic banks is not as high as that of any of their banks.

But it is difficult for other banks to imitate them, because behind such achievements are the support of various high-efficiency and intelligent systems, allowing them to complete such a large-scale loan business with fewer personnel and institutions.

Although the loan yield is lower than that of other banks, the overall net profit margin is much higher than other banks, reaching 80%, and the net profit is 1.28 trillion yuan. These two figures are also the highest among all banks.

In addition to the advantages in technology and management, the achievement of such achievements is due to the relatively small number of employees. The most important reason is that they have very few business outlets.

They don't need a large number of business outlets to operate the market. Their main business comes from enterprises. Even if they have credit card business, they develop incidentally while operating enterprise business.

Other personal businesses do not need to rely on huge business outlets to operate, and most of them are realized through Internet platforms and technologies, resulting in relatively low personnel costs.

In addition, a considerable number of business personnel are general-purpose robots. Even if the employment of general-purpose robots is expensive, it is very worthwhile compared with the value created.

How much money Tidal Investment Company can earn from its banking business is actually not important. No matter what, they will not suffer large-scale losses. It is just a matter of earning more and less.

The real meaning is that their existence has played a very important role in the stability of the domestic economy, especially for the majority of private enterprises.

In the past, private enterprise loans were very troublesome. Not only was the process long, but in addition to the stated loan amount and interest rate, there were additional messy costs, such as bridge loans.

Usually, everyone can make money, and such additional costs can be afforded. However, under the global economic crisis last year, private export companies faced difficulties in their operations, and any additional costs would appear to be very stressful.

At this time, the banks under Tidal Investment Corporation played an important role, not only providing financial capital services at lower interest rates, but also very efficient, with almost no additional costs. ….As long as their companies are approved by Tidal Bank, they can get the loans they want without any obstacles, which is something that other banks cannot do in the short term.

It is precisely because of this that their total loans did not reach 7 trillion yuan the year before last, but it exceeded 40 trillion yuan last year, and it may reach a new high in the future.

Such a large amount of credit flowing into the market has also promoted the prosperity of the domestic market, so that the domestic market has not been greatly affected by the international financial crisis.

Another company with very good revenue last year was Baihu Technology. Their total revenue reached 400 billion yuan the year before last, and last year's revenue reached a new high, reaching 1.2 trillion yuan.

Among them, the income of foreign trade military equipment business owned by Baihu Technology Company reached 400 billion yuan. Since they do not have the qualifications for import and export of military equipment, they need to go through a third-party military trading company, and a part of the income is shared.

This is a very big breakthrough. He doesn't value these benefits. To him now, purely making money is not very attractive. The amount of money to his level is really just a number.

What he valued was the export of this batch of military aviation equipment, and its impact on the international situation. In the past, apart from the economy, market and finance, the technical strength of military equipment was the only thing that was able to run rampant in the world in Western developed countries.

When the financial crisis broke out last year, these strengths were greatly affected. Although they would not be lonely all of a sudden, they still did not lose their original strength.

The reason is that in the new round of technological revolution, although they got up early, they didn't catch up. Their strength is actually far worse than a few years ago, but they have survived until now with their solid accumulation.

The outbreak of the financial crisis has completely torn off the skin of their false prosperity, and it has become more and more difficult to maintain financial hegemony. It is difficult to respond to everything as before.

This can be seen from the prosperity of my country's energy futures trading market settled in local currency. Although it was just established last year, it has also experienced a magnificent battle between long and short.

But the follow-up has not been left out because of this. A large number of energy exporting countries have traded a considerable part of their energy in my country's energy futures market.

The reasons are very simple, and can be summed up in three ways. The first reason is that our country has a very strong control over energy. In the past, energy pricing was anchored by other currencies, but now we need to properly refer to energy prices priced in our currency.

The biggest contributor here is Kirin Energy Industry Group, which has a decisive influence in the global energy market by virtue of its strong energy production capacity.

Although many energy exporting countries now want to encircle and suppress Kirin Energy Industrial Group, they have to admit that with the emergence of new energy production technologies, it is no longer possible to go back to the past.

The reason for doing this at present is to give Kirin Energy Industrial Group a disarm, so that they can play in accordance with their energy market rules in the future. They did not think about killing Kirin Energy Industrial Group, and they will not be able to kill it.

The second reason is my country's global economic status, which promotes global commercial trade to gradually move closer to my country. This is an inevitable trend of economic development. The closer we are to economically developed markets, the more benefits we can get.

The third reason is that our country's military strength has just begun to flourish, and it is not what it used to be. Although the economy is good, its military strength has not yet reassured many countries, and it may be in danger of being burned at any time. ....It is different now. Our country's powerful missile technology, aviation equipment technology, and naval equipment technology displayed later all reflect our country's strength in the field of military situation.

Although there is still a gap with traditional naval powers in terms of tonnage, as long as the technology is available and the money is not lacking, it will only be a matter of time before the number catches up.

In addition, the aviation and military equipment currently exported by our country has made our relationship with many countries better than before. They are also willing to hold part of our currency as foreign exchange reserves.

Domestic military aviation equipment procurement has decreased compared with the previous year, but it has reached 300 billion yuan, and there are still a large number of orders placed this year.

Last year, the biggest profit came from the naval equipment business. The launch of two super aircraft carriers at a time, together with supporting other warships, submarines, fighter jets, weapons and equipment, etc., cost as much as 400 billion yuan.

Although it is not manufactured by Baihu Technology Company, most of the core equipment is produced by them, the assembly technology is also provided by them, and even the technical support of other industrial chains is also provided by them.

Under such circumstances, they should be the ones who make the most money, so last year they earned as much as 300 billion yuan from the naval equipment business, and some of the income has not been settled clearly, and the unsettled balance is as high as 400 billion yuan.

The remaining 200 billion yuan of revenue mainly comes from revenue from warship-related manufacturing equipment business, space station revenue, and other businesses such as satellite communication revenue.

The profits of military products are extremely high, and their R\u0026D expenses are not so exaggerated, so the profits are higher, and the overall tax rate is relatively low, resulting in their net profit margin reaching 60%, which is almost comparable to that of the software industry.

You must know that this is a heavy industry, and it is almost impossible to achieve such a high net profit margin. The net profit is as high as 720 billion yuan, and it should be the most profitable military enterprise in the world.

There are many factors contributing to making such money. In addition to the low research and development costs mentioned above, there is also the fact that the country is in the period of the largest military equipment replacement.

In addition, relying on technological advantages, military products are very competitive in foreign trade, and can be sold at very high prices, which are much higher than domestic sales prices.

It's just that Baihu Technology Company is a private company, and there is no need to disclose its business situation to the public. Even if their products are sold all over the world, not many people know that they are a powerful military enterprise.

In addition to the military business, they have not forgotten to develop their main business. Just in January, they will launch Mars probes and lunar probes in succession.

The lunar probe achieves two goals at the same time. The first goal is to establish a lunar communication satellite network composed of three satellites, so that the Earth command center can communicate with the moon in real time.

At the same time, these three communication satellites also carry detection equipment, which can take high-definition pictures of the moon's surface from a high altitude and send them back to the earth in order to understand the whole picture of the moon.

These three satellites use two methods of electromagnetic communication and quantum communication. The reason why electromagnetic communication is still used is that they are not at ease with quantum ultra-long-distance communication.

In the past, quantum communication was only inside the earth, and at most it was to get in touch with the space station. The distance was relatively short, but there were no problems.

But the distance between the earth and the moon is too far. Although it is theoretically feasible, no one knows how it is in practice. To be on the safe side, electromagnetic communication means must be retained.

If quantum communication is feasible, it means that our communication with the moon is almost the same as the internal communication of the earth, and it will play a huge role in long-distance detection and command.

In addition, a lunar lander will be arranged to land on the moon to conduct on-the-spot surveys on the surface of the moon and sample and analyze the soil composition. There is no need to bring the soil back, and the data can be analyzed immediately.

The Mars probe will be a lot more troublesome. It consists of three parts. The first is a relay communication satellite, which also has two communication technologies, electromagnetic and quantum communication. Earth.

The second is the lander, including the lander and the rover. There is nothing to talk about in this part. It is the conventional equipment for landing on Mars. Everyone is similar, but the technical content is slightly higher or lower.

The last is the most important thing, that is, there is a small nuclear powered returner, which can carry up to 10 kilograms of Martian soil samples back to Earth, which really demonstrates a wave of leading technology.

This is also why the sample return operation is not taken on the moon, because it is completely unnecessary, and samples can be returned from Mars, let alone sample return from the moon.

These two plans can be regarded as the opening drama of Baihu Technology's space business this year, preparing a "New Year's Eve dinner" for the domestic people in advance. .

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