Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 932 Starlight Group and Xinghuo Group are developing rapidly


In addition to the outstanding performance of the above two companies last year, there are also two companies that performed equally well last year, which can even be said to be beyond everyone's expectations.

That is the Starlight Asset Management Group and the Spark Asset Management Group, which are mastered and managed by artificial intelligence, especially the Spark Asset Management Group, which makes him feel particularly bright.

Xinghuo Asset Management Group, referred to as Xinghuo Group, is a conglomerate established by Ye Zishu by purchasing long-term loss-making state-owned enterprises. It is responsible for revitalizing or reforming the original industry and arranging jobs for these employees.

In fact, he didn't have high expectations for this company at the beginning. He just needed to arrange the people who took over so that they would not be laid off, and it didn't matter how much money they made.

In fact, they are also dancing with heavy shackles, a huge number of people waiting to be fed, and a lot of complicated asset relationships.

But the progress is much faster than he imagined, and many tasks are going hand in hand. On the one hand, he is straightening out personnel relations and disposing of assets, and on the other hand, he is carrying out management reform, market analysis, and product development.

In less than half a year, all these tasks were completed, and the original relationship between the company and the individual of these employees from state-owned enterprises was changed, so that they were completely subordinate to the company's arrangements.

The complexity of these tasks and the number of companies involved made it difficult for Ye Zishu to complete them in a short period of time. Even thinking about it felt like a headache.

For artificial intelligence and general robots, these are antelope horns, not only handled in an orderly manner, but also done very well.

Although the number of their employees did not increase significantly last year, the total number of employees was about 80 million, but the scale of revenue created did not include lakes at all, and it reached 40 trillion yuan.

Although the per capita revenue is only 500,000 yuan, which is lower than the average of his other industries, he is already very satisfied with the result. Not only do these state-owned enterprise employees not lose their jobs, but their income has also increased a lot compared to before.

Of course, the fact that Tidal Investment Company has spared no effort to support such impressive results is also related to the scale of the previous and subsequent support funds as high as 20 trillion yuan.

It seems that in the industrial system of Leaf Book, currency units at the trillion yuan level are commonplace, but if they are placed outside, they will definitely make people speechless. Even the state cannot provide such a large amount of financial support in a short period of time.

This is why the state did not think about revitalizing these state-owned assets. In addition to the inherent corporate system problems, the most important reason is that revitalizing these assets requires a huge amount of money.

Except for Yeshu’s ability to take over, no company or individual can perfectly solve this problem, and the final result can only make most people laid off and unemployed.

Since the acquired businesses are a heavy burden,

The government gave Xinghuo Group a three-year tax exemption policy and a five-year tax reduction policy, resulting in a very good operating profit.

If loan debts are ignored, the overall net profit margin of their companies is as high as 25%, and the net profit scale has reached 10 trillion yuan. According to such net profit income, all bank loans can be paid off in two years.

As for the business they run, even the leaf book is dazzled. I feel that as long as it is suitable for the business, they seem to be involved in it, and they do it very well.

After reading the annual report of Xinghuo Group, Ye Zishu really wanted to see how the relevant government officials would look. He never expected that the business, which had been rotten to the core, would be profitable in the second year after it was in his hands, and it was still a large-scale profit.

Not only has the previously chaotic situation been stabilized, but it has also been managed in an orderly manner. Due to the improvement of the business situation and the increase in salary several times, the originally lifeless corporate atmosphere has completely changed.

Every employee seems to have light in their eyes, and their enthusiasm for work is very high, even surpassing that of employees of other enterprises under Ye Zishu. Only after experiencing difficulties can they understand how precious light is.

Coupled with artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots as the management, the charisma and selflessness shown in handling the company's internal management also gave them very strong confidence in the company's management.

The current situation is that as long as the management of the enterprise tells them where to fight, they will fight there without hesitation. They firmly believe that victory must belong to them, and a group of tiger and wolf divisions has been formed.

Of course, this process is not always pleasant. They will not hesitate to deal with those who are thorny and seriously endanger the interests of the company, and will be expelled from the team.

For this reason, there have been a lot of disturbances. Generally, people who do not obey the discipline are people with a little background in their families. In the past, they would always get benefits if they made a fuss.

It's a pity that artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots are very strong in execution. Anyone who destroys the overall situation, regardless of their background, is not good at it, and the decisions they make are resolutely implemented.

Facing this kind of management that does not get in, no matter how tough the thorns are, there is nothing they can do, and they are not the opponents of these managements in a direct confrontation. I heard that some people paid a heavy price for this and were dismissed from office.

It is not easy to create a group with an annual revenue of over 10 trillion yuan. Yepshu has created so many groups, and there are still many groups whose revenue does not reach the 10 trillion yuan standard.

The main reason is not that Yeshu is not good, but that the industries Yeshu chooses are all large-scale single industries. For other small-scale industries, no matter how powerful he is, he has no ability to get involved, and his energy is simply not enough.

And these are precisely the advantages of artificial intelligence. With the blessing of super quantum computers, artificial intelligence has far superior computing power than humans. Even Ye Zishu is inferior in this respect.

Coupled with general-purpose robots, they are almost invincible in terms of industrial development. As long as they have enough funds, they can extend their business tentacles to any field.

Xinghuo Group had a heavy burden before, and it was a group launched later. Its performance has been so impressive. However, Xingguang Group has developed earlier and its burden is not so heavy. Last year's performance was better.

Last year, Starlight Group's total revenue reached 80 trillion yuan, with a total of 100 million employees and 100,000 subsidiaries. The overall net profit margin reached 20%, and the net profit was 16 trillion yuan.

They have built a large number of small and sophisticated industries. Although the output value of each enterprise is not large, the profit is actually extremely high, with per capita revenue reaching 800,000 yuan.

What they are famous for is the gem industry. In the past, gems were all natural products, and they were finished after mining, which led to extremely high prices for many gems.

This allowed artificial intelligence to see the business opportunities, using its own strong research and development capabilities, abruptly using technical means to produce a large number of high-quality gemstone products.

Various colors of diamonds, emeralds, Hetian jade, sapphires, rubies, tourmalines, topaz, aquamarines, opals, etc., these are quite satisfactory.

There are also a large number of gemstone products that do not exist in nature, and their brilliance is even more dazzling than natural ones, which have been warmly welcomed by the market.

Around gems and other industries, they have built a complete set of jewelry industry chain, including research and development and production of gem processing equipment, gem production and processing, jewelry sales chain channels and so on.

Due to the large amount of artificially produced gemstones, the price is relatively cheap, and the degree of perfection is higher, the entire jewelry industry has been greatly impacted.

Many jewels that were originally unattainable can now be bought home if you are willing to spend a little money. With exquisite processing, ordinary people can also enjoy the temperament brought by jewelry.

Only jewelry made of gemstones that do not exist in nature are positioned as high-end jewelry products by them. The reason is that there are no competitors and they have complete pricing power.

Since the basic education schools of New Oriental Education Group have launched many interest classes, the demand for cultural supplies brought by these interest classes is also strong.

Among them, oil painting is the most harmful to children's bodies, because many raw materials are toxic, and if children are exposed to them for a long time, it is easy to cause various problems.

In order to solve this problem, New Oriental Education Group entrusted Starlight Group to solve this problem. Unexpectedly, Starlight Group built a complete set of advanced paint industry chain in only half a year.

Not only did they produce a lot of oil paints with high safety and rich colors, but they also produced a series of Chinese painting inks that were very expensive before.

The previously unaffordable price has directly become the price of ordinary people. The price of many pigments is less than one-tenth of the previous price, and some prices have even dropped by dozens of times.

The reason is simple. If you want to develop domestic painting art, you must make it affordable for most domestic families. If the raw materials are too high, the threshold will be raised virtually.

This is not a loss for Starlight Group. Although the price has dropped, the market has expanded, and the overall income is much higher than before. At the same time, a large number of low-quality products have been driven out of the market.

After half a year of operation, their paint products have almost monopolized the domestic market, because of their outstanding quality, obvious price advantage, and very fast development.

It also occupies a large proportion in the international market. It won't be long before their business can completely monopolize the global market, and the output value will naturally not be low.

To be honest, whether it is Starlight Group or Xinghuo Group, they are engaged in industries that look ordinary but are not ordinary. As long as each niche industry is done well and refined, it can still bring a large market size.

And these thousands of niche markets have created huge revenue for them. It can even be said that their total revenue exceeds that of many companies he created, but the profit margin is relatively low.

Of course, only companies fully managed by artificial intelligence can do so many and cumbersome businesses well. If it is replaced by humans, it will be difficult to achieve this level in a short period of time.

After reading the annual reports of these two groups, Ye Zishu thought about it and decided to loosen their ties so that they could properly get involved in the business of other companies under his umbrella and form a healthy competitive relationship.

On the one hand, it has a supervisory effect on other industries, especially when he is now less and less involved, which is particularly important, and can keep the entire industrial system alive for a long time.

On the other hand, it is to explore more possibilities. If there is no competition, there will be a lack of sensitivity to the market. Although he does not advocate vicious competition, there are many benefits brought by healthy competition.

And even if the competition in other industries under his banner fails, the meat will still be rotten in his own pot. If he restricts competition, it will give other capital an opportunity to take advantage of.

The fastest growing business within the Shengshi Cultural Group system is still Shengshi Entertainment Company. The growth of other businesses is greatly affected by the international market, and the growth of the domestic market cannot make up for the loss of the international market.

But generally speaking, it is still in a state of growth, but the growth is not as exaggerated as before, which is quite satisfactory. The total revenue has exceeded 3 trillion yuan, and the growth rate is about 7%.

Due to the impact of the shrinkage of high-profit businesses, the net profit margin has dropped sharply, but the scale of investment is not as exaggerated as before. As a result, the superficial data is still very impressive, reaching 30%, and the net profit is 900 billion yuan.

Phoenix Technology was also affected by the shrinking international advertising business, coupled with the shrinking international software market, the overall revenue from traditional software and advertising business showed a decline.

Fortunately, their paid entertainment content, Internet shopping business and online and offline business have developed quite well, even better than expected.

When the economy is down, online entertainment content has become a way for consumers to save money. Coupled with greater mental stress, film and television drama content is more popular.

If it weren't for the sharp drop in the unit price of advertising, the advertising revenue should have risen sharply based on the increase in the per capita viewing time of these viewers.

Commodities on Internet shopping platforms are much cheaper than physical stores, and the construction of the logistics system has made up for some shortcomings, making online shopping more popular among consumers.

In addition, the shopping platform intends to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carry out big promotions, to expand the influence of the platform as much as possible, so that most consumers form the habit of online shopping.

At this time, making money is not important. What is important is to expand the influence of the platform and further increase the proportion of the products sold on the platform in the global retail market.

The business development of Hummingbird Life Service Company is also quite good, but the main growth driver is still from China. The growth in overseas markets is not as rapid as before, but overall it is still growing at a high speed.

Then there is the game business, which has not been greatly affected and has maintained a relatively high growth rate. However, the main growth also comes from the domestic market. Although the international market has not shrunk, it has not been as exaggerated as before.

Judging from the overall situation of Phoenix Technology, the revenue is still growing. The total revenue is 25 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 13%. Under the current international economic situation, such a growth rate is not bad.

The overall net profit margin has dropped to only 50%, and the net profit is 12.5 trillion yuan, an increase of only 500 billion yuan. The performance in this aspect is not very satisfactory, but it is good to see growth.

Qinglong Technology's revenue last year was 34 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 11.5%. The overseas market shrank, which was entirely supported by the domestic market, and there was no overall decline.

Moreover, due to the reduction in investment scale, the net profit margin increased to 30%, and the net profit exceeded the 10 trillion yuan mark for the first time, reaching 10.2 trillion yuan.

The performance of Xuanwu Technology Company is much better than that of Qinglong Technology Company. The reason is that Starlight Group and Xinghuo Group were both expanding last year, and Kirin Industry Group was also expanding.

All of these have led to a relatively high growth in the mechanical equipment and production equipment of Xuanwu Technology Company, which is enough to make up for the losses caused by the shrinking production of other domestic enterprises.

Last year, the total revenue was 45 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 28.6%. The net profit margin dropped slightly to 25% due to rising labor costs. The net profit exceeded 10 trillion yuan for the first time, reaching 11.25 trillion yuan.

Last year, Huanyu Group's automobile production capacity not only did not decrease, but increased by 5 million units. The reason is that the domestic demand is very strong, even though the international market has shrunk.

The benefits brought by Ye Zishu’s constant salary increases for so many years have been reflected. People who have money in their hands are naturally willing to buy big things like cars, so that the domestic auto industry has the opportunity to develop.

However, most of them still bought entry-level auto products, which lowered their average unit price. A total of 25 million cars were sold throughout the year, with an average unit price of 350,000 yuan, and the total revenue of the auto business was 8.75 trillion yuan.

On the contrary, battery revenue is more booming than before. The reason is that the global oil price soared in the first half of the year, which led to very good sales of electric vehicles, and the global automotive battery field is almost monopolized by Huanyu Group.

In addition, the construction of solar power generation facilities of Kirin Energy Industry Group has skyrocketed last year, the demand for batteries has also skyrocketed, and the natural growth of the market has made its battery business develop very well.

Last year, the battery business revenue reached 2.5 trillion yuan, and the net profit margin dropped to only 56%. The reason was the increase in labor costs and the slight price reduction of terminal products.

The shipbuilding business also developed well last year. Last year, the total delivered tonnage reached 40 million tons. The largest buyer was Wancheng Jiye. In order to build a strong ocean transportation team, they had to purchase a large number of ocean vessels in a short period of time.

In fact, not only ocean-going vessels, they also have a large number of inland river transport vessels, but Huanyu Group does not manufacture such low-tech vessels, and the orders are handed over to other domestic shipyards.

Their shipbuilding types are also becoming more and more abundant, including giant bulk carriers, container ships, giant oil tankers, giant lng ships, finished fuel oil carriers, luxury cruise ships, private luxury yachts and so on.

Although the buyer of the giant finished fuel oil carrier is Wancheng Jiye, it mainly serves the export business of Kirin Energy Industry Group, and they are the only ones that export a large amount of finished fuel oil.

The buyer of the luxury cruise ship is also Wancheng Jiye. In order to develop the ocean tourism business, they ordered 4 super luxury cruise ships at one time, and at the same time, they also advertised for the cruise business of Huanyu Group.

The cost of luxury cruise ships is extremely high. The average price of each of the 4 luxury cruise ships ordered by Wancheng Jiye is 20 billion yuan. Once they are completed, it means that they will occupy the top 4 luxury cruise ships in the world.

In addition to luxury cruise ships for ocean cruise tourism, Wancheng Jiye has also ordered a lot of inland river cruise ships for inland river shipping and tourism. In addition, it has also ordered a large number of private luxury yachts for the development of related tourism projects.

In fact, shipbuilding is not very profitable. Last year, the total revenue was 500 billion yuan, the net profit margin was only 20%, and the net profit was 100 billion yuan.

As far as their situation is concerned, most shipbuilding companies are operating at low profit, and it is not uncommon to lose money year after year. From the perspective of making money, it is actually not worthwhile.

However, even if the shipbuilding industry does not make money, it must have. In addition to providing a large number of jobs, it is also of great significance to maintaining the integrity of our country's industry.

Then there is their super magnetic levitation rail transit business. At present, the country is still in the stage of rail construction. Huanyu Group does not actually make a lot of money. The main source of profit is the super permanent magnet rail business and supporting facilities related to the rail.

In terms of track construction, Huanyu Group can basically earn 100 million yuan in revenue per kilometer of track. Last year, the revenue in this area was 800 billion yuan. The net profit margin is very high, reaching 40%, and the net profit is 320 billion yuan.

The last is the civil aircraft manufacturing business. Although there are many orders received, they have to be delivered in batches. Last year, the revenue in this area was only 300 billion yuan.

Due to the whole industry chain operation in the field of aircraft manufacturing, the profit margin is still very high, with a net profit margin of 40% and a net profit of 120 billion yuan.

Other aviation manufacturing companies generally have a comprehensive net profit margin of around 10%. The reason is that most of their parts are purchased by other companies, and a lot of profits are given to other companies.

For Huanyu Group, except for basic materials and some finished materials that need to be purchased from outside, other links are all within its own enterprise, and profits are also locked in.

Coupled with leading technology and management, it can not only save more costs, but also increase product prices and bring more profit margins to enterprises.

Last year, Huanyu Group achieved a total revenue of 12.85 trillion yuan and a net profit of 4.74 trillion yuan. The overall net profit margin dropped slightly to 37%, compared with 40% in the previous year.

The non-critical business of Tai Chi Group was also affected by the global economic crisis last year, such as health care products, cosmetics and skin care products, and the international market has shrunk to a certain extent.

Fortunately, the domestic market is growing relatively fast, so the total revenue of these businesses has not declined, but the previous businesses have not seen large-scale growth.

However, their IQ drug business was in full swing in China last year, bringing them strong revenue growth. Their total revenue increased from 26 trillion yuan the year before to 32 trillion yuan last year.

Although Taiji Medical Group gives priority to supplying IQ medicines to minors, there is still a lot of surplus annual production capacity, allowing domestic adults to also have the opportunity to use them.

Last year, the main growth came from this drug. Without the blessing of this drug, the revenue growth last year would have been very limited, and the growth rate was estimated to be around 10%.

However, this business growth cannot last for a long time. After the stock market is exhausted, it will return to a normal state. If no new business is developed, the total revenue will gradually decline.

This is also why he deliberately took the time to develop medical beauty-related technologies and life-saving medicines last year. These are all hoping to boost the revenue when revenue declines.

The net profit margin has been going all the way, reaching 60%, and the net profit is 19.2 trillion yuan. Ye Zishu asked it to turn over the profit of 14 trillion yuan, which is the same as the previous year.

Although in terms of revenue, Tai Chi Group is not the highest conglomerate under his umbrella, but in terms of net profit margin and net profit, it can be regarded as outstanding.

However, at this level, the potential of Taiji Group is no longer great. The current goal is to maintain the revenue from a large-scale decline. It will be difficult to make great strides in the future.

Unless some products that are prohibited from export are exported, it is impossible in a short period of time. He has not been desperate for money.

Another thing is that he is willing to continue to produce heavyweight products.

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