Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 933: Wancheng Foundation Faces Huge Social Pressure


After frenzied construction of solar power generation facilities in the first half of last year, the power shortage problem that had been slightly alleviated has completely turned into a state of power surplus.

Although this electricity can be used to produce fossil energy such as fuel oil and natural gas, it must be digested domestically and exported in large quantities internationally.

It is well known that the demand for energy has declined since the global economic crisis has led to severe shrinkage in the global industrial, commercial and consumer sectors.

If it weren't for the fact that there are forces behind it deliberately raising the price of international crude oil, the price of crude oil would not be so outrageous. This is a hunting behavior specifically aimed at our country.

It is precisely because of this serious deviation from the economic situation that after Kirin Energy Industry Group and Tidal Investment Company joined forces, they immediately collapsed and had no power to fight back.

However, the maximum amount of refined oil that can be consumed in our country is only 300 million tons. In the past, due to the increasingly stringent environmental protection, many companies that could use electricity instead chose to switch to electric energy, reducing the proportion of fossil energy.

In addition, the number of automobiles in my country is still relatively low, and the scale of the automobile fuel market is not particularly large. Although Kirin Energy Industry Group will only start full production in the middle of the year, according to their production capacity, they can produce 500 million tons of refined oil in half a year.

There are at least 200 million tons of surplus refined oil production capacity, and there are three main ways for them to digest them. The first is to export, and strive to let the international market digest some of them.

Regardless of the fact that the international crude oil price has dropped a lot later, it has already fallen below the price of 40 US dollars per barrel, and the price in December was even lower than 30 US dollars.

In fact, these are the prices of crude oil. To turn them into fuel oil, they need to be refined, and according to the different refining levels of each country, the refining cost also varies greatly.

This part of the expenditure will not change with the level of international crude oil prices. Even if crude oil is free, this part of the cost will also be added to the price of finished fuel oil.

There is also quality. The fuel quality of Kirin Energy Industry Group is the highest in the world. Other oil refining companies want to produce oil of the same quality, and the cost is very high.

In terms of comprehensive cost, even if the FOB price of Kirin Energy Industrial Group's fuel oil exports is 4 yuan, it is still very competitive. After all, quality is also an important indicator of competitiveness.

Moreover, in order to allow energy companies in other countries to customize fuel oils of different grades according to their own needs, Kirin Energy Industrial Group provides customers with fuel products of a single structure.

After the customer takes it back, it can be formulated into various grades of gasoline, diesel and other products according to actual needs. This approach has found a breakthrough for a considerable number of companies with insufficient refining capabilities.

In addition, the refined oil of Kirin Energy Industry Group is industrially produced, not extracted from the ground.

The carbon dioxide in the air is used, which is an environmentally friendly fuel.

Isn’t it advocating green and environmental protection now? In the past, everyone’s industry was inseparable from oil, and it was difficult to ban it all at once. Now that green fuel is in front of them, whether they use it or not.

Especially when the price is still relatively reasonable, if they don't use it, it means that they are just talking, and they don't actually care about the issue of global warming. They are just a group of hypocrites.

Therefore, for many countries and companies whose interests are not directly related, they naturally have no reason not to use them, and some energy companies even put up the logo of green and environmentally friendly fuel to attract consumers.

The second is to use it as a raw material for other chemical products, the most typical one being chemical fertilizer. In the past, the chemical fertilizer produced by Kirin Basic Industry Group only met the domestic demand, and the quantity was not very large, because of the lack of energy.

Now that there are abundant raw material natural gas and abundant electricity supply, it is logical to expand the production of chemical fertilizers, and even export them on a large scale.

And they can also produce more advanced ecological fertilizers, which are more friendly to soil and crops. Of course, this kind of fertilizer is a high-standard fertilizer, and the price is more expensive.

Many of the fertilizers used by Kylin Agricultural Development Group are ecological fertilizers, and even many of them are special flower fertilizers, which are internally called plant nutrient solutions. They were rarely sold externally before and were digested internally.

Due to the increase in production capacity, these advanced fertilizer products are now being supplied to the market, and can even be supplied globally to meet the agricultural development needs of other countries.

The third is to increase many energy-intensive industries. For example, the artificial gemstone industry developed by Starlight Group is actually a high-energy-consuming industry.

In the past, high energy consumption meant high emissions, because energy basically comes from fossil energy in nature. Now it is different. High energy consumption industries can also be called green industries.

In addition, it can also be used to continue to increase the production of necessities such as grain, edible oil, sugar, etc., and sell them to the international market if they cannot be digested domestically.

If a country wants to gain a strong influence in the world, it often needs to take a multi-pronged approach. The military can be controlled, and the economy can make others profitable.

And food can stabilize the political situation of various countries. Since some countries want to use food as a weapon, we can't just sit idly by. We can also export a large amount of food, and the quality is better and the price is cheaper.

If the opponent's food weapon cannot be realized for a long time, but the annual food subsidies are increasing, the final result is that it cannot be maintained, and sooner or later it will face a situation of large-scale shrinkage of food production.

The fourth is to reduce the price of electricity for residents. In the past, the electricity price for residents was 0.5 yuan per kilowatt-hour, and the price for industrial and commercial electricity was more expensive, which was more than 1 yuan.

Now the price of electricity for residents has been reduced to 0.4 yuan. The reason why it cannot be further reduced is that the power grid is being constructed and transformed at a high speed, and the cost is relatively high.

The price of industrial and commercial electricity has also been reduced to varying degrees. In particular, the price of industrial electricity has been reduced relatively quickly. At present, it only costs 0.7 yuan, and it may be further reduced in the future.

The reason is very simple, that is, labor costs are getting higher and higher. In order to temporarily enhance the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, we can only lower energy prices first, thereby reducing the production costs of industrial products.

However, this method is not a good method. As the cost of human resources continues to increase, energy price reduction alone will not bring absolute advantages. Many industrial enterprises will either migrate out or go bankrupt due to unaffordable costs.

However, relocating out is not so easy. The reason is that the Starlight Group will keep an eye on it. Once they find signs of large-scale relocation of domestic industrial enterprises, they may fill in the gaps.

The way to fill the gap is to use more advanced production technology and products to replace them, so as to ensure that the industry can remain in the country and employees can earn higher incomes.

From Yeshu's point of view, this is a normal phenomenon, and it is like this in the business field. If you can't do it, someone will replace you, and it will be better than you.

In any case, their production capacity last year was finally exhausted, and the income they brought was also very considerable. The total income reached 6 trillion yuan, and there is no need for such a large-scale investment in the future.

This means that they will be able to obtain a large amount of operating profits every year in the future, and the state of continuous investment for many years will be relieved. Kirin Industrial Group will finally get rid of this large expense.

Kirin Electric Industry Group, which is related to energy and power, also achieved good results last year. Last year, its total revenue reached 5 trillion yuan, but it is still unclear whether it can maintain this revenue status in the future.

If the State Grid intensifies efforts to transform the terminal power grid in the future, using all smart grids, plus the residential power equipment business, it may be able to maintain the status of last year. If the investment is not large, it may decline.

The company that really made money last year was Kirin Basic Industries Group, whether it was chemical business, material business, or their equipment business, they all showed relatively high growth rates.

Last year's total revenue was as high as 20 trillion yuan, an increase of 7 trillion yuan over the previous year, and the growth rate was the highest under Kirin Industrial Group.

Kylin Agricultural Development Group also achieved fruitful results last year. Many agricultural products previously participated in the research and development of Leaf Book were put on sale one after another last year, and the selling prices were very good.

In addition, after staying with Ye Zishu for a period of time, their scientific researchers seemed to be enlightened, and their scientific research output was much higher than before.

It not only provides a large number of new crop varieties for self-operated business, but also provides a large number of new varieties for cooperative farmers, forming a very good dislocation competition pattern.

The most important thing is that because the products are much better than before, the price can also be sold at a higher price than before, allowing farmers to earn much more money than before.

However, at present, the money earned by cooperative farmers is still not as high as that earned by the industrial and commercial fields. If farmers' incomes are to continue to increase, the number of employees must be further reduced.

The per capita land ownership is too low, and it is difficult to make money no matter how much you struggle. Only when the per capita arable land reaches more than 30 mu, can the income keep up with the income of urban residents.

Moreover, it is not possible to grow low-value crops such as grain, and at the same time, it is necessary to prevent losses caused by natural disasters, because agricultural insurance will not settle all claims, but only part of the claims, so that they will not go bankrupt.

It is actually not easy for one person to cultivate such a large area of ​​land. Agriculture is a heavy manual labor industry. Either a lot of machinery and equipment are used, or labor can only be hired during the busy season.

In any case, these are considered a big investment, and the quality of the land also determines the labor intensity and input costs. Mountainous areas are definitely not as good as plains, and dry land is definitely not as good as land with rich water resources.

According to estimates, the total number of agricultural population in my country should not exceed 50 million if they want to maintain a relatively high income. If it exceeds the income of urban residents, it will be very difficult.

These investments are very risky for individual farmers. The best way is to join a more professional agricultural enterprise, become a professional worker, and earn a stable high income.

There are many such employees in the Qilin Agricultural Development Group. By the end of last year, their high-standard agricultural greenhouses had an area of ​​21 million mu, with an average output of 50,000 yuan per mu.

This is a revenue scale that is difficult for self-employed individuals to achieve, and they do not have so much cost input. If it were not for the Qilin Agricultural Development Group to help them research the market, there may be a squeeze on agricultural products, and the more they grow, the more they will lose money.

These high-standard agricultural greenhouses, due to the extensive use of automation and intelligent equipment, can manage an average area of ​​20 acres per worker.

Due to higher efficiency and higher quality of agricultural products, even many crops are only available to them, and can be sold at a relatively high price, so that the income of these workers can reach or even exceed the average value given by Ye Zishu, with an average annual salary of 200,000 Yuan.

Last year, their total revenue was 6 trillion yuan, and their investment scale was as high as 3.5 trillion yuan. In addition to other costs, they did not actually make any profit. Fortunately, they did not need Kirin Industry Group to continue to invest money, and they were basically self-sufficient.

However, Ye Zishu believes that most of the business of Kirin Industrial Group has entered a certain stage, and it is difficult to reappear the situation of massive investment and expansion like before.

In addition, many industries under Kirin Industrial Group are still very profitable, and the annual output profits are very high. Ye Zishu believes that it is necessary to increase agricultural investment.

Last year they invested 10 million acres of high-standard greenhouses, which he felt was a bit slow, excluding bulk crops, such as rice and wheat.

Since these crops cannot be raised in price, they are not suitable for high-standard greenhouses, and other crops are very suitable for high-standard greenhouses.

Like they are now using greenhouses to grow fruits, they can freely adjust the greenhouse environment, so that fruits that were only available in a certain season before can now be eaten all year round.

Not to mention vegetables, the only two disadvantages of using high-standard greenhouses are one is that the investment is relatively high, which is not affordable for ordinary people, and the other is that energy consumption is relatively high. Fortunately, energy will not be a problem in the future.

According to the estimation of Kirin Agricultural Development Group, in order to meet my country's demand for fruits, vegetables and other high-value economic crops, the area of ​​high-standard greenhouses needs to reach 1 billion mu.

The investment scale is as high as 300 trillion yuan. Although it cannot accommodate so many high-end products now, he thinks it is still possible in the future. Residents' income has increased and they have the ability to consume higher-quality agricultural products.

After reading the annual report of Kylin Agricultural Development Group, Ye Zishu gave instructions to increase the construction area of ​​high-standard greenhouses by 30 million mu this year, with an investment scale of 9 trillion yuan.

In the future, the construction area may be increased at a faster rate, but it depends on the market situation. If the market performs well and the yield is very good, there is no problem. If it is not good, the construction area may be reduced.

In the past, Qilin Industrial Group used a lot of money, but now there are fewer and fewer places to use money, and the money is relatively stable, and there are enough funds to support agricultural development.

The total revenue of Kirin Food Industry Group last year was 12 trillion yuan, with a revenue growth rate of 50%, but the net profit rate dropped to only 10%, and the net profit was 1.2 trillion yuan.

However, this kind of high growth may slow down a lot in the future, because their market share is already very high, and they are doing most of the food business.

The ability to achieve such a huge achievement in such a short period of time is naturally not only from the incremental market, but from the elimination of many other food companies with weak competitiveness.

So far, their overall market share in the processed food field has exceeded 80%. Next, they must either continue to seize other people's markets, or expand the market. Both of these methods are not easy.

In the whole of last year, the total revenue of Kirin Industry Group was 72 trillion yuan, the net profit reached 21.6 trillion yuan, the net profit rate was 30%, and the number of employees was as high as 50 million.

The revenue of New Oriental Education Group last year was greatly affected. Originally, their main revenue came from overseas, and the overseas market was affected, which was a big blow to them.

Even if the domestic market continues to expand, it still cannot make up for their overseas losses. Last year's revenue also dropped from 2.5 trillion yuan to 2 trillion yuan.

In addition, since high schools will soon be included in compulsory education, they need to invest a lot of money in the construction of high schools to make up for the current lack of high schools, so the scale of investment is also not low.

Last year, the total investment scale reached 1.5 trillion yuan, plus operating costs, personnel salaries, etc., and the net profit margin hit a new low, only 15%, and the net profit was 300 billion yuan.

Seeing their annual report, Ye Zishu thinks it's okay. Although the total revenue has dropped sharply, it can still be maintained on the whole, and there is still a good net profit.

The company had no intention of making money. As long as it can achieve self-sufficiency, he is very satisfied. It was obviously abnormal to rely too much on the international market before.

He hopes that the domestic market will account for more than half of their income in the future, and the investment will be relatively small at that time, so that they can maintain their operations even if they lose all of their overseas markets.

Xiaodangjia Catering Group continued to develop rapidly in China last year, opening 150,000 new stores, 50% more than the planned 100,000.

The total number of stores in the overseas market has reached 30,000, and the expansion speed is far behind that in China. Moreover, most of the stores were built in the first half of the year. The economic crisis in the second half of the year naturally dare not expand casually.

The total revenue has also reached 4.2 trillion yuan, and the net profit margin is 10%, which is a slight decrease from the previous year. The net profit is 420 billion yuan, which is not bad.

The main reason is that they pay their employees relatively high salaries, which are strictly in accordance with Ye Zishu's requirements. If they follow the market, their profit margins are actually much higher than other catering companies.

Of course, giving employees high salaries also makes employees much more motivated to work, which leads them to be among the best in terms of employee quality, service quality, and food taste.

Of course, the price is much more expensive than similar products, but the national income has increased and the requirements for service quality have also become higher. The higher price is actually acceptable, and their brand reputation is not comparable to other catering companies.

The revenue of Wancheng Foundation has also gradually increased. Last year, the property rental income alone reached 8 trillion yuan, and the non-real estate business income also reached 15 trillion yuan, and the total revenue reached 23 trillion yuan.

Of course, although the income is good, the investment is also not small. The funds given to them by Yezishu alone are as high as 25 trillion yuan, so they are still in a state of loss overall.

After years of economic development, housing prices in China have repeatedly hit new highs. For example, housing prices in the capital have reached an average of 40,000 yuan per square meter, which is the case in other similar cities.

Although the current economy is much higher than in the previous life, the income of residents is also much higher than in the previous life, and the house price seems to be okay, but you must know that there is no high hard cost in the previous life.

The average housing price in second-tier cities has also reached 20,000 yuan per square meter, and that in third-tier cities is about 12,000 yuan. The price difference in county towns is relatively large. For example, in his hometown, the average price has reached 8,000 yuan.

There are three main factors that affect housing prices. The first is supply. At present, Wancheng Foundation does not sell a large number of properties under its banner. Even if the properties sold are high-priced properties, they are mainly purchased by wealthy people.

As a result, the number of salable real estate on the market is very small, and it is not surprising that prices have risen rapidly. Although the proportion of wealthy people in such a large country is not necessarily high, the total number is still quite a lot.

The second is the inevitability of rapid economic development. After economic development, everyone can earn money. Naturally, they need to spend the money they earn. Some people like to eat, drink and have fun, while others like to save money.

If the husband and wife save money, the annual surplus is still very considerable, and they can buy their own house in a few years, especially for people with higher incomes, it is not a problem.

The third is the scarcity of investment targets. His industries are all high-quality industries, but unfortunately they are not listed. The quality of domestic listed companies is actually not very good, but the stock price is not cheap, and the market value is still quite high.

It can be seen that there is a need for a huge investment channel in the country, so that the rich can have a place to invest. In addition to the stock market, everyone's eyes are naturally placed on the house.

Don't think that the current housing prices are very high. According to Wancheng Jiye's estimates, housing prices will definitely rise a lot this year. The average housing prices in first-tier cities may exceed the 50,000 yuan mark.

Like Ye Zishu’s hometown, due to the very good economic development, the average housing price may reach more than 10,000 yuan. Other cities, no matter how big or small, will have a good increase.

The rapid rise in housing prices has put more and more pressure on Wancheng Jiye. Many people attribute the high housing prices to Wancheng Jiye's refusal to sell, resulting in a shortage of houses in the market.

It is not that Wancheng Foundation has not explained it. Their explanations mainly include two points. The first point is why they do not sell the house now. The reason is to avoid the rising cost of living of urban migrant workers.

At present, the rental price of their residential buildings is actually very cheap. The average monthly rent is less than 20 yuan, and the monthly rent for renting a house of 100 square meters is only 2,000 yuan.

For a family living, the pressure on rent is not great, not to mention that many houses are rented together, which is very friendly to those who migrate from rural areas to cities.

The second point is that people who can spend a lot of money to buy are rich people. Most of their real estate purchases are investments, and ordinary people should not follow suit and invest.

He even implicitly stated that they could wait for a while, and they might provide a house with a lower price. This statement coincided with Ye Zishu's original promise.

Although this has temporarily calmed everyone's anxiety about high housing prices, it is still difficult to solve the fundamental problem if effective investment channels cannot be provided.

Since he has no idea about the stock market for the time being, he thinks of the gold market. It may be a feasible way to establish a free gold trading market with precious metals as the subject matter.

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