Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 935 Housekeeping robots and robotic pets will be on sale within the year

He is no longer the president of Kirin Industry Group, and after reading the annual reports of all its companies, he does not need to hold the internal annual meeting of Kirin Industry Group as usual.

To be honest, he doesn't even bother to hold the annual meeting of his group now. Most of the industries have been laid out, and there are fewer and fewer places where he needs to direct. The information of various enterprises can also be obtained from the intelligent management system.

Now the only function of the annual meeting should be to meet with the president of the subsidiary group once a year, to get in touch with each other, and to express that he is actually very attached to the subsidiary industry, rather than really letting go.

At the group meeting, Guo Dongsheng, President of Wancheng Foundation, once again emphasized that the pressure of public opinion they faced was not only from the pressure of public opinion in the society, but also from the local government.

In fact, their management can still bear these pressures. What they are most afraid of is to involve Ye Zishu. Although he made this decision, as a subordinate, he still does not want such a situation to happen.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he originally wanted to respond by himself, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Others may not understand what he said, and it is very likely that it will be interpreted as sophistry.

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At the meeting, he asked Wancheng Jiye to persevere, at least to survive this year, and wait until next year to see the situation, because next year can basically complete the basic goal of Wancheng Jiye's urbanization construction.

There is no need to hold back the sale as before. As for the original plan to use rental as the main business model, it seems that it cannot persist now. The people's yearning for private property is very eager.

We still have to follow the public opinion in doing things, and we will definitely not get any benefits in the end, even if Wancheng Foundation has such a huge volume, it will not help.

Of course, Leaf Book can also understand the anxiety of the people. The reason is that housing prices continue to rise, and they worry that they may not be able to afford it after a few years.

For such anxieties, Ye Zishu also gave his own opinion. If the public opinion continues to be fierce, they can make an announcement. The price of the houses they sell will be discounted by 20% to 10% according to the market price.

Moreover, they can also give preferential housing loan interest rates. Of course, if you want to obtain such preferential treatment, you must obtain a loan from a bank under Tidal Investment Corporation.

This is because Wancheng Foundation is not yet able to act as the master for other banks, and other commercial banks cannot offer too low housing loan interest rates, because they all rely on a large amount of deposits from depositors.

The deposit interest rate itself is relatively high, and even if you want to reduce the loan profit, you can't reduce it by much. However, the banks under Tidal Investment Company don't have this trouble.

Anyway, most of their deposits come from his industries, which are much more stable than other commercial banks, and the deposit interest rate can also be negotiated, in fact, as long as Ye Zishu makes a decision.

Moreover, Tidal Investment Company can properly give up part of the benefits and reduce the interest rate difference between deposits and loans, so the discounts offered are not available to other commercial banks.

In fact, a 1 percentage point reduction in bank housing loan interest rates can save residents a lot of interest, which also saves money for domestic people. ...Of course, to obtain a low-interest rate housing loan must be the first home, and it is still based on the family unit. This is done to prevent some couples from intentionally divorcing in order to enjoy preferential treatment.

There have been a lot of such things in previous lives, causing great damage to society, and this regulation can also encourage many couples to buy a house after marriage, instead of being solely borne by the man before marriage.

As for how much the discount is, it depends on the location. Naturally, the discount for good locations will not be very high, and even some key locations do not implement discounts.

Because the people who can afford to buy a house in this kind of location are rich people, it is not Yeshu’s usual practice to give discounts to the rich, and it is even possible to increase the price of houses, after all, rare goods can be lived in.

Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. plans to launch a domestic service robot before the Chinese New Year, which can be used for internal labor at home.

They had this idea before, and in fact Ye Zishu also had this idea.

It's just that the technology produced by Ye Zishu is too advanced. If it is sold freely, it is prone to problems, so it can only be used internally temporarily, and it is still leased.

However, Qinglong Technology Company's technology is not up to standard, even if it can barely be used for home services, the cost is not affordable for ordinary people.

Last year, Leaf Book gave a lot of bionic technology, which benefited Qinglong Technology Company, and quickly produced a bionic robot capable of housekeeping services.

They want to launch robots for industrial use. In fact, they are also researching them, but they also know that the boss will not agree, otherwise Kirin Basic Industries Group has already sold general-purpose robots.

The cost of domestic service robots made according to the latest bionic technology is still as high as 200,000 yuan, and the market price is at least 500,000 yuan.

Hearing the price, Ye Zishu thought about it, and decided to hire. There are two main reasons: first, the price is too expensive, and the consumption quantity will not be large.

Even if you bite your teeth and buy it, in order to get back the cost as soon as possible, it will definitely be used by the buyer in the non-housekeeping service field. Unless Qinglong Technology Company makes restrictions, the non-housekeeping service business, the robot will pretend to be dead.

Although it is possible to do this, it will damage their reputation, and the cost of 200,000 yuan is only sold for 500,000 yuan, which cannot reflect the value of bionic robots at all, and is too high to be affordable.

Providing services in the form of leasing means that Qinglong Technology has the ownership of these robots, and can clarify the actual use of the robots. For non-regulated purposes, Qinglong Technology has the right to refuse to provide services.

This increases the controllability of Qinglong Technology's use of robots, and robots that can be used for housekeeping services can actually replace ordinary labor positions.

It would be fine if the domestic human resources were tight, but now the majority of the domestic workers are ordinary workers, and if their jobs are smashed, big problems will easily arise.

This is different from Universal Robots. The positions that Universal Robots are engaged in are all technical, and there is a big difference in the talent field that is already scarce in China.

Then on the employment price, Ye Zishu also gave his own opinion, thinking that only rich people would choose to hire in the early days, so the price should not be too low, and they are the leeks that will be harvested. …. Therefore, the annual employment fee is calculated according to the standard of 500,000 yuan. If you hire on a monthly or daily basis, the price will definitely be more expensive. The purpose is to be higher than the market labor cost. ..

He doesn't have to worry about whether there is a market for such a high price. First of all, the domestic service robot has a lot of capabilities. It can not only cook and clean up the housework, but also act as a tutor and secretary.

Of course, this kind of advanced function requires additional payment of service fees. The basic functions are only cooking and housekeeping, and at most it can help customers take care of their children.

The second is that privacy is very strong, and there are many things to worry about when hiring other people, especially people who don’t know each other. This kind of concern is common, especially for rich people.

As for whether they will be worried about Qinglong Technology Company collecting their information, it depends on what they think. It is certain to collect the necessary information, but the data will be desensitized before uploading.

The word-of-mouth of Qinglong Technology Company is still very good. Up to now, there has not been a single case of leakage of personal privacy, and the privacy of customers has been very strictly protected.

Because all the data under his banner are managed by artificial intelligence, if the R\u0026D personnel want to see the data, they are all desensitized. When the salesperson looks at the data, it is all recorded in the eucalyptus, and many data business personnel can't see it. arrive.

Kirin Basic Industries Group's robotic pets are also on the market a few days before the Chinese New Year. They all want to catch up with the Chinese New Year, when everyone has more money in their pockets and is willing to buy gifts for their families.

The cost of a robot pet is not low either. The cost of a normal-sized raccoon cat robot pet has reached 50,000 yuan, and the market price may have to reach more than 150,000 yuan to make a profit.

Unless the market demand is very large and the production cost is lowered, it is not a lot of money. Fortunately, the country has given many preferential policies to this emerging industry, which can save some costs.

According to their calculations, if the sales volume reaches 1 million, the cost will drop to 40,000 yuan, and if the sales volume reaches 5 million, the cost will drop to 30,000 yuan.

If the sales volume reaches more than 10 million, the cost can be reduced to 20,000 yuan. This is basically the cost limit. After all, their technical content is still here, and the entire industry chain must retain sufficient profits.

The same is true for the cost of domestic robots. The greater the market demand, the more obvious the cost reduction, because the cost of industrial chain construction is shared by the huge demand.

The ordinary robot business of their two companies is not prohibited from being sold only in the country. The reason is that there is nothing to keep secret. If others want to crack the technology, they will not be able to crack it for a while.

Even if it is cracked, with their manufacturing capabilities, it will be a sky-high price. Most importantly, even if these technologies are cracked, it is just a pure commercial competition and does not involve other fields such as security.

However, in terms of their production capacity, they will still give priority to meeting domestic demand, and will not do so in the short term for the international market. There are two main reasons.

The first one is that foreign countries are experiencing an economic crisis, and they are facing a large number of unemployed people. The housekeeping robot rental business will not be very effective, and no one is willing to spend a high price to buy a robot pet. ...The second reason is that the significance of making money from exporting is not as great as before. With many advanced high-tech products, our country can obtain a large amount of foreign exchange every year.

However, the country is different from the past few years. Everything needs to be bought from abroad. Now there are fewer and fewer commodities and technologies that need to be imported from outside. To earn a lot of foreign exchange, you can only hold it in your hands. The meaning is not as great as before.

Our country can't transfer low-end industries to other countries like other developed countries, because our country has a very large population. If it is just a high-tech enterprise, it simply cannot support the employment needs of our population.

Especially in the case of the low quality of the overall labor force in our country, many people in many high-end jobs are not able to afford it. If the low-end labor jobs are lost, a large number of unemployed people will be created.

The western development of Qilin Agricultural Development Group is proceeding in an orderly manner. In fact, they have been sowing grass seeds with drones since October this year.

Because this winter, Kylin Environmental Industry Group will carry out a large number of artificial snowfall operations, of course, in areas with a small population, so as to avoid the inconvenience caused by heavy snow to residents' lives.

In this way, when the next spring begins, there will be enough surface water for the grass seeds to take root and germinate after the snow melts. In fact, they have not stopped working, even though it is freezing outside.

These grasses are mainly used for soil and water conservation. Without such grass seeds to fix sand, after the ice and snow melt, a large amount of water flow may be formed to carry sediment into the Yellow River, which will bring difficulties to the dredging operation of the Yellow River.

Therefore, it is necessary for this kind of grass to take root and germinate in a low temperature environment, because the basic water and soil conservation work must be completed before the snow melts, and it will be too late after the snow melts.

It is developed by Leaf Book using genetic technology. Otherwise, it would be difficult to find this kind of grass in nature. It can take root and germinate in an environment of minus 40 degrees Celsius at a minimum, and can withstand a surface temperature of 80 degrees at a maximum.

The vitality is extremely strong. The gene of this kind of grass pollutes the existing plants. It is estimated that this kind of grass will be spread all over the world. It is precisely because of this that he needs to prevent genetic pollution.

It is precisely because of their strong vitality that their life cycle is only half a year. When the time is up, they will wither naturally, leaving only a well-developed root system that will not rot immediately and can last for 5 years.

Therefore, starting from April this year, Kylin Agricultural Development Group needs to sow grasses that improve the soil structure and form fertile land in a short period of time.

It is said that the employees of Qilin Agricultural Development Group are still blowing air-conditioning in the northwest. Fortunately, the operations are all using unmanned machinery, which is not so hard.

The east-to-west water transmission project is also proceeding in an orderly manner. If there are no accidents, they can guarantee that the construction will be completed before June this year.

At present, more than 100,000 laborers are working on this project, and they can't rest during the Chinese New Year. However, they have purchased large quantities of cold-proof clothing from Kirin Textile Industry Group, so they don't have to worry about the cold weather.

At present, the laying of pipelines has not yet started, and the main work is to do basic work, such as elevated construction, tunnel excavation, power line infrastructure and so on.

The laying of pipelines will not start until these works are completed or key projects are completed. At that time, Kirin Basic Industries Group also has sufficient production capacity. ….I heard that the government also dispatched a team of experts to participate in the whole process of the east-to-west water transfer project. Although this project is a project led by Kirin Industrial Group, the country is also very concerned about it.

After all, the completion of this project will completely change the environment of Northwest China. Its significance cannot be overemphasized. It can be called the National Century Project.

Kirin Energy Industry Group has not been idle either, and has dispatched a large number of employees and general-purpose robots to the Taklamakan Desert to build the infrastructure of the thermal radiation absorption field.

As well as supporting power supply facilities, these must be completed before the completion of the east-to-west water transmission project, and the most important thing is the production facilities that consume these huge power.

The whole process of this type of facility is completed by a general-purpose robot, because the more people who know it, the easier it is to be exposed. Only a general-purpose robot can maintain absolute secrecy.

Neither the Starlight Group nor the Spark Group participated in this group's high-level annual meeting. The reason is that their managers are all general-purpose robots, and there is no need for Ye Zishu to spend time communicating with each other.

After the high-level annual meeting of its subsidiary group, Ye Zishu held an annual meeting with the management of Baihu Technology Company, affirmed their achievements in the past year, and cared about their current projects.

In particular, they are about to launch the Mars rover and lunar rover missions, both of which are preparations for the next manned landing, which are of great significance.

When discussing the future development plan, their management asked him whether he wanted to build an electromagnetic orbital launcher. It is not a big problem to do this with their current financial resources.

Hearing their inquiries, Ye Shu's thinking is completely different from before. Although the electromagnetic orbital launcher has many advantages, its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it is expensive and occupies a large area.

In the past, the northwest region was deserted, and it was not a big problem to spend a lot of land for construction. Now that the west is being developed, these deserts will become fertile land.

In the future, there may be a large number of people living there, and it is completely unnecessary to occupy a large amount of land to build such a huge facility, and it will also affect the development of the west.

At present, their space launch technology is advanced enough, and the cost is less than one-tenth of the previous one, which is enough to be used in space activities unless large-scale space activities are carried out.

If that time really comes, there is no need for an electromagnetic orbit generator, and new spacecraft can be developed, and the use of super microwave power transmission technology and nuclear power technology can also solve the problem to a certain extent.

In the past, nuclear materials were scarce and expensive, but now there is a thermal radiation energy-absorbing field, and even gold can be produced artificially, and the production of nuclear fuel is naturally no problem.

However, he believes that when large-scale space activities are really carried out, if he is interested, he will definitely come up with controllable nuclear fusion technology to provide power cores for super-large spacecraft.

Although the plan to build a super electromagnetic orbital launcher on the earth was rejected, there is no problem in building such a device on the moon.

He asked White Tiger Technology Company to prepare for the construction of an electromagnetic orbital launcher on the moon, which will be available immediately when the lunar development is officially carried out.

In addition, the leaf book allows it to speed up the orbital probes of other planets in the solar system, especially the main planets, to collect more information on these planets.

There are many other detection plans, and Ye Zishu didn't bother to ask in detail. Even if he is not satisfied with the technology he gave to Baihu Technology, he can cooperate with other companies under him, and there is no big problem.

After the meeting with the senior executives of Baihu Technology Company, only Tidal Investment Company was left. He didn't plan to hold a meeting online. He just waited for Ye Zihua to come back and have a face-to-face meeting. .

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