Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 936 Digital Credentials and Currency Internationalization Issues


This year's Chinese New Year is in mid-February, and there is still more than a month left. Ye Zishu plans to visit her parents with Pei Qing.

In the past, Ye Zishu would never have thought of these things, and his first impression was not very good, and he felt a little conflicted in his heart, but now he is quite open about it.

No matter what, they are also relatives with flesh and blood ties, not to mention that they have lived in his house now. Although they have not held a wedding or received a marriage certificate, it is not much different from getting married.

He thinks that the procedures should be followed. As for whether Pei Qing will celebrate the New Year in the capital or come back with her, Ye Zishu also asked, and Pei Qing still intends to continue to celebrate the New Year here.

That being the case, I have to go back with Pei Qing, and there is also a huge house over there, except for a few days last year, it has been vacant, and I just found time to live there for two days.

Ye Ziqin heard that he was going to the capital, and originally wanted to follow him to see it. Hearing from Ye Ziqi, the mansion in the capital is so big and beautiful, it has already made her greedy.

It's just that the school is about to have the final exam, and it's really inconvenient to go out at this time, and the aviation is not well developed, so it seems stupid to go back and forth for a day or two.

After the airport in the county is built, it will be much more convenient to go out. Ye Zishu has already ordered a 300-seat passenger plane from Huanyu Group as his private plane.

As for when it will be delivered, it depends on when the construction of the airport in the county will be completed. If he really wants to travel before then, it is more convenient to charter a flight.

The airline company of Wancheng Foundation has started to operate after the delivery of the aircraft by Huanyu Group. Due to the scarcity of pilots, they can only hire general-purpose robots to act as pilots.

It is said that Kirin Basic Industries Group has spent a lot of effort in order to get Universal Robots to be qualified as a civil aviation airliner pilot, not only taking a series of related exams.

He even let the general robot serve as the co-pilot for quite a long time on the flights of other airlines, and then served as the captain for about half a year. Without a single problem, he finally got his driver's license.

The advantage is that once a general-purpose robot obtains a civil aviation airliner driver's license, other general-purpose robots also have this qualification, which is impossible for humans.

In fact, not only the airlines of Wancheng Jiye hired general-purpose robots as pilots, but also many other domestic airlines.

Because there are not so many civil aviation pilots in our country, we must either import talents from abroad, or we can only train them ourselves. No matter what kind of solution, it is not a good solution in the short term.

Importing from abroad means higher costs, and they need to spend time adapting to the domestic environment, and there are other hidden costs in the middle,

The overhead is relatively high.

If you train yourself, it will take a long time, although the Aviation Vocational School under the New Oriental Education Group has relevant training for civil aviation airliner pilots and attendants.

Moreover, virtual driving technology is used to speed up the training efficiency of relevant talents and reduce the training cost of relevant talents. Even so, it takes 3 years to start training a qualified driver.

Because the virtual driving technology can be used in actual operation, but the learning of a lot of knowledge requires them to learn it in real life, and there must be no adulteration.

Closer to home, the procedures for chartering planes with other airlines may be a bit troublesome, but for planes with Wancheng Jiye, the procedures are much simpler, all you need to do is make a phone call.

But in comparison, it is more convenient to have his own private plane. In fact, not only he ordered a private plane, Ye Zihua also ordered one, which is also a 300-seat passenger plane.

He received a lot of rewards, and as the person in charge of the investment company, he couldn't invest money by himself. This was the rule of Tidal Investment Company, otherwise it would be difficult to lead the team.

So the money in his hand can either buy what he wants, or it can only be stored in the bank for interest, so he has too much money to spend.

According to the agreement reached between Wancheng Jiye and the county government, the airport in the county can only park a maximum of 500 passenger planes, and even the largest passenger planes cannot land.

From the perspective of market operation, the county does not need such a high-standard airport. It only needs to build an airport that can land 300 civil aviation passenger planes.

However, the county government believes that the pearl industry in the county is developing rapidly, and it has a tendency to become the world's top pearl industry supplier. In the future, merchants from all over the world will come to purchase pearl products.

The purpose of building a higher-standard airport is on the one hand to reflect the strength of the county government. To be honest, they really have strength. The rapid development of several major industries has made the county's economy develop equally rapidly.

On the other hand, it is to meet most of the needs. In the future, domestic civil aviation passenger planes with 500 seats will account for a large proportion. If only 300 passenger planes can be landed, the restrictions will be relatively large.

In addition, it can also serve as a backup airport for Nanchang and Xunyang at ordinary times. When the weather is particularly bad, or when short-term turnover is difficult, it can serve as a temporary backup airport for the two cities.

This statement is certainly reasonable, but from an operational point of view, Wancheng Foundation will definitely not invest indiscriminately because of this statement, so the county government will subsidize the additional cost of upgrading the specifications.

If there is any operating loss in the future, the county government is willing to provide appropriate subsidies if the loss range is within the regulations. Since this is the case, Wancheng Foundation naturally has no objection.

Not only has the standard of the airport runway been raised to the point where 500 passenger planes can land, but the construction standard of the terminal building has also been improved a lot. It will be constructed according to the standard of 10 million passengers per year, while leaving room for expansion.

In fact, they are fully capable of ordering a 500-seat passenger plane as their own private plane. The reason why they did not choose it is mainly because of special circumstances.

Although Wancheng Jiye has carried out airport construction cooperation with most prefecture-level cities, most prefecture-level cities with small populations can only park passenger planes with 300 seats.

Ye Zishu is better. He doesn’t run around very much at ordinary times. As the president of Tidal Investment Company, Ye Zihua has a lot of business activities, uses special planes very frequently, and goes to many places. A 300-seat passenger plane is a more suitable model .

Ye Zishu felt that it was too big and unnecessary. Even after the modification, it could accommodate more than a hundred passengers. No matter how many security personnel he brought, it would not exceed a hundred, which was completely enough.

This trip will be much more convenient. Although the cross-lake bridge to Nanchang has not been fully completed, it is already open to traffic. After talking to the relevant departments, it will be released directly.

The cross-lake bridge crosses the entire Poyang Lake and will be an important hub connecting people on both sides of the Poyang Lake. It is jointly invested by the county government and the Nanchang government and is not a toll item.

Through this traffic artery, it only takes more than one and a half hours to get to Nanchang Changbei Airport. When the convoy arrived at the airport, their chartered plane was already waiting here, and it took off shortly after boarding the plane.

Arrived in the capital at noon, and then moved into a luxurious residence that I hadn’t been in for nearly a year. There was a general-purpose robot for maintenance and cleaning, which was not much different from when I left.

She rested here for a day and prepared gifts at the same time. The next day, she went to visit her parents with Pei Qing. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen her parents for a long time. Pei Qing stayed for a long time and didn't go home until it was dark.

In the next few days, Pei Qing went back to work at Taiji Group during the day. She was away for a long time, relying entirely on the information system and the general robot to manage this huge enterprise.

This time I took the opportunity of returning to Beijing to go to work for a few days, more to familiarize myself with the situation here. Although I can complete all the work through a substitute, I still feel a little strange about this place after being away for a long time.

Ye Zishu originally planned to visit Phoenix Technology Company, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It doesn’t matter if he goes or not, and he has nothing urgent to tell them.

Apart from taking time to visit Guo Dongsheng's mother, he planned to stay at home for the remaining few days. With such a big house and such complete facilities, he would not feel lonely when he was alone.

Moreover, people like him have long been used to being alone, and reading a book at home can kill a day, not to mention the indoor swimming pool, which is very comfortable to swim and take a bath in winter in the north.

It's a pity that this idea was forcibly planned. When Guo Dongsheng came back from visiting his mother at home, someone was waiting for him at home, and the central bank invited him to talk about some things.

The person who came didn't say anything to discuss. He told him that he would know when he went. The next day he got up early, had breakfast with Pei Qing, and went directly to the central bank.

Although his home is not far from the headquarters of the central bank, it is not too close. In addition, there are more and more cars on the road in the capital, and it took more than half an hour.

In fact, he has quite a few courtyard houses along Chang'an Avenue, some of which were purchased from private hands, and some were purchased and repaired from former large courtyards.

The courtyard along Chang'an Avenue, even if he bought it early, the price was not cheap at that time. After all, this is the core area of ​​the core area, which is a scarce resource, and there is a reason why it is expensive.

However, the price at that time was like the price of cabbage compared with the current price. The courtyards along this road are now sold at random, and the price is always in units of 1 billion yuan.

At that time, when they bought it, they always strived for completeness, even if they spent more money, it was worth it. Therefore, the courtyards are relatively large in size, and they are more livable after repairs, so the price is naturally high.

He doesn't even know how much his courtyard house in the capital is worth now, because he pays less and less attention to these assets now.

At the beginning, I thought about treating these courtyard houses as my own private property. When I was in financial difficulties, I could get a lot of money by selling them.

But after so many years, he didn't have much money for personal use, and Tidal Investment Company made money too fast, these courtyard houses were simply useless, and there was no room for them to play a role.

Although he didn't need it, he didn't think about selling it. He had so much money that he couldn't count it, so selling these assets didn't make any sense.

However, he felt that it was necessary to give Ye Ziqi a courtyard house on this street. The headquarters of the law firm she founded after graduation is in the capital, and she may live in the capital for a long time in the future.

Now she lives in Ye Zihua's house, the reason why she doesn't live in his house is that this house belongs to Pei Qing in name, and Pei Qing is written in the house book.

Ye Ziqi would only stay for a few days unless he came to live. If he wasn't here, Ye Ziqi would naturally not come in. She could take advantage of her brother, but taking advantage of her sister-in-law was open to discussion.

When I came to the headquarters of the central bank, I didn't attend any meeting, but the leader wanted to ask him some questions. In the past, he thought it unnecessary to ask him to come to his hometown. Now that he is here, he naturally wants to talk.

In fact, the matter is also very simple, that is, Tidal Investment Company and Danque Financial Services Company jointly launched a credit certificate in the form of digital currency.

Of course, the two companies dare not issue digital currency. No matter what currency it is, it is a symbol of national sovereignty, and it would be uncomfortable for private companies to issue it.

And they don't want to issue a digital currency like in the previous life. There is no anchor at all, and it has no other role except for speculation.

Therefore, digital certificates are issued in the form of credit certificates. At present, digital certificates and Chinese currency have a 1:1 exchange relationship. Customers can use these digital certificates to obtain the equivalent amount of currency at any time.

This seems superfluous to ordinary people, but as a staff member of the central bank, they are very sensitive to this, and they smell something unusual, but they are not sure.

Digital currency is actually not a new concept. Ye Zishu proposed this concept two years ago, and it was said in front of tens of millions of people during the live broadcast.

It’s just that people didn’t pay attention at that time, because it sounded very fantasy. In the past, the currency was precious metals such as gold, silver and copper, but later it became banknotes. Now I don’t even want to print banknotes, and just fill in the numbers.

In addition, the prospects for the application of digital currency are not clear to everyone, because in the past two years, smart phones have exploded, and online and offline payments have developed rapidly.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that no meaningful digital currency has been launched so far. After all, everyone does not know what a digital currency looks like, so naturally they do not know the application scenarios.

The financial credit certificate jointly issued by the two companies this time has not received much attention if it is only for ordinary transfers, because it is no different from the current payment platform transfer transaction.

However, the two companies have issued matching digital credit cards. Digital credit cards can be separated from the background data connection in a short period of time to complete point-to-point transfer transactions.

Moreover, it breaks through geographical restrictions, and can be unimpeded in foreign countries. Users can exchange these credit certificates for other currencies, which means breaking through monetary and financial controls, which naturally attracted the attention of the central bank.

For example, some people want currencies such as US dollars, but according to the current rules of our country, the exchange is not only troublesome, but also the amount is not large, and there are many restrictions.

If they exchange their domestic currency into a credit certificate on the payment platform, and then take it overseas and exchange it into the currency they want, consumption and transaction transfers are all possible.

In the middle of this, you need to pay a currency conversion fee. The larger the amount, the higher the fee. The purpose is not to make this money, but to make some restrictions in the early stage of development. Let’s see the situation.

In fact, since the issuance of digital credit certificates, many people have indeed used them. The reason why the central bank did not rush to find him is that the exchanged funds did not go through foreign exchange channels.

Instead, the services provided by Tidal Investment Corporation's financial institutions all over the world did not cause a large-scale loss of foreign exchange. It is just that Tidal Investment Corporation has more domestic currency and less other currencies.

This is not without problems. For example, illegally obtained funds are likely to flow out in this way, which is a potential threat to the country.

In order to avoid this from happening, companies and individuals who are currently eligible to use the credit voucher system of the payment platform have undergone strict identity verification.

Moreover, the current credit limit is not high, and it is relatively difficult to transfer illegal income on a large scale without causing major adverse effects.

However, the central bank does not think that the two companies jointly launched such a function to facilitate international capital flow, nor does it think that it is to earn exchange fees.

Although Danque Financial Services Company has been losing money year after year, their parent company earns a huge amount of money every year, and it has not reached the point of starvation.

Not to mention Tidal Investment Company, no one knows how much money they made in the previous financial crisis game, but how much money they made in the energy futures market game last year cannot be hidden.

In addition, they used to be rich and powerful owners, and such a profitable company would definitely not be interested in this fee. Other ordinary companies may care about it very much, but for them, it is a drizzle level of income.

I also asked two companies before, and the answer they gave was to test the role of digital currency certificates in international trade. Since the volume is not large, the central bank can't ban it.

Moreover, the central bank has also begun to be interested in digital currency. Although the two companies said that they are digital credit certificates, the central bank cannot be confused by the superficial words, and it can be seen at a glance that this is the legendary digital currency.

Faced with the central bank's doubts, Ye Zishu did not intend to hide his thoughts, and directly explained the matter clearly in front of many central bank leaders.

The first purpose is to test digital currency, which is the same as the answers given by the two companies. After all, it is a new thing, and many aspects are still unclear. Without testing, there may be problems in large-scale circulation.

Of course, Ye Zishu is still very confident in the digital currency technology he has come up with. Even if a quantum computer participates in the cracking, it is useless, because a large number of cosmic numbers that cannot be cracked are used in it.

For example, the legendary irrational number pi, pi, is a number that cannot be calculated even by a quantum computer, not to mention a traditional supercomputer.

Combining these special numbers and special algorithms, the digital currency encryption technology formed cannot be cracked. As long as the universe is still this universe, there will be no problem.

There are no major technical and security issues. The main purpose of the test is to see the role and impact of digital currency in international financial flows, and to analyze whether it is feasible.

The second purpose is naturally to replace the current international trade currency system, but the current intention is not too obvious, so it seems a bit rough.

If you really want to become an international trade currency, it is by no means as simple as simply performing currency exchange. There is still a whole set of matching technical problems to be solved.

Since this is a non-sovereign currency, how to support the value of the currency and make everyone believe that holding them is valuable. The US dollar is endorsed by national credit, but the non-sovereign currency does not have any endorsement, and the trust must be very low.

If you want to support non-sovereign currency as an international currency, the most important thing is to let everyone buy what they want with these currencies.

But this condition requires countries to recognize the value of non-sovereign digital currencies, and their economic systems can accept such non-sovereign currencies.

Obviously, this is very difficult to achieve, and it may even be jointly suppressed by many countries, so it is impossible to go directly to this path.

At this time, gold plays an important role. If they really want to make this digital currency a global trade settlement currency or reserve currency, they can directly link it to gold.

Gold is a natural currency. In addition to its reserve value, it can also be used in industrial fields, and it is also very easy to realize.

Although it is a non-sovereign digital currency issued without national sovereign credit endorsement, it can support the circulation of such currency just like gold-linked currency, even stronger than sovereign currency.

The third purpose is to solve the problems arising from existing trade currencies. Although the US dollar plays an important role in the global trading system, there are still many problems.

As the old m's economy is getting worse and worse, in order to maintain the size of the country's economy, it is more and more inclined to conduct financial harvest through its international trade settlement and reserve currency status.

Like the financial crisis that just happened, they carried out a quantitative easing policy, like the market released a large amount of dollars, but Tidal Investment Company made a wave, the effect did not meet expectations, and the original monetary easing plan was stopped.

But this is definitely not temporary. It is like a drowning person. As long as he can grasp a straw, he will desperately not let go.

As the largest economy in the world and the country with the largest international trade, my country must be aware of the risks involved and try to prepare in advance.

The fourth purpose is actually very simple, and that is to abolish the international trade currency system dominated by Western countries. Regarding this point of view, Ye Zishu did not hide it, and stated it very straightforwardly.

In fact, the third purpose has been achieved, and the fourth purpose is a matter of course, and without any ambition, it is impossible for him to achieve the current level.

After he finished talking about these purposes, some people also asked why the renminbi should not be internationalized. my country's economic strength, technological strength, military strength, and even trade strength all have such potential.

Regarding this issue, Ye Zishu also has his views. There are three main points. The first point is that if you want to become an international trade currency, you must export currency.

That is to say, there must be frequent trade deficits, otherwise others will not be able to conduct international transactions without our country's currency, and our country is currently running a huge trade surplus.

And it is foreseeable that it will be a country with a trade surplus for a long time in the future, which will make it difficult for other countries to hold our currency for a long time.

Of course, there is also a solution to this, that is to let the other party hold part of our currency through currency swap, but this method is not an ideal approach.

The second point is that it is not necessarily beneficial to the country’s economy. my country is a country with a large population. It is impossible for everyone to engage in high-tech and high-value industries. There will always be a large number of people who need other relatively low-end industries to live.

If we want to achieve a high degree of currency internationalization, it means that we have to deliberately maintain a certain trade deficit. The best situation is to achieve trade balance for a period of time.

This will cause many low-end industries to leave our country. The reason is that in order to obtain our currency, many countries will export products to our country at extremely low prices, even at the expense of government subsidies for exports.

This is a good thing, it can make it easy for our country to obtain cheap goods, but the most likely result is that the polarization between the rich and the poor is more serious.

Some people are very rich, while others have to face the dilemma of unemployment all the time, and in order to compete for limited high-paying jobs, involution will be more serious.

He believes that everything has two sides. Although currency internationalization will bring a series of benefits, it will also bring many disadvantages.

The third point is that my country's economy currently does not need to rely on currency internationalization to achieve a highly developed economy, because we can be self-sufficient in most products.

For example, energy issues. In the past, we needed to purchase a large amount of energy, but now we have become an energy exporter. After the thermal radiation energy absorption field in the Taklamakan Desert is completed, energy will not be a problem.

Our current largest trade import products are all kinds of mineral resources, but with the maturity of seabed mining technology and future space mining technology, there is not much demand for this aspect, and it may be an exporting country instead.

As for the goods produced by low-end industries, they will also be preserved under the joint action of artificial intelligence, robots, and automation equipment, and there is no need to rely on countries with low international labor costs to complete the production of these goods.

As for high-tech products, we are now less and less dependent on the international market, and have instead become the world's largest exporter of high-tech products.

Moreover, with the large-scale use of IQ drugs in our country, the quality of the population will be further improved. Coupled with the huge population base, social creativity will also be the best in the world.

Therefore, he concluded that my country does not actually have a high demand for currency internationalization, especially compared with the possible problems, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

But our confidence in the existing international trade currency is becoming less and less, and a new high-credit currency must be used as an international trade currency.

Therefore, the non-sovereign credit currency linked to gold has room to play, and this is also in the hands of our own people, so there is no need to worry about security.

After listening to Ye Zishu's words, the leaders thought about it for a long time, and felt that it made sense, but they were not sure, so they could only let him go back first, and they needed to discuss this issue further.

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