Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine Hundred and Thirty-Seven Sending 4 Heyuan and Law Firm Operations


Back home, Ye Zishu called Ye Ziqi and asked him to have dinner with him at night. Before he came back, he didn't tell Ye Ziqi that he didn't know that he had returned to the capital.

It may be that she hasn't gone to work for a long time, or it may be that Taiji Group is really busy with things. Pei Qing's get off work time is a little later than before, and she doesn't get home until around 7 o'clock.

During this period of time, Taiji Group was really busy, mainly busy with two things. The first thing was to lay out the domestic medical beauty industry, and even disclosed relevant information to the outside world in advance.

The reason for the early disclosure is mainly to allow enough time for the existing domestic medical beauty industry, whether they are going to close their doors or change their business content, they can make a relatively smooth transition.

In addition, it is also an opportunity for consumers who need medical aesthetic surgery to wait and see. After all, the existing medical aesthetic technology has obvious defects, and there may even be greater risks.

If you are not particularly anxious, you can wait until Taiji Medical Group develops the medical beauty business to see the effect and compare it, and at the same time, it can leave more stock consumers for Taiji Medical Group.

The reason why they are so enthusiastic and anxious about the medical aesthetics industry is that they feel that Tai Chi Group may face a decline in operating income this year or next year.

In order to be able to maintain the current scale of operating income, the medical aesthetics industry has become one of the few life-saving straws for them. This is a huge medical industry business that they have not set foot in.

Although many new medical technologies and even heavyweight products are released every year, the market size is generally small and it is difficult for them to become the main source of operating income for the group.

In addition to deploying the domestic medical aesthetics industry, they also have to set foot in the international medical aesthetics industry and gynecology industry. This is different from the previous unmanned hospitals, and the complexity is relatively high, because there is also Ye Zishu's personal purpose behind it.

The unmanned hospitals they established internationally have basically been sold out by them now. Re-entering international medical services is tantamount to starting again.

During this period of time, they have actually produced the in vitro reproductive system, and are currently doing two things. The first thing is to conduct clinical trials, and the second thing is to communicate with relevant national departments.

The technology provided by Ye Zishu is very complete, and his industrial system is also very complete. This advanced system can be developed step by step, and there is no bottleneck that is difficult to break through.

If the clinical trial is passed, it will be able to meet the conditions for market application. According to their estimates, if it goes well, the first phase of clinical trials will be completed by the end of the year.

If it weren't for this set of technology that Yeshu provided, and it also provided very advanced genetic testing technology, otherwise it would take seven or eight years to complete all the clinical trials.

Because there is also a need to track children born through the external reproductive system,

What is the difference between the usual performance and the child of natural reproduction, including the degree of physical health and mental health.

This kind of work should at least keep track of the children until they are about 10 years old, and continue to follow them until the children die, so as to have a grasp of their life situation.

However, if this is really done, it will take too long, and to some extent it is unnecessary. From the perspective of the experimental requirements of the technology itself, it is only necessary to detect whether the baby is healthy when it is born.

In fact, the medical institutions established by Taiji Medical Group in foreign countries have to conduct similar clinical trials in these countries and regions. They cannot use the domestic experimental data directly, and the specifics must be based on local laws and regulations.

The rest is the issue of approval, which is very complicated. After all, in vitro reproductive technology is seriously inconsistent with traditional ethics. How to regulate the application of the technology and in what scenarios need to be carefully discussed.

Relevant laws and regulations may also be promulgated, and it will take a long time to discuss the application scenarios of this technology and how to deal with possible problems under the rule of law.

This matter was disclosed to the outside world in the form of news, and it also aroused heated discussions among the people. These discussions may also become a reference for the legislative department.

There is no good or evil in technology. As long as there is good supervision and legal restrictions, it is not a big problem to use it in special scenarios. What's more, this technology is not intended to be exported. It is only used within Taiji Medical Group, and there are very strict regulations on the use process.

In contrast, the medical beauty business is much easier to carry out, and it doesn't take long. In addition, the technology he provided is very safe and reliable, and the service can be provided in the middle of the year.

When Ye Ziqi came over, Pei Qing hadn't arrived home yet, so Ye Zishu could only talk about the house first. To be honest, apart from being expensive, the quadrangle house is not as comfortable to live in.

In fact, many courtyard houses in his hands have been leased to Wancheng Jiye or Xiaodangjia Catering Group, and they are used for catering operations, focusing on traditional dishes and improving the quality of catering.

Of course, there are also many courtyard houses that are not suitable for catering, so they are used to operate tourist inns. The price is much more expensive than hotels. After all, the housing value is here and the location is very good.

More importantly, it allows tourists to experience the life of the courtyard house. Anyway, after the renovation and renovation, the living comfort of the courtyard house is much better than before.

The courtyard house he gave Ye Ziqi this time is a house near the Forbidden City, covering an area of ​​2,000 square meters. There are no high-rise buildings around, and the privacy is relatively good.

This is one of the few courtyard houses in his hands that covers such a large area, and he spent a lot of energy and money to buy it at that time. You must know that he didn't have a lot of money at that time.

However, facing such a good location and such a well-preserved courtyard house, it would be unacceptable not to buy it. The original purchase cost more than 50 million yuan, and that was in 1992.

Now the price per square meter of this courtyard house is as high as 200,000 yuan. According to the actual construction area, the value is about 500 million yuan. This is a lot of money for others, but it is really not a problem for him.

The reason for choosing this house as a gift to Ye Ziqi is that there are no high-rise buildings around the house, and the privacy is very good. There are all kinds of pavilions and pavilions inside. It has both the architectural style of the north and the taste of a garden in the south.

After he took over, many facilities were added, and after Wancheng Foundation was established, some materials were replaced to make it more livable.

After hearing that Ye Zishu wanted to give her such a big house, Ye Ziqi was also surprised. It was not about the money, but because her eldest brother suddenly gave her the house, which made her feel a little awkward.

In the past, Ye Zishu gave everyone the impression that he did not spend money recklessly, and was even a bit picky in terms of his status and wealth, which formed a stark contrast with his second brother Ye Zihua.

"Why do you suddenly want to give me a house?" Ye Ziqi asked with a smile.

"The main reason is that I went there to do business this time, and suddenly remembered that I still have a lot of courtyard houses in the capital. The courtyard houses that people looked down on before have become popular now.

All the other courtyard houses have been rented out. The courtyard house I gave you is the most well-preserved among the courtyard houses I bought, and it also has the best living conditions. It is not so noisy around, so it is very suitable for living.

Thinking that you may often live here in the capital in the future, it is not a big problem to live in your second brother's house now. After your second brother has a wife, it will be inconvenient to live there again.

So I thought of giving you a house here. You can definitely afford other modern houses when you make money, but the courtyard house is different, and you may not be able to buy it if you have money. "Leaf Book said.

"Does Sister Qing know about this?" Ye Ziqi asked.

"Why, are you afraid that your brother and I can't make the decision?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"That's not what I mean, I just think it's necessary to discuss it with Sister Qing!" Ye Ziqi said.

"You, don't think about it, just accept it, and I will transfer this house to you while I'm here for two days." Ye Zishu said bluntly.

Now donating this house to Ye Ziqi does not need to pay various taxes and fees. If you want to give it to her in the future, the taxes and fees alone will cost a lot of money. It is better to transfer the house as soon as possible.

Not only her, he also plans to give Ye Ziqin a courtyard house, but it is not as big as this one, because Ye Ziqin usually stays in her hometown and doesn't have many opportunities to use it, so she can only use it as a temporary residence.

As for selling these properties for money, he didn't think it was necessary for either Ye Ziqin or Ye Ziqi. With their abilities, it might be difficult to make a lot of money, but their ability to make small money is not bad.

Ye Ziqin earns hundreds of millions of dollars a year from live broadcasting and running an e-sports club at school, and this is something she does in her spare time.

Although Ye Ziqi is not as lively and active as Ye Ziqin, her IQ is not bad. In the past year, the law firm she founded has developed very rapidly.

More than 2,000 chain law firms have been established across the country, and they have penetrated into the county. Although such a rapid development is inseparable from the support of the family, her ability is beyond doubt.

This can be seen from the analysis of their operating conditions. Last year they completed a total of 200,000 litigation cases, and there are many types, including administrative litigation, civil litigation and criminal litigation.

Although the average number of cases per law firm is only 100, which may not seem high, many law firms were established very late, after all, Ye Ziqi only graduated in July.

This is not the most important thing. What makes Yeshu feel that they have done a good job is that they have done a good job in publicizing the law. In less than half a year, they have organized tens of thousands of publicizing the law.

He also did not select urban residents for publicity, but went deep to the grassroots. In his opinion, the more poor the country is, the more legal knowledge must be publicized, because the legal awareness in these places is weak.

Ye Zishu’s request to New Oriental Education Group is that children under the age of 16 should focus on moral education and not teach children too much legal knowledge.

For students above 16, it is necessary to properly explain the legal knowledge, at least the basic common sense must be clear. If you do not understand a little legal common sense in modern society, you will encounter big trouble.

What is most urgent in our country now is not how many law firms to build, how many laws and regulations to promulgate, but the most urgent thing is to popularize the law, which is an indispensable part of building a society ruled by law.

Ye Ziqi's law firm does not use the same content when promoting the law, but adjusts the content of the promotion according to the actual situation of the local residents to make the law more closely related to their lives.

Of course, if everyone has a strong sense of the rule of law, it can also increase the revenue of the law firm. Ye Ziqi is so keen on publicizing the law, and there may be considerations in this regard.

No matter what the purpose is, they are worthy of recognition for doing so. In his position, he often pays less attention to the purpose than to see whether the result is good.

Everyone has their own demands when walking in society. Some people do some unconscionable things for their own interests. Although some people are also for their own interests, they promote the development of society.

After Pei Qing returned home, the three of them had dinner together. During the meal, Ye Ziqi mentioned the matter that Ye Zishu had transferred to the courtyard to her just now.

Ye Zishu didn't say anything, he understood Ye Ziqi's thoughts, although they were not officially married, it was no different from marriage, and some things still needed to be clarified.

"This is your brother's own business. I think he must have his own reasons. Just accept the chess pieces." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Pei Qing has no reason to object. On the one hand, she is not Ye Zishu's wife, and it is inconvenient for her to intervene in many things. On the other hand, Ye Zishu just gave her a house worth 5 billion yuan, so she is not unbalanced.

Ye Ziqi told her about this matter, and he already respected her very much. In fact, he already treated her as Ye Zishu's wife, otherwise he would not have told her specifically.

After dinner, the two ladies went to play. I don't know if they really have a good relationship, or if girls can act, anyway, he can't learn these skills.

Ye Zishu walked around the house to eat and drink, and then went directly to the study to read. As for the research on field theory, the more he researched, the more profound he felt.

It doesn't even feel like the technology in this world, and it can't even be described simply as technology. It's a bit like the legendary fairy method, which opened a whole new door for him.

Now as long as he has free time, he is learning this knowledge, but the knowledge related to field theory is relatively mysterious, and the difficulty is not comparable to that of ordinary science.

With his IQ, there are many things that he can't understand in a short time, and it takes a long time to figure out, mainly because there are many things that are completely different from our way of thinking.

To learn field-related knowledge, sometimes he has to abandon the scientific theories he has learned before, and cannot think about field-related issues with his previous common sense.

The most typical is a kind of life field, which has the effect of living towards death. Putting a person who is about to die in the life field, after complex manipulation, it can turn into a baby again.

This is contrary to all the life science theories he has learned before. Of course, there is a set of supporting theories behind it, but it is very difficult to understand, and it does not look like a product of a system.

He knows that the universe is definitely not as simple as we see on the surface, but he never thought that the universe can be so complicated. What is the universe? Now even he feels a little confused.

According to his previous understanding, the universe is a world composed of matter and energy, and a world that follows universal laws, but this special life field is a bit mythical, and obviously has little to do with the laws of the world we usually see.

There is also an anti-gravity field. In his view, it is difficult for anti-gravity phenomena to exist naturally in the universe. The reason is that gravity or gravity is one of the basic forces of the universe and an important element that constitutes the universe.

If there is natural anti-gravity, it means that the universe may disintegrate, and the current order of the universe will be completely invalid, so it is concluded that natural anti-gravity does not exist.

So whether people can build anti-gravity devices, he thinks it is possible, but it can only be partially presented, and the basic rules of the universe are actually followed behind it.

It can also be explained scientifically, that is to distort a part of the space so that it has the effect of counteracting gravity, but human technology has not yet mastered it.

The principle of the anti-gravity field is not this, but directly independent of this time and space, it seems to be in the current time and space, but in fact it is no longer in the current time and space, it just cannot be seen from the surface.

It was these kinds of bizarre fields that made him a little suspicious of the previously constructed cognition of the universe, and at the same time realized that the universe is not as simple as we understand it on the surface.

It is definitely not a simple composition of stars, black holes, dark matter, and dark energy. There are still many ways that we cannot understand. These secrets also fascinate him a bit, and he wants to find out as soon as possible.

It's just that it is too difficult for Naihe to finish reading the books in the virtual library. With his intelligence level, he dare not say that he can finish reading.

He does seem to be very fast with simple books, but he is like ordinary people when he encounters difficult books. He has to read a book for a long time, and he has to read it repeatedly in order to better understand the content of the book.

Ye Ziqi rested here at night, and Pei Qing purposely slept with Ye Ziqi, leaving him alone, and didn't know what the two of them were talking about, but they still didn't think it was enough.

When having breakfast the next day, Ye Ziqi asked Ye Zishu when he would return to his hometown. In fact, he could go back anytime, depending on whether Pei Qing could arrange it.

Pei Qing felt that she would be able to go home tomorrow. Although the Taiji Group had a lot of things to do, they were usually dealt with. Several important things were dealt with in the past two days.

After hearing this, Ye Ziqi decided to go back to his hometown with them tomorrow. Although the law firm has just started and many things need to be busy, most of the things can be handled in his hometown.

At present, the number of lawyers in our country is not very large, especially for senior lawyers, it is generally difficult to be recruited by start-up law firms. In order to solve the talent problem, we can only hire a large number of general-purpose robots.

Although the profession of lawyers is a high-end service profession, it does not require strong innovation capabilities. At the level of artificial intelligence, it is more than enough for this job.

It can even be said that they do better than most humans. According to Leaf Chess, they have handled more than 200,000 cases, and the customer satisfaction rate has reached 98%.

There are still 2% who are dissatisfied. The main reason is that they want to defend innocence. According to the litigation principles of our country, if someone really commits a crime, lawyers can try their best to fight for the rights and interests of the client within the legal framework, but they cannot falsify the facts.

It is also impossible to give relevant suggestions that do not conform to the spirit of the legal system, so that the parties can avoid punishment. Once they are found out, even the defense lawyer may be convicted, and it is difficult to protect themselves.

Once this happens, the law will definitely not punish the general-purpose robot, and it is very likely that the boss will be punished. Therefore, it is very important that the procedure is correct, and it is not allowed to break the law.

In addition to hiring general robots, they also recruited a large number of trainee lawyers, allowing trainee lawyers to work with general robots, which is equivalent to one-on-one teaching and grows faster.

As for the ability to make money, it is still in a state of serious losses. It is not cheap to hire a general-purpose robot to engage in this kind of high-end service industry.

Even if Ye Ziqi is the boss's younger sister and can make certain profit sharing, they still need to pay 25,000 yuan in salary every month. They employ 5,000 people, and the monthly salary alone is as high as 125 million yuan.

But their revenue is not particularly high. In litigation, ordinary civil litigation costs are generally very cheap, while economic litigation costs are relatively high. Criminal litigation is generally higher than civil litigation, but lower than economic litigation.

The main lawsuits they are currently receiving are still mainly civil, supplemented by economic lawsuits, and relatively few criminal lawsuits. The average income of each case is only 5,000 yuan.

The reason is that the proportion of ordinary civil lawsuits is relatively high, and in order to promote the construction of the legal system and make the publicity of the law more popular, they charge a lower fee than the market price.

Of course, low prices are not the main reason for the low total income. The main reason is that the total number of cases they receive is still relatively low, and the capabilities and efficiency of general-purpose robots have not been fully utilized.

As for the legal consulting business, it is basically monopolized by Fengming Technology. Compared with consulting legal issues with a law firm, it costs much less to consult online with Fengming Technology's intelligent customer service.

The money they earn has no way to cover the costs they pay. In addition, they have to bear other operating costs. Last year, they lost a total of more than 500 million yuan.

Ye Ziqi would definitely not be able to fill this hole, because his father used money to support it, and Ye Zihua in the middle also supported part of it, barely able to sustain it.

In order to break even, they need to receive more than 400,000 cases per year with their current scale, and the pressure is still quite high.

Fortunately, their advantages are also obvious. On the one hand, they are more professional, the cases they handle are extremely high in customer satisfaction, and their reputation is generally much higher than other peers.

On the other hand, they have carried out a lot of legal publicity, which has strengthened the mass base and made the public more trustworthy. Moreover, this has been highly praised by relevant government departments.

Last year, they also won the honorary title of Excellent Private Legal System Unit and the Honorary Title of Times Legal Pioneer. These good social evaluations also make it easier for them to receive client commissions.

According to Ye Ziqi, she hopes to build this law firm into a platform for the public to fight for their legal interests, to reverse the traditional concept of legal proceedings, and to promote the development of legalization to a new level.

As for the business situation, she said that there is a high probability of achieving profitability this year, but the goal is set relatively high, and the number of lawsuits handled this year will reach 1 million.

In fact, in addition to litigation business, there are a large number of other non-litigation legal services, but the development of this type of business is slower at present, and the relative proportion is relatively low. It needs to further enhance legal awareness to have a larger market.

There are quite a lot of corporate legal services. Unfortunately, the legal business under Ye Zishu is basically done by itself. In addition, many economic connections occur within the system, and legal disputes are relatively few.

As for other legal services, the domestic demand is not high, and the proportion of people who even make a will is very small, let alone other more advanced legal services.

This is also the reason why Ye Ziqi's law firm mainly operates litigation legal services. At present, the domestic demand for legal services in this area continues to rise, which is a good entry point.

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