Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 939 How does the new international trade currency work?


Originally, the leaders wanted to ask him why he was so confident in issuing such a currency. You must know that it is not easy for a currency to be recognized by everyone.

At present, there is no currency issued by a private bank that has been recognized by the public. They are all based on sovereign credit. Even if individual banks have the right to issue regional currencies, they need the endorsement of the government behind them.

Obviously, the government will not endorse the non-sovereign currency issued by the banks under the Tidal Group. The reason is very simple. This is the bank's own commercial behavior, and it is not so shameless to ask the government to endorse it.

It is precisely because this is a commercial activity that the government will not stop them from doing so. Anyway, even if this currency is issued, it is difficult to use it in domestic daily life.

In addition, if this currency is widely recognized in international trade, our country's international trade will also be safer, and the benefits will be very great, so naturally there is no reason to stop it.

And if you really want to do it, the government really can't intervene too much, because the biggest feature of this non-sovereign currency is that it is divorced from the concept of the country, and it will not cause currency problems due to state behavior.

As for whether it can be recognized, there is already an answer, because the gold currency is issued. Compared with credit currency, it has natural value and can be exchanged for equivalent gold.

"Our second question is how to ensure that all countries can legally obtain a certain amount of this currency for international trade?" the leader asked.

Still the same sentence, everyone must have this currency in their hands to use it for international trade. The previous sovereign international currency relied on the export of currency from trade deficits for everyone to use for reserves and international transactions.

Obviously, this is impossible for non-sovereign currencies. The issuing bank cannot buy a large amount of goods and then sell them in other countries. Not to mention whether it will work or not, the cost will be unbearable.

Faced with this problem, Leaf Book actually has a solution, that is, borrowing, which is similar to ordinary commercial banks. The currency issued by a country flows to the market through lending.

In the same way, other countries who want to use this currency for international trade can use their own country's assets as collateral to obtain part of this currency.

If you earn money from international trade, you can return it to the bank and redeem the previously mortgaged assets. There are many advantages to doing so.

First of all, it is easier for each country to obtain this currency. In the past, if you want to obtain an international transaction currency, you need to sell your own country's products.

Some countries are at a disadvantage in international trade, and it takes a lot of energy to obtain it, especially for countries that are clean or blocked from trade, it is very difficult to obtain.

Adopt the operation mode of commercial banks to export currency,

In contrast, it is much more efficient, and for countries just starting out, the benefits are very large, at least they don’t have to worry about insufficient initial funds.

The second is to prevent countries from unlimited borrowing, and to use commercial banks to export currency. Borrowing money is fine, but collateral must be provided. If the loan is not repaid, it means that the collateral belongs to the bank.

If a country does not have the strength to borrow for a long time, over time, the country's mortgage assets will become less and less, and many countries will do what they can.

The second is to prevent sovereign states from going bankrupt and defaulting on their loans. In the past, many countries often defaulted on their debts through national bankruptcy. Now this method of operation will not be feasible.

The reason is that the debtor will require the debtor country to obtain currency in the form of asset-backed loans, and then repay the debt, at least to ensure the interests of other debtors.

The payment of the country is its domestic assets. For the government, it is actually land and government assets. It is impossible for the government to mortgage the assets of its own people for loans, and the banks will not recognize it.

Finally, banks that issue currency are also profitable, and borrowing needs to pay interest, although the interest rate will not be as high as that of ordinary commercial banks.

However, the interest rate will not be particularly low. If the interest rate is calculated at 1%, when the amount of borrowing is very large, the benefits obtained by the bank will be very considerable.

It can be said that this kind of international currency issued by commercial banks is very beneficial to all parties, and it is much more advanced than the current currency circulation method.

It's just that no bank had such a bold idea before, and no bank had such strength. Now the banks under the Tidal Group are going to face this problem.

Of course, the banks under the Tidal Group can only issue international transaction currencies to countries in this way, and other methods do not work in their view.

Because such a model is a purely commercial model, it does not involve political issues, and the solution is purely commercial. Even if some people are unwilling, they will reluctantly accept it.

"Then when do you plan to launch such a service?" the leader asked again.

This is also their concern. After all, the emergence of a highly competitive international currency will reshape the global financial system and trade order.

The central bank is also the basic unit of a country's financial system. How to reduce losses and even seek more benefits in this accident is what they need to do.

"Now we don't have that much gold in our hands. If we want to do it, we must at least accumulate a certain amount of gold in our hands, so at least we will wait until the beginning of next year before trial operation." Ye Shu said.

By the beginning of next year, the amount of gold owned by the Tidal Group will reach more than 100,000 tons, worth tens of trillions of yuan, which can fully meet the needs of the initial currency issuance.

A currency issuance, if no strong measures are taken and it completely relies on the market to achieve the purpose of issuance, it will take a long time to penetrate slowly, so the settlement ratio in the initial stage of international trade will not be very high.

The reason why you have to prepare enough gold for payment in advance is because you are afraid that others will run on it in order to kill the new currency. Once you cannot pay in full, it means credit bankruptcy.

And even if others will not pay maliciously, but due to the low trust in this currency, after getting the currency, for insurance, it is possible to convert part of the country's foreign exchange stock into gold reserves first.

In short, if you don’t have enough gold in your hands, don’t think about issuing currency to the outside world. In the early days, the Tidal Group didn’t dare to issue more currency casually. It will issue as much currency as you have gold in your hand, so that it will be safe.

The leaders didn't say much after hearing it. In fact, they were shocked to act so fast. He thought that at least they would have to wait until the current scale of their digital credit certificate usage reached a certain level.

On the one hand, large-scale transactions are conducive to testing whether digital currency is safe and reliable in large-scale circulation, and on the other hand, it is also for more people and countries to adapt to new habits.

They started to do this in such a short time, which can only show that they are very confident, confident that there is no problem with their technology, and confident that they can be recognized by many countries.

It is not without purpose for Ye Shu to be so frank, that is to require the country to recognize this currency in the future, which can be used for transactions between the country and other countries, and can even be used as one of the reserve currencies.

If you don't even recognize your own country, don't expect other countries to recognize it, not to mention that our country is the world's largest trading country. If you don't recognize it, it will be difficult to move forward.

Although it can be promoted by relying on his industrial system, the effect will be greatly reduced, so he put forward his request, hoping that the country will consider it properly.

Although this new international currency is not directly controlled by the government, it is issued by the country's banks after all. If you really want to exert influence, you can still do it. It will definitely benefit the country.

"We need to discuss this internally, and we can't give you an answer for now!" The leader said cautiously.

They need to conduct a series of analysis and evaluation on this internally. After analyzing the pros and cons, they can decide whether they support it and how much they support it.

This is what it should mean, and Ye Zishu didn't say much, thinking that the matter is about to end here, and it's not time to discuss many details.

And there is no need to discuss it with him specifically. In the future, you only need to discuss it with the Tidal Group. They are responsible for the specific operations, and Ye Zishu only controls the general direction.

"This time I invite you to come here. In addition to this matter, we want you to provide us with a set of advanced digital currency technology!" said the leader.

"The central bank also intends to promote digital currency in the country?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I have this idea!" said the leader.

The leader is still very cautious about this, and he didn't say too much. In fact, what he said is equivalent to nothing. If he wants a digital currency system technology, he naturally has this idea.

Ye Zishu agreed very simply, and said: "Of course there is no problem, but do you want the technology of the digital currency system of the Tidal Group, or a brand new digital currency system technology?"

"Does it make any difference?"

"If it is a technical system, the first is that the technical system is relatively mature, at least the banks under the Tidal Group can verify whether there are any undiscovered problems in the technology.

The second is that if the two currencies are integrated in the future, it will be relatively convenient. Even if they are not integrated, the maintenance cost will be much lower, and problems can be corrected in time.

There are advantages and disadvantages. If there is a problem and it is not discovered in time, both digital currencies will definitely be implicated, and the impact will be even greater. "Leaf Book said.

Although he is very confident in his skills, he still has to say what he should say. In case something goes wrong, he doesn't have to take full responsibility, so he can't talk too much.

Secondly, he actually doesn't really want to integrate the two currencies. The reason is that if he does so, the real significance of his current layout will not be great. It is better to internationalize the national currency from the beginning.

"Then provide us with a brand new digital currency technology system!" The leader thought for a while and said directly.

Ye Zishu was a little surprised, but he understood after thinking about it, so he said, "Of course there is no problem. I will organize a detailed digital currency technology system for you. As for how to do it, you can see for yourself."

He does not plan to get deeply involved. After all, a country’s digital currency technology has very high confidentiality requirements, and even if it is the technology he provides, he must avoid suspicion.

With the technology provided by him, they can completely independently build an advanced digital currency system, and he can also extract himself, because he does not understand the details.

Hearing that he personally provided the technology, the leaders were happier. If it was someone else who provided the technology, they were still worried about whether there would be problems. He is different. The security of the technology he provided is definitely not bad.

"When will this digital currency technology be available to us?" someone asked.

"It will be available to you before the Spring Festival!" Ye Zishu said.

He didn't expect the other party to be so eager, and he naturally didn't want to procrastinate. Anyway, it wasn't too difficult for him, and it didn't take him much time.

Hearing that he was able to make it so quickly, many people at the scene were still very surprised, but they didn't say anything, and the matter was settled like that.

Near the end of the meeting, the leader said to him: "There may be a higher-level leader who will talk to you later. If you can, you can stay here for a few more days!"

In the past, it was unnecessary to say so specifically, because he had lived in the capital for a relatively long time, and now he basically stayed in his hometown to avoid him running back and forth, so he was reminded like this.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu went home directly. Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi hadn't come back from shopping yet. Ye Zishu took advantage of the time and started to develop a new digital currency technology system.

The technology he provided is actually very simple. It is a lot of mathematical formulas. The technical staff of the central bank can develop the corresponding digital currency system with these technical formulas.

He spent an afternoon developing all the mathematical formulas before Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi went home, but they couldn't hand them over to the other party.

Theoretically speaking, these mathematical formulas seem to be ok, but for the sake of safety, he uses a super quantum computer to verify these mathematical formulas, and then give them to them after confirming that there is no problem.

"Why do you buy so many things?" Ye Zishu was a little surprised to see that they asked the general robot at home to run several times before they finished moving the things they sold.

This is emptying out other people's shopping malls. Pei Qing has become a shopaholic since she hasn't been to the capital for such a long time.

Although there are also shopping malls in the county, compared with the capital, the scale and quantity are still much worse.

After all, the capital is now a city with a population of tens of millions, and although the per capita gdp in the county is not low, the population size is only a few hundred thousand, and the gap is still obvious.

"Don't look at it too much. In fact, these are all needed. This time, I must bring some gifts for everyone in the family. Add some new things, which are also worth buying." Pei Qing said.

"What Sister Qing said is that we saw a lot of interesting things this time. The robot pets we made are exactly the same as real pets, but they are not as troublesome as raising real pets. You don't have to worry about a lot of things." Ye Ziqi said from the side.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu knew that it was the robot pet of Kirin Basic Industry Group. At present, no one has such technical content except that they can launch a fake robot pet.

Even Qinglong Technology Company is worse at doing it. Although Kirin Basic Industry Group is late in researching robots, they have much more technology than other companies.

In addition to dealing with general-purpose robots all year round, the research and development level of scientific researchers has also risen sharply, and Ye Zishu specially designed many robot pets for them, which is an obvious advantage.

Like the domestic service robot launched by Qinglong Technology Company, they only got piecemeal technology, and did not get the overall design from Ye Zishu, and they had to do everything by themselves.

"What robot pets did you sell?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We were afraid that we couldn't buy them in the county, so we bought a lot more. We bought four or five robot cats, two or three robot dogs, and many others." Ye Ziqi was a little unclear. up.

Leaf Book listened to her, and took out the robot pets for sale. Besides the common cats and dogs, there are also many special pets, which are quite beautiful in shape and relatively moderate in size.

This kind of robotic pet that does not exist in nature is generally small in size. After all, it is cute when it is small, but the price is not cheap. Like the elf mouse, it is twice the size of an ordinary squirrel, but the price is as high as 200,000 yuan.

In fact, the cost of this kind of robot pet is much lower than that of ordinary cats and dogs, and the cost is only about 20,000 yuan. After all, the small size requires less consumables.

In addition to this kind of pets, there are also robotic pet fish. They are also generous and have bought several families directly. The price of a set is 500,000 yuan, and there are six in a set.

Ye Zishu counted the number of robot pets the two of them bought, counting in sets, there were as many as 20 sets, costing more than 8 million yuan, money is self-willed.

Seeing Ye Zishu counting, Ye Ziqi couldn't help but said: "You didn't go to the scene, the entire store floor is full of robot pets, it's like a paradise for pets.

We only bought 20 sets, which is already very restrained. Many pets are so cute that people can't help but want to own them after seeing them. "

Ye Zishu didn't really blame her for spending money, his family wasn't nervous enough to spend such a small amount of money, but Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing didn't have a lot of cash in their hands.

"Who paid the money?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"We all paid. Some sisters like Qing better, and some I like better. Of course, each has to pay for the pet he likes!" Ye Ziqi said.

"Okay, for the sake of buying me gifts, I'll reimburse you for the money!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

There is too much money in his personal account, even if the private laboratory costs a lot, he can't spend it all. Usually, he doesn't have time to use it, so he finds an excuse to spend the money.

Ye Ziqi heard his brother say this, and couldn't help but said: "If you know this, I will buy more, I still have a lot of things I want to buy that I haven't bought yet!"

Hearing Ye Ziqi's words, Ye Zishu immediately felt relieved. Of course, he was happy that these robot pets were so attractive, even adults like Ye Ziqi couldn't put it down.

What's more, for those children, as long as the family conditions allow, it is estimated that they will choose to buy one or two to satisfy the children's hobbies, and it is much more convenient than keeping real pets.

"Okay, I'll give you 20 million yuan each, and you can just go shopping tomorrow." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Ziqi was naturally very happy when he heard it, but Pei Qing was a little worried when he heard it, and asked: "Aren't you going back to your hometown tomorrow? Is there something wrong here?"

"There are indeed some things here, but it's not a bad thing. The leader may want to meet with me to avoid running back and forth, so I will stay here for a few more days." Ye Zishu explained.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing felt relieved, and began to discuss with Ye Ziqi where to go for a walk tomorrow. As for whether they could take it back to their hometown, they didn't have to worry about it. Anyway, it was a chartered flight back, and there was enough space to put things.

"Brother, why are you so generous all of a sudden!" Ye Ziqi asked with a smile.

"Am I a picky person in your eyes?" Ye Zishu asked rhetorically.

"Isn't it?" Ye Ziqi asked with a smile.

"Then return the courtyard house I gave you!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

"How can you take back the things you gave away, and I mean compared with the second brother, you are really picky." Ye Ziqi said with a smile.

"It's not that I'm stingy. At that time, I really had no money, and the money in my hand was much less than your second brother!" Ye Zishu explained.

Ye Ziqi might not understand what he meant, but Pei Qing still understood, because the two of them have been together for so long, his thoughts are still very clear to Pei Qing.

Regardless of the huge scale of its assets, it is difficult to describe it as rich, but he has never considered these assets as personal, and has never taken money out of them to enjoy himself.

Only the Tidal Group is really counted as personal assets, and it is precisely because of this that Ye Zihua was allowed to manage this company. Other companies did not let their family members hold any positions. Pei Qing's situation is quite special.

"Suddenly rich now?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

Ye Zishu talked about the huge amount of book royalties she had obtained, which surprised Pei Qing. She didn't expect to make so much money writing books, and it was still when the books were sold very cheaply.

But this amount of money can’t really be earned by others. No one can write so many books in a short period of time, and all of them are so good that some people are willing to buy them.

Let the general-purpose robot at home help pack these bought things, because these are to be brought back to their hometown, and the three of them started to eat dinner.

After dinner, Ye Zishu went to swim in the swimming pool at home. Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi naturally had their girls' activities, so Ye Zishu didn't get involved.

Fortunately, Pei Qing did not continue to sleep with Ye Ziqi at night, but came to accompany him. Before going to bed, the two of them would naturally chat for a while.

"How many people bought robot pets in the past today?" Ye Zishu asked.

"There must be a lot of people watching the scene. After all, this is a new thing, but the proportion of purchases is not very high. The main reason is that it is too expensive. If ordinary people buy it, they need to weigh it carefully." Pei Qing said.

Although Ye Zishu had expected this, but it was really uncomfortable for him, but there was nothing he could do about it. For any new industry, the initial development cost is relatively high, and the price of the products produced is naturally high.

"I don't know what the purchase ratio is!" Ye Zishu said.

"Actually, don't worry about this. If someone really has the strength to buy it, it may be difficult to resist the charm of the robot pet. People who are well-informed like us, why don't we obediently pay for it when we see it?" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Although Pei Qing misunderstood what he meant, she didn't explain it. In fact, he wasn't worried about making money. Although it looked expensive, in fact, for rich people, the money was no different from buying ordinary toys.

Even for the working class, they can afford to save money for a period of time. They cannot buy large pets and special pets, but they can buy small pets.

"The next step is to see how the domestic service robot market of Qinglong Technology Company will be. I hope that the two industries can drive the economy to continue to develop!" Ye Zishu said slowly.

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