Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 940: Recognizing Kirin Basic Industries Group


Originally, he didn't pay much attention to the launch of robot pets and robots, but seeing that his family loved them so much, he paid more attention to the industry.

After breakfast the next day, Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi went shopping again, while Ye Zishu checked the sales information of Kirin Basic Industry Group about robot pets.

Because it is not clear how the market situation of robot pets is, the basic industry group has only built one set of production lines at present, and the related supporting industries can only supply one set of production lines.

But even so, their annual production capacity has reached 10 million sets, and they use the most advanced flexible automatic production line. One production line can complete almost all the production tasks of robot pets.

The purpose of doing this is to save costs. If only one production line is built for one type of pet, the cost will be too high, and it is difficult to adjust the production capacity in time.

Of course, the price of this automatic flexible production line is much higher than that of ordinary production lines, but generally speaking, it is extremely cost-effective to do so, especially for their high value-added products, which are even more cost-effective.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu also thinks that it is impossible for such an expensive pet robot to sell more than 10 million sets a year. If this is the case, it will have an output value of tens of billions of yuan.

At present, they have launched 10 types of robot pets, and there are as many as 100 types of subdivided pets. Among them, there are 30 types of corresponding pets in nature, and the remaining 70 types are all robot pets designed by themselves.

The purpose of doing this is actually very simple, that is, pets that exist in nature, consumers may not be willing to spend such a high price, because it costs less to buy real pets.

The only advantage of robot pets is that they don’t have to work hard, don’t need to spend extra money on food for pets, and don’t need to spend so much time taking care of them. Of course, robot pets are not as smart as real pets.

Apart from these, the advantages in other aspects are not too obvious, and it may not be worthwhile for many people. Only rich people like Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing don't care about the money.

At this time, the robot pets that do not exist in nature come in handy, and the design of such pets can be more imaginative, without being affected by real reference objects.

After reading the basic information, Ye Zishu looked at their sales. The actual situation was much better than he thought before. It seems that the robot pets are still popular in the market.

In fact, the robot pet has only been on the market for three days, and there is no large-scale publicity. It directly cooperates with Wancheng Foundation to establish a chain store in their store.

This approach is more in line with the character of Kirin Basic Industries Group. They used to do back-end business, and they are not very familiar with the promotion of front-end business, and they are not used to the operation mode of the consumer end.


This is also related to their absolute advantage in this business. With their current technical advantages in robot pets, there will be no strong competitors in ten or twenty years.

In the field of absolute monopoly, many common consumer product sales methods are not fully applicable, but they are not even willing to hold product launches, or their way of thinking has not changed.

Leaf Book is also not good at commenting on this. Maybe this is their business strategy. In fact, they still have a consumer product business under their umbrella. For example, the daily chemical industry belongs to this type.

They actually do a lot of advertising in the business of daily chemical consumer products. The reason is that the competition is fierce. No matter how good their products are, if they want to stand out, they must be widely advertised.

At present, their daily chemical industry accounts for 60% of the domestic market, which is not particularly low, and the remaining 40% is occupied by similar domestic enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises.

In the international arena, their daily chemical business is also developing well, bringing them more than 60 billion yuan last year, which is not a small amount, which shows that they are not incapable of operating consumer products.

Although Ye Zishu is not very satisfied with the publicity, it does not affect their sales. In just three days, they sold 100,000 sets in China, and the sales amount reached 18 billion yuan.

According to the current situation, they predict that the total sales of robot pets will reach at least 2 million sets this year, and the sales scale will exceed 300 billion yuan.

Although it is a forecast, Yeshu is quite appreciative. In fact, this forecast is already very conservative. The reason is that the price is too high, which is different from the sales growth curve of ordinary goods.

If the sales volume of this year can really exceed 2 million sets, then the cost will drop by a level, and the prices of all robot pets can be adjusted down appropriately.

The current price is indeed not suitable for ordinary working families. Although the average monthly salary of his employees will increase to 20,000 yuan this year, the disposable income is actually not that much.

Everyone has a considerable part of hard expenses to survive in society, such as rent, water, electricity, food and clothing, medical insurance, social security, taxes, etc., as well as necessary living materials.

Now tourism is gradually becoming popular in China, which is inseparable from the publicity of Wancheng Foundation. Over the years, they have made great efforts in the development of tourism resources and the improvement of the service industry.

According to the survey, after excluding these necessary expenses, the average remaining disposable funds of residents is about 50,000 yuan, which is the result of the rapid increase in the size of his employees in the past two years.

If a family of two makes money, it will take them about two years of residual income to buy a robot pet, and the specified lifespan of a robot pet is about 10 years.

Although it can be used for a period of time after 10 years, the failure rate will be very high at that time, and the warranty period given by the manufacturer has passed, so if it breaks, you can only replace it with a new one.

In order to take care of consumers' emotions, after all, pets have been with consumers for many years, and they may have deep feelings for each other, especially for the elderly, which is more important.

Therefore, the basic industry group will launch special services at that time. If consumers trade in old ones for new ones, they can customize robot pets from manufacturers according to the original pets.

In addition, pet data is usually uploaded to the server for storage, and the replaced pet is no different from the original broken pet, which reduces the feeling of parting.

Of course, there are also great benefits for Basic Industries Group to do this, that is, it can bind users and make users become their continuous consumers, otherwise it is very likely that they will not buy if it is broken.

If the price of ordinary pets is reduced to less than 100,000 yuan, the market size may increase rapidly, and most families can afford to buy one at that time.

The main reason is that he thinks such a price is more appropriate. When every household can buy one or two such pets, the economy generated by robotic pets will be huge.

In fact, robot pets are not only used as pets, but also good housekeepers. Even small robot pets do not have a high force value, but they also have an alarm function.

If you bring a robot pet by your side, your personal safety can be improved rapidly, although Ye Zishu hopes that the society will become a harmonious society that "does not close the door at night and does not pick up lost things on the road".

But he knows that this is impossible. The so-called forest is full of all kinds of birds. We can only reduce social conflicts as much as possible. There are still individual cases, especially in a populous country like ours, which is even more difficult to do.

After reading these messages, Ye Zishu was about to close it, but found that there were still messages addressed to him. He opened it and read it, and quickly responded.

The basic industry group has a production capacity of 10 million sets, but it is estimated that the country can only digest about 2 million sets, so they wondered whether they could export the remaining production capacity.

Since the domestic market can sell so well, they believe that there must be a large international market. From a global perspective, it is possible to digest their excess production capacity.

Moreover, the domestic price is definitely different from the foreign price, and the foreign price is at least twice the domestic price. This is a common practice of his subsidiaries, especially for such monopolistic products with no substitutes.

The reply given by Ye Zishu was that he would not export it for the time being. It was not that he didn't look down on the international market, but that he wanted to have other effects, which would be of great use at critical moments.

Next year, the Tidal Group will begin to issue international trade currency. It is difficult to convert all existing international trade products to the new currency at once. If you do so, you will be self-defeating, and it will also cause disorder in the international trade order.

It can only allow customers who deal with him to have one more choice, and it cannot force customers to use the new currency for settlement.

It would take a long time to completely replace the existing international trade currency with this method, so he thought about speeding up the replacement without affecting the large trade environment.

To achieve this goal, the only way to force the use of new currencies for settlement of new trade products is to not affect the original trade system, but also to urge the international community to consciously speed up the replacement.

Robot pets are a good starting point. They have two distinctive features. The first feature is high-tech attributes. Compared with ordinary products, high-tech products are easier to become popular in the world.

The second feature is monopoly. If there are alternative products, forcing the use of new currencies for trade settlement is tantamount to handing over the market to others, and monopoly products do not have this worry.

Some people may think that this is not a necessity, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t buy it. In fact, there is a problem with this kind of thinking. From the perspective of human nature, everyone will unconsciously pursue a better quality of life.

Among the items that pursue the quality of life, robot pets are definitely a very good choice. They can not only soothe personal emotions, but also feel a unique sense of superiority, which is especially face-saving.

From a national point of view, in order to promote domestic technological innovation, it is necessary to introduce advanced technologies from the world, broaden the horizons of the people, and better stimulate creativity.

If everyone has not seen it much, and how to talk about creation, vision will limit technological innovation, just like the development of the Internet in our country in the previous life.

It is only those who have returned from studying abroad to start businesses, or those who have been abroad and have seen the Internet, have the idea of ​​​​starting an Internet company. If you have never seen it, you must not have these ideas.

This is the value of communication. Although Ye Zishu thinks that learning foreign languages ​​consumes too much energy, he does not propose to abolish foreign language learning in schools, but only converts compulsory courses into elective courses.

The reason is that the necessary foreign language learning is conducive to the communication between our country and the world. During the communication, we can also absorb the achievements and nutrients of others to develop ourselves. The significance of communication lies in this.

In order to complete this grand strategy, it is worth sacrificing some economic interests, and taking so many dollars will become a burden instead, and there will be losses when dealing with it.

Of course, this loss is too much for their companies to bear. The reason is that the funds will be converted into domestic currency when they return home. The main reason is that it is unnecessary.

At present, the domestic economy is still growing at a high speed, which is completely different from five years ago. There is no urgent need for a huge industry to drive economic development.

Moreover, the domestic market size alone can reduce the overall cost. It does not need the international market to achieve this goal, which is also one of the key factors.

After replying, Ye Zishu picked up the phone and opened the news client, then clicked on the hot news list, and found that the robot pet was ranked eighth on the hot news list.

Although universal robots have long been widely used in various industries in China, they have not carried out any publicity, and even deliberately concealed the existence of universal robots.

Since universal robots are so similar to humans that they cannot tell the difference at all, so far, there has not been a single report on universal robots.

Many parents send their children to schools under the New Oriental Education Group, and they cannot see that a considerable part of these teachers are general-purpose robots.

Universal robots also play an important role in the police system, especially in dangerous positions. Universal robots are hired to perform tasks to ensure the personal safety of other police officers.

In the case of deliberately hiding the existence of general-purpose robots, robot pets are simply black-tech-level technological products for ordinary people.

Although these robot pets are not humanoid robots, technically speaking, they are much more advanced than the robots launched by Qinglong Technology Company, and ordinary people can tell at a glance.

Now that robot pets have come out, it is only a matter of time before more advanced humanoid robots appear. Therefore, the appearance of robot pets is not just the robot pets themselves, but the meaning behind them is the newsworthiness.

Moreover, the company that launched the robot pet this time turned out to be Kirin Basic Industries Group, not Qinglong Technology Company, which is a leader in the field of robotics, which also aroused many people's surprise.

The reason is that everyone doesn't know enough about Kirin Basic Industries Group. Although they have many advanced technologies, they seem to be an invisible existence.

Their advanced equipment and technology only provide services to his subsidiaries and will not provide services to the outside world. This is the reason why everyone is not impressed by them.

As for other businesses such as chemicals, steel and metal materials, they are also promoted in the name of their subsidiaries and brands, and rarely promote the group to the outside world.

This is the common practice of almost all his groups. The reason is that the group is too large, with too many brands and products, and none of them have a single brand image. It is of little significance to promote the group.

In addition, it is to reduce their own sense of presence in society. If they really want to promote the group company, the common people will find that they seem to be everywhere.

If the proportion of this kind of situation is not high, ordinary people will feel very powerful. If they find that they are surrounded by these names, they may panic and even have rebellious psychology.

The company that everyone didn't have much impression of before has led the development of the robotics field. This is something that no one thought of. There are even quite a few people who are bad-mouthing Qinglong Technology Company.

In fact, the robot pets launched by Kirin Basic Industry Group are not produced and promoted in the name of the group, but a new subsidiary is established under the original general robot business enterprise, which is dedicated to operating robot pets.

It's just that the relationship between them is in the same line, and it is easy to be found out, so the group behind it was dug out. Of course, the Kirin Industrial Group was not left behind.

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that the headquarters of Kirin Industrial Group is just a shell without any substantive business. The main point of discussion is Kirin Basic Industry Group.

In addition, Kirin Basic Industries Group has a large number of employees, and usually communicates with relatives and friends about the company's basic situation, so Kirin Basic Industries Group gradually surfaced in the news field.

I thought it was a little-known company, but I didn't expect that after many people's descriptions, the overall image gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes, only to find that it was a giant company.

At first, everyone felt a little regretful and a little surprised that such a big company as Qinglong Technology was defeated by others in the field of robotics, which is its own advantage.

Looking at it now, everyone takes it for granted. The reason is that the advanced equipment, even the only equipment in the world, basically comes from this group.

Some experts even came to such a conclusion after summarizing the information on the Internet, if Xuanwu Technology Company is the mainstay of my country's modern industrial system.

Then Kirin Basic Industry Group is the basic enterprise of my country's future industrial development. Their advanced technology is at least 20 years ahead of the world.

Although Qinglong Technology Company has strong strength in the fields of semiconductors, consumer electronics, communication industry, home appliances and robotics, it would not be able to go very far without the support of advanced equipment from Kirin Basic Industries Group.

Therefore, it is not wrong for them to lose to Kirin Basic Industry Group. Only such a powerful enterprise can defeat Qinglong Technology Company in the field of robotics, so Qinglong Technology Company's failure is also justifiable.

Obviously, it has been judged on the Internet that Qinglong Technology has failed in this robot competition, so it can only continue to concentrate on research and strive to regain the upper hand in the next competition.

In the face of online public opinion, Qinglong Technology Company did not make any response, as if it did not see the discussion on the Internet, which is a bit strange.

Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. is actually preparing for the launch of their domestic service robots. They are different from Kirin Basic Industries Group, and they are going to show their domestic service robots in the form of a new product launch conference.

In order to be able to display the housekeeping service robot at the new product launch conference, they did not hold the new product launch conference last year, but moved it to January, so as to make the new product launch conference appear weighty.

In addition to being busy with new product launches, they also need to actively build a production system. They can't do it alone, and many parts are purchased from brother companies.

Along the way, the production is also handed over to Xuanwu Technology Company to take full responsibility. The supplier of bionic materials is Kirin Basic Industry Group, and some of them come from other group companies.

They need to be able to start business immediately after the new product launch conference, and there must be a stock of 100,000 units in the initial stage. Compared with these, responding to information on the Internet is insignificant.

When everything was ready, Qinglong Technology disclosed the news on its official social account the day before the new product launch, inviting everyone to witness their robot technology at the new product launch.

This is a bit like a declaration of war, at least from outsiders' perspective. In fact, everyone inside knows that in the field of robotics, Kirin Basic Industries Group is far ahead.

Not to mention other things, the general-purpose robot alone is enough to kill all robot technologies in seconds. With its technological advancement, no one can surpass it in at least 50 years, not to mention hundreds of years.

The general robot technology and the robot technology given at the back of the leaf book are not in the same system at all, and they are much more high-end than what is given now.

Like the domestic service robot that Qinglong Technology Company is about to launch, as long as you carefully distinguish it, you can still clearly feel the difference between it and real humans.

Universal robots don't have this problem at all. As long as they don't take the initiative to say that they are robots, it is difficult for anyone to find out. This is just a comparison from the appearance.

In terms of capabilities, the two are still not at the same level. Universal robots can do any work that humans can do, which is why they are called universal robots.

The robots launched by Qinglong Technology Company can only perform specific tasks, and the more complex and operational the tasks, the greater the gap between the two.

In terms of technical difficulty, Qinglong Technology's domestic service robots mainly use traditional mechanical structures, but they are more sophisticated, and they do not have many human performances.

The whole body of a universal robot is manufactured using bionic technology, its control ability reaches the cell level, and its internal circulatory system is more complicated, imitating humans to a very high degree.

For example, general-purpose robots can imitate human bleeding and sweating, as well as eating, digesting and replenishing energy, all of which cannot be achieved on domestic robots.

Although the universal robot is not composed of biological cells, it simulates the characteristics of multicellular organisms. The technical complexity and precision are naturally not at the same level.

In terms of social attributes, a universal robot is a robot that can obtain an ID card, which means that a universal robot is regarded as a member of human society.

However, the robots of Qinglong Technology Company can only obtain the product qualification certificate, and the ID card does not need to be considered. This is the difference between the two at the national level.

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