Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 941 Mars and Lunar Probes Launch Live on the Same Day

"Brother, how long are we going to stay here?" Ye Ziqi asked during dinner.

She has been shopping with Pei Qing for 3 consecutive days, and her original shopping enthusiasm has completely subsided, and now she is thinking about whether she can go home early, and it is already late January.

Although Pei Qing didn't say anything, the expression on her face obviously wanted to ask this question. It's okay to stay here for a while. The new year is approaching, and everyone wants to go home.

Ye Zishu was also silent for a while after hearing this, and felt that there was no point in waiting, so he said: "Tomorrow is the time when Baihu Technology will launch the Mars rover and the Moon rover at the same time.

We still stay here for a day, and at the same time pack up the things we need to bring back. We will officially go back the day after tomorrow. What do you think? "

Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing naturally had no objection when they heard what he said, and Ye Zishu also felt that waiting for no reason like this was not an option, and he was actually a little angry.

After dinner, the two ladies began to prepare for going home. They bought a lot this time, and some things didn't need to be brought back, and the things they bought were mixed together, so they had to sort them out.

Ye Zishu returned to his study room, thinking about the affairs of the Tidal Group, and rethought the contact process of the previous few days many times, making sure that there was nothing out of the ordinary.

The only outlier is probably that the Tidal Group, as a private company, wants to dominate the international trade order and provide global trade settlement currencies and systems.

A private company wants to do something that is difficult for a country to do. It may make some people feel uncomfortable, but they can't stop it, and they probably feel very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, he felt happy instead. On the one hand, when others were uncomfortable, his discomfort here was not so strong. On the other hand, he knew that the matter had been settled and there would be no major problems.

No matter what people think about it, as long as someone can do this, it will be good for the country, even if they are unhappy, there is nothing they can do.

And if there is anyone who is easy to do this kind of thing successfully, it must be the Tidal Group. They not only have huge assets, but also have a financial network all over the world.

It also has the power to exert influence on the world. Although there is no evidence to prove that the Tidal Group played any role in this financial crisis, as long as you think about it carefully, you always feel that they played a role that cannot be ignored.

The reason is very simple. Originally, international capital, to be precise, mainly international capital from Europe and the United States, wanted to harvest the wealth of Southeast Asia and even Northeast Asia.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to allow themselves to be endangered, and the result just happened. The East Asian economic crisis did happen, but they themselves also suffered heavy losses, and it can even be said that the losses were even greater.

Not only did this obviously impossible thing happen so smoothly, but it also made people feel uneasy, and instead made people feel abnormal.

Considering the operating capabilities of Tidal Investment Company since its establishment, not only did it not suffer any losses after the economic crisis, but it became even stronger. How could it not arouse suspicion.

Most importantly, the best way to make a country's currency popular around the world and everyone is willing to hold it is to have a firm ability to resist depreciation. ...Issuing gold currency is the simplest and most brutal method, and this matter can only be done by the Tidal Group, to be precise, only Leaf Book can do it.

It can produce 360,000 tons of gold every year. This figure is a bit scary just thinking about it. Since gold can be produced, other precious metals can naturally be produced, and the value produced is even higher than gold.

With this technology in hand, it actually acts as a ballast stone. No matter the wind and rain outside, it is difficult to shake the global trade and financial order established by the Tidal Group.

Of course, if you insist on intervening, it's not impossible. Anyway, in China, only special regulations on taxation are needed to abort the plan of Tidal Group, or the implementation is not smooth.

Everyone is a rational person, and it is impossible to do these things that hurt others and benefit oneself just because they don't like it, not to mention that Ye Zishu is not so easy to handle. If he really does this, no one will end well.

It is precisely because there is no way to deal with this matter that they use this somewhat naive approach to vent their dissatisfaction. This is the reason why Ye Zishu judged that the overall situation of this matter has been settled.

After thinking about it, the corners of Ye Zishu's mouth raised slightly, and the depression during the meal just now was swept away, but he didn't plan to change the schedule and continue to wait.

Although he got the face in this process, but in his position, face is also very important, and some benefits are hard to impress him, not to mention that he doesn't particularly care about benefits.

Take the matter of the Tidal Group as an example, if it can be done, he is of course happy to see it, but if it can't be done, it doesn't matter, there is not much loss anyway.

The two ladies did not go out the next day, and they also wanted to watch two consecutive live broadcast missions of Baihu Technology Company, because these two launches were of great significance.

In the past, our space activities were only around the earth. The most outstanding achievement was the construction of a huge space station, which is currently the only space station in the world.

According to the trajectory of the previous life, last year should have been the first launch of the International Space Station. As a result, because the space station Yuzhu of Baihu Technology Company was in front, many participating countries changed their plans.

Even the old M, who is in charge of the country, had to postpone the original plan and began to compete with the space station of Baihu Technology Company, abandoning the original technical route.

As for when they will come from behind, no one knows, because this time they can only fight alone, and the original alliance has disappeared.

Even they themselves are not confident, but routinely announced vague information, whether to cooperate with Baihu Technology Company or to cooperate, which greatly enhanced the status of Baihu Technology Company in the hearts of the people.

Even the original two great powers in space exploration are not obediently cooperating with Baihu Technology Company, which is enough to show the strength of Baihu Technology Company in the field of space stations.

In addition, in the field of satellites, Baihu Technology is also at the top of the pyramid, and the several major satellite systems they launched are not what other satellite technologies can do.

Since other satellite systems have a lot of confidentiality, take the communication satellite system as an example. Last year, the revenue in the civilian satellite communication field exceeded 50 billion yuan, and this year it is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan. ….Just relying on their revenue in the communication field is enough to make them the top few communication companies in the world, and this was created under very restrained circumstances.

If it is in a state of perfect competition, all communication companies on the earth will face a catastrophe, which has also caused great psychological pressure on other communication companies.

This is due to the fact that his industries have not fully entered the era of the Internet of Things, and are currently only on a small scale. Among them, the Kirin Agricultural Development Group is relatively fast in the field of Internet of Things.

The reason why there is no comprehensive deployment of the Internet of Things is not that there are technical problems, but that the necessity is not high. Their current technical system and management system are enough to win the competition.

It is not to say that the more advanced the better, but it depends on the market situation. As long as it is still in the absolute lead, there is no rush to launch more advanced technology and management.

Because the promotion and deployment of new technology systems also require costs, going too fast may cause high costs, not to mention that many of their industries have not developed for a long time, and the equipment has not yet reached the point where they need to be replaced.

The reason why the Agricultural Development Group is so active is mainly because the domestic agricultural technology was relatively backward before, and there was no need to follow the steps in the development, directly skipping many links in the middle and using the most advanced technology.

Because the cost gap between the two is not too big, but the saved labor cost, product quality, etc. can be greatly improved, and the benefits are very obvious.

Unless Qinglong Technology Company launches 4G mobile network technology, Baihu Technology Company's communication technology is the best choice for the Internet of Things.

This is not counting the quantum communication technology. If Baihu Technology uses the quantum communication technology for civilian use, it will really be invincible all over the world. The advantage is even more obvious, because the two technologies are not in the same dimension.

For various reasons, even if Baihu Technology Company did not disclose its strength in the military field, it has a very high reputation in the world, let alone in China.

10 minutes before the launch of the Mars rover, Ye Zishu adjusted the smart TV to the live channel and found that more than 40 million people had entered the live broadcast room.

And with the passage of time, the number of people coming in to watch is still increasing rapidly. If it is not expected, the number of people watching the live broadcast through this room will exceed 100 million.

As for the number of people watching the live broadcast through other channels, there are countless people, and it is still difficult to estimate. According to the usual situation, it is estimated that the number of people watching the live broadcast worldwide will reach more than 500 million.

The live broadcast platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. is the largest live broadcast platform in the world, and its status is still unshakable. The number of anchors in the world is as high as 3 million.

However, these anchors are not on one live broadcast platform, but are composed of several sub-platforms based on common technology. The reason is that the laws of different countries are different, and unified management is very difficult.

For example, my country does not allow large-scale live broadcasts on live broadcast platforms, but some countries do not have this restriction. Some content is not a big deal in some countries, but it is a big deal in some countries.

Although it is divided into several subsystems, the maintenance does not actually increase the workload. The reason is that the whole process is managed by artificial intelligence, which is much more efficient than manual management. ….It is precisely because of the gap in technology and efficiency in management that other live broadcast platforms cannot compete directly with their live broadcast platforms, and they are already the only one in the field of ordinary live broadcast.

As for the live broadcast of other special content, Kunpeng Information Technology Company has not let it go. As long as the laws of the country where they are located allow it, they naturally have no reason not to operate it.

However, it is not a set of systems, and several irrelevant systems will be established according to needs. The reason is to prevent these special content live broadcast platforms from affecting ordinary live broadcast platforms.

The income of the host's live broadcast room mainly depends on advertisements, and the second is the rewards and income from various activities. These need to be shared with the host, and sometimes even some additional subsidies are provided to some of the hosts.

In terms of corporate income, the real big thing is the corporate live broadcast promotion revenue. The larger the company’s live broadcast promotion, the higher the income. Currently, they have as many as 80 million corporate live broadcast rooms on the entire platform.

These revenues belong entirely to Kunpeng Information Technology Company. Of course, not all live broadcasts are charged. For example, the live broadcast of Baihu Technology Company did not charge any fees.

It has a strong global influence in itself, and with the support of the live broadcast platform, it is surprising that the number of viewers is small. His estimated 500 million viewers are actually very conservative.

The two crucial launch missions are arranged on the same day, which actually reveals that Baihu Technology has confidence in its own strength and does not think it will face the risk of failure.

He launched the Mars rover in the morning, and the Moon rover in the afternoon. After the two launch missions are completed, he will stay in Earth orbit for two or three days.

The main reason is that it needs to be continuously accelerated in the earth's orbit to free it from the gravitational constraints of the earth. In this process, the fuel on the probe will not be consumed, but the ground microwave power transmission system will provide power support throughout the process.

Although doing so will cause a lot of loss in the ionosphere and the cost will be much higher, it is much more cost-effective than relying on its own fuel to complete on-orbit acceleration.

It is precisely because of this that these two launches can carry very high weights. In the mission list for lunar exploration launches, there are three orbital communication and exploration satellites, as well as lunar ground probes.

In the Mars exploration and launch mission list, there is an orbital communication and exploration satellite, a Mars ground probe, and a Mars ground returner. If ordinary launch technology is used, it is difficult to send so many things at once.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the screen of the live broadcast room was directly switched to the launch site, which was quite close, which was difficult to see in the past, and the long-distance images were usually taken.

The launch site is currently empty, and I saw two rockets standing quietly on two of the three launch pads, and no staff were seen.

It can be seen that before this, the staff had already inspected the two rockets, and even the launch materials had been installed in the fairing, otherwise it would not be so quiet.

About 5 minutes later, the screen switched to the launch command center hall. It may have been communicated with the live broadcast platform, and some places were mosaiced. ….Just as the screen switched to the command launch center, I heard the staff take out the walkie-talkie and start reporting the countdown to the launch. At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded 100 million, reaching 150 million.

This is only the number of people watching in the live broadcast room in China, and a considerable number of people watched it through the live broadcast of TV stations. The total number of people watching in China is estimated to have reached more than 200 million.

When the countdown ended, the screen immediately switched to the rocket launch site. The rocket moved slightly, and then slowly left the ground. A colorless and transparent tail flame was sprayed from the back of the engine.

If it weren't for the slight distortion of the launcher from the camera, you wouldn't be able to feel the existence of the tail flame. This is the characteristic of the electric thrust engine, and the intelligent narrator also explained it.

This has not been demonstrated during previous launches, and even since the advent of electric thrust rockets, Baihu Technology has not publicly broadcast the launch mission.

Now through the live broadcast and commentary, we have officially shown the world what an electric thrust rocket is. With this propulsion technology, it is enough to lead the existing rocket launch technology by an era.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway. As long as professionals see this picture, they will be absolutely shocked. When will the electric thrust engine achieve such a large thrust?

You must know that electric thrust engines can only be used on space orbit satellites to adjust the satellite posture, because it does not require much force in the space environment.

The power required for rocket launch is very large, not on the same order of magnitude at all. They don't know how to do it, and it is beyond the cognition of many professionals anyway.

Since there is such an advanced electric propulsion system, it means that half a foot has entered the space age, and it is short of controllable nuclear fusion to provide a steady stream of power.

If this shortcoming is made up, it will be a matter of course to manufacture space warships that travel the solar system. From here, we can see how far the space technology gap between our country and the world is.

This is not a big deal. Many experts are wondering how the rocket can obtain such a huge power supply. To propel such a huge rocket with an electric thrust system, the power of the electric power is very large, and it is continuous.

The current global power supply system cannot do this. Of course, this will exclude our country's technological achievements in this area, but it is not like the power provided by nuclear energy. M..

The super microwave power transmission technology of Baihu Technology Company has not been announced to the public. On the surface, this power transmission system looks like a radar system. It is really difficult to guess without taking the initiative to inform.

At present, the nuclear fission energy supply system is difficult to be so small, even if it can be so small, it is still difficult to provide such a powerful output power, which is easy to calculate.

If it is controllable nuclear fusion technology, they have not heard any news. If such technology really exists, there is no need to keep it secret. After all, it must be put into commercialization, and it is difficult to keep it completely secret.

This is where everyone is more confused about this, and if controllable nuclear fusion can really be made into such a small component, then it is not a rocket launch, but a space battleship, and space can be fully developed. ….It is not that some people have never thought about microwave power transmission technology, but after thinking about it, they think it is impossible. The reason is that the required power is too high. At present, microwave power transmission cannot achieve such a high transmission power.

At present, there are very few microwave pulse output powers that can reach the megawatt level, let alone continuous output power, which is more difficult and requires extremely high requirements for related equipment and systems.

With megawatt-level power transmission power, it is not easy to easily push the rocket into space. Judging from the live pictures, there is no effort at all during the launch process.

In fact, the rocket launch process did not last long. After sending the target into the predetermined orbit of the earth, the space launch center did not close the screen, and began to show the whole rocket recovery technology to the world.

Just now, after the first-stage rocket completed its mission and departed, a separate picture was given to show how the first-stage rocket was safely recovered in a panoramic manner.

This is also the first time that White Tiger Technology's rocket system has shown the recovery process to the world. The reason for this, Ye Shu believes, is that it wants to launch an international launch mission.

With the establishment of several major satellite systems and the completion of the first phase of the construction of the space station, Baihu Technology Company has fewer launch tasks. It is time to start accepting some international launch orders.

Needless to say later, all three-stage rockets were recovered very smoothly, and now that the weather satellite system has been established, weather monitoring is much stronger than before, and unexpected situations will be even rarer.

Seeing that the third-stage rocket was easily recovered like an antelope hanging horns, even the fairing was not spared, and the body of the first-stage rocket did not show any signs of damage.

There are burnt marks on the surface of the second-stage rocket, but there are not many, and it seems that there is no serious problem. The burn marks of the third-stage rocket are more obvious, and it is not known whether it can be used from the outside.

After demonstrating the full recovery technology of the three-stage rocket to the world, the picture did not stay here, but directly switched to space, tracking the launch target in space throughout the process.

Due to the existence of the global remote sensing satellite system and the positioning and navigation satellite system, even in the vast space, it is still possible to capture real pictures instead of simulated pictures.

This was shown in the performance of the aerospace plane's first flight before, and everyone is not surprised. Seeing this, Ye Zishu knows that there is no need to read it next.

The launch of the Mars rover was basically a success, and the follow-up only needs to be done step by step, but the live broadcast room is not closed, so the space scene is played quietly, and the intelligent commentator explains it from time to time.

The launch of the lunar probe was scheduled for 4 o'clock in the afternoon. After lunch, Ye Zishu cooperated with the two ladies to walk around the house for digestion.

Then I looked at the global media's opinion on the Mars rover launch of Baihu Technology Company in the morning, and the result was naturally amazed, mainly because the technical level was too far from the current rocket launch technology level.

Even if you want to hack, you can't hack from the technical level. Seeing the overall public opinion situation, Ye Zishu believes that the live broadcast launch of Baihu Technology Company is a success.

It is estimated that many commercial companies will come to seek cooperation in the future. After all, their launch costs are low, and the price must be relatively low. For commercial satellite companies, it is a little bit of cost savings.

In the afternoon, Ye Zishu took the time to watch the launch process of the lunar probe and saw that the probe had successfully entered the predetermined orbit, so he didn't watch it anymore.

Lunar exploration is much simpler than Mars exploration. With Baihu Technology's current technology level, there is no need to worry about serious mistakes.


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