Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 942 Reached consensus on 4 key issues


It will take some time for the two probes to reach their destination, and Ye Zishu will naturally not take the time to keep paying attention to these things. In fact, even if it fails, it is a lesson for him.

Since Baihu Technology is not short of money now, in addition to the Mars and moon exploration plans, there will be many exploration experiment plans this year, so I won’t go into details here.

In the evening, Ye Zishu accompanied Pei Qing to her parents' house again, and she was leaving tomorrow, so she couldn't just leave silently, she had to tell her parents, no matter what his opinion was, at least respect was needed.

In addition, Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi bought a lot of things during this period, and they also wanted to send a copy to her parents, especially the robot pets, which were going to be given to her mother and grandma.

With a cute and well-behaved robot pet by her side, life is not so boring, and the robot pet can also play a role at critical moments, especially her grandma, who is getting older, and the robot pet is more useful by her side.

It was already 10 o'clock in the evening when he came back, and he ate dinner there, but no one dared to let him drink anymore. Although the atmosphere was a bit awkward, it was not bad.

At least on the surface, they are still happy and happy, but Ye Zishu is not used to her two elder brothers who are a little obsequious now, it is not like a normal family relationship at all.

But he can also understand, after all, in their view, Pei Qing's following him is the guarantee of their family's wealth, unless it is a person with a particularly strong heart, it is really difficult for ordinary people to be as calm as water.

After sending Pei Qing home, Ye Zishu drove the security personnel to Guo Dongsheng's mother's place, and gave her two cute robot pets to keep her company.

She used to have a child in the capital, but now Guo Dongsheng is in Shanghai and Guo Dongmei is in Wuhan, leaving the old lady alone in the capital, which inevitably makes her even more lonely.

It took more than an hour to go back and forth. When she got home, Pei Qing told him that the relevant department called just now, and the leader wanted to meet him tomorrow to discuss some issues.

Although Ye Zishu was a little unhappy that he had been hanging out with him for so many days, he also knew that he could not be willful at this time. The two sides finally established trust and could not be destroyed because of personal emotions.

What's more, if the Tidal Group really wants to issue an international currency, it needs the strong support of the country behind it. If the Tidal Group alone, although it is not impossible, it will definitely take much longer energy and time.

From this point of view, he also asks for others. Of course, if this thing is really done, it will be good for everyone, and only things that are good for everyone will be easier to reach a consensus.

Since he couldn't leave tomorrow, Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi to talk. As for how long they need to stay, it depends on the outcome of the discussion. He definitely doesn't know.

The next day Ye Zishu went to the center with the security personnel,

After going through the security check, he went to the meeting room alone, where several leaders were already sitting and chatting.

Seeing Ye Zishu come in, everyone stopped talking and began to greet him. Although he is a businessman, he cannot be regarded as an ordinary businessman. No one can deny this.

It can be said that there is absolutely no one who can manage a businessman to his level, not to mention that there will be no successors in the future. Even the business families in the West that have developed for hundreds of years pale in comparison to him.

There is no way, ordinary businessmen just do some things of buying and selling, and better rely on some technological inventions to earn the first pot of gold, and then rely on time accumulation to gradually grow themselves.

But he is different. Relying on advanced technology and efficient industrial layout, he has an absolute advantage in both management and technical fields. With a few years of hard work, he has grown into a towering tree and become a super business giant.

Now they even want to get involved in the international currency business that only countries can do. Even ordinary countries don't have this idea at all, because they don't have the strength.

With my country's current economic strength, technological strength, and ability to provide many public goods to the world, if we really do it, we can still succeed.

It’s just that the original plan was not in a hurry. Although the domestic economy looks a bit overheated, it is actually very stable. There is no need to rush to rely on currency internationalization to output inflation and ease the domestic economic difficulties.

In addition, global trade and the stability of the international situation are more beneficial to our country than harm, and there is no need to rush to replace the US dollar. Relying on the current trading system, our country can still live well.

At this time, it should not be our country that is anxious, but the old m. The international trade system and industrial division system that they have established by themselves are becoming their own reminders.

But there is no good way. If the existing international economic system is abandoned, it means that the dollar will gradually be marginalized. The reason is that they no longer have the dominance and influence on the global economy.

No matter how high-sounding the international initiative is, how many international organizations and institutions there are, in fact, the international community still follows the law of the jungle, and strength is the guarantee of all right to speak.

If you have no strength and like to make troubles in the international arena, it is no different from courting death. The most rare thing is to recognize the reality and adapt to the times to gain a little respect in the international arena.

Obviously, this is an extremely unacceptable fact for some countries, and they will be desperately struggling. Therefore, it can be foreseen that if the Tidal Group really wants to issue an international currency, what kind of storm it will face.

At this moment, no matter how much assets or influence they have overseas, what they can really rely on is the support of the state, and other supports are just icing on the cake.

Moreover, Tidal Group will not easily expose its overseas assets in order to allow the issued international currency to gain an advantage as soon as possible. This approach is actually unwise.

Especially in the early days, it is difficult for these overseas assets to provide them with assistance. Only after the overall situation has been determined, will they wait for opportunities and start to play a role in fueling the flames.

After the pleasantries, everyone went straight to the topic, but the leader took care of his emotions and told about the process of their internal discussions in the past few days.

Only after the preliminary internal results have been obtained can we have a good discussion with him about this matter. There are many things to deal with, so he has to wait for a few more days.

Naturally, Ye Zishu couldn't say that he was impatient to wait, and what he said was of course a scene. Although he didn't like it very much, it didn't prevent him from speaking at critical moments, and it wasn't bad for entertaining him.

Next, they discussed the following issues. The first is the matter of gold. Although the technology for producing gold belongs to Ye Zishu, the land used for production is also leased by the state to Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

But as long as it is produced on the country's land, the country has the right to levy taxes. This is beyond doubt, and Ye Zishu has long been aware of this.

It’s just that in view of the particularity of these golds and factors such as the amount of gold that can be produced, they cannot be taxed like ordinary industrial enterprises. This is what the two parties need to discuss.

The produced gold has three main uses. The first use is to issue international currency. The demand depends on everyone's views on this nascent international currency.

If you feel that holding currency is more valuable, the amount of natural exchange for gold will be small. If everyone is worried or intends to run, you need to reserve enough gold.

Especially in the initial stage of the issuance, there must be many confrontations, and the run is the most common method. When everyone does not know how much gold the Tidal Group has in their hands, they naturally think that this is the simplest and crudest way to destroy the new international currency.

Of course, if it can survive the tide-like run, it can also give a strong boost to the nascent international currency and strengthen the confidence of most countries in the nascent international currency.

The second use is in the field of gold jewelry, or for private storage. In this way, gold is a general consumer product, and the taxation is naturally different.

The third is industrial use. The role of gold in the industrial field is still very important. With its good stability, conductivity and ductility, it plays an important role in the high-precision industrial field.

At this time, gold plays the role of industrial raw materials, and the annual consumption is still quite a lot. In fact, my country has imported a relatively large amount of gold in recent years because it is used more in high-precision equipment.

The second and third uses can be done according to the current method. The two sides mainly discussed the first use. The reason is very simple, and the ordinary treatment method is not applicable in this situation.

The gold reserves used to issue currency should not be regarded as commercial activities, and of course, commercial taxes cannot be levied. As for the taxation after production, it is not appropriate, because there is no transaction, and naturally there is no value-added.

Of course, laws and regulations on minerals cannot be used, because this method of producing gold is not dug out of the land and does not occupy the country's mineral resources.

For the country, it is natural to hope to collect as much tax from it as possible. For the Tidal Group, it is natural to hope to collect less tax, because they do not get too many additional benefits from it.

After all, these golds are mainly used for reserves, and reserves are reserves, which cannot bring too much monetary benefit to the Tidal Group, and are immovable assets.

After intense discussions between the two parties, an agreement was finally reached, that is, no matter what purpose the produced gold is used for in the future, a 10% tax will be levied.

Even if the tax is paid in its own currency, the Tidal Group cannot bear it. If it really pays the tax in cash and produces gold with all its strength for a year, it will need 10 trillion yuan of funds just to pay the tax.

Although the Tidal Group is very profitable, it is really difficult to make so much money in China. Therefore, the two parties agreed to pay taxes in gold. Anyway, the central bank can use the gold as an important tool to stabilize the currency.

Although Ye Shu is still not very satisfied with this result, after all, if the gold is used for the second and third purposes, it still needs to pay taxes, and it will not be exempt from paying 10% tax just because it has been paid before.

But among many plans, this is considered a better way. If it weren't for the extremely low cost of producing gold, he would definitely not agree to this kind of plan.

The reason is that the price of gold is relatively fixed and transparent, and there is not much room for maneuver in the process of buying and selling. The tax rate of 10% is considered relatively high.

Seeing that Ye Zishu agreed, the leader was very happy. If 360,000 tons of gold were actually produced a year, the government would get 36,000 tons, equivalent to 10 trillion yuan in cash.

Of course, in fact, it cannot be simply calculated in this way, because such a huge amount of gold cannot be easily converted into funds, and there is a high probability that it will be placed in the central bank as reserve gold.

But anyone who has obtained such a huge amount of tax revenue out of thin air will also be happy, because in the process, the government really did not do much, which is equivalent to free income.

The second issue to be discussed is the exchange rate between the national currency and the upcoming international currency. In fact, they are not only concerned about the exchange of their own currency, but the exchange rate of currencies around the world.

Regarding this issue, Ye Zishu does not intend to let the tide group decide the exchange rate, but to leave this decision to the central banks of each country to decide, which is similar to the current exchange rate setting rules.

The reason is also very simple. The currency issuer under the Tidal Group will not provide currency exchange services, and will hand over the issued currency to lower-level institutions similar to commercial banks to operate.

And lower-level commercial banks will not directly provide currency exchange services, but provide national loans to various sovereign countries, so that each country can obtain this currency for international trade.

As for how this new currency is exchanged with each country's own currency, it is determined by the central bank of each country. If their domestic enterprises and people need to exchange this currency, they can directly exchange with their domestic financial institutions.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, everyone at the scene nodded and expressed their approval of their approach. The reason is that doing so has greatly weakened the financial intervention capabilities of various countries.

In addition, they are non-sovereign currencies, and they do not have the capabilities of many sovereign currencies. In fact, they are only used for international trade.

Compared with the current form of sovereign currency as an international currency, it is more beneficial to the stability of the financial system of each country, which is also an important point that attracts many countries to participate.

But in this way, if our country wants to obtain this currency for international trade, it can only borrow from the Tidal Group, and naturally the government needs to provide asset mortgages.

So some leaders asked if they could exchange gold with the corresponding currency value, or to put it another way, that is, if gold can be used as collateral for loans, can they make loans.

After Ye Zishu heard it, he was depressed for a while. This was the gold tax he planned to collect from the Tidal Group, and in turn borrowed money from the Tidal Group. Once in and out, the government did not pay at all.

However, regarding this problem, Ye Zishu thought about it carefully and thought that it should be allowed. The reason is that the Tidal Group does not actually have much interest in other fixed assets such as land.

Land is a valuable asset in a country with a prosperous economy and a stable society, but in a country with a poor economy and frequent turmoil, it is not a value-preserving asset, and gold is more trustworthy.

Moreover, what they issue is gold currency. If others are not allowed to exchange gold for currency, it seems a bit unreasonable. For some countries that have gold but are unwilling to use other assets as collateral for loans, this is also a way to obtain currency.

Seeing that Ye Zishu affirmed this statement, the leaders at the scene were even more satisfied. They thought that the collected gold could only be put in the warehouse and spread ashes.

Being able to have this effect now means that these gold assets have been revitalized, and it also means that it is easy to realize these golds, and then obtain materials from the world. The significance of the existence of these tax-paid golds is much greater.

The third question is more important, that is, how should the bank that issues international currency be positioned, which determines how much influence the country has on the bank.

From the perspective of the country, it is natural to hope that this bank is just an ordinary bank in the country, but it is a little special compared to ordinary commercial banks.

If it is this positioning, it means that the bank needs to accept the jurisdiction of the country's financial laws, as well as the relevant regulations of the country's administrative management, and pay taxes to the country on operating income.

In this way, there are too many means for the country to exert influence, so that it can indirectly exert national influence on international trade, and the benefits are too many.

However, Ye Zishu believes that in order to truly make this international currency, it should not be treated as an ordinary domestic financial institution, but should be treated as a special international organization.

It's not that Ye Shu cares about this interest. Anyway, in addition to the currency issuing bank, there will also be private commercial banks for loans in various countries. This private commercial bank needs to pay taxes to the country where it is located.

He objected to treating it as an ordinary bank. The reason is that if this is really done, there is no need to issue a separate international currency, and it is enough to directly internationalize the national currency.

And other countries are not fools. You can see how much influence our country can exert in it. If the influence is too large, it will be more difficult to make it an international currency.

What everyone needs is an international trade currency that is absolutely fair and free from the influence of sovereign states, so that a new international order can be established.

If it is just an ordinary bank positioning, for many countries, it is just a change of soup without changing the medicine. The international trade and financial rules have not been fundamentally changed, but have changed from one country to another.

In addition to the above points, Ye Zishu also talked about the possibility in the future, that is, after the human beings truly realize the space civilization, this currency can also be used as a trade settlement currency between various planets.

This is also the reason why he must insist on only issuing digital currency. The time for trade on Earth is not very long, but interstellar trade often takes a long time. Digital currency is the most efficient choice for transactions.

Everyone present was a little surprised by Ye Zishu's unconstrained ideas. He hadn't left the earth at this time, thinking about the needs of the interstellar era, and everyone really saw how far his vision was.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if you really come to the interstellar era, compared with the earth era, you really need a neutral trade currency that is not affected by countries and nations to reach a consensus on transactions.

As for the technical ability to complete the interstellar payment, it is not considered by the leaders present. They also believe that there should be a way to solve it with the talent of Ye Zishu in the technical field.

They even have the technology to produce gold out of thin air. They really didn't question his ideas in the technical field. In the eyes of many people, he is a god-like existence in the technical field.

After careful consideration, everyone decided to follow Ye Zishu's opinion. Although the influence exerted by the country is much smaller, as long as it is in the hands of Ye Zishu, many things can still be discussed.

The fourth question is how to support the country, which determines how much the country can support. Regarding this problem, Ye Zishu has also considered it before.

In fact, the way to support the country is very simple. It only needs to publicly recognize and accept this currency as the settlement currency of import and export trade, and it can be used as a part of the country's foreign exchange reserves.

As the world's largest economy and also the world's largest trading country, publicly acknowledging that this currency has a trade settlement status and a foreign exchange reserve status will bring enough influence.

Afterwards, other industries under his banner will give priority to using this currency for settlement with trade customers, and even provide certain discounts when necessary, so that everyone is more willing to use this currency to settle international trade.

With the size of his industry, it is enough for many countries to recognize the currency's trade settlement status and international reserve currency status, because they can gain certain benefits from it.

What's more, compared with credit currency, which is always worried about the monetary policy changes of relevant countries, gold currency does not have this concern, and there are more options for avoiding risks.

The simplest and crudest way is to convert the foreign exchange in their hands into gold, so that no matter how the currency changes, their basic wealth can be protected.

Of course, there is also a handling fee for converting currency into gold, but the proportion will not be too high, and the handling fee can only be charged at most one percentage point.

Institutional income in this monetary system mainly comes from the loan interest rate income of sovereign countries and international trade settlement fees, as well as currency and gold exchange fees.

Among them, loan interest income will account for the largest proportion, followed by international trade settlement fees, and the smallest income should be currency and gold exchange fees.

Around this set of international currency, there are three most important institutions. The first one is the international monetary bank dedicated to currency issuance and policy adjustment. They do not engage in specific business operations.

The second is the international commercial banks that operate national sovereign loan business. They will open a branch in each country to deal with the central banks of each country.

But they will not operate the ordinary foreign exchange business within a certain country. This business is done by financial institutions within the country, otherwise many countries will not be happy.

The third is the global trade currency settlement system, which is an important supporting institution and system for timely settlement of trade currency transactions between countries.

This clearing system not only needs to be accessed by international commercial banks, but also by commercial banks in various countries, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out international trade.

The payment platform of Danque Financial Services Company is also built based on this currency clearing system. The difference is that the clearing system has a single function and will not engage in too many commercial activities.

The payment platform of Danque Financial Services Company can not only carry out international trade settlement with the help of the clearing system, but also engage in other more financial service businesses, which is a fully commercialized platform.

After discussing these main issues, the two sides exchanged views on some issues of mutual concern. The main reason is that now Ye Zishu spends less and less time here, and it is not easy to meet once.

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