Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 943 Girls also have a


It was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon when he came out of the center. Ye Zishu didn't have lunch here. He just wanted to take the chartered flight home after the discussion.

After returning home, Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi had already finished their lunch, they had already packed up the things they were going to take home, and put them all in the car, and all the security personnel who were going to follow them back were also in place.

Seeing that everything was ready, Ye Zishu didn't delay, and directly took the huge team to the airport with Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi. As for lunch, he had to eat it on the plane.

Pei Qing packed his lunch in an insulated food box. As for eating the food on the chartered flight, it is not allowed unless necessary, because it does not comply with security regulations.

After all, a chartered flight is also a chartered airliner's plane, and there is still a chance if you really do something wrong, unless it is your own private jet, and you need your own security personnel to do the maintenance and maintenance.

The chartered flight back this time is a 150-seat passenger plane produced by Huanyu Group, with a maximum range of 5,000 kilometers. There is no private modification inside, and there are rows of seats.

The reason is actually very simple. There are still relatively few people in China who need charter services, and the cost of special modification like private jets is too high.

If there are not enough customers, it will be difficult to operate ordinary flights, which will be a great loss for the airlines, so they simply do not refit them, and directly use the passenger planes of ordinary flights as charter flights.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people in his line, and there are more than 60 people in total. This arrangement can actually make the seats open. If it is modified, it will look a bit crowded.

The plane landed in Nanchang, and then went home directly along the original road, and did not stop here in Nanchang. In fact, Nanchang has developed rapidly in recent years.

This is where the headquarters of Kylin Energy Industry Group is located, and related industries are also built in Nanchang, Fuzhou and Yichun, driving the economic development of the three places.

Most of the solar power equipment manufacturing business is located in Nanchang, and the natural gas and fuel oil production industries are located in Yichun and Fuzhou, forming a double backup in the province.

In addition to Kirin Energy Industry Group, companies headquartered in Xunyang, such as Taiji Group, Kirin Electric Group, and Kirin Textile Industry Group, have also invested and built factories in places other than Xunyang.

The reason is that a small Xunyang can't accommodate all the industries of these giant companies at all. If it can really accommodate, it means that one Xunyang can cover the gdp of several provinces, which is too exaggerated.

The layout of these industries has gradually prospered the economies of other prefecture-level cities in the province. As the provincial capital, Nanchang, although it is not unique, it can be considered to be developing very well.

Although there are not as many industries as he has in Xunyang, it is the provincial capital after all, and it is near Xunyang.

It's not bad if you get the moon first if you are close to the water.

Looking at the city with more and more high-rise buildings in front of him and thousands of bright lights, Ye Zishu thought of the time he spent here in his previous life, and fell into memories for a while.

It was already past 6 o'clock when I got home. Unexpectedly, Ye Zihua also arrived home the day before, and Ye Ziqin also went home for the summer vacation, and the atmosphere of Chinese New Year reunion became stronger.

The trunks of a group of more than a dozen cars were filled with the goods that Pei Qing and Ye Ziqi had been shopping like crazy for the past few days, which made Ye Ziqin's eyes glow and she wanted to help take the things home.

With the financial support from Ye Zishu last time, the two bought a large number of pet robots. Except for some of them to keep for themselves, the rest were all brought home and prepared to be given to their families.

Pei Qing also specially bought a robot pet for each of Ye Zishu's relatives, and planned to give it out as a gift when visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year.

If you give money directly, it will definitely not work. Not only his parents will be unhappy, but also his relatives will also be unhappy. They have hands and feet, and they will not accept cash for no reason.

Therefore, sending these robot pets is the best choice, and it can also help Kirin Basic Industry Group to promote their robot pets. Although it is a county town, there are many families with spending power here.

After Ye Ziqin helped bring the gifts home, she began to choose her favorite pet robot. After picking and choosing, she finally chose three of her favorite robot pets.

A doraemon about the size of a cihuamao, an elf mouse and a lightning mouse. The biggest feature of the elf mouse is that it is super cute, and its appearance and fur are very beautiful.

Although the appearance of the Lightning Mouse is a little worse, there are not too many. The most important thing is that the Lightning Mouse moves very fast, like lightning, so it is named Lightning Mouse.

Unpacking the package, the sleeping robot pet opened its eyes, as if seeing the world for the first time, its eyes were full of curiosity, as if it had been asleep for a long time, and its expression was a little lazy.

After waiting for a while, it seemed that they really got used to it, especially when the three pets met each other, they suddenly became lively. The elf mouse and the lightning mouse seemed to be afraid of cats by nature.

And the robot cat seemed to see its prey, its eyes suddenly became a little brighter. After the two mice noticed the robot cat, they suddenly let go and ran away.

Everyone has never seen such a scene before, and they were a little stunned. Ye Zishu's father asked, "Didn't you say it was a pet made by a machine? Are mice still afraid of cats?"

Everyone could only look at Ye Zishu in unison, and he had to explain: "This may be the reason for the factory settings, which are generally set according to the nature and instinct of pets.

If you don't like pets playing around like this, you can customize the settings, just order the robot pet directly, Ye Ziqin, you have a try? "

When Ye Ziqin heard his words, she immediately wanted to shout, but found that she hadn't named the three pets yet, so she could only shout: "Doraemon, come with me!"

Not to mention, the Doraemon understood his words in an instant, and reluctantly walked to her side. The two mice stopped when they saw that the Doraemon stopped chasing her.

Standing not far from the Doraemon, he watched curiously, but he didn't dare to get close. Apart from paying attention to the movement here, he didn't forget to be on full alert, as if there was a change here, and he would immediately run away.

When everyone saw the appearance of the three pets, apart from being shocked, they couldn't help laughing. They felt that the three pets were so cute, and they couldn't help but want to play with them.

This is what Kirin Basic Industries Group wants to achieve. If all pets look like good babies, without any interaction and temper with each other, it will lack fun.

Set according to the nature and instinct of pets, you can directly simulate the relationship between pets, and there will be additional personality settings for each robot pet.

This will allow consumers to buy the same robot pet, and the differences in personality between each other will also lead to products that are not so stereotyped.

Of course, if the owner is willing to spend time on training, he can gradually change the pet's personality, but no matter how the change is made, the factory-set personality traits will remain.

For example, if a pet is timid and weak at the beginning, no matter how much the owner trains it, it will still show timidity and weakness, but it is not as obvious as it was at the beginning.

This increases the interactive relationship between the robot pet and the owner. Anyway, compared to the stereotype, such an approach will obviously be more popular with consumers.

In fact, the difference is more than that. The same pets, body shape, coat color, action behavior, etc. are specially differentiated, the purpose is to highlight the uniqueness of each pet.

Otherwise, if everyone gets together, if the pets are the same, it will be hard to tell who owns which. If it is just a modular product, it is impossible to sell so expensive.

Ye Ziqin saw that the three pets were wary of each other, and began to reason with the three pets, telling them to respect and love each other. When she spoke, the robot cat would respond in real time.

After listening, he looked back at the two mice, raised a paw and waved, as if to say hello, but the two mice were still very cautious and did not dare to respond.

Seeing this, Ye Ziqin went directly to the mouse. For her, the two mice were not afraid. They climbed up her trouser legs one by one and climbed onto her shoulders, squeaking twice.

"In the future, if Xiao Hei bullies you two again, you can directly sue me, you know?" Ye Ziqin temporarily named the robot cat, the reason is that the whole body of the cat is black, only the whites of the eyes are white.

The two mice naturally understood what she said, nodded tacitly, and then rubbed each other on her face, obviously satisfied with her words.

Xiao Hei was unhappy when he heard that, and ran to her feet, holding her legs with his four paws, looking cute, these movements made the whole family laugh.

Afterwards, the family members also began to choose their favorite robot pets. The man in the family was not too interested in this, so he didn't pick it right away. Only the three women were discussing while choosing.

In the end, Ye Zishu's mother chose two cats, a cat with a whole body white. There is no corresponding breed in reality, and it was designed by Kirin Basic Industry Group.

A standard raccoon cat, but the color is very beautiful, the eyes are quite domineering, the body is relatively large, and the force value is full.

Ye Ziqi chose a blue-and-white mink with a very long tail, which can be used directly as a scarf. Ye Ziqi also thought so, and directly put the blue-and-white mink on his shoulders, wrapping the tail around his neck.

If the blue and white mink is motionless, it can be used as an ornament, and it is very convenient to carry out because of its light weight.

In addition, there is also a very large pet wither, which is a large raptor-like robot pet, and it is really not easy to carry around.

But with a lonely personality, it doesn't need to be teased by the owner often, and its flying ability is extremely strong. Among all the pets they bought, the price is relatively expensive.

Ye Zishu picked up the package and looked at it. The price is as high as 5 million yuan. Naturally, there is a reason why it is expensive. First of all, it is full of power. The wings can spread up to 2.5 meters, and the load can reach 20 kilograms.

Especially seeing its sharp claws and barbed mouth, it is daunting, coupled with a cold and ruthless expression, it is absolutely mighty and domineering.

These are not the reasons for the high price. In addition to the mighty and domineering appearance, the flying ability is also top-notch. According to the product introduction, it can fly in the sky almost all the time.

The reason is that the fur on this withered body has the function of solar power generation. It can be charged all the time when flying outside. Even in rainy weather, it can fly to the clouds to bask in the sun.

The technology and cost used are not comparable to ordinary robot pets, and with such a large size, it is not surprising that they are expensive.

Of course, the cost will definitely not be so high. Even if the body is so big, the cost is actually only a few hundred thousand yuan. The reason why it is so expensive is that most people cannot afford it.

Otherwise, you will see large raptors flying in the sky all day long. Although they will not attack animals in nature, they will also make animals tremble with fright, which is not good for the harmonious coexistence of nature.

In addition, these large mechanical birds of prey are flying in the air, and it is difficult for the management department to distinguish between real and fake, which will bring great difficulty to management. Therefore, the price must be set very high to attract most people.

Ye Ziqi didn't keep this bird of prey, not to stay with her all day, but to put it in the courtyard that Ye Zishu gave her, to play the role of guarding the house.

Compared with other cats and dogs, the effect of using a machine to look after the home is much better, and it doesn't need to be taken care of like a real cat. She had this idea when she bought it.

She was afraid that the wither would play with the blue-and-white mink on her neck as prey, so she warned the two directly and gave them their respective names.

Da Qiao was very dissatisfied with naming the mighty and domineering Da Qiao a little bird, and turned his head to the side to protest, obviously the protest was invalid.

And naming the blue-and-white mink around his neck the bib seems to be worthy of the name. The little guy squeaked twice in response, and then looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

In fact, these robot pets can speak human language directly, but in order to simulate the authenticity and avoid losing the fun of keeping pets, all these functions are blocked.

Only in special cases, they will speak human words. For example, when the owner is in danger, the robot pet will do so if it needs emergency help from nearby people, otherwise it will not be able to express and communicate effectively.

Such a big wither must not be able to use it at home, and it also feels in the way. Ye Ziqi let it go out to fly, let it find a place to rest in Ye Zishu's house, and take this behemoth back when returning to the capital.

I thought Ye Ziqi's wither was already a very big pet, but I didn't see that Pei Qing was even more exaggerated than her, and actually bought two raptors that could directly carry people to fly.

It can also be said to be a mythical beast, because the shape is based on the image of the phoenix in the mythological description, and the name is also the phoenix, one is a phoenix and the other is a phoenix.

The body length is 9.9 meters, mainly because the tail is relatively long, the feet stand up to 3.5 meters, the wings spread up to 12 meters, and the load reaches 100 kilograms.

As for the price, Ye Zishu also took a look at it. The total price of such a pair of phoenixes reached 40 million yuan, which means that the price of one piece reached 20 million yuan.

The reason is that Kirin Basic Industries Group positions it as a luxury robot pet, and it is precisely because of this that the image of the phoenix in mythology is used.

At the beginning, Ye Zishu only gave some common pet design materials, and the rest was bionic technology. I didn't expect them to come up with such weird robot pets.

When he came back, he hadn't looked at it carefully, and he didn't know how Pei Qing brought such a huge pet back. He stood in the house and almost reached the roof.

In addition to a pair of phoenixes, there is also a pair of parrots, a species that Ye Zishu has never seen before. Obviously, they are specially designed, but the price is much cheaper. The price of a pair is only 399,000 yuan.

In fact, ordinary parrots are not so expensive. The main reason is that these two parrots are specially designed, so the added value is naturally high, and it is only natural that they are expensive.

"You chose such a big phoenix, you don't want to ride to the sky, do you?" Ye Zishu asked.

Pei Qing shrugged and said with a smile: "I have this idea!"

"This is really too dangerous. What if I fall down." His mother said quickly, with a serious expression on her face.

"Don't worry about that. If you really want to go for a ride in the sky, you can wear a flight suit, so you don't have to worry about accidents." Ye Zishu said with relief.

The flight suit he entrusted to Kirin Basic Industries Group for production has already been launched, and now it has become a must-have item for many scenic spots, especially scenic spots.

You can see all the scenic spots with flight suits, but you need to pay extra. I heard that flying for half an hour will cost thousands of yuan. Even so, tourists are still willing to queue up to try.

The flight suits will not be sold to the outside world. All domestic attractions are leased from Kirin Basic Industry Group. The annual rental fee is as high as 4 million yuan, and an additional 500,000 yuan is required to pay for maintenance costs every year.

But even so, all scenic spots are still very willing to rent, the reason is that they can earn more. If the number of tourists used is enough, a set of flight suits can generate more than 8 million yuan of income for the scenic spot every year.

If Ye Zishu wanted to buy it, he would definitely be able to buy it, but after thinking about it, he decided not to buy it from Kirin Basic Industries Group, because he thought the flight suit was outdated.

I didn't learn the knowledge about the field before, so I can only use this stupid method. Now, with my little knowledge of the field, I can still develop better products.

Ye Ziqi saw Pei Qing's Phoenix, and her eyes were full of envy. The big wither she bought was also a helpless choice. Originally, she wanted the Dapeng, but there was no such product.

And Pei Qing chose the same phoenix, but it crashed again, which was meaningless, and the price was too high, so she had to settle for the next best thing, and chose the big wither as a pet.

However, her request is estimated to have been received by Kirin Basic Industries Group, because receiving consumer feedback is also an important channel for improving products and developing new products.

Obviously his father didn't have such a taste, so he directly chose two ordinary robot dogs as pets. He and Ye Zihua had no choice, they would find it annoying to keep them around.

As for Ye Ziqin, who is usually more active, chose three small pets. It's not that she has no ideas, but that she didn't provide her with more choices.

In addition, she usually needs to live on campus, and if it is a large pet, it is not convenient to take it with her. The elf mouse and lightning mouse are very cute, and no one will be afraid if they take them out.

Even if it's a pet cat named Xiao Hei, it doesn't matter if it's in the dormitory. This is an important reason why she chooses these three. As for the big pets, they can only go to play with her elder brother's house when she goes home.

After the four ladies had chosen their pets, there were still a lot of pets left, which were carefully selected by Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing. Even if they were given to relatives, there would still be some leftovers. They planned to give them to their father as gifts for entertainment.

However, Ye Ziqin saw that there were so many leftovers, although none of them were her favorite, but she asked to keep a few for her, and asked why, it turned out that she wanted to use them in the live broadcast room for a lottery.

In the past, she was very good at playing games. With her female identity, game prowess not inferior to boys, and her unique live broadcast style, she quickly became one of the leading anchors in the domestic live broadcast field.

After using the IQ-enhancing drug, the game is stronger than before. In just ten days, he quickly reached the first place in the ranking, and the winning rate is even more frighteningly high, reaching 90%.

Even if the average person is very strong, the winning rate in ranking is only a little over 50%, and it is rare to reach the king level and maintain a 60% winning rate.

So some people questioned her to find someone to fight on her behalf. The reason is that the difference in strength performance before and after is obvious, and she still doesn't show her face, so it's hard not to be hacked.

She has never made any excuses. Anyway, she does not rely on live broadcasts for food. Although through live broadcasts, her annual income has reached tens of millions of yuan, but for her family, this is not even a drizzle.

It's just that the more silent and non-responsive, the more certain some people are about this guess. The news about her acting as a proxy has spread all over the city, and even the live broadcast platform has received a lot of complaints.

If the platform did not know her identity, she would have been warned with such a volume of complaints. Although she was not warned, it also brought a lot of criticism to the platform.

So she planned to make a response to this matter, and the best response was to turn on the camera and play the ranking live. It was only the first time to communicate with the audience face to face, so naturally she couldn't live broadcast dryly.

So I thought of giving some robot pets as lucky draw gifts to the audience, and at the same time to promote these robot pets, after all, this is my own business.

At present, robot pets can only be bought in large shopping malls in big cities, and small economically developed counties like theirs do not have the goods.

When Ye Zishu heard what she said, he naturally had no objection. Although he didn't like Ye Ziqin in public, he was always bullied, so he couldn't say nothing.

If you say that there are no peers here to help the flames, no one will believe it. After all, the market share of big anchors is limited. If one is removed, their market share may become much larger, especially among the same type of anchors, the competition is still very strong. intense.

Originally, Ye Ziqin planned to take two or three of them to the lottery, but Ye Zishu directly asked him to take 10 of them. The total value added up is about 2 million yuan.

Ye Zishu planned to wait for her to show her face in the live broadcast, and then go to buy gifts herself, just to make it as grand as possible.

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