Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 944 Talking with Ye Zihua 1 About the Tidal Group


Ye Zishu ate dinner at his parents' house, and then he and Pei Qing went back to his residence. Not long after entering the door, he saw Ye Ziqi's Da Qiao standing on a branch, his eyes showing a cold light.

If it weren't for the bright lights in the house, seeing a pair of cold lights staring at her would be a bit scary, Pei Qing also said: "Why don't you ask someone to build a nest for it, so standing on a tree like this is a bit scary."

"I think so too!" Ye Zishu agreed.

Early the next morning, the general robot at home started to build a nest for the big wither in a tree using the wood left over from home and some other materials.

As for the two phoenixes, it's really difficult to arrange them, mainly because they are bigger than the big wither, and there are no such big trees in the house. For the sake of safety, the trees planted were not that kind of tall trees.

Fortunately, they are not real phoenixes, otherwise they would have to get a sycamore tree. Now they can only build a nest for the pair of phoenixes on the height of a house at home, and let them inhabit here usually.

Small pets are the best arrangements. Pei Qing's two parrots are placed directly in her office at home. When she is tired from work, she can tease the two parrots. They look like they are learning to speak human language, and they are still very cute.

Not long after the two had breakfast, Ye Zihua ran to his house. Ye Zishu saw him coming, and brought him to the study together.

Needless to say, the brilliance of Tidal Investment Company in the past year, and the amount of money it has made successively are also countless. From the perspective of making money, it can be said to be fruitful.

In addition, Leaf Book has allowed it to establish a comprehensive financial network around the world, and it has also been initially completed, but at present, many financial institutions that have acquired or acquired shares need to be reorganized and optimized.

Compared with the banks under the Tidal Group, the management and organization methods of most banks in the world are relatively backward. It takes a lot of work to revive these financial institutions that are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Of course, these financial institutions cannot copy the management model of the banks or insurance companies under the Tidal Group, because they can hire general-purpose robots, and their execution capabilities are not at the same level.

On the contrary, many advanced management systems can be introduced into these newly acquired financial institutions to improve management quality and operational efficiency, which is still very effective.

In addition to financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies, they have also acquired a large number of real companies. Some of the real companies themselves are running well, but the financial crisis has caused them to run poorly, giving them an opportunity to take advantage of.

However, most of the real companies themselves have more or less problems. If they want to revive these real companies in the post-economic crisis era, they must also make drastic reforms.

It's just that there are not many people available at present, and the personnel sent in the past,

Since I am not very familiar with the enterprise and the local environment, I dare not act indiscriminately, so I can only supervise the operation of the enterprise and dare not intervene casually.

As for recruiting management personnel locally, this idea is very good, but the effect is not expected to be particularly obvious. It will be very difficult to recruit talents. If it is just for fame, the recruiting is not very meaningful.

Therefore, although physical enterprises have not stopped relevant reforms and integration actions, their overall efficiency is not high. At present, the main purpose is to maintain operations and wait for the natural recovery after the crisis.

Of course, Ye Zihua was also waiting for Ye Shu's follow-up action. At that time, Ye Zishu promised that he would find a way. If there was no better way for the time being, he could only wait silently.

Even these companies have not introduced the advanced management system here, the reason is that if there is no strong executive power from top to bottom, even if the advanced management system is used, it will be useless.

The only consolation is that the physical companies they acquired generally have no major problems. After their capital injection, they did not continue to collapse, and some companies even regained their vitality.

The crisis is both a danger and an opportunity. It is difficult for these real enterprises, and it is even more difficult for other enterprises. Many enterprises immediately began to expand after receiving new capital injection and stabilizing themselves.

This is a typical case of taking advantage of your illness to kill you. When other competitors are in a quagmire, they expand along the trend and occupy the business space of competitors, so as to achieve the purpose of severely injuring competitors.

These are all carried out spontaneously by some enterprising companies. The attitude of Tidal Investment Company is still stable, and the requirements for these real companies are not high.

Although Tidal Investment Company took away a large amount of funds in the global financial market, most of these funds were invested in the global market, which finally stabilized the global economic crisis a little.

It will take at least a year to return to the level before the crisis. After all, the most important thing in the economy is confidence, and confidence needs time to slowly improve.

"Brother, we must send a large number of management teams to these acquired companies as soon as possible to take over these companies, otherwise there may be changes after a long time." Ye Zihua said.

When he introduced the basic situation just now, he didn't appear to be in a hurry, but now he said that there will be variables in a long time, and Ye Shu also understands the reason.

Now is the period of economic crisis, and the companies that have invested in or acquired shares do not dare to act like monsters. They are highly dependent on capital during this period, and being a monster is hard for themselves.

But when the economy improves and the business operation gradually improves, the management will inevitably have thoughts, especially when the company has a founder, the situation will be more complicated.

No one wants to see the company they have worked so hard to create handed over to others. Even if no managers are sent here to join, they will always think about the idea that they may be replaced.

Although the best way is to use the original entrepreneurial team, so that they are familiar with the local environment and have rich experience, but they also know that this idea is too simple, and it will be eaten up by people in the mall.

The best way is actually to let the entrepreneurial team go, at least let the core personnel go. Although this is a bit cold-blooded and ruthless, it is a common practice in the capital market.

But to replace managers, how to ensure that the new managers have the ability to lead the company to move forward? If the new management has this ability, will their ambitions expand after sitting for a long time, and they also want to kick capital? This is also worthwhile. The question of preparedness.

Therefore, the best way is to send trustworthy people there. Obviously, the Tidal Group can't do it at present, unless they send a large number of general-purpose robots.

Ye Zishu is still relatively cautious about sending general-purpose robots abroad, but it seems that he really has to do so at present, otherwise the timing will not be enough.

Taiji Medical Group's overseas medical institutions are still under construction. It will take at least the middle of the year to build a number of medical institutions abroad, and then ship the bio-robot production equipment overseas.

But it will take nearly two years to produce biological robots, and due to the number of equipment, the number of the first batch of biological robots will not be particularly large.

During this gap period, there must be some means to ensure that his own interests will not be infringed. After thinking about it, he thought that there was still room for manipulation.

He has cultivated a large number of small biological robots from his private laboratory, most of which are insects, and there are also some flying bird biological robots.

The reproduction speed of insect bio-robots is very fast. After a large number of laboratory reproduction and natural reproduction, the current number is very terrifying, reaching the level of tens of trillions.

And these flying bird robots are actually couriers responsible for long-distance delivery of insects. If they rely on tiny insects to fly to the world by themselves, it will take too long.

Not to mention that these biological robot insects are all over the world, but they have already taken root in most countries and regions, and they are still multiplying rapidly.

These bio-robot insects are very good monitors, and they can also be invisible. He believes that they can be used to monitor important people in overseas industries.

Once they do something that harms the interests of Tidal Investment Corporation, this side will know immediately, and then take immediate action to ensure the safety of their own interests.

He even thinks that with the earth's population of 6 billion people, these bio-robot insects could keep everyone under surveillance if they were to be monitored.

Behind it is the super quantum computer and super artificial intelligence to analyze the data sent from all over the world. Once there is an abnormality, it can be easily identified, and clues and context can be found from the dazzling information.

If any abnormality is found, it will be included in the special attention list. Once there is any conspiracy, the side can respond immediately and send a general-purpose robot to deal with it.

Naturally, Ye Zishu would not tell Ye Zihua that he has the ability to monitor the whole world. Although the monitoring seems to be not very lethal, it has a greater impact than lethal damage.

Even if it is the closest person, he will not tell them, and telling them is meaningless, it will only increase the risk, and he may even have other ideas.

"At present, trust in the existing management is still the main thing. I will send relevant forces to supervise these companies. If there is any abnormality, I will notify you. After you formulate a countermeasure, I will send a general-purpose robot to deal with it." Ye Shu said .

Hearing what he said, although Ye Zihua didn't know what the so-called relevant power was, she could only respond and didn't ask in detail which power it was.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu changed the subject and said, "This trip to the capital still has a lot of achievements, and you, the Tidal Group, will play the leading role."

Ye Zihua was puzzled after hearing this, she didn't know what he meant, but she didn't say anything, she waited for his next words, looking at his excited face, Ye Zihua also knew that it must be a good thing.

"Before you were asked to build a financial network all over the world, you should be very clear about the real purpose, which is to promote the international currency issued by the Tidal Group more smoothly.

But now there are some changes in the plan, and now the promotion of the international trading currency we issue is much less dependent on the international financial system you have just built. "Leaf Book said.

"Then isn't it a waste of all our energy?" Ye Zihua said.

To be honest, if it is not for the convenience of promoting international currency in the future, they would not be willing to acquire so many financial institutions. It seems that financial institutions are very profitable, but the actual operation is not so easy.

The international financial market is a completely competitive market, and the competition among each other is very fierce. It is completely different from the domestic financial market. It is not uncommon to go bankrupt if you are not careful.

In the banking system they acquired this time, there are very few pillar banking institutions in various countries. It is estimated that such a heavyweight bank will not be controlled or acquired casually even if the country makes it bankrupt.

Most of the acquisitions are medium-sized banks, and there are not a few small banks. This is why they want to integrate, because if they are separated, their strength is not very large, and their ability to resist risks is much weaker.

If you don't need the help of these financial institutions, Ye Zihua feels like a waste of energy and money. It's better not to buy it, because they don't rely on these financial institutions to make money anyway.

"It can't be said that, mastering these financial institutions is very useful for Tidal Investment Corporation to make money around the world, and it can also give you a clearer understanding of the economic conditions of various countries, which is very useful for you to make judgments about the economic situation." Ye Zishu said with a smile .

In addition to facilitating the flow of funds around the world, it is also very beneficial for Tidal Investment Corporation to control overseas assets, which is also one of the important functions.

"The currency issued by the Tidal Group is positioned as a gold currency, and the anchor is gold, which can realize the free exchange of gold and currency, and will not set strict exchange conditions!" Leaf Book said.

Before he finished speaking, Ye Zihua was startled and said eagerly, "But we don't have that much gold at all, so I'm afraid this method won't work."

During this period, Tidal Investment Company also purchased some gold from the international market, but the total amount was only tens of tons. Although the gold trading volume in the gold exchange is very large, the actual spot trading scale is not very large.

Wanting to issue gold currency with such a small amount of gold is no different from seeking death. Now no country dares to issue gold currency lightly, and it will only die ugly.

"There must be a reason for this. Due to technological breakthroughs, we can directly use energy to convert iron elements into gold elements, and the cost is very low.

You should also know that the east-to-west water transfer project is under construction. Sending such a large amount of water to the west will consume a lot of energy. If the energy price is not low, it will definitely not work.

The secret is that we have a thermal radiation energy-absorbing field technology that can convert solar energy into electrical energy in a large area, and the daily power generation scale is as high as trillions of degrees.

According to our calculations, relying on such a huge amount of energy, the annual output of gold is as high as 360,000 tons. I think this amount of gold should be able to meet the requirements for issuing gold currency. "Leaf Book explained.

This news also shocked Ye Zihua, if it was true, of course it couldn't be false, then the wealth alone would be frighteningly high.

Moreover, it is still able to produce every year, continuously creating wealth, with such huge benefits, is it possible that the country is not moved, Ye Zihua expressed her doubts.

Ye Zishu talked about the agreement reached with the government. Gold can indeed be counted as wealth, but for the country, it is not actually considered real wealth.

The purpose of the country is to achieve all-round development, not just an increase in the amount of money. There is an essential difference between the two.

The former is the fundamental strength for a country to stand in the world, while the latter without the support of the former is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered and can disappear in smoke at any time.

It is precisely because everyone understands what is most important to the country that they will not have excessive thoughts about the tide group's possession of such a huge gold asset. This is a completely wasteful approach.

In the eyes of many leaders, Ye Zishu is far more important than ordinary wealth. This is why his industry has grown so large, and it has not suffered too much trouble, and its development is relatively smooth.

Of course, Leaf Book also gave the country huge rewards. In just a few years, it has developed a country that was still poor and weak into the world's number one economy.

Whether it is economy, military, science and technology, people's livelihood, education, welfare distribution, etc., they are all different, and they are also moving towards a high-income country per capita. These are real returns.

Most importantly, according to the plan of White Tiger Technology Company, he is still an important force for us to realize interstellar immigration in the future. Compared with these broad prospects, this wealth is nothing.

Moreover, if such a huge wealth is placed in the hands of others, it may not be at ease, but in his hands, the government is actually quite at ease.

The reason is that Ye Zishu actually doesn't have a strong desire to possess wealth. Judging from his series of actions over the years, we can see his attitude towards wealth.

Only when the wealth is in his hands can the greatest value be brought into play, helping the domestic economy to develop at a faster speed and with higher quality.

"What we issue is a non-sovereign currency, and no country endorses the currency. If it is not a gold currency, it will be difficult to promote it internationally. Other countries will not take this risk.

Even if the scale of our industries is very large, it is impossible to use these industries as credit support for issuing currency, and the country will not allow it.

Although these industries belong to me in name, they are actually state property. If an accident occurs, no one can bear this responsibility, and I may become a sinner through the ages.

Therefore, the issuance of gold currency is the basis for us to build an international transaction currency, and only gold currency can support non-sovereign currencies. You should know this truth.

But once the non-sovereign currency issued by Tidal Group is really allowed to become an international currency, you should know what it means, so I won’t say much here. "Leaf Book said.

Of course Ye Zihua knows what this means. It can be said that the Ye family can enjoy wealth forever with this industry, and to some extent get rid of the restrictions of a country, which is difficult for any family in the past.

As long as international trade still exists, they will continue to benefit from the whole world, and it will not change with the turmoil of a certain country.

In fact, money is still second. With this industry, the status of the Ye family in the world will not be the same. As long as you don't do it yourself, you can enjoy this glory safely.

Ye Shu himself doesn't care about these things, but the rest of the Ye family are ordinary people, even if there is an IQ-enhancing drug, they are only smarter than ordinary people.

Of course, he more hoped that the members of the Ye family would not have to rely on this industry, but would be independent from the world and create their own brilliance. This is the basis for maintaining the prosperity of the family.

As I said before, any country will not allow too many rice worms. In a special period, it may face a catastrophe. Only by making outstanding contributions to society can the family continue to prosper. .

"The currency issuance structure is divided into two parts. The first part is equivalent to a country's central bank, called the International Monetary Bank, which only has the right to issue currency and adjust monetary policy, and does not engage in specific commercial operations.

The issued currency will be handed over to the following international commercial banks to provide international currency loan business and provide services to the central banks of various countries.

However, it will not provide services to commercial banks in various countries. This is done to balance the self-interests of each country and make it easier for everyone to accept.

At the same time, the International Commercial Bank also provides international currency clearing services. The clearing system and service data will be actually held by the International Monetary Bank, and the International Commercial Bank is the actual executor. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing this, Ye Zihua understood the structure he was talking about. Under the current circumstances, it is indeed a wise move to do so, and they just want to issue international currency, and they don't want to interfere too much with the economic development of various countries.

It would be thankless to do so, and it is impossible to do so. If you really want to do this, the central banks of various countries will never agree. This is equivalent to completely opening up their own finances to them. No country is so stupid.

"How will we store so much gold?" Ye Zihua said.

360,000 tons of gold is just the beginning, and the amount of gold held by Tidal Group will only increase in the future. How to store such a huge gold reserve will be a very headache.

Just building gold reserve bases does not know how many will be built. It is not a big problem to do so in peacetime, but it is hard to say in case of turmoil.

Since they are doing international currency business, they must ensure the absolute safety of these gold reserves and will not fall apart due to turmoil in a certain country, so that they can be absolutely trusted.

Facing this problem, Ye Zishu thought for a while and had an idea in his mind, but he didn't say it out, but said: "Don't be so anxious for now, just store the gold in the headquarters vault."

Since the eldest brother said so, Ye Zihua will not say more. There is no absolute security in the world. We can only make sufficient preparations to improve relative security.

"By the way, you have to hurry up and set up the shelves of these two banking institutions, and distinguish them from the existing banks of the Tidal Group. They cannot be mixed together, and their functions are different.

If everything is well prepared, we will try to release it at the beginning of next year. You must predict all possible situations in advance and take countermeasures, so as not to be caught off guard by then! "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't let you down. It's just that other industries under your banner may be targeted at that time, so you have to be prepared!" Ye Zihua said.

This is possible. In the early stage, it is very likely that a run will be adopted to make it difficult for the Chaozhou Group. If it is found that this way does not work, it is very likely that it will target other industries under his banner to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

In fact, he is already well prepared. This global economic crisis is a stress test to test whether his industries can maintain stability and achieve growth due to drastic changes in the international environment.

Although there are still some differences between the two, but last year's performance made him feel that the problem is not big, and some losses can still be borne.

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