Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 945 Qinglong Technology Company’s Housekeeping Service Robot


On January 30th, the new product launch conference of Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. was finally held. Their housekeeping service robot finally showed its true colors and met with everyone.

To be honest, Ye Zishu saw their domestic service robot for the first time through their new product launch conference, and he basically didn't pay attention to these things before.

Qinglong Technology Company is already a mature group enterprise, and he no longer needs to pay attention to it all the time, let alone spend energy on a specific business under their umbrella.

This time it was ingenious, Qinglong Technology Company directly let the robot act as the narrator of this new product launch conference, and the reporters in the audience and the audience watching the live broadcast did not recognize it at first.

It was only when the robot was introduced at the new product launch conference that it took the initiative to tell the secret to the outside world. At that time, the reporters on the scene caused an uproar, and the Internet bullet screens were also swiped, and they were all shocked by this.

Their domestic robots mainly have the following three advantages. First, the appearance is almost the same as that of a real person, which is completely different from their previous robots.

In the past, although the robots of Qinglong Technology Company were not bad in terms of intelligence, due to the relatively backward bionic materials, the appearance still retained the obvious traces of robots.

Even the appearance of low-end robots is just a lump of iron. Only high-end robots will use bionic skin, but the gap with real skin is still not small, and you can tell it is a robot at a glance.

This time, Qinglong Technology Company obtained a lot of bionic materials and precision design technology from Ye Zishu, and only then did it improve the appearance to the same level as a real person.

Of course, if you look carefully, you can still see the difference. This is different from the general robot, which almost 100% simulates the appearance of human beings.

The second is that the action is more natural. Everyone has watched the robot speak at the press conference for so long, and they have not found any abnormalities, which has already explained the problem.

This relies on the advanced internal structure system design provided by Ye Zishu. Although it was originally intended to be used on robot pets, it is still effective when used on humanoid robots.

It can even be said that the mobility of pets is actually stronger than that of humans, and the power system on robotic pets is naturally no problem when used on humanoid robots.

The only difficulty is that human beings walk on two legs, while animals generally land on all fours, and stability is easier. Therefore, the balance technology requirements of humanoid robots are relatively high.

However, from the appearance of the machine explaining that people walk around and move freely, it has completely reached the level of human balance. At least under normal circumstances, there is no abnormality. I don’t know whether running and high jumping can also reach the level of humans.

Then there are more expressions. In the past, their robots didn't have too many expressions.

Low-end robots even only use LCD screens to simulate expressions and express the robot's mood.

Now their humanoid robots can't see any abnormalities in facial expressions and body expressions, and micro-expressions may not be clearly seen on the scene.

But in the live broadcast screen, there are quite a lot of close-up shots, and the micro-expressions of the narrator can be seen. So many viewers who watched the live broadcast did not find any problems.

The basic emotions of human beings can be completely expressed on the faces of the current humanoid robots of Qinglong Technology Company, and they also behave very naturally, without any deliberate traces.

In fact, this is the basic requirement of a domestic service robot. The appearance must be realistic enough, otherwise it might as well be an iron lump, at least not so scary.

And it is sufficiently realistic to allow employers to treat robots as family members, to have more communication with each other, and for robots to better understand the needs of employers, and to allow employers to rely more on robots.

Qinglong Technology Company naturally wants to do long-term business. If employers can't do without the housekeeping services they provide, they can continue to do this business.

Of course, the services provided must be legal and compliant, and conform to the basic norms of human beings. Even if there is no relevant law, Qinglong Technology Company will have service content specifications and will not provide service content beyond the limit.

This is very important. Since the degree of anthropomorphism is very high and the domestic service robot can be made very beautiful, it is inevitable that some people will have different ideas and put forward requirements beyond the service limit.

Finally, the flexibility of the robot's hands has been greatly improved. Although it is not as flexible as human fingers, it is not far behind. It is fully competent for low-precision tasks.

The reason why they cannot achieve the same level of flexibility as general-purpose robots is that they do not use the same technology, and it is very difficult to achieve the same level of flexibility as humans.

The reason why the universal robot can achieve precise control of the whole body is the use of nerve-like technology, which can control every muscle and every joint through the nerve-like system.

The control accuracy is not to say that it exceeds the best among humans, but it is not bad at all. This is the root of the universal robot's ability to do all the work of humans.

As for the domestic service robot of Qinglong Technology Company, only the facial expressions use low-level neuro-like technology, and they are still handed over to Kirin Basic Industries Group for processing. They have not mastered this technology.

Due to the high sensitivity of nervous system-like technology, Kirin Basic Industries Group did not share this technology. If necessary, they can provide OEM services, which are limited to products of brother companies.

The reason is that if the face does not use a neural control system, it is difficult to control the subtle changes in expression. It will not be natural, but a bit scary.

The control systems of other parts basically use the inductive mechanical control system, but the level of the control system used by each part is different.

The inductive mechanical control system used by fingers is the highest-level control system. Although it is small in size, the cost is much higher than that of the leg control system.

Of course, among all parts of the body, the face control system is the most expensive. On the one hand, this technology is unique to Kirin Basic Industries Group, and on the other hand, it is also qualified to charge a high price in terms of technical level.

In addition to these internal precision mechanical structures, there are also internal filling materials. One is to increase the counterweight of the robot, otherwise it will not reach the weight of a normal person.

The second is to protect the internal precision structure. For example, if it is hit, it can play a buffer role. If the temperature inside is high, it can play a role in heat dissipation.

The third is to support the body shape of the robot. Without these advanced filler materials, the skeleton will be clearly visible, which looks like a skinny scene.

The load-bearing capacity is basically similar to that of humans, and it has not exceeded too much. The reason is not that they cannot do it, but that the cost of doing so is too high, and there are not many opportunities to use it in life.

If there is really heavy work to be done, just use specialized machinery and equipment, relying on manpower to do it is the most stupid way, and these domestic robots do not provide these services.

As for the degree of intelligence, it has not changed from the previous robots. The reason is that the previous level of artificial intelligence is enough, and there is no need to use too advanced artificial intelligence.

Even the general-purpose robots use artificial intelligence 1.0, and the artificial intelligence used by these domestic service robots is naturally lower. It is still the front-end technology of artificial intelligence 1.0 given at the beginning, and the level is lower.

In terms of computing power, it mainly adopts the traditional architecture, but also purchased biochips from Kirin Basic Industries Group, which are mainly used for model lake computing, but the computing power is not at the same level as general-purpose robots.

The memory chip is completely a traditional chip, and only important data can be stored locally. Although the storage space is not small, it is not enough compared to obtaining information.

Therefore, the intelligence and data of domestic service robots are very dependent on the back-end. Once they are disconnected from the back-end, they can only perform limited actions, and even show frequent amnesia.

This is related to positioning. Universal robots must ensure that they can act independently under any circumstances, and their dependence on back-end computing power and storage capabilities is very low, and it can even be said that they do not need to rely on back-end services at all.

Of course, if there is back-end computing power support, the performance will be more intelligent. After all, the computing power of a super quantum computer cannot be compared with a bionic brain.

Housekeeping service robots do not work under strict conditions. They can use home networks and back-end service connections at home, and they can connect to back-end services through communication satellites when they go out.

Therefore, they don’t need to be highly independent, they only need to have the ability to respond to the current emergency in a timely manner, which is why they need to be equipped with bionic chips with not particularly high computing power.

It is also important that bionic chips perform much better than traditional chips in handling emergencies without downtime.

For example, when picking up a child from school, if there is an urgent danger, relying on the bionic chip can make the best choice as quickly as possible to ensure the safety of the child. This is the shortcoming of the traditional chip.

In addition to these basic technologies, the most important thing for a robot to communicate with the outside world is the five senses, namely taste, touch, hearing, vision and smell.

Their vision technology also uses the bionic vision system of Kirin Basic Industry Group, and Qinglong Technology's own technology still does not meet the requirements.

Although their image chip technology is unrivaled in the world, there is still a huge gap with the technology mastered by Kirin Basic Industries Group, and it can even be said that they are not at the same level.

Eyes are an unavoidable topic if you want to make a robot vivid. No matter how Qinglong Technology Company simulates it, the bionic eyeballs it makes always lack a sense of flavor and look a little dull.

This was developed on the basis of the many bionic technologies provided by Yeshu this time, but they still did not meet the requirements, so they had to choose to purchase from Kirin Basic Industries Group.

As for the other senses of taste, touch, hearing, and smell, they all use their own technology. They have very strong technology in the field of sensors, and they have acquired a lot of bionic technology this time, making their strength even further.

Moreover, the requirements of domestic service robots are different from those of general-purpose robots, and they do not need to fully reach the human level, so their technology is still sufficient.

Regardless of the seemingly small number of components provided by Kirin Basic Industries Group, the money they earn from them accounts for 20% of the cost of domestic service robots, and the technology they provide is lower than that used in general-purpose robots.

The energy storage components use the battery technology of Huanyu Group, but the energy storage technology of Kirin Basic Industries Group is not used because it is not available.

The energy storage technology of the universal robot is very complicated. It not only has high energy storage density, but also has higher safety. Most importantly, it also has a set of biological energy conversion system, which can obtain energy by eating organic matter.

These are too high-end for domestic service robots. If it is really purchased, a set of such systems can double the cost, which is completely uneconomical.

Of course, the precision equipment for the production of these robots is mainly provided by Kirin Basic Industry Group, and the remaining part of Xuanwu Technology can be manufactured by itself.

Unlike robot pets, since domestic service robots need to wear clothes, they do not use solar power to generate bionic skin, and doing so can also reduce costs.

However, it is equipped with heat recovery power generation technology to collect the heat generated during the working process of the domestic service robot for recycling and reuse, which can effectively reduce power consumption and allow it to have longer-distance mobility.

Generally speaking, it only needs to be charged for one hour a day to make the domestic service robot work for a whole day. Although it is incomparable with general-purpose robots, it is also sufficient for its work scenarios.

At this press conference, in addition to the eye-catching housekeeping service robots, many upgraded special robots were also introduced, but none of them were bionic robots.

This disappointed many people at the scene. After all, with such advanced bionic technology, it makes no sense to only launch a domestic service robot, which has a wider market application.

They also explained this. One is practicality. Compared with the consumer side, applications in other fields are very cost-sensitive. In the face of cost, all kinds of bells and whistles are not important.

The second is to avoid unemployment. For this reason, they also deliberately limit domestic service robots to the field of domestic service, and they are not sales, but provide services by employment.

If it is really used in other commercial fields and the price is not too expensive, in terms of income, Qinglong Technology Company can indeed make a lot of money, but a large number of people will lose their jobs, causing social instability, and the losses outweigh the gains.

Moreover, with the increase of the domestic robot service market, the service cost will also decrease rapidly. At that time, the domestic service market alone will be enough to meet the purpose of Qinglong Technology Company to make money.

There are about 400 million families in China. If each family has a domestic service robot, even if the service fee is 50,000 yuan per year, the total amount will be 20 trillion yuan.

Although this is an ideal state, as long as the income of residents continues to grow, the pursuit of a better life will make them willing to spend on this link. After all, housekeeping is also a very troublesome thing, and it is something that we have to face every day.

Although the actions of Qinglong Technology Company made many people feel sorry, they accepted their argument. After all, this possibility does exist, and it also reflects the character of Qinglong Technology Company, at least it is not a profit-only enterprise.

When the service price was announced, many people were shocked. The annual basic service fee was 500,000 yuan, which was not prepared for ordinary people at all, and caused dissatisfaction among many people.

At the same time, many people think that this is the reason why Qinglong Technology Company gave up other markets. With such a high price, ordinary bosses would definitely be more willing to hire ordinary employees, otherwise the cost would be too high.

Everyone's reaction Qinglong Technology Company naturally expected it and gave an explanation. The reason is that the cost of building the industrial chain in the early stage is very high. Only by increasing the service price can the cost be recovered in a shorter time.

They predict that after one or two years, the service price will drop by a notch, and the annual service fee will not exceed 200,000 yuan. At that time, more ordinary families will have the opportunity to use it.

For example, for a family with children, if you hire a domestic service robot, you can free the mother from housework and child care, go to work outside, and the income can cover the service fee of the domestic service robot, which is very cost-effective.

As for when to reduce the service fee, it depends on the strength of the domestic rich. If the rich are keen to hire domestic service robots, they will pay back much faster.

In addition to these factors, they also need to consider social benefits. If they feel that it is necessary to increase market supply, they will lower the price. In short, the establishment of service fees must be the result of comprehensive consideration.

The external service is not done by Qinglong Technology Company, they don't know how to operate these specific businesses, and the market operation is handed over to Wancheng Foundation.

They lease each housekeeping robot to Wancheng Jiye for an annual service fee of 300,000 yuan. Wancheng Jiye will then look for a market to help these housekeeping service robots find employers, charge an annual service fee of 500,000 yuan, and earn a difference of 200,000 yuan. .

Wancheng Jiye itself had a housekeeping service company. It had previously planned to use general-purpose robots to do housekeeping work, but Ye Zishu changed his mind later, so it stopped working.

However, domestic service companies are still in operation, and they have a large number of professionally trained domestic service personnel.

In the future, if it is really necessary to reduce the service price and expand the market capacity, it will still be handed over to Wancheng Jiye. Wancheng Jiye will get the employment fee, and it will be able to better arrange these workers so that they can achieve re-employment.

"Why didn't you work today and instead watched the live broadcast?" Pei Qing walked into the study and saw that Ye Zishu was playing the external voice, so she could tell what he was doing.

Pei Qing is not worried that he has eyes for a certain anchor. With Ye Zishu's wealth and status, there will be no woman he wants, but she is still the only woman up to now, which is enough to explain the problem.

"I'm watching Ye Ziqin's live broadcast, and she said that tonight is her first live broadcast, and I want to support her!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Pei Qing walked behind him and looked at the screen. The live broadcast room had just started, and Ye Ziqin hadn't turned on the camera yet, so she also took a chair and sat beside her to watch.

"Are there many people who make money from live streaming?" Pei Qing asked.

"This industry is still developing very fast. Last year, Phoenix Technology's live broadcast platform revenue reached more than 600 billion yuan, which can be regarded as a very mature industry.

According to their statistics, the average annual income of anchors on the platform has reached 100,000 yuan, which is not bad. Most of the anchors are actually part-time, and there are still relatively few full-time anchors.

A top anchor like Ziqin has an astonishing annual income, reaching tens of millions of yuan, which is more profitable than running an ordinary business. This is the charm of the eyeball economy! "Leaf Book said.

"Hearing what you said, I'm a little moved!" Pei Qing said jokingly.

"Why are you joining in the fun!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

In fact, he allowed Ye Ziqin to broadcast live only because she was still in school, so there was no need to restrict her too much. After she graduated, she probably wouldn't be as free as she is now.

Of course, the final decision rests with Ye Ziqin. If he insists on continuing to be an anchor, he has no way to stop it. After all, everyone has the right to choose their lifestyle, and he can only suggest it.

"Why, I'm not pretty enough?" Pei Qing asked with a smile.

"That's impossible, how can you attract me if you are not beautiful!" Ye Shu had to say.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing was very satisfied, and did not continue to dwell on this topic. Talking too much will only make people disgusted, but it will only increase the interest between each other.

Just when the two of them ended this topic, Ye Ziqin turned on his camera and found that the camera had a built-in beauty function, making him seem to return to his previous life.

At that time, the beautification function was rampant. Regardless of the fact that the anchor was very beautiful, no one could figure out whether it was a human or a ghost before the beautification. This was the super effect of beautification.

Ye Zishu is so handsome, Ye Ziqin is naturally not ugly. In fact, he thinks that he looks better without the beauty face. With the beauty face turned on, good-looking is good-looking, but it lacks a sense of reality, and the difference from the real appearance is obvious.

"I think Ziqin did it on purpose!" Pei Qing said.

"How to say?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Ziqin is still very photogenic. She looks beautiful even without makeup. I think the reason why she wears beauty is to have a difference, so that she can better protect herself." Pei Qing said.

"Don't do this!" Ye Zishu disagreed with this statement, and the country has not yet reached such a level of turmoil.

"Others are definitely fine, but Ziqin is surrounded by security personnel every day, so naturally she has to think more about her own safety.

In addition, if someone recognizes her, she will know that it is your sister, and it will embarrass you. Don't think that Ziqin is heartless. In fact, she is also a delicate person, but it is not necessary in front of her family. "Pei Qing said.

After hearing Pei Qing's explanation, Ye Zishu accepted her statement. Although Ye Ziqin is not as worry-free as Ye Ziqi, she has not done anything wrong.

Now that I am older, my thinking is more mature than before, and I care more about other people's feelings when I think about problems. This is entirely possible.

Ye Ziqin turned on the camera and started the lottery draw without too much nonsense. You only need to swipe a gift of one dollar to participate in the lottery draw, and the draw is a robot pet worth 200,000 yuan.

Naturally, Ye Zishu didn't need to follow suit to snatch pets, but directly sent the most valuable gift with the 1 million yuan that had been charged in, and the screen was filled with gift reminders.

Pei Qing glanced at the recharge amount, and said with a smile: "I'll give Ziqin some gifts too!"

After she finished speaking, she fiddled with her mobile phone, and after a while, she saw a mysterious person start swiping gifts for Ziqin. In just 10 minutes, 200,000 yuan was swiped, and 1 million yuan was swiped for 30 minutes.

Ye Zishu was also following the competition to collect gifts. He originally planned to collect 1 million yuan, but after the competition, he paid another 1 million yuan, and then stopped. Any more would be meaningless.

However, driven by the two of them, quite a few viewers swiped large amounts of gifts, which made Ye Ziqin don't know what was going on, and quickly turned off the gift function.

The reason is that this phenomenon is not normal, it doesn't look like rational consumption, afraid that she might be worried, Ye Zishu sent him a message to tell her the situation, and she was relieved.

"Don't be tempted, my brother and sister-in-law were the ones who bought the gifts just now, which made it difficult for everyone to draw!" Ye Ziqin quickly explained.

It is definitely not possible to draw gifts now, because the function of giving gifts has been turned off. After the first award comes out, all subsequent prizes will be changed to fan barrage draws.

There will also be live broadcasts of games in the middle. With her IQ, playing games is already a god-like existence, and she dominates the audience in almost every game.

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