Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 946 Give Leaf Chess a long-term task


"I feel that Ziqin is even better at playing games now than before!" Pei Qing watched a few games with relish and said with a smile.

"Can't you be good? The opponent is almost considered dead by her. The whole situation is clear. As long as the teammates are not too bad, it is impossible to lose." Ye Zishu said.

Competitive games like this, on the surface, require strong operation, but in fact, it depends on whether their calculations are strong, and the competition is IQ.

For example, when jumping towers, Ye Ziqin can easily calculate how many tower attacks she can resist, and then judge how to move and withdraw in time based on this, what measures the enemy may take, and how she needs to respond.

Ordinary people don't know how to calculate these things, even if they don't come at all, they can only rely on personal coquettish operations to achieve their goals. As for the result, it depends entirely on God's will.

If you do mental arithmetic without intention, even if you are slightly better at operation, you will be played around, not to mention Ye Ziqin's own operation ability is not bad, but it is slightly inferior to top talents.

"By the way, you don't seem to have used IQ-enhancing drugs on Zi Hua?" Pei Qing asked.

After what Pei Qing said, it seemed that she had forgotten about it, and she asked her parents if they wanted to use it, but to them, it didn't matter whether they used it or not.

The next day, Ye Zishu didn't have breakfast at his own house, but went directly to his parents' house. After breakfast, Ye Zishu mentioned the matter of IQ-boosting medicine.

Naturally, Ye Zihua has no reason not to agree. Being in the financial industry itself is full of calculations, and IQ can play an important role in business.

I thought that my parents would be a little bit resistant to this, after all, it doesn't have that much effect on them, but I didn't expect that they agreed, especially my mother.

You must know that his mother has never read a book, she just knows simple oral calculations, otherwise she wouldn't even understand money, and she didn't have a strong idea of ​​learning before. Anyway, for her, this is how she lived her life.

Ye Zishu asked the reason. His father mainly had more and more business matters. Even though he was only the chairman and the actual business was managed by a professional professional manager, there were still many things for him to make decisions on.

Since serving as the chairman of the two companies, in order not to be left behind, he is also studying when he has time, but his foundation is relatively weak, and he is relatively old, so it is still difficult to study.

If you can use IQ-enhancing drugs to increase your IQ, you will learn things much faster and work a lot easier.

The biggest reason for the rapid development of success experts in previous lives, business management training, etc. is that many bosses themselves do not have a high level of knowledge.

But they also have to manage their own businesses or manage their own wealth,

If the ability cannot keep up with the actual needs, the best way is actually to learn systematically to improve yourself.

It's a pity that they don't have that IQ, and the learning process is very painful, so they hired professionals to give them lectures and learn those specious knowledge.

As everyone knows, if there is success learning, the whole world will not be what it is now. If you just learn some business management, it is estimated that there is no such thing as entrepreneurship.

Fortunately, his father also understands this truth. Although self-study is a lot of hard work, if you want to break through yourself, you can only endure hardships, and there is no shortcut.

Now there is finally a shortcut, and his father is not stupid, so he will not refuse, not to mention that this shortcut has almost no side effects, and there is no reason to refuse, so he simply agreed.

His mother's reason is actually very simple, she just intends to know some characters, and the reason is that she will not be a fool if she lives in the county in the future, at least she can understand some things.

Now it’s different from before. In the past, my mother basically did farm work in the countryside. She only needed to be able to count money. If there were things that needed to be read, she could just leave it to his father.

If you want to live in the city, the difference between literacy and non-literacy is too great. His mother has actually learned to read the year before last, but the effect is not very obvious. After learning, she forgets and remembers not much.

If IQ-enhancing drugs are used, the memory will be at least several times higher than it is now, especially for those who are elderly, the brain activity will appear younger, and the feeling will be better.

As for the parents' bodies, they have lived a prosperous life in the past few years, and they are well maintained. Not only are they not old, but they are getting younger and younger.

However, Ye Zishu felt that it was necessary to develop a longevity-enhancing medicine for his parents to use. After all, his parents are now in their 50s and will enter their sixtieth years in a few years, so they should make plans early.

Now that they all agreed, Ye Zishu had no ink marks, and led everyone to his private laboratory, took out the sealed IQ-enhancing medicine, and began to inject them.

Then let them observe in the laboratory for an hour. After confirming that there was no problem, everyone left the laboratory and began to prepare high-calorie food for the three of them.

The energy from eating breakfast just now was completely consumed within an hour after the injection of the IQ-enhancing drug. In the next three days, they will turn into big eaters and need to eat frequently to replenish energy and nutrition.

Taking advantage of the time, Ye Zishu called Ye Ziqi into his study, asked her about the Foundation, and made some arrangements for this year.

At present, the Leaf Book Foundation mainly has two businesses. The first business is the basic scientific research fund, which provides basic scientific research funding support to major domestic universities.

The second is the charitable fund, which mainly focuses on poverty alleviation. At the same time, charitable donations are made to natural disasters and major diseases to help the people tide over difficulties.

The Basic Science Research Fund has been in operation for two or three years. According to Ye Ziqi's report, although there are not too high-quality academic achievements, there are still quite a few small academic achievements.

Ye Zishu is not surprised by this, and don’t think that spending money will have immediate effect. If domestic basic science wants to develop greatly, it is not enough to spend a few years of money.

Instead, it is necessary to establish a series of environments that are conducive to basic scientific research, which are mainly divided into two parts. The first part is to create an environment that is more conducive to basic scientific research.

This includes a scientific research reward mechanism, a promotion mechanism for scientific researchers, reducing the problem of quick success and instant benefit in the field of basic scientific research, and launching a series of major scientific research issues.

Some basic scientific research funds can do some work, and some still need the support of the general environment. In the final analysis, the relevant departments need to slightly change their approach to scientific research.

He doesn't intend to intervene too much, and only does what he can do. If there is too much interference, some people will feel that his hand is stretched a bit too far, and it will cause trouble for himself.

The second part is the reform of the education system. New Oriental Education Group is currently doing these tasks. He believes that the students trained by New Oriental Education Group will not have poor achievements in the future.

When a large number of students with a solid foundation and reasonable scientific literacy training grow up, the scale of talents will be completely different from the present, and the results will naturally show explosive growth.

In addition, IQ drugs have begun to be used on a large scale in China, which has a very important positive effect on the development of basic scientific research in our country.

It seems that the effect will not be particularly good now, and after another three to five years, the situation will be completely different, so Ye Zishu is not disappointed, and is already prepared for a protracted war.

It may be that the Leaf Book Foundation’s support for domestic basic scientific research is increasing, which has led the country to abandon the previous thinking of emphasizing applications rather than foundations, and has also increased its support for basic scientific research.

The funding for basic scientific research in universities across the country is much higher than before, and basic scientific talents have also received more attention and attention, and their status has also improved a lot.

These are all factors that are beneficial to the development of basic scientific research in our country. Human pursuits are nothing more than three, either for profit, for fame, or for self-realization.

It is impossible for him to expect all scientific researchers to reach the third level. This is a bit high for most scientific researchers. Therefore, the improvement of status, fame and fortune can inspire a large number of aspiring young people to devote themselves to basic scientific research.

This year, we do not plan to continue to increase too much funding for basic scientific research. On the one hand, any increase will not have much effect. The main reason is that the number of talents is so large, and it is not simply increasing funding that will have a significant effect.

On the other hand, the government is also increasing investment in basic scientific research. At this time, there is no need to grab too much limelight. Therefore, the amount of funding will remain the same as last year, with a total amount of 80 billion yuan.

The money still came from Tidal Investment Company. Although the funds in Ye Zishu's personal account have skyrocketed, it is basically impossible to support such a huge scientific research plan, so it doesn't take much effort.

Then there is the charitable fund. Last year was considered to be a year for their charitable fund to shine, and it made a very big name for the newly established charitable fund.

Of course, because it is different from the existing mode of operation of charitable funds in China, it is not welcomed by the peers. According to their words, this is breaking the rules.

But there is nothing to do with the charitable funds under the Leaf Book Foundation. On the one hand, they mainly rely on themselves for charitable donations, and their dependence on external donations is relatively low.

On the other hand, it is highly affirmed by the government. Whether it is the amount of their donation or the mode of operation, it is what the government hopes to see. At least with this catfish, it can be more or less effective.

Not only that, but this newly established charitable fund is also gaining more and more popularity among the people. Apart from the flood donation last year, they have not stopped helping the poor.

Last year, 30 billion yuan of charitable funds were provided to help poor families improve their living conditions, and the number of assistance reached 500,000 times.

It includes life subsidies for poor families, charitable subsidies for major diseases, support for widows and the elderly, basic education charitable subsidies, charitable assistance for special social events, etc., covering a wide range.

Not everyone has the ability to pay for medical insurance or purchase a membership of Tai Chi Medical Group, and the poorer the population, the higher the probability of major diseases.

The reason is that most of them do not have any special skills and can only do heavy physical work, which puts a heavy burden on the body. Coupled with irregular diet, they are very prone to serious diseases.

In addition, I don’t dare to spend money on treatment for minor illnesses, so I take it on myself. Many serious illnesses are delayed from minor illnesses to serious illnesses, but often these patients are the pillars of the family. Once they fall down, the whole family will fall apart. .

Philanthropy is to solve the disadvantaged people who are difficult to take care of by ordinary social rules, to fill in the loopholes in this imperfect world, and to be an important cornerstone for the harmonious development of society.

Unless there is a thorough reform in the society, if the existing social operation mode is to be continued, charity is indispensable. Even if Ye Zishu has superb skills, it will be difficult to cover everything.

In the process of poverty alleviation, charitable funds will also investigate the poverty causes of the poor. If they can provide industrial poverty alleviation methods, they will cooperate with some enterprises to see if they can completely change the face of poverty.

At the same time, they are actively communicating with the government to promote the development of industrial poverty alleviation in remote areas, push the cause of poverty alleviation to a new height, and strive for more policy support for relevant enterprises.

Now that the country's economy is on the rise, the government also attaches great importance to poverty alleviation. The industrial poverty alleviation they proposed has been highly valued by the government and treated as an important measure for poverty alleviation.

Even in the countryside, Ye Zishu has heard a little about this movement, and has received widespread support from the society. Compared with simply providing poverty alleviation funds, this method of poverty alleviation is the solution to the fundamental problem.

After listening to Ye Ziqi's report, Ye Zishu decided to hand over the charity work carried out by its subsidiaries to this charitable fund. The company should still do purely commercial things and not be too distracted.

The first is the orphan charity jointly carried out by Qinglong Technology Company, Phoenix Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company. The three companies jointly formed a public welfare organization to operate this matter.

Although it seems perfect, it actually takes a lot of energy every year. After all, this non-profit organization is not a charity organization, because it was difficult to apply at that time, and it could only exist in the form of a commercial organization. This is an abnormal phenomenon.

Now he plans to cancel this nondescript existence, hand over this piece to the charity fund under Ye Zishu Foundation for management, and hand over the specific operation to Wancheng Foundation.

Because Wancheng Foundation itself has many similar commercial service projects. For example, they have a commercial elderly care service company under their umbrella. It is considered professional to let them manage it, and the money comes from charity funds.

In this way, the three companies only need to give the corresponding charitable funds to the charity fund every year, and then the charity fund will pay the money to Wancheng Foundation, and supervise the service quality and management of Wancheng Foundation.

In this way, the three companies will save a lot of trouble, and they don't have to pay additional taxes, and even the donated funds can save part of the tax. The advantages must outweigh the disadvantages.

The second is the educational charity carried out by Tai Chi Group. Although it is said to be compulsory education, in fact, there are still many areas where all fees are not exempted, which creates a greater burden for children from poor families to go to school.

In addition to charitable funding for poor school-age children to go to school, there are also charitable donations to rural basic education schools to improve the teaching environment and teachers' treatment.

For so many years, Taiji Group has spent a lot of money on this project every year, but before it cooperated with Project Hope.

Now he intends to hand over the charitable funds to the charitable foundation, and then the charitable foundation will cooperate with the Hope Project, and supervise and review the content of the cooperation.

In this way, the Taiji Group only needs to pay the money, and they don’t have to worry about the rest, which saves a lot of energy. Even if they cooperated with Hope Project before, they had to spend energy on supervision and review, which was very troublesome.

Ye Ziqi naturally has no objection to this. Anyway, she doesn't need to spend too much energy. The entire charity fund is run by the general robot.

Not only is the efficiency very high, but also the management is very convenient. You don’t have to worry about filling your pockets, and you can work hard without complaint, which is difficult for other charitable funds to do.

Even a lot of the work of the basic scientific research fund has been handed over to Universal Robots, otherwise Ye Ziqi would not have so much time to spend on the management of the law firm.

After such optimization, the structure of charity will be much simpler and clearer, and it will also help to make the charity fund under the Yeaf Book Foundation bigger and stronger.

Don’t think this is unimportant. He thinks it is very important. The bigger his charitable fund is, the more people trust it, and the greater the oppression of other charitable funds.

He has long been displeased with many charitable funds, which are full of bureaucracy, problematic style, and opaque internal operations. They have completely become a small kingdom and failed the hearts of donors across the country. harm.

Since he is unwilling to reform, he should squeeze their living space from the outside, and either be forced to accept reform, or die naturally. This is his real purpose of supporting the expansion and strengthening of his charity fund.

Last year, the charitable fund received a lot of donations from all walks of life, which shows that the society recognizes the operation mode of the charitable fund and the efficiency of the charitable fund.

It's just that because of the short time, there are still many people who don't know that there is such an excellent charity fund. He hopes that when others want to do charity, they will think of this charity fund immediately.

After talking about these things, Ye Zishu asked about Ye Ziqi's professional study. He didn't pay much attention to it before, and he never asked questions about it.

Ye Ziqi was also taken aback by his question, wondering why his eldest brother suddenly went crazy and asked her about her professional studies, so she didn't react.

Seeing Ye Ziqi's expression, Ye Zishu said: "I didn't care much before, the main reason is that you can do your own job well at that time.

Now that you have also used IQ-enhancing drugs, you should know how powerful this drug is, it can forcefully raise a person's talent by several notches.

After the second dose is used, although the effect is not as outstanding as the first dose, the talent will still be raised by a notch or two, making you even more extraordinary.

In addition, most of the affairs of the law firm are done by general-purpose robots. You don’t need to spend too much time on it, you just need to control the general direction.

Therefore, you have enough time to study politics, economy, culture, law, philosophy and other knowledge. It should not be too difficult to study these with your talent, and the efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary people! "

What Ye Zishu said made Ye Ziqi even more confused. She did continue to study legal knowledge in her spare time, but she did not dabble in other aspects.

Seeing that Ye Ziqi was listening carefully, Ye Zishu continued, "You have been running a law firm for more than half a year, and you have handled quite a few cases. Have you found any problems?"

"What's the problem?" Ye Ziqi asked.

"That is, where people think it is reasonable, it is often illegal, and where people think it is unconventional, it is often legal.

There should be many such violations of common sense. Some problems are problems at the cognitive level, and some problems are problems with the law itself.

So why do these legal provisions still appear? I think the biggest possibility is that modern law is an imported product, which is the result of our learning from advanced civilization at that time.

Does what we learned at that time necessarily fit our cultural genes? This is a question worthy of discussion, and it is also a question that we must take seriously.

If there is a long-term deviation from the legal and cultural foundations, it will lead to the gradual loss of the excellent qualities of our culture. This is a very important matter.

How to do? I think we need to have a deep understanding of our own cultural genes, a comprehensive analysis of our philosophical thinking, and a comprehensive research and understanding of our social organization forms.

We need to have a clearer research result on the social form and goals we want to build. This is an important reason why I let you study philosophy. Through philosophical speculation, we can have a clearer positioning for the future.

Then combine this knowledge to form a legal system that is compatible with our culture and has universal cognitive value, rather than simply borrowing it without comprehensively analyzing its pros and cons and cultural adaptability.

In the past, if you were asked to do so many things, you must have no skills at all. With your talent at that time, it was a bit difficult. Now it is different. With your current talent, you are qualified to undertake this arduous research task. "

When Ye Zishu said this, Ye Ziqi understood what he meant. It seemed that he wanted her to rebuild a legal system suitable for the foundation of our country's culture.

In fact, she is asked to build the civilization system that our country needs in the future. It must not only inherit the excellent cultural genes left over from the long history of our country, but also carry forward the past and open up the future, and propose new ideas that will help our country develop to a higher civilization.

This is to make him a builder in the field of cultural thought, not just learning the existing cultural system, let alone memorizing other people's great works by rote, and then copying what others say.

To be honest, Ye Ziqi felt a lot of pressure, and even felt that his elder brother thought highly of him. Although in terms of IQ, it had indeed reached an unprecedented level, in terms of IQ, it is estimated that few people could surpass him.

But some things can’t be done with a high IQ. It requires a wealth of knowledge accumulation, a deep understanding of society, and forward-looking thinking about civilization to make achievements.

"Is it a lot of pressure?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"There are some!" Ye Ziqi didn't bite the bullet and say that he could do it, but honestly admitted that he was under a lot of pressure.

"If I don't need to spend a lot of time researching scientific issues, I would like to do it myself, but you don't have to feel a lot of pressure, this is not something that happens overnight.

If five years are not enough, it will be ten years, and if ten years is not enough, it will be twenty years. As long as you persevere, there will always be some results, and you can communicate with your brothers and sisters if you have problems.

I see that your second brother is also studying political, social, economic and philosophical issues. Half of his home in Shanghai is used as a library, and there are quite a lot of books in it.

Perhaps the exchange of experience between you will have unexpected results. It is definitely not possible to work behind closed doors. You can also communicate with your peers when you have time to broaden your horizons.

Communication is also to understand the real problems in a faster way and more efficiently. Maybe it can become your short-term research task. After long-term accumulation, I think there will always be some results.

Even if you set a long-term goal for yourself, maybe after a few years, you will leave a strong mark in our cultural history, and you may even become a "female saint"! "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although this prospect is very attractive, Ye Ziqi doesn't dare to think about it. It's just that what he said is right. It is also a good choice to regard this as a long-term goal and make himself spend his time in vain.

"What task do you plan to arrange for Ye Ziqin?" Ye Ziqi asked suddenly.

Ye Zishu was also taken aback when he heard this, thought for a while and said, "She hasn't graduated from college yet, so she doesn't have any ideas for now, but I want to take her with me and study natural science with me, it depends on whether she is willing or not."

Regarding his plan, Ye Ziqi is noncommittal. The reason is that Ye Ziqin's character is relatively out-of-the-way, and it is not known whether she can settle down to study natural science.

If she is really taught by Ye Zishu, as long as she is not particularly lazy, it will be easy to cultivate. After all, Ye Ziqin's IQ is not bad, and her talent is enough.

This opportunity is so dreamed of by others, if it wasn't for his sister, he wouldn't even bother to take it with him, he hates trouble!

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