Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 947 Ye Zihua wants to build her own manor


On February 1st, the international crude oil price really fell below 20 US dollars per barrel. It was crazy that Ye Zishu had to pay attention to this information.

It is certain that such a low crude oil price will cause many oil-exporting countries to lose money. The more oil they produce, the greater the loss. They are completely reckless.

The reason is also very simple. During this period of time, Kirin Energy Industry Group still did not reduce the supply of fuel oil to the international market, and even exported a lot of natural gas.

This puts great pressure on oil-exporting countries. Although their oil is dug underground, oil is the pillar industry of many countries. Once their market share decreases, their countries may face economic difficulties.

In order to allow Kirin Energy Industry Group to sit at the negotiating table with them and reach an agreement on energy output, they also took great pains, and they must give the Energy Industry Group a little pain.

If the energy industry group does not feel the pain, they believe that they will not get any benefits at the negotiating table, which is the original intention of their concerted action.

The confidence for their actions comes from the cost accounting of fuel oil produced by Kirin Energy Industry Group, and they believe that reducing the price of oil to below US$40 will result in losses.

As a result, it stayed below $40 for a long time, and the energy industry group remained unmoved and continued to export fuel oil based on the international oil price at that time.

Seeing that the results did not meet expectations, they lowered the price of oil to below US$30 around December, thinking that this price would force Kirin Energy Industry Group to sit on the negotiating table.

As a result, one or two months later, Kirin Energy Industry Group still has no intention of submitting, and still sells fuel oil based on the real-time international oil price.

As a result, the two sides were at a stalemate, and the other party had to come to a ruthless one, directly reducing the international crude oil price to below 20 US dollars.

The reason is also very simple. If the stalemate continues at around US$30, everyone can only bleed to death slowly.

To be honest, if Kirin Energy Industrial Group calculates according to the normal cost, it is actually in a state of loss at a price below 40 US dollars. This is because their fuel oil is more valuable than crude oil and can be sold at a higher price.

However, according to the real cost calculation, even if the crude oil price falls below 10 US dollars, Kirin Energy Industrial Group will not lose money, but it will not make a profit.

However, with a huge domestic market, it is still able to maintain normal operations on the whole. The domestic market adopts fixed price supply and accepts the guidance of relevant state departments.

That is to say, regardless of whether the crude oil price in the international market is as low as $10 per barrel,

Still rose to 100 US dollars per barrel, the domestic terminal price of 98 gasoline can only be sold at 4 yuan per liter, and 100 gasoline can be sold at 4.5 yuan.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to make the domestic economy more stable and not be affected by international energy prices, and it is also a means of restricting Kirin Energy Industrial Group.

Regardless of whether it admits it or not, Kirin Energy Industrial Group has in fact completed its monopoly on the domestic energy market. If it completely follows the market, it is very likely that it will abuse its monopoly position to seek excess profits.

If the implementation is to guide the fixed price, the relevant state departments can leave reasonable profits for Kirin Energy Industry Group according to the current economic reality, so that the market monopoly position will not be effective.

Of course, the specific price will be negotiated between the two parties every year, but the price will never fluctuate greatly. It was based on this kind of thinking that it was agreed to supply energy products at a fixed negotiated price.

In addition to the domestic price of fuel oil that needs to be negotiated and fixed, the same is true for natural gas. Last year's negotiated price was 2.5 yuan per cubic meter of natural gas. Considering my country's current economy and residents' income, this price is not very expensive.

This year's negotiated fixed price has been negotiated and discussed in January, and the terminal energy price remains unchanged. It is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve price growth in the short term.

The reason is that with the current negotiated price of energy, Kirin Energy Industry Group still has a lot of profits. It is impossible for the government to give them the opportunity to raise prices under such circumstances.

In addition, the emergence of thermal radiation energy-absorbing field technology makes energy production costs lower. In this case, it is impossible to increase the price of terminal energy.

If it weren't for the fact that Kirin Energy Industry Group still needs to invest heavily in energy-related infrastructure and needs to be supported by profits, it is estimated that the negotiated fixed price will not rise but fall.

Kirin Energy Industry Group needs to spend a lot of money every year for the construction of the domestic backbone network. In the past, it was for their own convenience, but now the state basically entrusts them with this matter by default.

Due to the limitation of funds, State Grid is basically only focusing on the construction of consumer-side power grids. In fact, doing so is also the result of mutual constraints.

If all the smart grid facilities are built by the State Grid, it will not be able to spend so much money in the short term. Due to the rapid economic development of the country, the demand for electricity will explode in the short term.

Naturally, Ye Zishu has no objection to such an arrangement. Although he has no such idea, he is not sure that the management of Kirin Energy Industry Group will have any special ideas in the future.

Although checks and balances feel controlled by others, they are actually the most stable cooperative relationship. People do not have absolute freedom in the world, let alone enterprises or organizations. If they have such awareness early, they can avoid unnecessary troubles.

Ye Zishu had just read this message, and Ye Zihua ran to his study to communicate about this information, because there was a lot of room for manipulation.

The price of crude oil has fallen to such an extent, and the price of crude oil futures in March and April has basically fallen to the same level. According to Ye Zihua's prediction, this is already the limit.

If the price of crude oil drops further, there will be conflicts within the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. After all, except for several oil-producing countries in the Middle East whose oil production costs are around US$10 per barrel, the cost of other oil-exporting countries is around US$20.

What's more, there are other miscellaneous costs that have not been calculated. Now it can be regarded as the maximum that can be achieved. If it goes down, some countries may not be able to uncover it.

At this time, it is the time to backhand go long, and the password of whether the oil price will rise is still in the hands of Kirin Energy Industry Group.

As long as Kirin Energy Industrial Group and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries reach a relevant agreement to avoid the current vicious competition, the international crude oil price will immediately rise, which is beyond doubt.

According to Ye Zihua's forecast, the international crude oil price after the rise will remain at around US$50 per barrel for a long time, and may rise to more than US$60 in the short term.

The reason is that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries needs to make up for the loss during this period from the international market, and Kirin Energy Industrial Group will naturally not refuse to make more money.

There is more than 30 US dollars of operating space, even if you invest conservatively, you can get good returns, and it is almost a business that makes no money.

For Ye Zihua's idea, Ye Zishu thought about it and agreed, but he asked Tidal Investment Company to invest cautiously. Now that they have passed the stage of fighting for their lives, don't just stud.

If you can make a lot of money as expected, but if there is an accident, you will suffer heavy losses. In the future, investment should be based on stable profits.

Now that they have agreed, there will naturally be a series of arrangements in the future, and the two have communicated on these. However, during the period before the Spring Festival, Tidal Investment Company will slowly build positions.

As for the impossibility of negotiations during the Chinese New Year, at the same time, these oil-exporting countries should be given some color, which is more conducive to achieving strategic goals at the negotiating table.

After talking about work, Ye Zihua told Ye Zishu that he also wanted to build a manor in his hometown, but it didn't need to be as big as Ye Zishu's manor.

If it weren't for the private laboratory under this manor, Ye Zishu actually didn't think it would need to be so big, and usually there were not many people in the house, so it seemed a bit empty.

"Why do you suddenly want to build a new manor? Are you not used to living with your parents?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"I had a girlfriend in college, you should still remember?" Ye Zihua asked.

"Is it called Ning Ziyuan? I didn't see her with you last time I went to Shanghai!" Ye Zishu said.

"Yes, she is currently working in a department under the central bank. She is in the capital, so it is impossible for her to stay with me all the time, but we have not broken up and are still dating.

In a year or two, we will all be older, and if we don't get married, she may be cranky, so we should get married early, doesn't this need a wedding room? "Leaf Hua said.

"It's good, let Mommy hug her grandchildren early, and let her have some work!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"You agree?" Ye Zihua said.

"What are you talking about? It has nothing to do with whether I agree or not to build a house. It's not that you don't have the money to build it!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

Seeing Ye Zishu's angry expression, Ye Zihua smiled embarrassedly, mainly because Ye Zishu's prestige in his heart was getting higher and higher, and he unconsciously wanted to ask for his opinion.

"Does Mom and Dad know about this?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I haven't had time to tell them. I'll tell them about it later!" Ye Zihua said.

"It should be, but where do you plan to build it?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I'm going to buy a piece of land near the county seat to build a house. We can't move around here in the village, and I can live in my parents' house when I come back, so I won't build a house in the village." Ye Zihua said.

Although this is also a reason, Ye Zishu thinks the most important reason is because he has already built such a large manor here, and it would be a bit of an eyesore to build another big one here.

But to build a small one, Ye Zihua is not very willing, and it's not that he doesn't have money, the money in his hand is a bit too much to spend, and he is fully capable of building a super-large manor.

To buy a piece of land near the county seat, one is to keep a distance from Ye Zishu's manor, so even if the manor area is larger than this, there will be no problem.

The second is that it is very close to the county seat, so it is much more convenient to travel there. Although it only takes ten minutes to drive to the county seat, there is still a sense of distance.

"Where you build the house, how big the house is, and what kind of house you build, I don't care. You can figure it out yourself, but remember not to be too ostentatious!" Ye Zishu said.

"I know that!" Ye Zihua said with a smile.

Seeing Ye Zi's drawing, Ye Zishu thought about it, and felt that it would be more appropriate to have a child with Pei Qing. Pei Qing's age is already 30, which is not too young in this age.

Although she didn't say anything about it, no woman doesn't want to have a son and a half daughter. Thinking of this, he decided to go back and talk to Pei Qing about it.

In fact, he is not in a hurry to have a child, the reason is that the future life is too long, and there is no need to race against time to reproduce.

This is in line with the general law. The longer a person lives, the longer the reproduction time will be. If human beings achieve immortality one day, it is estimated that reproduction will become dispensable.

This is why he is more cautious about the matter of greatly increasing human life expectancy. Extending life expectancy is destined to slow down the speed of social iteration, and modern society requires rapid replacement. The two are in conflict to some extent.

Death sometimes means rebirth. Without death, there would be no rebirth. Without rebirth, there would be no progress. The longevity medicine that he took out now was just an attempt by him.

If it is still satisfactory, a slightly stronger longevity medicine will be produced later, which can bring the lifespan of human beings close to the limit allowed by the current genes, which is about 120 years old.

To obtain a longer lifespan than this cannot be achieved by simple technology, but requires the re-evolution of the human body, and research from the genetic level and the human body system level.

Although medicine and biotechnology are developing very fast now, especially Taiji Group and Qilin Agricultural Development Group, the related research in this area is outstanding in the world.

However, it is not so easy to break through the limitations that nature has given to human beings. Even if the genes are disassembled one by one, it seems that the function points can be analyzed, but after assembly, the situation is much more complicated.

As for the research on the systemic level of human life, modern science lacks a sufficient foundation. The so-called science in the West basically focuses on a single research field.

The reason is that single research is the simplest scientific research method, and it is also the easiest way to figure out the clues in the case of complex problems.

But things are often complicated, not determined by one or two firms, and the more advanced the research, the more common this situation will be.

The "Systematic Medicine" written by him actually made a basic exposition on the systemic level of the human body, and also summarized the important research results of traditional Chinese medicine in my country, and further extended and developed them.

It's a pity that this book has the lowest sales volume among all the medical books he wrote. Many people are a little confused after reading it, and some people understand it a little, but think it's not very useful.

The reason is that the complexity is much more difficult than other medical books, and most people can't understand it. Another reason is that it is both basic and high-end, and it is not at the same level as the existing medical system.

The basis is because when faced with complex systemic medical problems, this book belongs to the entry level and is a basic book for the development of higher medicine.

I say high-end because if you want to understand it, you need profound medical knowledge, and you also need to master the existing medical knowledge system. If you are only proficient in a certain medical field, reading this book has strong limitations.

From the sales volume of this book, we can see the stage of the current medical level. It is not an easy task to let the human life span break through the natural limit, or to make the human life span approach its own limit.

During this period of time, he is also sorting out technical materials related to human life expectancy. In fact, there are many ways to achieve a substantial extension of human life expectancy. As the saying goes, "all roads lead to Rome."

But the cost of each path is different. He needs to research the most suitable method at present, and it is not just a drug.

This time he plans to come up with two life-extending drugs. The first is a longevity-enhancing drug, which can make human life reach the natural limit of life, which is about 120 years old.

This is mainly for people who are close to each other, like Pei Qing's parents, and their very close relatives are good choices.

This medicine can be regarded as an explanation to some people. If Pei Qing sees him taking out the longevity medicine that breaks through the natural limit, she will definitely want to give it to her close people.

But this kind of situation is not allowed by Ye Zishu. The reason is that this kind of thing must not be spread, otherwise it will definitely cause a very big shock. Don't underestimate the temptation of super long life to human beings.

So this medicine can be regarded as a compromise method. If it really reaches an irreparable situation, he can also throw it out to the society to explain it, and circulate it directly in the whole society, so as to save himself from trouble.

The other is the super longevity medicine. Using this medicine, the human life span can theoretically reach thousands of years. It is already the first limit life span value for human beings to break through the natural limit.

It is also the best result that the existing technology can achieve. If he wants to continue to prolong his life, he naturally has a way, but the cost and price paid are a bit high.

At least the current super longevity medicine is enough to use, in fact, he is not sure, if people really live too long, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Naturally, this medicine will only be used by the closest people. At present, it is only planned to be used by my parents, and other people will not be able to use it for the time being. Moreover, this medicine can be used at any time of life, and there is no time limit for use.

As for when to take it out, he still needs to think about it. At least he is not in a hurry right now. The technology is now ready. If the materials are ready, he can make a batch first for analysis.

There are still more than ten days before the Chinese New Year. Apart from arranging the affairs of Tidal Investment Company, Ye Zihua needs to decide where to build his manor before the end of the year.

His father was also very concerned about this. Although he was a little dissatisfied with his son's building the manor near the county seat, he did not strongly object to it. When the children grew up, they couldn't do everything according to their parents' wishes.

Compared with staying outside all year round, if you really plan to live in the county, it will be fine, but unfortunately this idea is doomed to fail, and only Ye Zishu, who is considered a half-idle person now, has the opportunity to stay in his hometown all year round.

He does not currently hold any position in any of the companies under his umbrella. From a legal point of view, he can completely ignore the industries under his umbrella and live a free life.

It is also because of his continuous free-range development model that his subsidiaries have learned to be independent very early. Except for some technical matters that require him to ask him, other aspects can be handled by themselves.

This is also the reason why he naturally transitioned to a life like a wild crane. It seems that everyone has no sense of discomfort and no objection to this, and has lived a "semi-retired" life early.

His family's status in the county can be described by the words Delong Prestige. Needless to say, the economic development of the entire county is supported by his family.

In the past, the county's economic development relied heavily on Taiji Group. It can only be said that he has a greater influence on the county, while his family's influence on the county is average, and the number of people directly benefited is not too many.

It is different now. Although the output value of the pearl industry alone is not large, it benefits a large number of people and provides a huge number of direct jobs, not to mention indirect jobs.

In addition, he is relatively generous in the distribution of benefits, and many cooperative villages have benefited a lot. In addition, his father is usually willing to do good things, and has been highly praised by everyone.

Therefore, buying a piece of land in the county is actually not a big deal, and some people are even willing to sell their land to his family for the simple reason that they think that they will definitely not suffer a loss, at least it is much more profitable than selling it to a company.

After many selections, Ye Zihua chose a piece of land on the edge of the southeast urban area under construction. The land area is not small, about 500 mu.

In fact, Ye Zihua didn't want to buy such a large plot of land. The reason is that the eldest brother's manor is not that big.

It's just that the people nearby knew that he wanted to enclose land here, and desperately recommended their land, and wanted to sell all the surrounding land to him, so that they could get a lot of money.

Now we all know that farming can't make a lot of money, and according to this development trend, as long as the urban area expands further, the land will still have to be sold, and the price will definitely not be as high as that sold to private individuals.

Now that he had this rare opportunity, he naturally didn't want to let it go. Someone even approached his parents to sell the land to Ye Zihua.

A person in the county, as long as he is willing to find a relationship, can always find relatives who are usually out of reach. Out of face, his parents told Ye Zihua about this, but they didn't dare to agree casually.

In fact, his father also knew that too much land is not necessarily a good thing. Ye Zishu's small manor is located in a very remote place, and people don't pay much attention to it. It is often seen in two or three nearby villages, and other people don't feel it.

But if it's near the county town, it's a bit eye-catching. It doesn't fit their family's low-key style at all. Of course, with his family's influence, it is actually difficult to keep a low profile. They just keep a low profile and do things high profile.

As a result, in about 10 days, Ye Zihua was forced to give nearly 500 mu of land, and the price per square meter reached about 3,000 yuan. The prices for mountainous land and ponds were much lower, and the prices for paddy fields and dry land were also quite different.

Regardless of the fact that the average house price in the county has reached 8,000 yuan, if the land is expropriated by the government, the price is actually very low. Now it is estimated that it is only about 1,000 yuan per square meter, and the price of other poor land is even lower.

The only advantage is that the government will arrange work, and real estate companies will also issue discount coupons for house purchases. If you buy a house in the county, you will enjoy a 50% discount. Generally, there is only one set of discounts for each household.

Ye Zihua spent 1 billion yuan to buy these lands, and the purchase price per mu reached about 2 million yuan, which is definitely tempting for these land sellers.

If they were all paddy fields, it would cost more money. The reason why I was optimistic about this place is that it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the terrain is relatively high, so it will not be flooded due to floods.

Of course, Ye Zihua didn't suffer a loss, because the land was not considered as land for urban construction, but a homestead, and there was a high probability that it would not have to pay property taxes in the future.

Even the land use period is not subject to urban land use regulations. There are still many advantages. This can be done mainly because the relevant regulations on rural housing are not so strict now, so there is room for manipulation.

The manor like Ye Zishu is also a rural homestead. If it takes two years, it will be difficult to apply for such a large area of ​​homestead. Of course, it may not be as strict as the previous life.

The reason is that national food security does not depend so much on arable land, and if the northwest region is really developed, the area of ​​arable land will increase rapidly.

These regulations all depend on the resource situation. When the land is no longer restricted to development, the relevant policies will naturally be relaxed appropriately, so there is a high probability that it will be much more relaxed than in the previous life.

After buying the land, the following procedures will be easier. Ye Zihua invited Wancheng Jiye to help design the manor, with a total investment of 3 billion yuan.

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