Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 948 Selling its own missile defense system


On February 5th, Ye Zishu received the news that he had been waiting for for a long time. The short- and medium-range defense systems purchased by Yugoslavia from my country began to be delivered in batches.

In fact, Leaf Book started to ask Baihu Technology Company to promote this matter the year before last. I thought it would be settled soon, but it dragged on for so long.

The reason is that the total purchase price is too high. If the purchase quantity is small, the unit price will be very expensive. If the purchase is large, Baihu Technology is willing to sell at a discount.

However, the other party's domestic economic strength does not allow it, but in view of their own situation, they have a very strong demand for this kind of advanced military equipment, which is the main reason why the negotiations have not stopped.

Ye Zishu naturally didn't want to see what happened this year in his previous life. This was the reason why he tried his best to sell the short-to-medium range defense system to them.

This short-to-medium-range defense system is very advanced. It can be used to defend against missile attacks and fighter jet attacks. The longest defense distance has reached 500 kilometers.

In terms of their country's size, this distance is enough to defend the entire country, and it has absolute defense capabilities under the current international military level.

The system consists of a medium-range missile defense module, a medium-range laser pulse defense module, a short-range fire defense module, and a corresponding intelligent information system.

With this system, no matter how advanced the aviation military equipment is, it will be smashed into the sand. It is the most advanced set of foreign trade military defense systems.

Although there is no public quotation, in fact, the standard price of such a defense system is 10 billion yuan, which is the most expensive among all military equipment of the same type.

Because this matter is what Ye Zishu tried his best to facilitate, and it is also a lesson for Western countries, so that they should not use force to cause trouble everywhere.

And this is also an opportunity for my military equipment to shine internationally, so making money is not that important, and the price is naturally negotiable.

After more than a year of negotiations, it was finally determined that Baihu Technology is willing to give a 50% discount on the standard price. That is to say, the original price of a set of 10 billion yuan is now only 5 billion yuan.

In order to allow the other party to have enough defensive capabilities, you can allow the other party to pay on credit. You only need to pay 30% of the purchase price in the early stage, and you can pay 10% of the total amount every year. If you can’t pay for the time being, you can negotiate to postpone the payment.

This kind of preferential treatment is absolutely difficult to happen in other countries, but there is also a requirement, that is, the number of one-time purchases must reach 50 sets, which means that the total purchase amount is 250 billion yuan.

For a country with a small population and shrinking economy in recent years, this is actually a bit difficult, which is why it has been delayed until now.

In their view, although they urgently need this batch of defense systems, they don't need so many. They want to reduce the number to 10 sets, so that they will not have much pressure to pay.

But Ye Shu believes that this amount of defense system is not enough to guarantee their absolute safety, and even if they buy it again once a war breaks out, we will not sell it to them.

Before the war started, our country tried to sell these equipment to them as much as possible. If we missed this opportunity, there would be no more in the future, so there was such a strange request.

To be honest, as for whether they can pay the follow-up payment, Ye Zishu actually doesn't care, even if they only pay the first 30% of the payment, it has already paid back.

The cost of a lot of equipment of Baihu Technology Company is actually not high. Most of the technology is provided by Ye Zishu. The research and development cost is very low, the production automation is very high, and the personnel cost is not particularly high.

In addition, they have a lot of business, and they don't expect to make a lot of money by accepting such an order. As long as they can achieve his strategic goals, it is not a loss if they can get back their capital.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, on the second day after the agreement was reached, our country dispatched a large strategic transport plane to start delivering equipment to the other party, and relevant technical personnel also went to guide them.

In fact, this defense system is very simple to use, it can be used directly in any suitable place, and the execution of tasks can be completely entrusted to the intelligent system.

Of course, the level of intelligent system mentioned here is actually not too high, and it is not at the same level as the level of intelligence of weapons and equipment used in China, but it is enough to meet the needs of this system.

50 sets of defense systems, with 5,000 defensive missiles, if the opponent dares to launch a fighter plane within the defense range, there will be no return.

If the opponent's missiles are coming, in fact, there is no need for missiles to intercept them, just use high-energy laser pulses to intercept them, and the effect against missile attacks is very significant.

Under normal circumstances, this high-energy laser pulse defense system is not included in this system, but an independent system. This time it is special, so it is given to them.

The purpose is to fear that the war will exceed expectations, and the scale will be very large. The missiles they buy cannot meet the demand, and the high-energy laser pulse defense system will come in handy at that time.

As long as they have enough power support, the high-energy laser pulse defense system can continue to use until the relevant parts are damaged, but it is not difficult to replace the relevant parts. The continuous combat capability is incomparable to the missile defense system.

It took our country 10 days and 200 sorties of strategic transport aircraft to transport all the equipment to the other country. At the same time, the personnel dispatched in the past are actively guiding them to deploy the system.

On the day of the Chinese New Year, Ye Zishu received a report from Baihu Technology Company that their staff had guided the completion of all system deployment tasks, and most of the staff had withdrawn to the country.

Only one or two staff members stay in the local area, the purpose is to provide direct guidance if there is a problem, and the remaining people are actually general-purpose robots.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu felt that it was necessary to install a defense system for the embassy there as well, just in case, and asked him to submit the proposal to the relevant department, hoping to complete the work as soon as possible.

In fact, during this period of time, the situation is getting more and more critical. As long as anyone with a discerning eye can see that the situation may develop in a worse direction, it is very necessary to prepare early.

On the first day of the new year, the other party announced the news to the outside world, claiming to have purchased 50 Tiannv air defense systems from our country and deployed them.

After the news was announced, everyone knew the news. Before that, everyone did not get the relevant news. There are many reasons.

First of all, the strategic transport aircraft used by our country is used for transportation tasks, and the biggest feature of strategic transport aircraft is stealth, and at the same time, it can fly at super high altitudes, and the range is very long, without refueling midway.

Therefore, the radar system is very difficult to find, and the satellites in the sky can only be found by scanning, otherwise it is also difficult to find, not to mention that Baihu Technology has already calculated the orbits of military reconnaissance satellites from other countries.

The second is that some countries don't take the other side seriously. The reason is that the other side's strength is too weak, and they don't need to use too much power to monitor them all the time.

What's more, they are still arguing on the negotiating table, and it is normal for them not to pay attention to some small actions. After all, investing these forces requires a huge cost.

In response to the news released by the other party, our country can only explain the situation to the outside world, claiming that this is a normal military trade and does not target any third party.

In fact, Baihu Technology Company did not sell any defense system to the outside world before, and did not even recommend it in particular. It only recommended aviation and military equipment to the outside world.

Therefore, no one outside knows how powerful our country's defense system is, and we have no intention of explaining it.

This has caused the outside world to speculate about how this defense system is. Some people think that the ability is not strong. Otherwise, it has been shown for a long time, so it is unlikely that it has not been sold internationally.

There are also people who don't think so. According to our country's tradition, the more good things are, the more they must be kept. It is precisely because there is no external sales that it shows that the strength is very strong.

Regarding the status of this defense system, whether it is domestic or international, there is a lot of debate, and the action to inquire about the performance of this system is naturally being carried out closely.

In fact, it is the buyer, who is not very clear about the real combat power of this system. We told them all the combat power levels.

There are two main reasons why the other party can buy it under such circumstances. The first is that they really need such weapons and equipment urgently, and internationally, they can only buy them from us.

The second is the trust in the performance of our country's weapons and equipment. Although we have not sold such a defense system, we are outshone in other military equipment.

In the thinking of normal people, this is enough to show how strong our country's military technology is, and the technical level of the defense system produced will naturally not be much worse.

Naturally, people are not very satisfied with our somewhat perfunctory remarks, especially some countries that are already careful, and they continue to criticize.

It's a pity that our country now has the strength to act according to our own ideas, and there is no response to their noise. It's like watching a clown performing himself, as long as we enjoy watching it.

Ye Zishu didn't take this matter too seriously. During the Chinese New Year, it was still the same as before, and it was a necessary process every year to visit relatives with parents.

This time, Pei Qing's favorability for her relatives has increased a lot. Naturally, the reason is that every family has given away robot pets. The topic of robot pets has become one of the hottest topics during the Chinese New Year.

The main reason is the effect brought by the spread of the Internet. In fact, many small cities do not have distribution of goods. Only large cities with an urban population of more than 3 million have robot pet stores.

But I couldn't bear it when someone bought it and posted it on the Internet. Various videos about robot pets emerged one after another, and there were often a lot of viewers.

Coupled with the gradual popularity of emerging video social platforms such as Douyin, it is easier and more convenient to shoot such short videos. Recording the cute moments of robot pets has become one of the joys of life for many people.

As a result, even the residents of small counties are no strangers to robotic pets, and some even want to buy them, but there is no specialty store in the county, and there is nowhere to buy them.

The robot pets that Pei Qing gave just satisfied the feelings of many relatives who wanted one, and the price was not cheap, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

The popularity of robot pets was not even predicted by Ye Zishu. In fact, even Kirin Basic Industries Group did not expect it. The reason is that the price is too expensive.

Buying a robot pet is likely to cost a person's salary for one year, and if you want to buy a more expensive one, it may be two years' salary.

Therefore, at the beginning, the buyers of robot pets were targeted at people with relatively affluent families. Therefore, when setting prices, they did not think about popularization. Instead, they raised the prices appropriately.

Unexpectedly, during the Chinese New Year period, their sales were much more popular than expected. In just over a month, their total sales reached over one million sets.

According to this sales speed, it is very likely that the number of units sold this year will reach 10 million units, and the production capacity they have built may be fully digested by the market.

If calculated on an average of 200,000 yuan per set, the robot pet industry alone can create an output value of 2 trillion yuan per year, which is not a small scale.

Moreover, as everyone's income continues to increase, the number of purchases of such high-end consumer goods will naturally increase. The scale of output value formed by domestic market demand alone may reach the level of 10 trillion yuan per year.

Therefore, he is not afraid at all that the income of the domestic people will be too high, causing domestic asset prices to skyrocket and causing inflation and other problems. His industries will always have a way to recover the money sent out.

Compared with the popularity of robot pets, the market performance of Qinglong Technology's domestic service robots is not so hot, and the reason is actually very simple.

That is, the price is more expensive. Although the robot pet is not cheap, at least it is your own when you buy it. Based on the 10-year use period, it is only 20,000 yuan per year, which is acceptable to many families and even individuals.

However, domestic service robots are not purchased directly, but are hired to serve themselves. They need to pay service fees every year, and the annual service fees are very expensive, which is unaffordable.

The Chinese New Year itself is also a busy period for domestic service, and it is also a time when human resources are scarce in the domestic service market. After all, many domestic service personnel also need to celebrate the New Year.

But even so, the employment of their domestic service robots is not very optimistic. The specific data comes from Wancheng Foundation.

According to statistics, the number of domestic service robots currently hired on an annual basis is only 50,000, and the number of short-term employment during the Chinese New Year is only 1.5 million.

Long-term employment income is actually easy to calculate. The total income is 25 billion yuan. There is no fixed number for short-term employment. Some people may just hire domestic service robots to cook a meal.

Some people may just hire a domestic service robot to take care of a child temporarily, so there is no fixed number of service hours at all, and it is difficult to predict the follow-up income.

However, according to their current statistics, the average income of domestic service robots is about 500 yuan per service, that is to say, the income of domestic service robots doing odd jobs during the Chinese New Year is also 750 million yuan.

If the current short-term employment situation can be maintained, the annual short-term employment market size is about 10 billion yuan, which is 35 billion yuan in total.

It looks like a lot, but in fact, this kind of revenue scale is far from meeting their market expectations, and compared with the robot pet market, it is not at the same level.

The annual production capacity of Qinglong Technology's domestic service robots is 1 million units. According to such market expectations, it is estimated that it will be difficult to absorb such a large production capacity.

At present, the number of domestic service robots employed by Wancheng Foundation has reached 100,000 units. According to the current income, it has not reached the expected saturation working state at all.

That being the case, it is natural to summarize the reasons. They believe that there are three main reasons. The first reason is the high price. Whether it is long-term employment or short-term employment, the price is relatively expensive.

Long-term employment requires 500,000 yuan per year. Unless you are really rich, small rich families have to think twice to see if it is really necessary, let alone ordinary families. It is simply not something they can afford.

The price of short-term employment is not cheap. The hourly employment price has reached 200 yuan. If the cost is calculated according to the time, it is much higher than the long-term employment cost.

The second reason is that the scale of the domestic service market itself is not very large. Many people who are in charge of the house have grown up working and are not lazy.

As long as you can do something, you will not spend money to hire people to do it, unless you can't do it yourself, or you don't have time to do it, you will spend money to hire people.

This involves the issue of consumption concepts, not that they are unwilling to spend money, but that they like to spend money in real places, and the concept of paying for services is still relatively weak.

The third reason is that the traditional concept of employing people plays an obstructive role. Compared with hiring domestic service robots, if they really need it, they are more willing to hire ordinary domestic workers.

One is that it is relatively cheaper to hire ordinary housekeepers, and the other is that people still feel that robots are a bit unreliable for housekeeping services. Although it seems perfect at the press conference, no one knows what the actual situation is.

No matter what the reason is, they feel that it is difficult to solve it. If the price is lowered, will the employment opportunities of ordinary domestic service personnel be reduced.

As for consumer attitudes, they cannot be changed overnight. This requires a long-term guidance process, and it is difficult to change in a short period of time.

Ye Zishu took the time to look at the situation on their side, and felt that there was still a problem with their business thinking, and they treated domestic service robots as a traditional industry.

He believes that to promote domestic service robots as soon as possible, the main thing is to let people taste the sweetness. When a person has never enjoyed high-quality services, he naturally has no thoughts.

Conversely, when a person can enjoy high-quality services every now and then, a habit can gradually be formed. As long as a habit is formed, are consumers afraid that consumers will not pay?

He made Wancheng Jiye and Hummingbird Life Service Company reach a cooperation. At present, Hummingbird Life Service Company has a very high number of users of the life service platform, which is very beneficial to provide services to more people.

Then use Internet thinking to operate, provide a large number of discount coupons, even limited-time free coupons, etc., so that everyone can try early adopters at a cheaper price.

Don’t think about making a lot of money in the early stage, but cultivate the market first. As long as the market is large enough, no matter whether it is a domestic service robot or an ordinary domestic worker, there will be room for development.

Moreover, Wancheng Foundation may not necessarily suffer serious losses during these promotional activities. At most, it will just make less money. In addition, they do not have fierce market competition, so they don't have to worry about not making money in the future.

Ye Zishu sorted out these ideas and sent them to Wancheng Jiye. In fact, such ideas can also be tried in their other service industries, which will help expand the development of related domestic service industries.

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