Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 950: Giving the mansion in the county to Ye Ziqin


After the Chinese New Year, life seems to be back to a busy state. Ye Ziqi and Ye Zihua went out to work. Ye Ziqin just returned to school after celebrating the Lantern Festival at home. It is possible to go home for a day or two every weekend.

My father also started to be busy with the affairs of the two companies. Although the business can still operate normally without him, if he doesn't go to work, he will feel very boring.

Since his mother took IQ-enhancing drugs, her memory and comprehension skills have been greatly improved. Learning to read characters used to be a difficult task, but now she is making rapid progress.

Relying on the online education platform of New Oriental Education Group, the amount of literacy reached hundreds of characters every day. Before the Lantern Festival, he was basically familiar with common Chinese characters.

In addition to continuing to learn rare characters, she has started to study systematic learning subjects. Her goal is to spend one or two years to learn all the content of the basic education stage.

When she was young, she didn't have the opportunity to study, and when she grew up, she started to marry and have children. After a long time, she got better, and as she got older, her brain was not so bright, and she always felt slow in learning things.

Now finally, with the help of IQ-enhancing drugs, her brain has not only returned to the state of youth, but also surpassed the IQ of ordinary people, which made her feel even more powerful.

Originally, I didn't have such a desire for knowledge, just like people who have never seen the colorful world outside, naturally they would not be full of yearning for the colorful world outside.

But once he sees it, there will inevitably be desire in his heart. For the same reason, when his mother learned to read, she naturally wanted to learn more knowledge, which could not only pass the boring time, but also give her a sense of accomplishment.

In the process of continuous self-transcendence, the sense of self-satisfaction and achievement from the heart is incomparable to material satisfaction, and even the spirit has been sublimated.

Now their family does not have to worry about money, and it is difficult to obtain the previous satisfaction from money and other material things, and the pursuit of spiritual satisfaction has become a matter of course.

Now whenever his father goes to work in the county, his mother will come to his home to study with the elder son and the daughter-in-law, which has never happened before.

Although Ye Zishu and Pei Qing also studied in the past, they would not get together. Pei Qing needs books or read books from the Internet platform to read books, and Ye Zishu usually reads books in the virtual library.

The two of them were not reading the same kind of books. Originally, although there were pictures in his manor, there were not many books in it, and the reason was that he couldn't use them at all.

But now that Pei Qing has lived here for a long time, if the relationship between the two is always stable, this situation will continue forever, so she tidied up the originally empty picture.

The picture of their house is a single three-story building,

It covers an area of ​​one mu, and the standard book collection can reach 1 million volumes, which is enough for a family book collection.

So when Pei Qing lived here last year, the most purchased thing was books, the collection of which had reached 100,000 volumes, most of which Pei Qing had never read.

Just let the smart housekeeper buy it by itself according to the value of the book, and then the courier company in the county uses the drone to deliver it to the home, and then the general-purpose robot at home organizes it and puts it on the map.

In the past, it would have been almost impossible to read these books. Even if you read one book every three days, it would take more than 800 years to read 100,000 volumes, not to mention that the collection can reach 1 million volumes.

But it's different now. Since Pei Qing took the IQ-enhancing drug, it doesn't take that long to read a book. It only takes half an hour to finish reading a book.

Only for books with a certain depth, it seems that careful consideration is required. Even so, a large book can be read in as little as half a day, and as long as a day is enough.

In fact, as more knowledge is accumulated, the efficiency of reading books will be higher. The reason is that there will be fewer and fewer new things. Even a book can be read in ten minutes because there is no new knowledge.

Of course, Pei Qing can't reach this level yet, but Ye Zishu reads with her mother, and she doesn't spend as much time flipping through the books as she does holding them.

He had to call five general-purpose robots to help them carry books. He usually finished flipping through a book in a few minutes, and could even retell the contents inside.

This terrifying ability to read books made Pei Qing stunned when she saw it. She felt that he was not reading a book, but turning the pages of a book, as if she could read a page at a glance.

At first, Pei Qing thought that he was putting on airs and wanted to test him, but no matter which page Pei Qing asked him to retell the contents of the book, he could recite it verbatim.

She was even able to talk about the content and viewpoints of the whole book, and summarize them all. Since then, Pei Qing has ignored him, and she is no stranger to his ability to read books.

However, this kind of reading ability made his mother a little unbearable. The universal robot walked back and forth around her, which especially affected her concentration.

In fact, Ye Zishu does not deliberately remember these contents. Some books are actually not very valuable, so there is no need to spend brain capacity to memorize the contents inside.

However, he has the ability of photographic memory, even if he does not deliberately remember, he will leave a deep memory trace in his mind, unless after a long time, he will gradually forget the content of low value.

Fortunately, he only stayed here to read for an hour or two, which was considered to be with Pei Qing and her mother. The rest of the time he usually went to the laboratory, even if he was not working, he would enter the virtual library to read in the laboratory.

However, reading the books in reality during this time, there are fewer and fewer books that make him feel valuable. Don't look at the huge number of books, they are actually just copying each other's opinions.

In the past, he didn't read many realistic books. When he was a child, his family was poor, and he didn't have that much money to buy books for him. It took a lot of effort from his parents to be able to go to school.

When he grows up, he goes to university and is busy with his career. He also has no special time to read a lot of real books. If he really wants to discuss the content of books with bookworms, he may not win.

Reading real books during this period of time can be regarded as giving him an understanding of the current situation in the fields of humanities, technology, philosophy, etc., and it can be regarded as making up for his lack in this regard.

But as he read more books, he felt more and more boring. Even if it was literary content, there were not too many interesting stories.

The most important thing is that with his IQ, he can see many traces of other books from a book at a glance. Even if it is hidden deeply, it is difficult to escape his eyes.

So he thought about whether to bring the books in the virtual library into reality, which would help improve the humanistic level in reality and promote the improvement of civilization.

In the past, he only focused on content learning in the field of science and technology. The reason is that the country is poor, and learning the content of liberal arts does not play a big role. Only by working hard to develop science and technology can the country become rich in a short time.

Although the country has not yet reached the level of wealth he imagined, it is more than a little bit better than before. Most of them now have no worries about food and clothing, and their living conditions have improved even more.

Even without his participation, relying on the technical foundation he left behind and the innovation brought about by artificial intelligence's participation in economic and scientific research activities, it is enough to make the country more and more prosperous.

Just how strong the capabilities of artificial intelligence are can be seen from the development speed of the two companies, Starlight Group and Xinghuo Group. In just two years, they have achieved tens of trillions of yuan in revenue.

If there is no accident, the revenue of the two groups will probably reach tens of billions of yuan this year. In terms of organizational capabilities, management efficiency, innovation capabilities, and simulation computing capabilities, they are not comparable to humans.

If Ye Zishu completely let go, as time goes by, the major groups he created before will become more and more weak in the competition.

Of course, the current competition between them belongs to the category of limited competition. They will only compete where the other party is not doing well enough. If the other party has obvious advantages in a certain field, they will not deliberately enter each other's field at present.

The purpose of doing this is to keep the competition in a benign state, while maintaining a certain degree of competitive vitality, so as to avoid being taken advantage of by other companies due to the lack of internal competition and losing the market.

It can be said that Ye Zishu has fewer and fewer things to worry about in terms of economy and technology, which is why he spends more and more time at home.

So does our country really sit back and relax? He doesn’t think that, in fact, due to time, our country’s economic and technological development has progressed rapidly, but in other respects, it has not yet reached the level that matches its economic status.

Earlier, Ye Zishu asked Ye Ziqi to read more books, and then put forward his own views and thoughts, but this was only a long-term plan, and he actually didn't think that relying on one person could play a decisive role.

What's more, the accumulation of knowledge takes a long time, and it is not easy to innovate on the basis of predecessors. Even if Ye Ziqi's IQ is very high, it may not be able to do it well, just try it temporarily.

But he is different. In addition to having a super high IQ, he also has a huge amount of knowledge waiting for him to discover, and he does not need to rely entirely on innovation to obtain it. This is his advantage.

Regardless of the virtual library, he used to read only technical materials, and most of the content he learned in the virtual classroom was mainly science and mathematics.

In fact, there are other books in the virtual library, and the number is also inexhaustible, but due to his limited energy, he has to make a choice.

It's different now, there are fewer and fewer things that he needs to worry about outside, even if there is something, he will order others to carry it out, and it won't take him much time.

As for his own research projects, they are all projects that he is interested in. For example, the field theory that he has studied hard during this period is the knowledge that he is very interested in.

However, the learning of this knowledge is not particularly urgent. Without this knowledge, it will not affect the development of outside affairs, and such an advanced knowledge system, he does not plan to promote it on a large scale now.

Therefore, he has enough time to study humanities and social science knowledge in the virtual library, which is conducive to expanding his understanding of social development and looking at problems from a higher ideological height.

And he doesn't have to worry too much about copying these books into the real world. It's much better than most of the ideas now come from abroad, at least this is also considered part of our civilization.

Thinking about this, Ye Zishu changed his original plan and planned to devote two to three hours a day to study the humanities and social sciences in the virtual library.

He thinks it is very meaningful to copy the content that he thinks is good to the real world, some of which can be distributed externally, and some are only provided for family members to watch.

On March 10, his father came back from the county seat at noon and told him that it was finally time to deliver the top luxury house that his family bought in the county seat.

Originally, this matter had little to do with him. In his eyes, the money was spent by his father, and he planned to register it in his father's name. Everything was decided by his father.

In the end, he didn't expect his father to force him to take a look. If he thought it was appropriate, he would formally sign a purchase agreement with Wancheng Foundation and pay the money.

The reason is also very good, that is, the money belongs to Ye Shu, and it is only in his account in name, and his father has considered it again and again, and does not intend to hang the house in his name.

I used to think that everyone in the family would have a place to stay in the county, but now all the children are so promising, especially Ye Zihua, who built a manor near the county with such a large area.

Ye Ziqi also has her own business. Although it is still in the development stage, it is not too bad for money. Ye Ziqin is still in college, so no matter how bad it is in the future, she will not be particularly short of money.

Therefore, his father felt that there was no need to buy a house in the county in his name. Seeing that his father was so firm, Ye Shu didn't continue to persuade him, thinking it was unnecessary.

This house can be described as a mansion in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, it is just that. To be honest, he thinks it is not a good thing to have too many houses.

If Wancheng Jiye hadn't ambushed him and forced him to buy it, he wouldn't even bother to buy this luxury house, since his home is not very far from the county seat anyway.

Moreover, living in the village is much quieter than living in the county. He really can't think of the need to live in the county. Now the drone delivery service is becoming more and more mature and common.

Not to mention being able to receive express delivery delivered by drones at home, even if you order takeaway at home, the drone can deliver the takeaway to his home within half an hour, but there is no need for his home to order takeaway.

Ye Zishu called Pei Qing, called Ye Ziqin, and asked him to wait for them at the gate of the Tianfu Building in the county, and then drove to the county with his father.

When they arrived at the Tianfu Building in the county seat, they saw Ye Ziqin waiting in the square, called Ye Ziqin, and the family met with the person in charge of the Wancheng Foundation project.

They took the independent elevator on the top floor. This elevator can only be used by the family who bought the mansion on the top floor, and it is not available for outside use.

In addition, there is a spare elevator, which is not usually activated. It will only be activated when the elevator in use is being repaired or in an emergency, mainly as a precaution.

The normal running speed of the elevator is 10 meters per second. This speed is not particularly fast. Like the super high-rise building they built in Lujiazui, Shanghai, the speed of the elevator is twice this.

So if you go up and down the stairs, it takes about 19 seconds in the elevator every time. Of course, you can also actively adjust the speed of the elevator, but the speed is too fast, and the riding experience is not particularly good.

Although the entire first floor is the area of ​​the mansion, there is still a large isolation area between the elevator and the entrance of the mansion. It is mainly for safety reasons, and it can also be used to store some sundries.

Passing through the isolation area is the gate of the mansion. After the project leader opens the door, there is a porch behind the porch, bypassing the porch, and there is a rest area. Next to the rest area are functional areas such as a cloakroom and grooming preparation room.

To be honest, the interior decoration is still very careful, without deliberately making it magnificent. While reflecting the rich and noble family, it also looks elegant and intellectual, without the feeling of nouveau riche.

The materials used are very particular. The project leader said that these are the top materials among similar materials. Ye Zishu does not have any special equipment and can't see any major problems. I guess they dare not lie to the boss.

The area of ​​the first floor is as high as 12,000 square meters, the living area occupies an area of ​​4,000 square meters, the study and entertainment area occupies an area of ​​4,000 square meters, and the rest is the fitness area and collection area.

Ye Zishu is quite satisfied with this layout, especially there is a huge book area inside, which is a very good environment for reading and studying.

The fitness area not only has common fitness equipment, but also a large swimming pool. As for the sauna room and massage room, needless to say, there is also a large health room, which stores a lot of necessary medicines and medical equipment.

It took more than an hour for everyone to go through this floor, and then came to the top-floor terrace. When everyone climbed to the top-floor terrace, what appeared in front of them was the Lingtai Pavilion.

Not only can I see the small bridge and flowing water, but also many trees. As for the flower beds and landscape plants, it is full of them. It is completely impossible to tell that this is the top floor of the 188-meter building.

To be honest, drinking tea and playing chess in the gazebo here in hot summer is very pleasant. In the northwest corner, there is also a helipad with a large area.

The family strolled around this sky garden and were very satisfied, especially his parents, who had never seen such a garden landscape in the south of the Yangtze River, naturally liked it very much.

Ye Zishu also thinks it is very good. It is also a good idea to spend some free time here in a daze. It is also a pleasure to sit in the yard with a few books and read them.

After reading it, Ye Zishu and the person in charge of the project began to talk about the transaction. It was just an estimate before, and they thought it would cost about 20,000 yuan per square meter.

As a result, their quotation reached 25,000 yuan per square meter, because a lot of special materials were used in the garden construction.

For example, the floor tiles used in the garden are not ordinary floor tiles, but special materials, which are not only particularly durable, but also prevent corrosion caused by open rain.

If it is purchased, it will cost a total of 600 million yuan. This price has far exceeded previous expectations, and his father was a little hesitant when he heard it.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu felt that it was quite pertinent. In fact, Wancheng Jiye did not make much money in this quotation. You must know that there is a functional floor downstairs, and there is a bonus half a floor of space.

In the future, this place must be the central area of ​​the county. Not to mention the money spent on such luxurious decoration, even the simple floor price is estimated to be 20,000 yuan per square meter.

Just when his father was about to bargain, Ye Zishu agreed first. If it was sold to others, with such quality, the price would be at least 40,000 yuan per square meter.

It's a pity that no one in the entire county would be able to buy such a luxury house. If you were bargaining, there would be no need for it. In addition, his family is not short of money, so there is no need to haggle over every detail.

It's just that when signing the contract, Ye Zishu asked Ye Ziqin to sign it. He planned to give this house to Ye Ziqin, which was why he called Ye Ziqin over.

Ye Zishu gave Ye Ziqin a courtyard house in the capital, which is also worth 500 million yuan. Naturally, one cannot favor one over the other. It just so happens that the price of this house is also 600 million yuan, which is about the same.

When Ye Ziqin heard that her elder brother wanted to give this house to her, she didn't dare to sign it. She looked at her parents, then at her sister-in-law Pei Qing, and couldn't make up her mind for a while.

Seeing Ye Ziqin's cautious look, Ye Zishu said angrily: "Could it be that elder brother can still harm you, sign it quickly so that Dad can go through the follow-up procedures.

I gave your sister a courtyard house in the capital, this house is given to you, it is considered impartial, and you can use it usually. "

Hearing what he said, his father said: "Since the eldest brother gave it to you, you can accept it!"

Pei Qing originally wanted to express her opinion, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say anything. Whether she agreed or not, it had nothing to do with her. After all, she hadn't registered her marriage with Ye Zishu.

"That's good, if you come to the county to go shopping in the future, you can also rest here with your sister-in-law, and have a place to stay!" Ye Ziqin said with a smile.

After saying this, Pei Qing, who was a little embarrassed at first, suddenly felt no embarrassment. This shows that in Ye Ziqin's heart, she is still Ye Zishu's real wife, which can be regarded as resolving the embarrassment of her identity.

After Ye Ziqin signed her name on the house purchase contract, she didn't have to worry about the rest of the matter, and the project leader didn't have to go through the procedures to get the key like other transactions.

He directly gave the key to Ye Ziqin, and took Ye Ziqin to modify many settings, mainly the settings of the elevator and door locks. In the future, except for Ye Ziqin who can enter and exit freely, everyone else needs permission.

After finishing all this, Ye Zishu took Pei Qing and her mother back to the countryside. Ye Ziqin still had to go to school, and his father had to go through the next procedures.

This is just a small episode, Ye Zishu's life immediately returns to calm, every day is spent in reading and researching, life is really carefree.

Pei Qing followed him, but she gradually got used to this kind of life, and she didn't feel so boring every day. The two lived a fairy-like life.

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