Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 951 It finally happened as scheduled!


On March 24th, Ye Zishu received a news feed when he woke up in the morning. What should have happened finally happened, but unexpectedly, the date did not change.

This is something he didn't expect. Could it be that the missile defense systems he sold were ignored by others? Could it be that the influence of our country has not even affected this trajectory?

The only thing to be thankful for is that the 20 sorties of bombers and fighter jets dispatched by BY were all shot down under the air defense missile system.

It is precisely because of this that the start of the war was a major event, but unexpectedly, the menacing by air force crashed into the sand, making the news even more explosive.

During breakfast, even Pei Qing chatted with him about this matter, not to mention the traditional media's extensive reports, and the Internet was also arguing about it.

It can be seen how hot the news is, and at the same time, it has also made our country's air defense system famous internationally. The so-called advanced fighters are so vulnerable to advanced air defense systems.

"Then why do you need a bicycle?" By purchasing these air defense systems directly, you can ensure that the territory is worry-free. Compared with the expensive price of air force equipment, the difficulty of training, and the cost of maintenance, buying an air defense system will save a lot of money.

It's just that they didn't know the price clearly. A set of 100 missiles for an air defense system costs as much as 10 billion yuan, which is much more expensive than all current missile systems.

It is equivalent to a cost of 100 million yuan for one. This is not a strategic missile, but a short-to-medium range missile. This price seems a bit expensive, even more than twice as expensive.

But there is a reason why you are expensive. The news has revealed that this air defense system is almost flawless. The missiles used to intercept hit 100%, and none of them slipped through the net.

Due to the intelligent guidance and advanced auxiliary facilities, the tactical actions performed by fighter planes in the past are completely useless in front of this missile defense system.

As long as it is locked, there is no way to escape except to escape the attack distance of the missile. This is its strength, completely ignoring those fancy movements.

In fact, even if there is no radar lock, it can also play a defensive role. It has to be said that the remote sensing satellite system of Baihu Technology Company, in front of it, the so-called stealth function is completely useless.

As long as the position of the fighter plane is determined, the missile can be launched towards the area. As long as the fighter plane is within the optical line of sight of the missile, there is no need for radar to lock it, and there is no need to calculate the trajectory in advance.

Like the human eye, the missile can stare at the opponent by using optical technology. Because it has a certain degree of intelligence, it will not be misled by the tactical actions of the fighter at all, and it appears to be very smart.

The above is the defense method formulated for stealth fighters, because my country's advanced radar cannot be exported,

This is the only way to do it, but the effect is not bad.

As for non-stealth fighters, let alone being locked on by ground radar, even if they are locked on by the radar system of the missile in the air, there will be nowhere to escape.

The reaction of the domestic public was actually very stunned. They did not expect that since our country's air defense system is so advanced, they had never heard of it before. They were just very surprised.

For foreign people, the situation is more complicated. People in some countries rejoice, as if this victory was achieved by them, and celebrate it on the Internet.

People in some countries yelled at them. Of course, it was not our country, but the military and military enterprises of their own country. It turned out that the military equipment that boasted miraculously was so vulnerable.

Ye Zishu glanced at the news platform for a while, but stopped paying attention. The air defense system has been sold. Now there is not much we can do here, and we can only watch the performances of the two warring parties.

This is just the first contact, the opponent has suffered a big loss, so naturally they will not let it go, and will definitely organize another air force attack in one or two days, this is beyond doubt.

The next is the difficult moment, mental arithmetic can only win a temporary victory, the overall strength gap between the two sides is still too huge, whether they can fight a protracted war is the key to real victory.

Of course, it also depends on how much loss both parties can bear. By is just bullying the small with the big, they don't want to risk their lives to fight hand-to-hand.

Once it is determined that their losses are unbearable, continuing to fight will inevitably lead to weakness, and naturally they will not continue to fight, and the two sides will sit at the negotiating table again.

One just wants to show force and force the other party to submit, while the other needs to risk their lives. The mentality of the two towards a war is completely different.

However, what he can be sure of is that this war will not end in a short time, and it is very likely that it will last longer than the previous life, depending on how long the opponent wants to save face.

Just when Ye Zishu thought it would take a day or two to discuss tactics, but the next day BY launched an operation. This time, he did not dare to send bombers to bomb, nor did he send fighter jets to test.

Instead, it directly launched a large number of missiles. If you want to use missiles to destroy the target, it is much cheaper to launch missiles than dispatching bombers that may be killed.

Of course, if the bombers will not be killed, it is of course much cheaper to send bombers to drop bombs, but this method is not feasible, and only more expensive missiles can be used to fight.

It's a pity that not only the air defense missile system was purchased here, but a high-energy laser pulse defense system that also has short-to-medium-range defense capabilities, just to deal with missiles.

If only missiles are used to defend against missiles, with the economic strength here, they can't compete with the opponent at all. Although there are many 5,000 missiles, if they really want to be defeated, they won't last long.

At this time, the advantages of the super-energy laser pulse defense system are shown, although the hit rate against fighter jets, which can make many actions, seems to be not very high.

But against the opponent's similarly stupid missiles, it is like a magic weapon. As long as it is locked by the radar, it can basically be completely destroyed by the super-energy laser defense system.

A set of super-energy laser defense system can lock 1,000 targets at the same time, and the maximum number of destroyed targets can reach 800, and the number of super-energy laser defense systems included this time is as high as 50 sets.

In other words, if the number of incoming missiles is less than 40,000, it is almost impossible to break through the defense system, and it is impossible to launch 40,000 missiles at one time under normal circumstances.

A medium-range missile is not cheap, and it costs tens of millions of yuan. If they really dare to launch 40,000 missiles at one time, it can only be said that the other party is rich and powerful.

But how many targets can be destroyed by the fish that slipped through the net, which is completely inconsistent with the cost. The war must not only be won, but also depends on whether you can afford the cost.

Even so, there is a short-range rocket defense system behind it to intercept fish that slip through the net, so breaking through the defense net is only a theoretical matter, not practical.

However, if the super-energy laser defense system is really to be used on a large scale, the power supply required is also terrifying, and it is estimated that residents and the domestic economy will be affected to a certain extent.

But during the war, some things are not so important, and the super energy laser pulse defense system only needs a lot of power support when it is in use, and it does not need power supply if it is not in use.

The exact number cannot be known to outsiders, and the news reports are not accurate, but Ye Zishu knows it clearly. The remote sensing satellite system can not only take pictures of the earth during the day, but also at night.

In addition, the equipment sold by Baihu Technology can also obtain data, and the products that cannot be sold are not guarded at all.

In fact, it was just a test, but even if it was a test, the other party also launched 54 medium-range missiles, worth two or three billion yuan, which is really rich.

But even so, not long after entering the national border, it was destroyed by the super-energy laser pulse defense system that had been deployed long ago, that is, dozens of fireworks were blown up in the air.

If it was just a missile attack on such a scale, it is estimated that the opponent would not be able to break through the defense even if they went bankrupt, so after reading the relevant data, Ye Zishu was not worried at all.

I thought that the other party should take a few days to calm down and think about how to break through the air defense system, but I didn't expect the other party to be so violent.

The next night, another 50 missiles were launched. This time, they did not choose the place to launch last time, but chose several places to break through the defense.

It's a pity that 50 sets of defense systems are not a joke, and the country itself is not big, so it is easy to completely defend the country.

So this distributed missile attack naturally didn't have any effect. It was still destroyed by the super-energy laser pulse that had been waiting for a long time, and dozens of fireworks were set off.

I thought that the opponent would stop for a few days because of this, but I was wrong, and started to change tactics the next day, using ultra-low-altitude cruise missiles to attack, and the choice was still at night.

I have to say that using ultra-low-altitude cruise missiles is indeed a bit tricky, and ordinary radars are really difficult to detect unless there is a space-based radar early warning system.

This is only available in large countries, and small countries generally do not have this kind of thing. Unfortunately, this time the military purchase, Baihu Technology Company intends to send Buddha to the west, and provides space-based early warning services.

When their ultra-low-altitude cruise missiles entered the national border, the satellite system in the sky had already discovered them. The height of ultra-low-altitude cruise missiles depends on the terrain. If they are too low, the terrain is very complicated and it is easy to get lost.

If it is the sea surface, the lowest distance from the sea surface is only a few meters high, the land plain is generally below 50 meters, and the hills and mountains are generally below 100 meters.

Detecting these low-altitude cruise missiles is naturally not a problem. With the advanced early warning service provided by Baihu Technology, there is no difficulty at all.

The problem is, how to intercept such missiles is a problem. If missiles are used to intercept them, it seems a bit wasteful. Especially for them, every missile launched is one less, so naturally they should be used sparingly.

The super-energy laser pulse is emitted almost in a straight line, which is very powerful against high-altitude targets, but it is not effective against low-altitude targets. Unless the transmitter can be pulled down and intercepted at close range, this is obviously impossible.

The super-energy laser pulse defense system requires a super-strong power supply, which is bound to have poor mobility and relatively fixed deployment positions, so the effect against such ultra-low-altitude cruise missiles is not ideal.

The cheapest way is to use rapid-fire guns. This time, some low-altitude cruise missiles were shot down with rapid-fire guns, which happened to be within the attack range of rapid-fire guns.

The second is to use interception rockets, and the remaining low-altitude cruise missiles are intercepted by the rocket defense system sold together.

However, the number of their interceptor rockets is not particularly large. You must know that the price of this advanced interceptor rocket is 1 million yuan, and even if it is sold at a discount, it will cost 500,000 yuan.

It is impossible to send too many sets here, and there are only about 10,000 pieces. The main purpose is to deal with low-altitude cruise missiles, and they will only be used in extreme cases.

After falling down four times in a row, the other party finally calmed down completely, and there was no movement for several days, which made the news circle less a hot spot, and all the media probably felt bad.

However, the four attacks all fell to the ground. This has caused a lot of trouble in the world, and all the focus is on the air defense system sold by our country.

It turns out that the air defense system can be so powerful. Anyone with a little military knowledge knows what a 100% interception rate is.

As long as one is in a state of absolute defense, many of the enemy's means are completely useless, especially in modern warfare, air power is often the first.

After the enemy's key ground targets are destroyed, it is possible to send army troops to advance on the ground. If the ground advances rashly, it is likely to suffer heavy losses.

Especially for battlefields with complex terrain, careful consideration must be given before determining that ground propulsion has an absolute advantage, unless the strength of the two armies is completely unequal.

But even so, with such an advanced air defense system, is there no advanced ground fire interception equipment? Therefore, before it becomes clear, it is basically difficult for land offensives to occur.

As far as small countries are concerned, they are not afraid of the land forces of big countries advancing, because the army has high requirements for the right time, place and people, and their local operations have obvious geographical advantages.

Therefore, in view of the four perfect interceptions of enemy air power, everyone's desire for this air defense system has begun to stir, and some countries have sent secret representatives to negotiate.

Just hearing the price made the representatives of some countries dumbfounded. A set of 10 billion yuan is almost twice as expensive compared to the same type of equipment.

Don’t think the price is expensive, it depends on whether we are willing to sell it or not. If we don’t want to sell it, no matter how much money we get, it’s useless. Just like this time, many representatives came here. They just gave quotations, but they said that they are temporarily No plans to sell.

This "practical exercise" is obviously not over yet, we haven't completed all the assessments here, and it won't be too late to make a decision after collecting enough data.

To be honest, if it is too good, it may be weakened in the next foreign trade version. On the one hand, it will further save costs, and on the other hand, it will also save purchase funds for customers.

Weapons and equipment are not as advanced as possible. Generally, they are equipped with high and low levels, and no country can equip all the most advanced military equipment. It must be considered from the perspective of tactics and strategy, as well as from the perspective of affordability.

Therefore, when conducting military trade with foreign countries, different product grades must be formed, allowing other countries to choose according to their own needs and financial resources.

In addition, among the reasons for not selling to the outside world for the time being, one of the reasons is that they want to wait until Tidal Group issues the international trade currency as a bargaining chip to promote the development of the international trade currency.

At that time, for these advanced military equipment, only the newly issued international trade currency will be accepted for settlement, which will help the international trade currency become more popular.

As mentioned earlier, there are two main points for the issuance of international currency. The first is credibility. Everyone thinks that this currency maintains its value, rather than depreciating at every turn after getting it, so that no one wants to hold it.

The second point is to be able to buy the products you need, and even say that only this kind of currency can buy special products, and such a currency has special significance.

If it is a sovereign credit currency, it also needs to provide many additional global public goods, such as assets can be purchased for investment, which is why the capital market of the old m is particularly developed.

If a country's capital market is not particularly developed, or the degree of freedom is greatly restricted, there will be certain obstacles to the promotion of internationalization, and it will be difficult to become a mainstream international settlement currency.

When Ye Zishu talked with the country, the fundamental reason why he readily agreed to the tide group's idea of ​​promoting the issuance of international trade currency is that our country itself does not yet have the conditions to quickly promote the internationalization of currency.

The reason is very simple, that is, my country is not a country with a high degree of capital freedom. The size and degree of freedom of the capital market are subject to certain restrictions, and it is not ready for full opening up.

In the previous life, the internationalization of the currency was achieved through the platform of Hong Kong, but this time it was just replaced by the Chaos Group, and in comparison, the Chaos Group has a higher probability of success.

The international currency to be issued by Tidal Group is a currency anchored by gold. Currency itself has value, and there is still a big difference from credit currency.

Therefore, it is enough to ensure the first two points. As for additional public services, Tide Group does not need to be responsible. As long as the currency is internationally recognized, there are naturally countries willing to provide these public products.

Of course, the largest proportion of public goods is still provided by our country. From this perspective, it is worthwhile for Tidal Group to pay 10% of the gold tax.

After falling into the sand four times, there has been no new attack for a week, as if everything has returned to calm, but this is a bit disheartening for By.

During this period of time, they have been under tremendous pressure, and many media are questioning whether their military strength can protect the safety of BY member states.

Of course, many of them are gloating. After all, By has done too many arrogant and domineering things over the years, so it is natural to be very happy to see them in disgrace.

But Ye Zishu knew that the longer this time was brewing, the greater the storm he might face, but even he was not quite sure what the other party would do next.

In fact, there is not much tactical space left for them now, or they will carry out missile saturation attacks. Even if they can't break through the protective net, at least they can consume the protective power. There will always be a day when they will run out of ammunition and food.

Doing so is very expensive and requires a huge amount of money. When the opponent has no air defense force, it is time for them to take whatever they want.

It's a pity that ordinary missiles can't play a big role. The super-energy laser pulse defense system is to prevent this from happening. As long as there is still power, it is impossible to exhaust the defense force.

Even if the opponent uses a large number of ultra-low-altitude cruise missiles, after consuming the rocket air defense force, they can choose to shrink strategically and use the super-energy laser pulse defense system to defend key cities.

In such a small country, there are not many big cities in total. 50 such systems are enough to protect and completely disable the opponent's ultra-low altitude cruise missiles.

Either it is to send stealth strategic forces to participate in the war, the old m still has some stealth strategic forces, such as the advanced b2 stealth bomber, and the f117 stealth fighter.

Of course, if they really invest in these forces, Ye Zishu will be very happy. If they find such expensive equipment, it turns out to be useless in front of such an air defense system. I don't know what their expressions will be.

Just when Ye Zishu was guessing what the other party would do next, news suddenly came to him. It turned out that the other party really adopted the second method, using strategic aviation and military power.

I don't know what the other party was thinking, but they dispatched 3 b2 stealth bombers at once, probably to avoid exposing the target, and did not send their f117 stealth fighter jets.

To be honest, the stealth performance of this fighter is not very good, maybe they know it themselves, so they didn't send this fighter to escort.

As for the f22 stealth fighter that they have already flown for the first time, it has not been officially deployed to the troops, so it is naturally impossible to buy it to carry out the mission. Only sending b2 is the best choice.

It's just that he found it incredible that the other party dispatched 3 planes at once. I have to say that they are still very confident in b2, thinking that this way they will not be discovered.

If you are cautious, you will send one to test it out. If you are not found, you can send more later. If you are found, the loss will be less.

Obviously the other party did not do this, and it is also possible that the other party felt that it was prudent to send three planes. Anyway, when Ye Zishu woke up, another hot news hit the headlines.

The 3 b2 stealth bombers also suffered the fate of falling into the sand, and were directly destroyed by the opponent. The loss of 3 such expensive equipment at once is really too great.

As the three b2 stealth bombers fell into the sand, it was officially declared that ordinary air power could not achieve results, and there were not many options left.

Either it is to use strategic missile force, but doing so will face huge pressure from international public opinion, and it will also cause global strategic tension, and every country must be in danger.

He thinks it is unlikely that they will use this kind of power. If they dare to use it, Ye Zishu will be very happy. This is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which will cause Western countries and the whole world to completely deviate.

The rest is saturated missile attack and ground propulsion. He believes that the opponent will first try to adopt saturated missile attack. After this path fails, it is possible to adopt the method of ground propulsion.

He is more and more looking forward to what may happen next. No matter what happens in the end, this will definitely be a military operation that will be recorded in history.

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