Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 952 Disclosure of digital currency information and anticlimactic war

On April 10, the central bank officially announced information about digital currency, which set off a wave in the domestic financial field, and discussions on digital currency began to increase significantly.

Digital currency is still very unfamiliar to the public. Although I learned the concept of digital currency from Ye Zishukou, no one can explain the specifics.

It can even be said that even the technology of digital currency, how to ensure the security of digital currency, the difference between digital currency and banknotes, etc., the impression in everyone's mind is very vague.

The central bank has obtained the technical information given by Ye Zishu. It is not difficult to develop digital currency, and in order to ensure security, the central bank entrusts the development task to Danque Financial Services Company.

Danque Financial Services Company is at the forefront of digital currency research. They help the central bank develop digital currency, which is much more efficient and safer.

In fact, when the central bank announced information about digital currencies, their development work had been completed, and internal testing was about to begin.

It is unclear how long this test will take, but what is certain is that as long as security can be guaranteed, it will soon enter the public test phase.

After the public testing session is over, they will meet the requirements for official use. During this process, they are also planning to rent the computing power of the super quantum computer of Baihu Technology Company.

It is used to test the security of digital currency. If even a super quantum computer cannot crack it, it is enough to prove its security. The public test is mainly to test the convenience of circulation and improve the circulation link.

Just when the central bank announced the digital currency plan, the banks under the Tidal Group were also preparing to delist the newly issued digital credit certificates.

The original plan was to develop digital credit certificates first, and then issue international digital currency based on digital credit certificates after the digital credit certificates have become popular all over the world.

Later, after Ye Zishu talked with people from the central bank, the plan changed. With the support of the state and gold as an anchor, it seemed that there was no such trouble.

If the layout is still based on digital credit certificates, I don’t know how long we have to wait, because the replacement process is destined to be slow.

Now directly promote the international digital currency by force, even if it is foreseeable that it will be difficult at the beginning, it will be strongly opposed by those with vested interests.

But what is certain is that although this process is arduous, the speed is definitely much faster than spontaneous promotion, and he estimates that the basic conditions for forced promotion have now been reached.

And this basic condition is the influence of the country. Although they are not issuing credit-worthy currencies, the national strength will still be used as one of the reference standards by many countries.

In particular, the showdown in the Balkans that has just passed has made our country's international influence no longer limited to a strong economy. These are all favorable factors.

Therefore, the previously issued digital credit certificates are a bit redundant, and it will take some time to clean up this business, so it will start to exit in an orderly manner so early in advance.

The actions of the central bank have had a huge impact in the financial field. Many people have a more detailed understanding of digital currency through the information given by the central bank. ....

In the past, digital currency was only known by its name but not its people. They did not have a deep understanding of the characteristics of digital currency. Many people even took digital currency seriously and thought it was difficult to circulate.

I just didn’t expect that digital currency can not only rely on smartphones for management and payment, but also pay directly through special storage cards, and even realize peer-to-peer payment without relying on the Internet.

As for why the central bank did not show interest in digital currency before, but now it is suddenly not only interested, but also wants to vigorously promote it. Many experts have also carried out various interpretations.

Most of it revolves around the role of the digital currency mentioned before in the leaf book, for example, it can better control the laws of economic operation, and can better promote trade circulation and the expansion of the consumer market.

Of course, digital currency can also effectively combat corruption. At least compared to the current banknotes, digital currency cannot be hidden, and the central bank can know it at any time

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assets of each individual.

Some people also think that the central bank’s sudden interest in digital currencies is mainly because they want to promote the internationalization of currencies. Compared with the current international monetary system, the internationalization of currencies characterized by digital currencies is relatively much easier.

Of course, those who put forward this point of view mainly believe that my country has reached the stage of promoting currency internationalization, and the national strength is sufficient to support the internationalization of its own currency.

It's just that they never thought that currency internationalization is actually a double-edged sword. With my country's current financial system, it is actually too early to implement currency internationalization.

Of course, it is not only the media and people in our country that reacted strongly, foreign media also actively reported on this, and also interpreted the reasons behind the digital currency.

No one will think that the actions of the central bank are just aimless actions. There will be a set of logic behind any action, and there must be a purpose it wants to achieve.

Some media also believe that their own country should also actively study digital currency technology, but unfortunately no one knows what technology digital currency uses.

The digital currency in the previous life was based on blockchain technology, and the digital currency technology given by Ye Zishu is definitely not based on blockchain technology, but the special technology it provides, which is more suitable for digital currency.

If you use the blockchain technology from your previous life, in front of a super quantum computer, it is tantamount to being defenseless and completely incapable of assuming the foundation of digital currency.

Having said that, everyone knows that it is necessary to study digital currency-related technologies, but everyone is still confused about digital currency technology, and they don't know how to start.

It can be said that with the existing level of mathematics and software, no matter what kind of digital currency technology the other party studies, they are defenseless against super quantum computers.

What's more, we still have super artificial intelligence. With the cooperation of the two, even if they develop the so-called digital currency technology, it is still like a child's play.

According to his estimation, based on the current level and speed of mathematical development, it will be difficult for them to develop digital currency technology that is still safe for quantum computers even after another hundred years.

Before that, my country was the only country in the world that could possess digital currency technology. Specifically, there were only three, the central bank, Danque Financial Services Company, and Tidal Group. ....

Then the industry extended by digital currency technology will also be exclusively enjoyed by our country. Don’t think that the value of this industry is not high. In fact, it is not, and its output value is not small.

Not to mention the domestic ones, once the digital currency is fully implemented, the equipment industry for digital currency payment must be very large. Even if it is a digital currency payment card, the price of each card will cost tens of hundreds of yuan.

If the international currency issuance of Tidal Group really goes smoothly, the demand for digital currency payment terminals will skyrocket, not to mention the benefits in the payment process and storage process.

In principle, peer-to-peer payments do not charge any handling fees, just like face-to-face cash transactions, and banking institutions do not charge handling fees.

But digital currency consumes costs after all, so each digital currency account needs to pay a fixed account management fee every year, just like a bank account also charges a management fee every year.

In addition, to open each digital currency account, you also need to pay an account opening fee. These are common practices of international financial institutions, and there is not much resistance to closing them.

If the digital currency is traded remotely online, a transaction fee may also be charged, which is much higher than the account management fee.

The most important thing is that once the digital currency issued by Tidal Group becomes the largest trade currency and reserve currency in the world, it means that Tidal Group is doing monopoly business.

Other banks that focus on international fund management and so-called countries with high secrecy will completely lose this market. For example, Swiss banks will fall from the altar, and the days of trying to make money lying down will be gone forever.

Relying on the monopoly of business, Tidal Group can secure its position as the largest banking institution in the world. Otherwise, Ye Zishu would not be so keen on issuing digital currency for global trade.

He hasn't taken his own gold out to trade with others. There must be huge benefits in it.

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The super-rich like him cannot turn a blind eye.

At that time, it's time for the Tidal Group to make money lying down. It can make a lot of money every year just by charging various fees, and in the foreseeable future, there will be no competitors, so making money is comfortable.

In addition to making money, our country can also become a global financial center without destroying the existing financial system and order. Needless to say, it will be a driving force for our country's economy.

This is also the fundamental reason why the state supports the Tidal Group to issue international trade currency. The benefits are too great. Even if it is entrusted to a private company, it is worth supporting for the state.

It's just that the outside world doesn't know that they are playing a big game. Although the opinions put forward by the experts are not wrong, it's just that compared with these benefits, there is no such thing as a monopoly business.

Moreover, the international currency trade system built by the Tidal Group has no obvious side effects, and there will be no serious interference with our country's currency.

For other trading countries, the use of gold-anchored currencies does not have to worry about the excessive issuance of currency like *** credit currencies, because the operating mechanisms between the two are completely different.

The trade currency is based on the actual trade demand, not the economic needs of a certain country. Even if my country implements quantitative easing for economic development, it will not affect the normal economic development of other countries. ....

It is estimated that many countries do not want to be the leeks of a certain country for a long time. As long as the economy develops better, there will be a wave of currency manipulation, and then the wealth of other countries will be harvested, and the normal economic order of these countries will be disrupted by the way.

This is also the reason why Chaos Group feels that it can succeed in issuing international trade currency. The world has suffered from existing international currency for a long time. If there is a way to get rid of this predicament, it will naturally not resist it.

On April 15th, after more than ten days of calm, the old man finally responded by sending a large number of aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean Sea.

This action has aroused widespread international concern. After all, it is rare for an old aircraft carrier to enter the Mediterranean Sea. It is obvious who it is targeting.

Sure enough, after their aircraft carrier was in place, BY began to announce to the outside world that it would impose economic sanctions on Yugoslavia, which naturally included cutting off their sea transportation channels.

Ye Zishu didn't expect By to be so cowardly. He thought he was planning to use land propulsion. Although doing so might cause heavy casualties, the effect would definitely not be bad.

Sometimes the most stupid way is the most effective way. If you want to win a war without paying too many casualties, you can only achieve it in a completely asymmetrical war. As long as you are slightly evenly matched, it is impossible to achieve this.

However, the economic blockade seems to be a good method. As long as a country is highly dependent on external economic chains, this method will generally prove successful.

Obviously, Yugoslavia has not yet achieved the ability to establish an entire industrial system. Even if it has such a capability, it still depends on the supply of external raw materials and energy. Almost no country can be completely self-sufficient.

Even if our country solves its own food and energy problems, it still needs to purchase a large amount of ore from outside, let alone a small country with a relatively simple economy and relies heavily on external industrial chains to live.

When it comes to minerals, our country is not sitting still, and is also working hard to solve the problem of high foreign dependence. This important task is placed on the Kylin Resources Development Group.

Although they now have advanced seabed mining equipment, there are serious problems in prospecting. At present, the resource satellite system of Baihu Technology Company has not been completed.

Even if the construction of the resource satellite system is completed, it will not be a matter of time to help find seabed mines. The cost of other ways to search for seabed mines is too high.

The cost of seabed mining itself is not low. If the cost of exploration is high, the resource cost of the final mining may not have a competitive advantage.

Fortunately, the bionic technology provided by Ye Zishu played a role at this time. Since Kirin Basic Industry Group can produce robot pets, it can naturally produce deep-sea bionic creatures.

Kylin Resources Development Group has purchased a lot of these deep-sea bionic biodetectors to conduct exploration on the seabed where minerals may exist. Not to mention other things, the minimum cost

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To save a lot.

But these alone, in the vast ocean, are actually looking for a needle in a haystack. The success rate does not depend on the ability of these robots, but on their ability to analyze the distribution of seabed resources.

What really relies on is the biological robot developed by Ye Zishu. Compared with the bionic robot, the biggest feature of the biological robot is self-reproduction. ....

As long as he puts some bio-robots in the water, it won't take long to reproduce a large number of them, and their survivability is much stronger than that of natural creatures.

Up to now, the number of marine biological robots he launched has multiplied to a scale of 100 million, and the multiplication is showing exponential growth. In a year or two, it may reach a scale of 100 billion.

As the number increases, the success rate of surveying seabed resources will also increase significantly. However, this matter is not particularly urgent at present, because the price of global mineral resources has not yet reached an unbearable level.

my country exports a large amount of commodities and earns a large amount of foreign exchange, which must be spent in general. As long as the price of mineral resources is still within an acceptable range, we will try our best to buy them from other countries.

In this way, other countries can also make money, and then use the money they earn to buy products from our country. This is a benign trade interaction. You can’t take all the benefits for yourself, because it’s easy to lose friends.

In the final analysis, seabed mining is just in case. At present, my country's control over global resources is not particularly strong, and it may be manipulated by others. We must plan ahead.

This does not mean that the Kylin Resources Development Group is not doing anything. At present, they have begun to mine polymetallic nodule minerals on the seabed. These minerals are generally distributed on the seabed at 3,500 to 6,000 meters.

The reserves of polymetallic nodules on the seabed are estimated to be about 3 trillion tons, which is difficult for others to mine, but for Kylin Resources Development Group, it is very easy.

According to their current mining capacity, about 100 million tons of ore can be mined every year. After being transported to the country, it enters the smelting system for smelting, and then directly stores it.

Kirin Resources Development Group is responsible for mining and transporting minerals to the country, and then selling them to Kirin Basic Industries Group, and the latter has nothing to do with them.

It's not that they don't want to store these minerals, but that they can't store them. If they only store ores, it will take up a lot of land and the storage cost is too high.

Therefore, it must be smelted before storage, and the domestic smelting capacity is the strongest in Kirin Basic Industry Group, and only Kirin Basic Industry Group has enough funds for storage.

In fact, it is not just the smelted reserves of the minerals mined by the Kirin Resource Development Group. They also purchased minerals from other countries for smelting. In addition to selling them to the market, the rest will also be stored.

This is a huge test for other smelting companies. After all, storage also requires costs, and too much backlog will lead to poor turnover of smelting companies.

But Kirin Basic Industries Group does not have this trouble. The reason is that their main operating income is not the smelting business, but various other high-tech industries. Smelting is more like their sideline business, which does not account for a high proportion of the total output value.

In addition, they hand over the stored smelting products to Tidal Investment Company for international metal futures trading operations, and get a share of the profits from it, which can also cover the cost of storage.

At present, Kirin Resources Development Group is still increasing its production capacity. The current annual ore mining capacity of 100 million tons is far from meeting their requirements.

It's just that there are not many mineral deposits that they have proven to be worth mining, but as more mineral deposits are discovered, stronger mining capabilities are needed. ....

The main reason for being so radical is that the resources in the public sea belong to whoever exploits them first. In order to strive for more benefits, naturally there is no need to be so polite.

Even if it is not mined out, it can be stored. With the increase of population and the improvement of economic activities, the demand for mineral resources will only become higher and higher, and resources are never disliked.

According to their plan, by the end of this year or next year, the seabed mining capacity will climb to 500 million tons per year, and then increase to 1 billion tons per year.

Their main expenditure cost is to set up

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The cost of equipment input and transportation, and the cost of personnel are almost negligible. The reason is that the entire mining process is operated by artificial intelligence and is completely unmanned.

The need for manual operation is not to save costs. In fact, in order to realize full automation of the seabed, more money will be spent, mainly for safety reasons.

Transportation is mainly divided into two categories. The first category is submarine transportation equipment. The mined minerals will be placed in the submarine transportation equipment first. After the surface transport ship comes, the mined ore will be loaded into the transport ship and transported to the port.

The second category is sea surface transportation. The transportation cost of this part is actually not that high, and it does not account for a large proportion of the total transportation cost. The real major part is the submarine transportation of submarines.

According to cost accounting, the seabed mining business is still promising. Compared with land mining, except for the large investment in equipment, the cost of other links is relatively low.

As long as the equipment is fully utilized, their cost is much lower than that of land mining, and the market competitiveness is very strong, which is why they are willing to expand their mining capacity.

Closer to home, the economic blockade implemented by BY may have a certain deterrent effect on other countries, but for us, it does not take it seriously.

However, in order to avoid innocent ships being seized, my country still dispatched warships to escort along the route, and did not interrupt economic exchanges with Yugoslavia.

Regarding our country's approach, they naturally have great opinions, but they dare not do anything to our ships. Now our country's naval strength is different from before.

Although it has not yet reached its heyday, it should not be underestimated. In addition, it has just demonstrated the strength of our country in the field of military equipment, and it dare not cause disputes casually.

Then there was a strange scene. Our ships were able to do business with Yugoslavia unimpeded, and energy, mineral resources, commodities, etc., could all arrive and be delivered safely.

However, other countries are excluded, which has caused dissatisfaction in many countries. Therefore, this strategy of economic blockade is actually not feasible as long as there is no consent from our country.

As for their sanctions and restrictions on patented technology, it has little effect, mainly because most of our products use our own patented technology, which is completely different from relying on foreign technology in previous lives.

As a result, the economic blockade plan was announced to be lifted less than half a month after its implementation, and the only way left now is to use land to advance.

It is not easy to make such a decision. If it is not done well, you will be trapped in it and cannot extricate yourself. In the absence of air supremacy, although land advancement has advantages, it will not be particularly obvious.

What's more, this is not a just war at all, it is the result of BY's willful action. If a large number of casualties are caused, not only will it be under the pressure of domestic public opinion, but it will also receive stronger international condemnation.

Ye Zishu believes that the final situation may be anticlimactic and nothing will happen in the end, but it will be a huge blow to the influence of Western countries in the world, and it will be more conducive to the Tidal Group to issue international currencies. .

Small milk pudding....

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