Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 953 Publishing Books and Energy Negotiations


"Zi Shu, can you publish these books?" Pei Qing asked.

Ye Zishu showed Pei Qing the books he had written during this period. There are 10 books in total, all of which are novels, but unlike entertainment novels, they contain naked reality.

Regarding what to write and what genre to write, after thinking about it, he decided to write it in the form of a novel. Although the information density is relatively small, the spread is much wider than other genres.

Naturally, his writing is not just for scholars to study, but to arouse the thinking of the whole people and promote the change of things for the better. If it is only a small group, it will not make much sense.

The other works are okay. Although Pei Qing felt her heart was shaken after reading it, the publication is still not a big problem, but there is a work that deeply describes the current officialdom.

After people read it, it seems that there are no good people in it. The three words of intrigue, insatiable greed, and lust for profit are not enough to describe it. It nakedly shows the relationship of interests to the fullest.

"Let's leave it to Shengshi Media Group for publication first, I think there should be no big problem!" Ye Zishu said.

After hearing this, Pei Qing didn't mention it again, but she still said: "If it's all realistic, will it cause serious impact after people read it?"

To be honest, these novels were not written by him for no reason. The plots in them were all collected by Ye Shu through biological robots, and they were only processed artistically.

If these books are published, many people can see their own reflections in them, and even many parties feel that they are writing about themselves, because it is very likely that the plots in them are written with reference to their experiences.

Without these rich materials, it is impossible to have a deep understanding with Ye Zishu's personal imagination at home.

"People are not as fragile as you think. If they were so fragile, human beings would not be able to develop to this day. Compared with the previous history of cannibalism, it is considered good now.

To be honest, I didn’t even think about developing my current industry at the time. I just wanted to be a rich man who can live a peaceful life without worrying about anything.

It was only when I saw the poverty and suffering of the people in the rural areas from a young age that I deeply understood why being relegated to the mortal world is so terrible for the gods in the sky. There should be no place more like hell than the human world.

Therefore, I wonder if I can change the status quo of most people, not just my own personal destiny. This is the reason for the huge industrial group you see and the miracle of rapid economic growth in these years.

I think after these books come out, some people will be deeply touched,

Wanting to change with one's own ability, being able to play this role, is not in vain!

No matter how dark the world is, people's desire for light has never changed. No matter whether you follow the trend or not, there will always be a touch of rebellion in your heart. These are all positive existences! "Leaf Book said.

"Then your writing is a bit too complicated, and ordinary people may not be able to understand the full meaning of what you want to express in it!" Pei Qing said.

"How can you expect such an extravagant hope, as long as everyone can find their own shadow in it, maybe after reading it, they will re-examine themselves and make some changes, that's enough!" Ye Zishu said.

"What is written in this book is the reason why you don't want to get married?" Pei Qing picked up another book and said with a smile.

This book is called "Modern Marriage". Although it is a novel, it is a novel that discusses the topic of marriage.

In it, through the marriage experience of different people, through clever clue arrangements, they are glued together to form a complete story, which does not give people a very abrupt feeling, and the plot advances very naturally.

But in it, he not only expounds the status quo of modern marriage, but tries to expound what the essence of marriage is through biological instinct, changes in social relations, economic development needs, and the influence of modern thought.

Through this book, readers have a deeper understanding of the existence of marriage, and can also understand why their marriage is like this, and how to change it.

This book is relatively long among these books, with a total word count of 1 million. When Pei Qing read it, she was silent for a long time. Obviously, she also saw her shadow in it.

To be honest, it didn’t take him much time to write these books. With his IQ and the help of the virtual helmet, the writing work was very fast, and the most time spent was sorting out the materials.

Every day when he is not doing research in the laboratory, he is sorting out the information collected by the bio-robots from the society, sorting them through artificial intelligence, and then checking them by himself.

In order to make it easier for him to read the information efficiently, the artificial intelligence also thoughtfully provided two versions: a text description version and a video version. If it is just a video, it seems to take more time.

Of course, the video version is also edited by artificial intelligence to remove useless parts, otherwise it will take more time. Compared with video materials, text descriptions have much higher information density and seem to be much more efficient.

"Not exactly!" Ye Zishu thought for a while and said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing was actually not very satisfied, but she didn't study it carefully. Apart from not giving herself a complete marriage, he was indeed impeccable in other aspects.

As stated in the book, most marital crises occur when one party wants to get more. Although marriage is also a relationship of interests, if you want to manage a good marriage, you must go beyond the ordinary relationship of interests.

In fact, the relationship between people is rarely without any interests, but some interests are hidden deeply, and some interests are only on the surface. The interest relationship in marriage is obviously a type that is hidden deeply.

Seeing that Pei Qing did not continue to pursue this topic, Ye Zishu was secretly relieved, and then said: "Then I will hand over the electronic versions of these books to Shengshi Media Group and let them arrange for publication!"

These are just novel versions. Any social phenomenon is an academic issue worth studying, because there must be deep reasons behind the appearance, and it depends on whether it can be studied thoroughly.

Therefore, correspondingly, there are also professional books dedicated to academic research and discussion. Ye Zishu plans to complete these later and hand them over to Shengshi Media for publication.

I have spent so much time sorting out the materials. It would be a waste if I just wrote novels, and I can use them to make the best use of the materials for academic research.

Most importantly, he hopes to promote domestic social science research through his academic books. At present, he is very dissatisfied with the level of domestic social science research.

Most of them act as second-hand dealers. Few people really go deep into society, observe social phenomena, and study the causes behind them. It is more like sitting in an office, reading foreign research results, and then setting them on their own country.

He disapproved of this parrot-like research method, but he didn't have the energy to do these things before. In comparison, changing the living conditions of the people is more important.

Although he is still busy every day, he is not as busy as before. He thinks it is very meaningful to use his spare time to do these tasks.

Books in the novel genre are for ordinary people, and books in the academic genre are for people in academia, or those who want to see the essence through appearances, a learning opportunity, which plays an important role in the study of related social issues.

On May 1st, when the Labor Day holiday happened in China, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries finally sent a delegation to China to discuss the oil price issue with Kirin Energy Industry Group.

Although Kirin Energy Industrial Group does not directly produce oil, the same is true for fuel oil production. The largest use of oil is in the energy field, and other than that, it is used as industrial raw materials.

The enterprises under Kirin Industrial Group, because they have more advanced carbon industry technology, can produce a lot of fossil industrial raw materials without going through complicated transformation in the middle.

For example, synthetic urea needs to be produced using natural gas in traditional methods. If this method is adopted, Kirin Basic Industries Group must first purchase natural gas from Kirin Energy Industry Group.

Obviously there are more costs involved in this process, and even higher energy consumption, so they synthesize urea directly from carbon, the production process is simpler, and the cost is lower.

In any case, Kirin Energy Industry Group is already one of the major energy players in the world, and even with the strength of a single company, it can even take the world's largest Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, and it still does not lose the wind in the slightest.

Now the price of oil is close to 10 US dollars per barrel, not to mention those countries with higher oil extraction costs, even countries in the Middle East with lower oil extraction costs cannot bear it.

The reason is simple. Their main source of income is oil, and they earn less money on oil, but their domestic spending has not decreased at all.

During this period of time, their reserve funds were depleted very quickly, and it was estimated that they would run out of funds in a short time. This was the reason why they had to lead a delegation to negotiate.

In fact, they had already expressed their willingness to negotiate in April, but they have not received a response from Kirin Energy Industry Group, so the matter has not been resolved.

This time the negotiations started, mainly because Kirin Energy Industrial Group felt that the time was almost right, and they didn't really like such low oil prices, which would be of no benefit to anyone.

Although Kirin Energy Industry Group has the support of a huge domestic market, its main business is electricity, so it is not in a hurry. Even with such a cheap price, it is not in danger of falling into a loss.

But no one dislikes making more money, not to mention that this is not a normal state in itself. If these countries are really bankrupt, it will not be of much benefit to our country.

So they agreed to this negotiation, but this negotiation is not only about oil negotiations, but also about military equipment trade negotiations, civil aviation airliner negotiations and oil transaction settlement currency negotiations.

Energy is the foundation of the world's industrial development and a resource that is closely related to the happiness index of global residents' lives, and oil is the most important energy source in the world.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we naturally have to add more negotiation content, otherwise, if we look for another opportunity to negotiate, we will spend a lot more energy.

Therefore, there is also a delegation participating in the negotiations here. The military trade negotiations are participated by representatives of relevant military trade companies, and Baihu Technology Company does not directly participate.

The negotiations on the trade of civil aviation passenger aircraft were conducted by the Huanyu Group, which sent a negotiation team to participate in the negotiations, mainly on the export of civil aviation passenger aircraft to the Middle East. This is an aviation license that directly bypasses the other two major markets.

Huanyu Group has invited the two major aviation bureaus to participate in the safety evaluation of passenger aircraft, but they have not received good feedback. Needless to say, the reason is that they are afraid that the issuance of airworthiness certificates will impact their domestic civil aviation manufacturing enterprises.

Since Huanyu Group has not responded for a long time, it must consider bypassing them and open up other markets around the world. This time is a good opportunity and it will also send a positive signal to the markets of other countries.

As long as the airlines of these countries announce the purchase of airliners from Oneworld Group, I believe that other countries and airlines will also consider the possibility of purchasing them. The demonstration effect is very obvious.

The oil trade settlement currency negotiation is the top priority of this negotiation. The Tidal Group also sent a negotiating team to participate. Once the two parties reach this agreement, the issuance of international trade currency will be half successful.

But if this is the case, it is very likely that these countries will be targeted by Western countries. They are originally the interests in their basket, and they are definitely not willing to let them out, and they will naturally struggle.

Therefore, in order to ensure that they will not be retaliated against, military trade is particularly important. They have also seen the situation in Yugoslavia, and they are very confident in purchasing our country's military equipment for national defense.

They have purchased my country's foreign trade fighters before, and it took a long time. They are very clear about the effect, and this time it is just to expand cooperation.

Our side sent a large negotiating delegation, and the other side naturally did the same. Each member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries sent its own representative to participate in this negotiation.

Therefore, the specifications of this negotiation are very high and the scale is very large. Naturally, it has attracted strong international attention. Leaving aside other things, the oil market took the lead in responding, and the price of oil actually rose a little.

Many analysts believe that after this negotiation, it is inevitable that the international oil price will return to the normal state, and it may even be higher than the normal state price.

The reason is simple, that is, these member countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries have suffered huge losses during this period, and it is very likely that they will maintain higher prices to make up for the losses.

In the end, it returned to the normal state. After all, from the fundamental point of view, there is no basis for maintaining high prices for a long time. There are two reasons.

The first reason is the increase in supply. Originally, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries had the largest share in global oil trade and had the most say.

Kirin Energy Industry Group will also become an important participant this time. Regardless of the considerations, Kirin Energy Industry Group will make certain concessions, but a share of the pie is certain.

The second reason is that the size of the tradable market has shrunk. In the past, my country was an important oil importer, which had a great impact on the rise of international crude oil prices.

Now this market is completely occupied by Kirin Energy Industry Group, and it is difficult for foreign oil to come in. Therefore, it is naturally difficult to maintain high oil prices when the market is shrinking.

This statement is quite correct. It is very difficult for the international oil price to skyrocket again. Ye Zishu believes that the price will be maintained at around US$50 per barrel for a long time.

Ye Zishu still took the time to pay attention to the progress of the negotiations here after work. After a week of negotiations, the results finally came out.

First of all, he is most concerned about the negotiation of the settlement currency for oil trade. It can be said that the results of other negotiations are not very good and can be accepted. This is the top priority of this negotiation.

As a result of this negotiation, the status of the only settlement currency was not achieved. Although it is a pity, it is still acceptable. After all, a new currency is not yet a sovereign currency, and it is difficult to obtain the status of the only settlement currency.

However, the share still satisfies him. The two parties agreed to gradually increase the proportion of the upcoming international trade currency to 50% within three years.

This ratio is not low, and it will be completed within three years. This alone can completely stabilize the status of the currency issued by the Tidal Group in international trade.

Of course, there are three main reasons why these countries agreed to increase the ratio to such a high level: The first point is that although the currency is not a sovereign currency, it is a gold currency.

As long as it can be exchanged in full, this currency itself has value, which is different from credit currency, and there is also the risk of depreciation, so the risk of gold currency itself is much lower.

Of course, if they are willing to increase the proportion to such a high level, the premise is that they can exchange the full amount of gold. If not, they can choose to default.

The second point is that the purchasing power can be guaranteed. After all, my country is now the world's largest economy and can provide a wide variety of products, many of which are unique.

Even if you can't buy things in other countries with these currencies, you can still buy enough goods in our country. This is the guarantee of purchasing power.

Regardless of the high-tech products they need or ordinary agricultural and sideline products, they can all be purchased in our country, and the quality is better and the price is not too expensive.

Of course, high-tech products must be products that our country is willing to export, and products that are not willing to export. No matter how much money is paid, they cannot be bought. For example, IQ drugs and advanced robots are all products that are not exported.

The third point is the decline of the strength of Western countries, so that they don’t have to be as scruples as before. If most of their oil markets are in Western countries, the proportion of currency issued by Tidal Group may be higher.

Tidal Group itself did not expect to be able to achieve it overnight. It is very satisfied to have such a result. Others will let time slowly prove that the new international trade currency structure is better than the previous international trade currency structure.

Then there is the procurement of civil aviation airliners. A total of 500 airliner orders have been signed by more than a dozen countries. All three models currently on the market have been purchased, with a total value of 520 billion yuan.

The reason for the start of delivery next year is that the new international trade currency will be issued next year, and the new currency will be used for settlement at that time, which can be regarded as a manifestation of the purchasing power of the new currency.

Of course, these are not the only things they want to buy. For example, the intelligence quotient medicine of Taiji Group is what they want to buy most, even if the price is as high as 100,000 a dose.

It's a pity that this is not a matter of price, but that Tai Chi Group doesn't want to export at all. No matter how much price they offer, it will not help, and it is a non-export product.

The Taiji Group did not participate in the negotiations this time either, but it was temporarily authorized by him. If they want to buy longevity medicine, they can export it.

Originally, this drug was planned to be exported, but due to the rapid increase in the number of members, the domestic demand was very strong and the production capacity was insufficient, so the original export plan was stopped.

In addition, the foreign economy is not very good, and it is expected that export will hardly generate too much income, and it will only be cheaper for a few wealthy people, so the enthusiasm for export is not so high.

Although IQ medicine was not available, longevity medicine was available, and they could do business when they went back, but the price was not cheap, as high as 50,000 yuan per dose, and they had to use it once a year.

Taiji Group itself has never thought of popularizing this medicine abroad, so the price cannot be very low. 50,000 yuan is the price they got after their synthesis.

They did not specify how much to purchase, and they need to go back to discuss it. Naturally, Taiji Group has no objection to this. Anyway, the amount that can be exported in the initial stage will definitely not be large, and the international market is definitely not worried about being unable to digest it.

What he didn't expect was that some of their countries also wanted to buy the personal aircraft of Kirin Basic Industries Group. Currently, this equipment is only used for domestic tourism projects to increase the tourist experience of tourist attractions.

It's a pity that this is also a non-export product. The reason why they know it is from the Internet. It turns out that tourists shot a lot of such videos when they experienced it, and many foreign friends were envious after watching it.

The reason why this equipment is not exported is that apart from the very high-end technology involved, another important reason is that it can be used in the military field as well as in other unconventional fields.

For the experience of domestic tourist attractions, it is the staff of Kirin Basic Industry Group who are responsible for guarding and dressing tourists, which means that they do not want to be contacted by other people, which shows how strict the guarding is.

The other is the negotiation of military equipment trade. There is only an intention in this regard, and the final result has not yet been formed. The reason is that they need to send more professional people to visit and evaluate.

This is what it should mean. On the one hand, the price of military equipment is very high. It is not surprising that you need to purchase equipment that meets your own needs, no matter how cautious you are.

On the other hand, it is the first time they have seen a lot of equipment, and they don't know the specific performance. They need to see how the effect is before making a decision. Especially this time, they have recommended a lot of army equipment.

In the end, an agreement was reached on the issue of energy production reduction, but no result was reached on the market share, but an agreement was reached on the minimum price of oil, which was set at US$50 per barrel.

That is to say, in the future, everyone cannot sell oil at a price lower than US$50 per barrel, and Kirin Energy Industrial Group will naturally convert it into fuel price for calculation.

At first they wanted to limit the market share, but Kirin Energy Industry Group did not agree. If they really restricted it from this convenience, they would be self-defeating, and naturally they would not agree.

Reaching an agreement on the price is beneficial to Kirin Energy Industry Group, because their fuel oil is clean fuel, which does not increase natural greenhouse gases, and is very different from oil extracted from the ground.

If the price is the same, many countries may choose to purchase fuel oil from Kirin Energy Industry Group for environmental protection reasons.

Especially as environmental protection issues are getting more and more attention, purchasing from Kirin Energy Industry Group is the best way without changing the existing energy structure, and the competitiveness will naturally become stronger.

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