Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 954 Book Publishing and Inspection of the East-West Water Transmission Project


To be honest, Kirin Energy Industry Group has not yet thought about exporting energy in large quantities. The reason why there is such an unlimited supply during this period is for this negotiation.

In fact, based on our country's energy consumption, it won't be long before their current production capacity will be completely absorbed by the country, and the share of exports will not be too high.

The first is that the domestic industrial energy demand is very high, and with the increase in the number of high energy-consuming industrial industries, the consumption will continue to increase.

In the past, energy needed to be imported, and the development of high-energy-consuming enterprises was restricted to a certain extent. Now energy is almost unlimited supply, and there is no such bottleneck. Faster development of high-energy-consuming enterprises is an inevitable phenomenon.

The second is that residents' energy consumption will continue to increase with the improvement of residents' living standards, which can be seen from the current growth curve of urban residents' per capita energy consumption.

In addition, the number of cars is getting higher and higher, and the fuel consumption of cars is also increasing rapidly, which can absorb a lot of energy production capacity.

Finally, coal burning will gradually withdraw from the industrial field, and will fully shift to natural gas and electricity. Compared with these energy sources, coal carbon emissions are much higher.

In the past, there was no way to use coal in large quantities. Among the energy reserves in our country, coal reserves are very high, the price is relatively cheap, and it does not require a large amount of foreign exchange to make coal the main energy source.

Now that the country itself can produce a large amount of cleaner energy, it is inevitable that coal will withdraw from the stage of history, not to mention that he has developed many technologies to replace coal energy, and there is no technical obstacle to replace coal.

After the negotiations between the two parties ended, some necessary information was released to the outside world. Although the oil price negotiated by the two parties was not disclosed, it still aroused strong reactions from the market.

Not long after the announcement was issued, the global oil futures price rose from below $20 to nearly $40 for a very simple reason, that is, an agreement to cut production was reached.

As for how to reduce production, it depends on each individual's ability. If they can sell at more than 50 US dollars per barrel, they can reduce production less, and if they can't sell, then they can reduce production more.

The refined oil of Kirin Energy Industry Group is actually very easy to sell, especially for many countries, refined oil is very beneficial to adjust their own energy shortages.

However, Kirin Energy Industry Group is also very conscious, and it didn't take long to announce that it will reduce the international supply of refined oil products, but it will not affect the supply of natural gas.

This does not mean that the price of natural gas is very cheap. If the FOB price is lower than 2.5 yuan per cubic meter, Kirin Energy Industry Group will cut production and use electricity for the production of other more valuable products.

It was very difficult to do this in the past. After all, if solar power is not used to produce these fossil energy sources, it is a waste.

Even if you make less money, you have to sell it, and there are fewer choices.

Now that there are technologies that can produce other precious elements, the electricity will not be wasted, and there are many options to choose from. Production can be increased or decreased at any time.

Ye Zishu doesn't care about how to operate the energy industry. As long as it can ensure the country's energy security, Kirin Energy Industry Group has completed its mission.

As for international energy, you only need to follow the market as you go. As long as the price is higher than domestic energy, it has export value. If it is lower than domestic energy, then there is no need to export.

On the second day after the negotiation agreement was reached, the first batch of books of Leaf Book passed the review and began to be printed in large quantities. At the same time, a warm-up promotion was carried out.

To be honest, Ye Zi wrote a lot of books, and there are a lot of them. The number of science and mathematics extracurricular readings alone is tens of thousands, which can definitely be called a high output.

But from these books, readers can only understand Yeshu's level of mathematics and science in various fields, and they don't have much understanding of Yezishu's ideology.

For many people, the only way to know Ye Zishu is from the book "Madman's Lies" he wrote when he was in school. Compared with the current domestic economy and society, it seems to be developing according to the script, but the time is much earlier.

As for his deeper thoughts, few people know, he seldom appears in public, and rarely attends the so-called gatherings of entrepreneurs, let alone various business forums or scientific forums.

It can be said that he is definitely an unconventional scientist and also a very unconventional businessman. Although the industry is so developed that it covers almost all walks of life, he has become an absolute participant and builder of the domestic economy.

However, the public's views on him are still at a loss, and it is difficult to outline an impression in their minds in a short period of time. The only thing that is certain is that he is a very talented person and a very rich person at the same time, that's all.

Therefore, these books received a lot of attention during the pre-heating of publicity. No one expected that as a great scientist and a successful businessman, he would write realistic novels.

There are many voices discussing his approach. Some people think that he is not doing his job properly. It may be more valuable to have the time to write a book and use his talent to study technology.

Some people think this is a good thing. From his book, we can see his views on social development and his views on certain things, which will help improve everyone's cognitive level.

As for whether his books are not worth reading, everyone generally does not have this idea. Judging from his "Madman's Lies", his literary accomplishment is not very low.

What's more, the college entrance examination is the master of perfect scores in all subjects. After so many years of college entrance examination, no second person has accomplished this feat, which shows that he also has strong strength in non-mathematics and science subjects.

Ye Zishu had a very fulfilling time during this period. Apart from paying attention to the progress of the negotiations, the rest of the time was busy with his own work and writing related academic books by the way.

In order to make his point of view new and at the same time consider a certain phenomenon more comprehensively at the academic level, he spends a lot of time every day studying non-technical materials during this period.

The learning atmosphere at home is much stronger than before. Even Ye Ziqin is infected when she goes home every week. She reads books and discusses issues with her family, and only finds time to live broadcast for a while at night.

On May 20th, Ye Zishu received the printed book sent by Shengshi Media Group. It was very beautifully produced. Ye Zishu quickly scanned it to make sure that there was no deletion or modification for him.

To be honest, when writing, he has carefully considered every sentence, and every word has its own deep meaning. If it is deleted, it will inevitably be regrettable.

But sometimes deletions and revisions are unavoidable. The reason is that it may not be published without deletions and revisions. Even he sometimes has to compromise with reality.

I didn't expect that among the 10 books, none of them were deleted or revised, and all of them were preserved. I don't know if this is due to his influence or the result of Shengshi Media Group's hard work.

Anyway, he is quite satisfied. In fact, my country's current review of cultural products is not as strict as in his previous life, not to say that he is going backwards in history.

But as my country's economic development continues to improve, its international economic status continues to improve, and the penetration of foreign forces is getting stronger and stronger, so stricter reviews have to be adopted.

But even so, there have not been many cultural infiltrations. It can be seen that if it is not strict, what the domestic cultural field will look like is probably no different from a sieve.

In terms of market performance, the batch of books he wrote are very eye-catching. In just one day, 15 million copies were sold, with an average of 1.5 million copies per book.

This sales volume is hard to compare even for a popular writer. Many people have seen his influence in the cultural field. Of course, it depends on the feedback later.

The initial sales volume was so high, maybe everyone bought it for his name. If you want to maintain a good sales volume in the long run, it depends on word of mouth. This is the factor that determines the vitality of the book.

Now that there is the Internet, and as soon as books go on sale, readers who have bought them in advance share their opinions in relevant communities, which was not possible before.

It is estimated that many people have not read these books seriously, just flipped through them casually, so they have not come out with too many insights. What he wrote is not a cool article, and you need to read it carefully to gain more experience.

Therefore, it will not be very fast to read, just like "Dream of Red Mansions", although the number of words is not very large, it is not easy to finish it and read it thoroughly. It takes a long time to read slowly and many times.

Although he dare not compare his works with "Dream of Red Mansions", it is not something that can be read casually. People with different comprehension abilities and knowledge reserves may see completely different things from it.

Ordinary people may only see the joys and sorrows described in the book, and only pay attention to the fate of each character, while some people may be able to see deeper problems through these appearances, and can also understand the point of view he wants to express.

Compared with academic books that directly express their views, in literary works, the author often hides his true thoughts and intentions, and achieves his goals through cryptic expressions.

Therefore, on the first day, most of the readers' opinions on the Internet were unexpected. They felt that in his capacity, he should be writing science fiction or business books.

Many people didn't expect that what he wrote was actually a realistic novel, and the angle was very tricky, which made everyone feel that there was their own shadow or the shadow of people around them.

Therefore, the reactions are also different. Some people feel that these books are exposing their own scars, and even feel more grief than their own experience, and cannot bear to continue reading.

Some people feel that this book is very real, but it does not lose its literary quality. Although they have not experienced it personally, they feel empathy, as if they have experienced someone else's life.

Although many people have different opinions on the books they wrote, no one thinks that his writing is not good, and some even think that his writing is too good, which makes them uncomfortable.

Of course, some people read some of his books and feel a strong sense of uneasiness, especially because the stories themselves come from the real clues of some people, as if they are written about himself.

Good things naturally don't feel like this, and what makes them panic is naturally shady things. Only they know that feeling, and they probably feel a little dazed when they go to work.

Although these books of his feel very real, they do not immerse themselves in them. Some realistic authors actually write about their own experiences when they write.

It’s just that their writing is better and doesn’t seem so boring, but Ye Zishu is not. Although the things he wrote have a basis in reality, they are not from his own experience after all, so it is difficult to bring his own emotions into them.

It stands to reason that it is difficult to make readers feel empathetic by doing this. In fact, because his writing is very good, some people can see their own shadow in it. After the sadness, they become relieved.

This is also the effect that Ye Zishu wants. Life is already very bitter. If after reading these books, the heart becomes more bitter, how can life go on?

In the long life of everyone, it is impossible for everything to go smoothly, and there are always unforgettable memories. No matter how painful it is, you must learn to let go, and then muster up the courage to continue walking.

Ye Zishu just started to pay attention to everyone's evaluation of his books, and then started to continue his own business. For him, this was just a small episode in life.

But Pei Qing seems to never get tired of it. Apart from normal work and study, she reads feedback on the Internet with her mobile phone when she has free time, and tells him when she is eating.

Let him have some understanding of the subsequent online feedback, first of all, the sales volume, although compared with the high sales volume on the first day, it has dropped, or even dropped a lot.

But from the perspective of the entire publishing field, his books still maintain a high sales performance. In just one week, the total sales volume has reached 50 million copies, and the average sales volume of each book is 5 million copies.

From this, we can see how popular these books are. According to Pei Qing, the Internet has begun to quote a lot of his words in these books, which shows that many of his writings have been widely recognized by readers.

Of course, the fact that these books can have such a great influence is also related to his identity. If it were another author, it might not be so popular.

However, it is precisely because of the publication of these books that people's impression of him is even more elusive. Is he a hard-working scientist, an entrepreneur struggling in the business world, or an ordinary person with compassion?

Of course, some people questioned that these books were not necessarily written by him, because they were too real, as if the author had personally experienced them, otherwise it would be impossible to describe them so profoundly.

However, with Ye Zishu's status, it is impossible to have these experiences. Without these experiences, how could he write so profoundly? This is where everyone is suspicious.

Ye Zishu didn't refute this. First, he didn't know how to refute it. Could it be that he just sat at home and imagined? The second is that there is no need to refute, as long as you are sure that you wrote it yourself, is there anyone else who came out and said that you wrote it yourself?

When the time came to June, Ye Zishu put down the work at hand and began to prepare for a long trip to check the construction status of the east-to-west water transfer project, as well as the ecological transformation of the west, as well as the thermal radiation energy absorption field and supporting facilities. Building progress.

Originally, it was only necessary for him to go out alone, but Pei Qing wanted to go with her. The reason was very simple. After staying at home for a long time, she felt a little bored and wanted to go out to relax.

Ye Ziqin wanted to go, but it was the end of the semester, and she needed to stay to take the final exam, so she didn't have time to follow Ye Zishu.

The airport in the county is still under construction. According to the progress, it is estimated that it will be by the end of this year. This is still the case of Wancheng Jiye rushing to work, so it can only take a chartered flight from Nanchang to Tianjin.

This time, he plans to inspect the past from east to west, on the one hand to see how the cities along the route are, and on the other hand to see how the ecological conditions along the route are.

In fact, he is not worried about whether the West-to-East Water Transfer Project will be completed on schedule. In the past, it was possible for the subordinates to play tricks, but now it is basically difficult to do it. The reason is the supervision department composed of general robots.

According to their plan, the east-to-west water transfer project and all supporting projects should be completed before June. This inspection also received news that the construction work of the project had been completed, so he decided to go and have a look.

The plane landed in Tianjin, which is the source of the east-to-west water transfer. Ye Zishu and his party got off the plane and were immediately picked up by the Qilin Environmental Industry Group.

Everyone didn't rest, and went directly to the seawater desalination plant base. In order not to occupy the urban space, they chose a remote countryside near the sea.

But there are not many people here. This seawater desalination base dedicated to the east-to-west water transfer project has a total of 100,000 employees, and has built supporting residential areas, commercial areas, entertainment areas, and work areas.

The facilities are very complete, and basically all needs can be met here. In addition, the land area is not small, and it looks like a modern town, which can accommodate up to 500,000 people.

The main reason is to consider the family members of employees. These family members can also work in service positions in small towns. Although the income is not as high as that of engineers, it is not too low.

This is intended for long-term operation, otherwise Kylin Environmental Industry Group would not need to expend so much energy. After Ye Zishu took Pei Qing to read it, she was very satisfied.

As for desalination plants, they are built along the coastline, with as many as 280 plants. Each desalination plant can produce 10 million tons of fresh water per day, and the excess capacity is mainly used for rotation and maintenance.

Due to the use of advanced bio-permeable membranes, all the elements in the seawater can be filtered out after layer-by-layer filtration, so there are also a large number of chemical factories in the base town.

These filtered substances are produced through these chemical factories to produce various chemical raw materials or metal materials, and then sold to enterprises in need, mainly to Kirin Basic Industry Group.

Although the proportion of these elements in seawater is not high, the amount of desalinated seawater is large enough, and the total amount is still considerable, if calculated as 1 trillion tons per year.

Lithium metal alone can produce about 170,000 tons per year, potassium metal is as high as 38 million tons, magnesium metal is as high as 1.2 billion tons, the output of gold is as high as 4 tons, and the quantity of expensive uranium metal has reached 3,000 tons. .

Other elements include elements with high content such as sodium, chlorine, boron, sulfur, neodymium, strontium, molybdenum, iodine, calcium, odor, barium, etc., and elements with low content such as silver, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, color, and mercury Elements.

Just processing so many elements extracted from seawater every year will allow Kirin Environmental Industry Group to obtain a large amount of income, which must be several trillion yuan.

In addition, the operating income of the urban fresh water supplied along the route should be hundreds of billions of yuan, so they do not charge any fees for the fresh water used for ecological improvement. The corresponding measure is to reduce the price of electricity.

At present, the power supply price negotiated between them is 0.05 yuan/kWh, and the annual electricity cost is about 500 billion yuan. In fact, at this price, Kirin Energy Industry Group still makes a profit.

Although the cost of building a transmission line is high and the maintenance cost is not low, the transmission cost per kWh can be effectively reduced due to the large transmission capacity of a single line and the high saturation rate of the transmission line.

Kirin Environmental Industry Group is not losing money either. It can still make a lot of profits through the resources separated from seawater and the supply of water to cities along the way.

In order to reduce the problems caused by centralized water intake, their water intakes are very scattered, and tens of thousands of water intake points, large and small, have been set up along the Bohai Bay.

These water intake points simply filter the sediment, transport the purified seawater here for centralized treatment, and then transport the treated fresh water to the western region along the main pipeline.

Ye Zishu spent two days here, watching all the links. Now all these facilities are in operation, and the scene is still very spectacular.

Especially when standing in front of the water pipeline, people seem very small. There are more than 400 pipelines with a radius of 5 meters, all the way west along the horizon. Even he has to sigh the beauty of industry.

The annual water volume transported by these main pipelines is more than the annual water volume of the main road of the Yangtze River. It can be seen how magnificent these pipelines are gathered together, which is equivalent to artificially building a Yangtze River.

If the plan hadn't come from him, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that this project was done by humans, and it was completed in just over half a year.

Only us infrastructure madmen dare to have this idea, and only the technical strength of his industries can make it a reality.

Otherwise, it would not be an easy task just to manufacture the materials needed for the pipeline, not to mention that the production and construction were completed in just half a year.

After reading this, Ye Zishu followed the main water supply road all the way westward, going to Baoding, Shuozhou, eeds, Wuhai, alsmeng, jyg and other places, all the way to Lop Nur at the end of the water supply main road.

In the middle, I checked the completed ecological water supply points, as well as the urban water supply pipelines along the way. Of course, there are still a large number of unfinished ecological water supply pipelines and urban water supply pipelines.

These take a year or so to perfect, and the branch pipelines, while not as grand as the mainline pipelines, are much higher in mileage and take more time to complete.

However, the scenery he saw along the way has been greatly improved compared with the scenery he saw last year. For example, in the Mu Us Desert, he saw a vast green, and it was very rich.

Although the land is still in a state of desertification, it does not affect the survival of these artificial grasses in the desert land. According to environmental monitoring personnel, these grasses are growing well.

Relying on the snowfall in winter, they successfully took root and sprouted. Although summer is approaching, under the ecological replenishment, not only did not affect the growth, but it appeared to be stronger.

In the Badain Desert of Jilin, the method of ecological water replenishment is flood irrigation, so that the water flow naturally spreads along the terrain and flows into the low-lying areas, as if forming a big flood in the desert.

This is the cheapest way to replenish water before the water replenishment network is perfected, and it is only dared to do this in this vast desert. However, it is not flooded like this all the time, but once a week.

In this way, the grass seeds sown in winter also grow out. Although the condition is worse than that of the Mu Us Sandy Land, it looks good, at least the flowing sand dunes are basically fixed.

And when he arrived at Lop Nur, the water outlet was like a waterfall, venting down from the laid pipes, forming streams of water rushing to the low-lying areas, forming shallow lakes.

According to calculations, as long as the amount of water replenished in Lop Nur reaches 400 billion cubic meters, a lake with an area of ​​about 26,000 square kilometers can be formed, and it only takes about half a year.

This means that with the support of modern technology, it only takes half a year to restore a dry wetland to the level it was 4,000 years ago, and the lake is about 808 meters above sea level.

In the follow-up, we will see if we can continue to inject water according to the situation to increase the water area of ​​Lop Nur. This requires comprehensive consideration by experts, and Ye Zishu will not come up with an idea.

At the end of this main line, an extension branch line is still under construction, going to Aydin Lake, Hami Basin, and continuing to the west, divided into three roads along the Tianshan Mountains, Kunlun Mountains and crossing the Taklamakan Desert to converge in Ks.

Replenish water for residential areas along the way and ecological water replenishment for the middle road, and finally form a water system network covering the entire Tarim Basin, continuously providing fresh water supply.

If all these water replenishment networks are completed, the total mileage will be as high as 100,000 kilometers, and the total construction capital scale will need to reach more than 1 trillion yuan.

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